Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1963, p. 4

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uTmummu m4 AM mmummmmum Aulhulufl run Dlllt Ill mun luM Illlulny Ilalldnl may um MUN Alum um Mn 11 mrnuum mum rum unul In mm mow null muuln nanmu LlnIllln all lulu II Iv Ill mill In mm MINI mum III ml mm mun II III Ind lmlfll Univ Tm IN Wm llmllb Ml MM CIMHM DI Diana Auovlhllml 7m anall run II And emu cl mumu ea Arnrdflln Ontarlo lromlor Ylgllfitg Prgddrmgrtrom lho oppmlllon hnl Agreed to Infth Mm no to lm Barrle Examlner July 26 1928 Town lest sterllng cltlzen Frank Doyle who purchased Royal Hotel Orlllla Mr Doyle was scttve tn Board of Trade hockey and lacrosse coach St Marys Parlsh Puplls at Miss Reglna Mll llgen of Thornton termed largest honor class by one teacher of theory and plane ln Toronto Conservatory exams first tleld lacrosse game ln dyes played at Falr Grounds when Bra ord beat Camp Borden Flyers 104 Wlth llerb Bew champ pltchlng Penetang beat out Bar rle in baseball playoffs Motorcade of members from 25 Klwanls clubs from southern Ontarlo passed through Barrle to attend charter presenlsllon of that club ln northern Ontario It Klrkland Lake lleadlng the Earty was Dr th llam Lewis arrle lleutenant governor of the dlvlslon llllss Gene vleve Crossland pupll at St Josc hs Convent oblelned honors In both one and theory also vellknown as cover dancer belnrzr pu It at lltlss Nancy llan greaves he cacock tamlly held rev unlon at home Mr and htrsHlrlnk Racher Ulo la Rev Black mln lsler Coller Street Unlted Church Iddrcssed Barrie Klwanls Club telllng 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The fund went into the red in ril 1nd May but started to gain in June his normal trend ls expected to continue into the fall until tha pressure of winter un employment begin to drain away the TESBlVB Obstacles Encountered In Attracting More Industry It ls reessurln lo note on the auth orlty of Labor nlster lllacEachen that the unemployment Insurance fund ls startlnf to replenish Itself As result acllan not requlred now to ensure that benefit payments are malntalned for jogless worleers No longer does Home have one of the lowest per caplta tax rate In Ontario No longer docs Barrio have one 01 the lowest dehonturedebt structures Very soon Barrie will not have the lowest wa ter rates What we as citizens should take ious note oi were certain conditions that now exist in Barrie which were not actors about 10 years ago Mr Kinzie stated and rl htly so that no blame could be attach to the city industrial commission or commissioner They did tremendous Job in trying to convince this com any of the advan tegea offered by arrle Considerable time travel and presentations were made for more than year There is terrific com etition among communities of this prov me for new industry at the pres nt time Some offer inducements whic are grossly unfair to industry al ready located and the taxpayers Losln an Industry Isnt the End of the Line That was the heading on new item one day last week this newspaper ExM or Willard Kin zle was lntervlewe concernln Battles allure to have branch fac ory United States company locate here The Texasowned flrm decided after long consideration to bundln community closer to Toronto and the airport Unemployment Fund Better some Reilefilions The Barrie Examiner Walk Puhlhhu Eh Emir Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Cnmdim Nempapeu Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LATE Brlul slum Gland Muller MONDAY AUGUST 1m pmc llfllll NIB lsnl much louhl th the ullllclmn would In qu Iumltlvo In elr rnm plllnll Mr wukneu lhelr lack of voting pow The lmlhml warn the or ml Illhlhll Inlr Euro loans pushed llolr wny In While he ndlnnn excupl for tho Iro qunls poulbly could not hnvl been calls nnllnn In lha modern sense and won must lhur lrflm were loom Iodnllonl oflnn nvngcly at odd wllh on nnolhor they have In lho lnlmonlng om lcqulmd some of unionll Iolr lovcrelanly hM been rocognlzcd ronly Allor truly Wm they numemul and can ntnl IM flung gnullnnylhera who wlll deny that her point or vlow ha much to recommend You dont undornlnnd on dont oven try um Inld In Toronto MI week Wo no lrylng not back our prlde nnccslryo INDIAN POINT OF VIEW Oahnm limoa Mm Rosemary Fixhur nlliva oi the Wikomklkong Reserve on Maniloulin is inndhor indinn mm in Anongom WI WuhKom lnyl that the prime obJoc iivo oi in royal commission inquiry nio biculiurnllum should be In study rciIiionl belwocn indianl Ind while Clnldilns lho quesllon Thom Ira ll lent hcgln nlngs uuawullll And Eugene Doyle returned from mIllUu cum Niagara where the quallllod In licera 051 Ken Lamb qualified as sergeant Watch or Ramona coming to Now Dreamland Theatre soon ot trip to Scotland and also came out very much in favor of pro osed St Law renca Seaway Ra rown of Win nipeg lying student th RCAF at Camp Borden killed when aircrait crashed in to trees behind Hunters cottage at Wasaga Beach First Kiwanis outdoor carnival held downtown was btg success opened with parade ot decorated bikes doll carriages and wagons Parade in charge of ill Smith Side ahowa In charge of George Hubbard and Oliver Cameron Rodgera and Albert Bryson In char refreshments Andy Malcomson an Frank iiurlburt handled the dancinfi Burton Avenue United and Essa oad Presbyterian churches held successful outdoor Sunda evenln acrvlcea on ateps at YMCA itcv Thompson and Rev Coulter in charge Art Pugh brought lmpertal OLll softball team up fromToronlo but Some time special report was prepared in ch drastic overhaul in unemployment insurance arrangements was pro used The Government Mr Mao Eachen nUmated is fiving this report consideration Cextainy it is not some thing that can be shelved indefinitely Abuses were pinpointed in the report which call or remedial measures and Parliament will expect to see some evid ence of governmental action when the House oi Commons resumes liter the midsummer recess Mr Kinzie gave some sound advice to the citizens Boost Barrie is very im portnnt if stranger stops you on the street and asks some questions just re member he might be an executive of some tinn looking for community with healthy industrial climate which is what Barrie has des its the obvious olr stacles already men oned Watch our record of good treatment of existing business and industry Prospective in dlustry looks for this more than anything se This was probably not the main factor in havlng the firm locate elsewhere But the growing tax rate water me de benture debt are thin we should be very much concerned out Of course this is credit to Barrie that the community pay good rates and so enjoys higher standard at liv ing in all fairness this company said it wished to pay the highest rates but it would empio large number of woe men Mr nzie said in the interview ExMoyorKlnzie said the company which was looking serious at locating in Barrle had noted the hii rate of pay for female employeees understood that Barrie 30 cents per hour hlfh er than the etro Toronto area wh ch employs great number of New Cun adlans sald to be used to the typeor work required by this industry Mll Ilnvmor minlnlnr mm he only nvtahmd humg Ilmu hnmrhnhl hu Two null elrcllunl luv an held Ilntr lhnl dnln Ind lnmnmrnl hm hamn An In 1le lo lultphtmmx any uhInN mlnlllor lhu lirrflnly malm Ev llvv urllvm lllllnl Ml In mldmllnn Ilnu nurly pry mu nnlnul In lhnl dlrerlm no ddnnlul In pulnl 11ml nr mplaml A17 nllmlmlnlllom Ilvnlo Inn nm would haw lulml mnpltmm urdnlln he Ivar llnmtnllnapcl nn lhl dluc Ion Mgwmn mm III mmwllul In um luvtrmnrlll lolophnn Ir llleg Null mm Cnnldl Inmtllmu Inlzl In have rlrll nervlcn unuuIlul In tho mm tcrlnlnly dqu not mnve wllh Inrnullnun mod MW Jun rcctlml cllrr drpmmenl puhllc cmlnmnry ll wnl rd but born lha rank fpuly mlnlnler nm flegulmml Th lennluw on Ihll lrlnll Ynunxf Bu Umml Younl ertd 1mm lhnl ml more Hum lour monuu un Tn mnllnuo ln uxn lhnl umml lunk In hwy Ind lnvllld MEMO LINfiEM 0N Exccxlancy an 61 or newlyappointed nmb dor Swilxerlund lo Cnn luu just llvnn hll um sz re crpllon nr MI lrlcmh ol Ollnwn And lhn diplomatic corps Seldom or never has Olluwn um house Iurnlshod wllh Iuch dilllncllon and M12 The who embuy hm bun lrnns formed by he mind Mr Gums lumilhlnll Inrlnding hll Imrrmlvo collullnn pm 1qu nil rnro Mall at hunks In lech oldloom lfnfllfl blndlnnl ml buulllnl nrrnyn German chlnmm Ind Mun Illum SILK PUREAUCIIACY wu never my good mllhemnllu exllnnncu mln lslcr Gram Nowlnn confused la the House at Commons NEE 10 REMEMBER Pullmm lllll uckllng over lhc Itnry of the hometown boy who mind hls name little old lady from Sukalenn lnurlng Parllnmcnl llill Ah lpollcd face which some what resembled lamlllnr Inca buck homo so sh confidently wllked up In this lull my Ilrod ruler and mld Why bless my noul you mus be Ills brother of Elmer chl baker Suknloun 999 or THE WEEK By PATRICK NICHOLSON OllAWAOne al the mud and hnpplest homeward bound MPI was But whee Enclll Crcdll mumhcr for Carl boa EC Included In the lam lly whlch he escorted home to Prince George was hl lnur weekold ollnwn burn Ilzhlh chlld lllr And Mn Lehoo and lhnlr chlldren Ire well known as closekrill lnvlnz amlly hey hm just celchrnled lhclr 27m waddlng Innlvemry but lhelr unusual Jumble Hell mllnnl hey Already have our Irandchlldrcnl 1031mm ssh smlrrs OTTAWA REPORT um dlalurhed hy drlnl Aim Tm cabinet During Recess WHAT CARE WHAT MORTALS D0 ml nmuy dvnnl rnhl And Iell all think he rllamlu hrmlm Io lluv pedd IMX lhIsa Mlllmlullc win 53 had hnbll till Inl 13 nlrn admin mm yur In ml yur null him to bml Hm It lemulc rutlun don no main youll gimnl mm um other ml mnl Mull 55 ynu lumd In ynur uAd lflVl yqu hull nu Ilavl dawn ph nlrlllyIml Imlm ylm lmlully urn la Ml Jml Illlh IMI lhn dlllnh mu hum In 11 Inlvlnn Ipanlltr wmn 7M Ar yumu nllhuuxh rune yan body In mm mp v16 11w nunllum ummml In lhn mm mm Na lunler 1n mluu lb Nun ll 15 other Ihln Inl 1qu yvullln mid 30s Hut my health tum um an 1mm lull um mm on How do Imp from llnl Inn III low In um In Indm Aml wrllh would Illn lo Ion lo FwdFM mny nuy my Youll lel cal and away Nolmd will In AM In live with you aun on yuupzy um mid kt Im 55 and 1m wrlxh 1w poundl Ind want In reduce In No walk nhnnl 1m mllu day hul IHII dnnl hm lry In my on 1000 ulorlo dlel lrl VI And hr Innlhor Ieller nu Dudln junl rrlurmd Irnm Iho hnxpllll nnrr huh lnnnle opnrnllnn Only purl nlhnn mnryAwnlultn Dur Dr Moluer II 1m llml Dmon 55 your old hi hardnr Mme rcduclnz lhln younger mm It uch lhuuxh my Ml ll pncktd Ilka ml uhllo 1n youth wu Ipynuler fly 10511 MOLNER MD Somn mono Duulohnll he mule working po ulalioncrns the border In war In Soulh rlcnn gold dlnmond Ind coll mluc and on farm did not eslahlish at inn part limu Oilawn home he has waya muda Iho that trip to Oshawn avcry week end Ind let lamiiy there Exhenilh minister Mania hinnleiih has quit his rented house here Ind moved Into new apartment George Hm passed his 1pm mcnl over in Liberal uricni 1m Mlnlllor Harry Hm Pierre Sevigny is ueiiinl hi1 Ollnwn homo Ind moving back to hianlmi John Dieianbaker iwiichcd human with who Pearson movinl from ihu prime mlnislerl resident lo lhak ni Iho leader oi the opposi Iion few who are 11111 MPI canlinua to live in house which they had bought hm but than whn used In enjoy chauiiwrcd lrnnsporinlion Ind om Irmy can mun now do wilhoui that T0 GOOD HEALTH Some Advice On Losing Weight EMIGIMTE TO WORK MM Ihnl MI mu ul llua Ilulr mnmllvr urn 11w uumnmml nlutu llm would km Um ml wml ll run All Mrur In hum lul Ind mulunnlu olnwh nm nrfmui Cnn My Mum In In nrml lurIYX No II Ian luwm In All mul Hm yum pm we luv In qu Illle an murh mumMI own Io ulu ulnrlu day ll 1M0 tall nrlu Tlllll only rnunln mumh yur om nm In ol ran year null Not only lhul ml urh nlllcr lhnl hrlnl or whnlrvrr mum um wu ur hnuml In pul an mam Hum Mp blnmo 1mm open hum aml plnnl urnu In llwir hlmlc mlndl Vc llml I1 la ml our Irhu Comlnn and Inclu romc llnl with mml Mn donl mIIy ucrclm farm or humx11 llnnl nnllrol nlhhlu lhll row uur dim Mu VJ 54 and wclzhlng no at In mnlus nlrtudy has he hnhll mllng loo much Shell hnvc to than her Duh lll 1m hll And Mu WL and migh HI 1M Al In pmhnhly ll Hrldlmi ham and hum rub nhly kddlnl me nubl lh rully wnlkn milu day unlm Ill ullmll lhul Iho walk nnr mllu why my ml he Mum And Km nm or hrr moonlmlc dlcl ll lhI mlly mm to 1000 culmlu lay nu mthmL no Indy In much In In drinks no wIHI war no jun Illlla lulu whllu Ill ll coullnll Ih 11 wulzhl Axe Ilowl down Slaw met abolism make us In man And run luL But an nlunu doesnt mnh nr mnko reduclnz mar dmlcull la Mnlvle In Dlxini alsclplinb In prnmnlo ohcdlcnne lo Iha dlvlna will in every ml our llm Thuth ha urn Son turned he obcdlrnee by lhu thlnu which he Haremlla hmu BIBLE By THE CANADIAN PRESS Im Lord Wimuzdon overnnrvzcneral Canndn lragn 1925 131ml dim $3 Mann died The United Stale an nexed Hawaii 65 years ago todayin lmaller being requtsled in do so by the island rcpnbiicl Since 1864 Ihe us had been leasing Pearl Harbor naval base Hawaii called lha Paradise nl lhe Pncllic nuc cczded in ll long campaign or slllthond in I939 in be com the 5001 alale in lha Union it is the ilrsl over ieu and lacond nmunlim non Ilain separated lram he mainland by mom Ith 2000 miles oi he Pacific Ocean Aug 3991 TODAY IN HISTORY Writer Thdmu THOUGHT Ami mid ll nacuury Ia re lur In mllecllom Ind booh al dnwlnu In Ihu llhrury nl lhn Cnnlrrbury Culhedrnl and In nrllhh Mulmlm Rlx drluuhln mrn worked ll lull ptmur worllnl Ml lht drlllll from IIle comlmcllon III III Iludla ulhodrnl Involvrd mey Irml oI Iludy Ind rutlrch TIM Clnlmhury CIIImIrII In whlrh Atchhhhop Duh wu murd cred In nm In bumrd IIan In 71 It ml hull Ind vul In Iulvoyrd by Ilrv clel war and valem nu Iur lhl pur pom nl In Illm II wn Mcfl my In reconnlwcl II unclly II wu Iho llmo oI Dochll murder MI lhll renllcn the Conlrrbury Calhtdnl has been bum on Iarml mu Sheppulon mollnn piclun Iludlas will he used In roducllon 01 lbs mm nccku whlch fllchnrd Butlan will Inpur Thom locket Ind Ieltr OTool Klnu llmry IL cllhedrnl Itl nl Shrppcr lon In me Irml em lo nl up In Huran like Al molt lhu enlln nrul ma ulnnl mmurlnl 1mm by LONDON new Cnnltrhury Cnlhcdrnl In every mpocl rtpllm Inc nrlzlnnl ml ten Iury nlruclure hl been hum Thu can at buildlnl nu been In xrcnlnr than the lumen cathedral Mull And when it nu mvtd lhn purpou or whirh It has been erected II will In dr mullshed And IMI Illmom ml pm um 000 In ynur hundl whip mm mnn Nlulu Flurm hu on bunch mul to ml Ipurhlldnl In uh mnnlqnl Invle la Clnlllllnl rho mod lxmwtavm othhll mutton Houbmmv mun mu mun uumn mum um am km ela but had to union lwo when the Nazi extended we compound In the direction they were being duz Then we bout 600 prisoners worklnu on the escape whlch was orlanlzed around an elnborale Iyslem ol warnings and fircclsely engineer ed plans Work luled one whole year and we extremely alow wllh only mall amount of rand belnz removed each day The tunnel me no ynrdl long Ihroe eat In diameter and was dug reel below lhe mint lhe ground Although dld some digging my main Job was dispersal ol land Ihll we done exaclly ahown In the picture also ha venlllauon ly alum msnuuouanANSnmnm ALFIE THOMPSON law the movlu and mild he belleved It to be 60 to 70 pzr ten llclull with the res being made up 01 lb usual Hollywood glnmnr But he polnled out It was fairly IUUI enlic allhnugh they tried to condense wlul look great length 01 time lnlo Illlla more llml two houn He holed that conlnry la scene In the movle whm Ihe mu wu lreen the ground was covered with new when lhe 76 prlsongrs emerged Irnm he lunneL Annllm lncL den whlch he described Hullywwd was the mad molar cycle rlde mudI by us Inwr Steve McQueen REPORT FROM ILK mat one the best in some years Several thnunnd people entoyed it recently nt Enrrton Imperial ihantro ml mnny other locally new it In Toronto at the Odeon Carlton What wuoverlooked that weittnown Stmcoo Oounty II yer we tnr real In thnt story THOMPSON ot Pena tlnzutshene known in BArrle lot In circles as Allie wan No 66 of the lohlited otttcerl who escaped via the tunnel irorn Slain tAttt tit southeat Bean Mn Thompeon made mt ier history by being tho tint Cnnadiln prisoner at In World Wu No belnl lured on Sept low when alr unit wu Ihot down in the lira Royal Air Force nttlrk on Ger man territory He WI mm lieutennnt and bomber pllot THE MIDLAND Free Pm Herald was the tint county news paper to recall this true Itory and promptly tnterviawed the lawyer who came back utter the war to resume his practice and settle down toquitt family life Me Is ttrst cousin and tanner pnrtnrr at William Thompson QC ot Barrie Crown Attorney tor the County Stmcoe sump op um um THE FIRST COLUMN New Canterbury Is Like thh Century wms mm mm Hy McINTYIE HOOD The Great Escape Real Po Lawyer rum nuum II ma GUIMIMI II um mun It nun ml lmr lltnvlllo In dlmlln the scum vmlun Jun An oulhl unullmally Incunlul play The produrflun dullnnr II John Brynn Tho mull mmlnx lmldn lhc mm ulhedrll will II III aboul Inc wen an whlth lh um nl ha been ul up wn hulll by Mr Mound Knrdl lur Thu 5mm al Illlll lo Come Illeworlh Ind ll Imu lrrmt plmmul lo Showorlnn In 1911 Tm men Mm hulll lha llul ulhndrll In tho nlh cmlury trhml IM ulvnlcnl hut cum day 1n wuu And much cl we work mu done by no did not uptd or plggnvnl An olllclnl ol llle lllm com pany nld lllal uhlla the Inn cost of lllu nul ytl been ulnbllahcd ll wlll ctrlnlnly coll much more Illn dld lho nrlulnll Calhrdrnl bulll In In mh Ccnlury Golnl lnlo Iha mm are we mu plnlcr Ind 3300 cuhlc lecl nl lumbrr And lha mnlur ludnr In lha hrlvy wnae lxlll lnr lb mm wunml ln ll pllnnlnl and censlrucllon Four of lhe oulslandlnx xcmic mm In Britain are working on prnkcl Ind supuvhlnu lhclr work In Pllrkk Mrlnughlln In up In 11 cmlury monnp llclsm lhch Ikelchu morn Hum 500 drnwlngs and blueprlnu wm mlde Conslrucunn he It brnn In February and more than 300 men are nmployul Pullinl lhl finish touches In TOGETHERNESS 5an And Knight cl Columbul wm obmvtd lozelher unln locul country club one nlzhz re cently usually reliable well Informed source Inllmulel lhnl wn the rim maelan to plan Spam Calebrlllen dlnner ln Bun1 nul Aulumn Just whn lho webs Ira will remaln mymry unlll they xlarl selllnz he unkels bucks per plate But It was confirmed lhnl Lord Alhol Llylon who orlgin Illy brouzhl he local lralcmnl THE GREAT ESCAPE was not worth mun 50 my killed but that II pm the risk It had he dons Ignhu Im sure we wnuld lace lha risk main concluded HE EXPLAINED that this lun nel was mud In the same way he pravloux one but was not uxcd because when HI German last lhe war must were too irald lo shook 1h vrlsonexs caring loss or their own liven SEQUEL 10 The Gm upe story was related by Law yer Thompson Ailer this clpe lilem another tunnel was dul wil on being iaund in the rims camp When notice came lo ill camp lrdrn lillier um every prisoner oi war wauld be shot ii the Germm last the men at stain bull in built Inoiher tunnel Thom ran also Aided in building tunnel which was to be broken outside Ihe camp nniy ii ward ni their death condemnliian wu liven OFFICERS ha Iervlce hive mom duly In mun amps lhtreby main ml or lmubla for lheir captors llld diverting lame emut from the wmmnla lens mllllon German wen defied to Ind the 76 escapees The escape wnl not done or auxselves buy or headgenml good he lumrnar HIS FREEDOM lasted Just two dm before he was caught trylnl to relch the Ouch border Three the men mum to mete It back In Enztend The rest were blnuzht bed to temp and placed In rallury confine ment or many ween Later 50 the nfwere shot including two men 1mm Tornnto In the movie the menu took pllce helm the prisoner were re turned to cum Thompson de ecrlbed the Germn camp com mander very decent man one the few He we relieved n1 commend alter the mm but or tome reeeon we not nhnt the ylcture Indlelted

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