Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1963, p. 5

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HEAD IADLE guests at the both anniversary banquet oi the South Slmeoe Junior Farm ers held In Bond Read Satur TUGOFWAit iormed part oi the 50th anniversary activ itlcs oi the South stmcoe Jun tor Farmsrs on Saturday in Bond Read Farmer mem day evening Included Joan Cairns secretarytreasurer at the chapter Lashley director at the Agricultural bcrs Joined with todays jun ior iarmers In soitball gamav Ind 150 delegates and guests sat down to the evening ham quot and Horticultural Societies oi the Provincial Department at Agriculture the guest speak er Bob Drybornugh president at the chapter lion William Stewart Minister at Agrts cultureand Arthur Evans MPP ior Simcoa Centre Blind Man Preys Squad From Fire FLINT Mich tAPlAuthor Itles today tried to deterrnlna the cause or hotel tire that claimed one tits and Inlured rs Eersonl Sunday but spared llnd man who sat and prayed as the flames raged around to Three oi the 109 guests regs lstered at the aid sixstorey Adams Hotel In downtown Flint were unaccounted ior early to day Firemen expressed hope that they like st others previ ously reported missing would turn up rate in other cities Fred Whittby as one oi the many pensioners who stayed at the yearaid hotel riled In Flints liurlay Hospital less than is hours aiter being car ried down ladder irom his thirdfloor room Firemen also rescued styear old Alice Everett and Frank Tansy 6a blind accordloaist 120 lire Stricken With Poisoning BRANTFOIID CPI Four busloads at people irom buiiolo and Niagara Falls NY cm ated emergency conditions at two hmpltals early today when they were aliected wltlr what is INNISFIL NOTES Bert Whan Fined For Bootlegging By BALE Councillor John Torrens may owe the Innlsitl police depart rnent public apology In the rlast regular meeting oi council he took the floor and told mem bcrs oi an incident which he Hielt should merit public en qulry Into the police commLsslon and Its activities He related iacts bearing on case not then presented in court which con ccrned charge against cilia sen at his community oi keep lng and selling liquor Iia claimed that the handling oi the case had been so badly bun gled that there was no chance oi getting conviction However the case against Bert thn oi llcil Ewart wns heard by Magistrate Iirddiclr last Friday it look several hours ior nll witnesses to ba uamlnod by tho counsel tor the dciencc hienrrk who at iemptcd to show lhnt there was not suitlrtcnt evidence to provs the charge but Mr When was ilncd tron ior sclllng liquor and his premises were dcclaml uhlle place This order ior Ida his having llqunr In his home and permits the pollca to examine his place at will Constable itoy ilrldgc mem ber oi lnnisiit iorco tor little over week but who had prov Iously served on tho ilnrrto iorre was the oiilcrr who han dled the case tor the township Accom anlcd hy temtnhla iirrcn limit Constable ilrldgr urultr nn assurrtcd name rmlui cnhln near Whnns home ilsa niilcrrs had halt dorcn bottles oi bccr rind numlsrr oi empties which they strequ Iroonsl They phoned the suspect and requested lmttls oi liquor They made out they were couple oi Irilows out inr his night and well un der the Inilmvsm or drink Iieinrs Iilr VIran could lie llur tho Ituuor patrol car drove try the rablros an Ire threw the tortilla Into hedge Ailcr the car had gone on to runilnua Its milrs all township pnirol thn rsitlrlm rrvasrr ed the bottle oi lltplnr and worst Into rahin Instr where the cus lorrsrrs awaited delivery When he told his customers oi the In ridrnl iorsotnlsle Ilritlge sug gestnt lhnt Ii there was any chance oi his thng rnusht por hopv he hlwl Mter not sell them llr trutlle ilvsn lvuwoser put II on the lml and stayed lo loll ulrr things with his rustumrrs wxu lsnansrl Itllrl Ill and re tested to charge the ot iicers had recorded the serial numbers oi the bills Counsel lor the dcicndant asked the aiilcer when eross examining him In court why he had not arrested the accused then instead oi allowing him to leave Bridge replied that the plan was to have uniiormed oi llccrs search thns home The bills though wcra not iound when this search was made This point gave rise to the accusation by Councillor Torrens that the police had bungled the case and tlsat an Investigation should he conduct ed Into the activitch oi the pol ice iorce Councillor iorrcns who at 11 tcndtd the hearing will no doubt Iniorrn council oi the outcome oi the can lie may also give the new constable credit tor wellrhaodlad case Whan member oi the Can adlnn lesion was the party who took the brunt Ior tha raid that was made on the premises oi thnt elulr In iletl Ewart couple oi years ago when beer was iound FIRE 0N lth LINE Fire which storied on Satur day nitsmoon irom an overI brntcd French iryer In the kit rlicn oi llIllllum Gillespie on the nth line srtlally destroyed the home and caused canshlcrsbla sumko damage to tho rest oi the building Innisitl ilrn depart mmt wns In attendance John Iclltnu oi Thromo hlttl to be rttttstrrl and taken to hell ltnl where he wns trrnlrd Iar lltlrnl when his boat took iira an the lake Assistan irom the shore managed to save the host innlstll police received over lEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY AUGUST l4 REGULAR ROUNDR IIIARR Till WRAIIHI RIECIAI ROUND $200 JACKPOT ssoron tour comer sr believed to have been mssa ease 01 load poisoning Terr oi the approximate 120 persons treated were admitted to Ersntiord General Hospital and six to nearby Paris Wiliat Hospital At Brantiord r1 city doctors were called to handle tbs cases All are reported to utilise tory condition The buses were bound ior liui islo and Tonswanda NY aitcr attending Polish church rem Inar at Orchard Lake Mich The iour hsrscs pulled up to the door oi the Paris hospital at 1245 am but crowded con ditions thcra allowed admit tance at only six at the mora serious cases The rest went on to Brant inrd whers hospital oiilele air Id almost so were treated The buses leit Brantiard at am ior the lrl hams leav Ing to persons be Ind 300 calls which required Investi gation during the month at July was Ilsa busimt month on record or the sixman iorce Another iann has been pur chased by the same buyc who purchased Ihs Charll properties This is th iormcrly owned by the late Mr and Mrs Robert itoycs on the 4th ilna cost oi Churchill The price oi this has not yet been stated Mr Lucas has corps monrod building his new home on the loads purchased In lot to on iilghwsy ll south oi Siroud lAthii FOR TUNA Tho desolate Galapagos ls lnnds oil the west coast oi South America are isrned Ior their tuna and shrimp Itshlng grounds m1 who was iaund sitting on his bed reciting the 23rd Psalm The Lord is rrsy shepherd shall not want Torrey Iormer evangelist couldnt recall what prayers be altered but said he prayed and prayed as he waited ior six hours ior rescuers while plaster crumpled around him and wa ter Irom iiremens hoses rose to his ankles Torrey received mi nor Injuries 60 T0 HOSPITAL Miss Everett was taken to hospital along with Fireman Jack Johnson in who rescued both the woman and Whittby sad Thomas Gage tr Miss Everett and Johnson suiiesed burns and Gaga was overcome by smoke Nclva others were released aiter emergency treat ment About no iircmcn used is pieces oi equl meat including ilva aerial lad ers to tight tha Ilamca which leaped as high as too iect into the air during the predawn hours At one time the iiraman poured 10000 gallons oi water minute on the tumor Weskened walls hampered ths search ior possible victims rne nrlnnra IXAIIINEH rrouosv runner is us Praises Junior Farmers By JANE MaeLAREN BOND HEAD ISpeclall The ioundatlan oi the inture success oil agriculture In Ontario lies iarmers the Hon thllsrn Stewart said hora Saturday night He was speaking to no past and present members oi South Stmcoo Junior Farmers It dinner marking the 50th anni versary at the organisations founding The banquet catch ed tar by tho TeoWerlll We mens institute was held in Hand Head Conununity Hall The minister oi agriculture told the Junior iarmers that the iamlLy Isrrn will continua to be the strongmt Iactor morally socially and economically In strong and viable agricultural industry in Ontario Towards tilts end the provin clal government had reintroduc ed its Junior Fansior Loan Plan to provide young men and we men with credit to enable them to stay and run the iamily term The credit iacllltles would lead to stabilizing and strawhem tag at tho iarnlly term he said He told the Junior iarmers past and present that they could be proud oi the mark be lng made on world agricultural markets by produce irom the South Simooo area its said their onions were deeognlzed as tops in the British market The recent visit oi delega lion oi Brithls sgrleulturai oi itclals to Slmcoe County pointed up the wonderiul possibilities canirontlng iarmers In Use area he noted Mr Stewart exhorted hh aud tones to operate their terms as business and not simply as place to live He said he had come up through the ranks at the Junior iarmers Ind lsnaw It Ilrst band the working and value at the movement Since he had assum ed the provincial agricultural portiollo he had become even more lnspmsed by the splendid lab being doaa at the county and provincial level by the Inn ior innners and their agricultur al representatives The minister said that Prime Minister John Roberts and the provincial cabinet were aware at their line work He brought their congratulations and best 9T wishes to the South Simeoo or Negro Student Leaves College Charged With Accusations TUSCALOOSA Ala AP The withdrawal ot Negro stu dent James flood irom the University at Alabama could mean the end at his briei ca rees as student at the school iollawlng his stormy enrolment two months ago Iloods lawyer announced the withdrawal and said the 20 yeIrold Gadsden Ala student was dropping out because at his physical and mental condition The university Sunday con itrmcd lioorls withdrawal and announced that meeting oi the board oi trustecs called in con sider chargesresultlng irom speech Iiood made In Gadsden July to has been cancelled University oiilcials had sent letter to Iiood notliylafi him oi the charges against im and asking him to bo prcacnt bo tore the dean 01 men at pm today BET OUT CHARGES letter stipulated these charges ihat Ilnod accused the uni verslty oi conspiracy In aet tlng up press conicrrnra ior him In an attempt to vlnlnio rule against aludcnl press cons Ierenccl iha nrla was Imposed during the time he was ad milled in the university with mother Negro student Vivian llinInnc 20 Thnt liood accrued univer sity oiitclnls oi Ittempttng to Itsor Inculty member irom glv ng him an ltsst llood accused state niilctII oi cursing him in dor mtiory Irustca who would not he ldenttilcd raid lhnt In his opin on tile chnrgcs agnlnst bod itMOUs Now snowmo Illilllill Mallnra lislly at pm Evening Rhow It pm AlliCONDITIONED mmmrmmmrsmmr ILIIIII Iliilmilmtllfllilfltillml II Oil ltd OllttiWM WWII Oilitlliiltllllllills litith rrrmrra RIIOWINIIR IATURIIAV AN MINDAV AT pm and MI pm CHILDREN RTliliiiNTl AIIUI AlIhIIMION HINT MAT lie lit 110 Free prided Far Th Engagement IVE Ho It could ha grounds ior rclusal oi the urdverslty to admit him iar tn the tall tarm Sept 20 The trustee said that Read still would be subject to hear ing beioro any decision would be made concerning his read mlitanee Another Negro student Auth erlna Lucy was expelled mm the university In rose ior un proved charges that school are thorltles conspired with white mob which had driven her which begins mm the campus She was the Ilrst negro to at tend the university Iloods de Rarturo Icaves llllss Malone oi Ioblle Ala as the only Negro student to the school third Negro Dave McOIathery Is attending the university branch at iiuntsvllle The three were admitted to the university under iederal court order TOOK AWFUL TOLL In three dnys oi itghtlng at Gettysburg In the American Civil War 000 men at the North and Soth were killed wounded or missing SHlllliY BIlY Iilshwsy it at oulhrla TONIGHT TUES CINKAIARCOIR COLOR IliTll llss tIAilY CDOIEII iN MAN or me wesr with JULIE LONDON tsler Isemampa liar lil nussmn our These little girls at le eer camp In Russia seem to reflect the open soul at the WASHINGTON AP State Secretary Dean Rusk goes be iara Congress today to launch the Kennedy administrations campaign ior quick Senate ap proval oi the limited nuclear test ban treaty Less than 24 hours alter his return irom Europe Rusk pears heiora the Sonata Ioretgn relations committee to urge ap proval oi the pact he signed week ago In Moscow hlcmbcrs oi tha Smato armed services and the iolnt congress slonal atomic committees will sit in with the iorelgn relations group to hear him Rusk and President Kennedy will meet at the White liouso late today as soon as tho presi dent returns Irom Cape Cod Deienca Secretary McNaman will be on hand tor the meet ii Kennedy also called Demo craile congressional leaders to the White Ilausa or later con Iercnce Rusk who met Friday with Soviet Premier Khrushchev told reporters Sunday that the next round at USitussinn ne gotlatlons will not move with great speed But It was learned that he came back with tho Impression that the Soviet lcadcr wants to carry on talks with tho United States to case tensions in Europe WILL EXPLAIN itusk mndo clear that he will explain to the Senate commit tcv the assurances ha gava West German Chancellor Aden nuer that tho treaty In no way implch recognition at Commu nlst East Germany by the United States or other Western allies Alter giving such assurances In llonn Sunday he was said in boys won commitment imrrs West German leaders that their NOW SHOWING AIIICONIIITIONEII Non him so LENtlilt escarunrr AT mo and err II mm lg II lest llli Isttl Ittr nus tan momst tumult munLorrrsoo Jitdli Bill EMMON lilac Nil SIIIYWIIDERS Ml TlcttiilOOLOAPAitAmifli IMMIM caravans ow monsoon Soviet people noticed by viv ltors The natural warmth and exuberance oi the people government will sign the nu clear pact Only law hours alter Ruslr testtiles at todays public hear lng Dr Edward Teller tells the Senate preparedness sub committee behind closed doors why he opposes the cessation at testing In the atmosphere outer space and under the sea Teller played key role In development at the bomb New Yorks Governor Nelson Rockcieller issued statement endorsing Senate ratification oi the treaty ltut he warned agnInst possible Soviet duplic PM Says Israel ls Facing Danger EEEHSIIEIIA Israel AP Wa must continuously sircngthcn israel In the iace oi the deelarad danger irom Egypt Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sold here in speech Sure day night Eshkol who understands Ara bic was commenting on Presi dent Nassers apccch In which the United Arab Republic leader said the Egyptians must put right the humiliation the Arabs suiiercd In the ma Pa lestine war He sold he thought that speech was considerably more aggressive than some at Nas scrs recent speeches and It could be assumed that the Egyptian praaldont now is showing his true taco contrast with more secro tive attitude in iorelgn rela tlons CP Photo Rusk Before Senate To Boost Ban Treaty Rockeicllcr who is consid ered potential candidate tor the toss Republican presidential nomination expressed numer ous reservations about tha pact but he said It must he one proved because It has become the symbol at the hopes oi peace at millions ARRIAIAN CONFIDENI Undersecretary at State Avcrell iiarrlman said ha is confident Khrushchev will abide by the treaty to avoid tha risks at nuclear war know every one feels that the Russians brook all their agreements Ilsrrlrnaa said in tclevislon Interview they have kept lhosa In which their interests are lnvolvcd and think they are going to keep this one iiarrlman was chlei IIS no gntlator or the agreement reached with Russia and wit Senator Ilugh Scott titep Pa estimated more than so at the too senators will vote Ior raililcation twothirds ma Iortlyo7lr needed ior ap proval MAN rs ANIMATED llumans can make soma 700000 dliicrent mcnnlngiul gestures through iaclal expres sions and body movements saylsl tho National Geographic cey TB EXAMINER WANT ADI IIIDNE lA III HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE With The The Orlrlnal DrleInI tho 0i The Plciur LIIIie Road In the City Between Hwys 400 and II lAST TIMES TONIGHT Tl are ENTER ENTIS 93 auteurIa urnsrs amass also re Wltlllt mm MIA SIIOW RTAIIIS AT DUSK MODERN CONCESSION RESTAURANT ALSO PLAYING SHORTS WONDERS 0F PUERTO RICO QUEENS PLATE Cartoon Starts Tomorrow BACK STREET loses Rsysrard ICOIDII NEARLY NASTY ACCIDENT CARRY ON OANG Jets Oavll ADULTI Cotton LMODIRN CONCIISION AURANT

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