Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1963, p. 3

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M2311 an ptrxnm uha had received mm cnl Mlcnllun and polite ques 101ml unmet Lam luo 0L flxMfllj unwed lIlmm lnuniérfial police and Omar Provincial 01ch an Invmllunllnm Mm ha rte mm In dnclor noticed his lnlcrmm an mhslmz UL rrpnrlcd thu la to police PM NMI lnlmrr II nlrnv III at In um hul nln ln lul yurn ELMVALE rsmm An Elm vnln doctor lrcnlnd man or ml Inger Frldny nlxht 11 In Irrcom unll mm the olflcu was mlaslnx lhc man and two comylnnlnn lcfl Inside the park lhuusnnds cl teenagers and college alu dcnu mlllrd around lookan or lalkalnglng cnlcrlnlnmml Imnll minorlly haikuJacket rd ynullu and their Klrl rlcnds cruised lha area loaklng or ncllun as am 01 mm put it Most nl llwm carded beer or But It didnt qulu work that way At 1230 In the morning took 50 mlnulu trnvrl the mllo and hall 1mm Highway ll la the park entrance Tho hardy lrnvellcr wlhslood the weight unlnvilcd hitchhlkerl on the hand and trunk and lhc Islwaving hroak or thu local residents In be me by llrnng nrm nlldnly policeman who luconlcally told Ihe vlsilor la mm around and so back to Ihe highway MILL AROUND Doctor Reports Theft Unit Festival olllclals had sent out reams oi material publicizing the do it yourscit aspect the Marlpasa Folk Festival Ail folk song bull in attendance in Orlllia alter the closa of Satur day evenings entertainment were to dccamp to lb 180 acres oi silver Sleeve Park at Severn Bridge where they cauld while away the small houra at tho morning at greater convenience to themselves and the rciicl ol the citizens and puller lnrecs ol Drillia By CHRIS ENGLISH ORILLM Slam Whit hap penedle 35 hqolgnapw Look In Vain For Hootenany ONE 0F HARDY folk alnnlng bum who mom ted to get his own Saturday nght hmenanny all the ground at the Silver Sleeve Park attrac cd am group enthus has The Ihnusand of folk nlks milling about the park HOPIIS T0BEPERT DERBY vxcffi Mr Luhlay rtronod In Hm tllhcn tractor and arm Im 1le Ian Ihr min um b1 Noel helm lo Ind air Junior Inrmm held Hold day and banquet In lho Band and Community llnl lo mark their son nnnlvcrnry Fuaplml nnhy Wllh mml vallnln Ihr Ilnylnq um BOND HAD 5mm Im parlunzn or Ipccinl rnlninn cour In moith azrlcullure WM ouland by Lfllhlby dlmlar flu ngrlculmrnl nnd hurlinulhlrnl socltllu Onlnrlo Dcpurlmrm Axrlculluru In wmh flu Soulh slmcao Jun lnr Farmer Snlurday In three In Ihc mornlng lhn buses wtrc llll pouring In with nalhing or the lolknlka lo do when Ihcy arrived NOT OPEN An hour lacr Ihrrc wasnt Ilnxle rcsluurnnt In Orlllla Mr Vclske sald ho had REM wilhoul sleep for the last three day lryinu to handle all the lustmlnulc detail and compil cnllans that had arisen lie on that ha bum he had chartered lo aka the visitor from Orlllia lo tha park had relicvtd the own offiqlnls or rcspunslbll lly to provide supervision lha youngstcra Prokcl arganimr Gordan Vciske said at three oclock but the crowd were lwicn as large as he had expzciedi He had himi nuxilinry policemen but they could not begin Io han dledlhe iniinx people he 5a Stresses Importance Of Training For Farm sling but were nawhem In cvldence The 140 Ecru camping ground turned out to he virgin lures and shrub only few Hum 01 hichmhnd been recently clenr ed The 650 rent fink ware scallered oil lhraugh lhe bush The even aflmcting the law as crowd between nne and 230 am wag glclmuflst fight liquor and because 01 the cnld may he orgivcn thinking their provision as necesmry staple Few visitors showed sign ton much alcohol but those who dirtmade themselves known had nalhlng to do but drink beer Thci hadbeen elected from Drill but provision for Ihelr entertainment and nuns lng at the park were Inade qunte Many the students were not aware that the sche duled and much balleyhaoed ullwr wlnnlnl lltll Ihrn Mu Mrl um run Och Exmum mm Tho Imponnnco n1 lhm mm In ngrlcullum In onlnrlo wnn drmnmlrulcd by tho lnct lhnt lhnro are we Junior farm or nufilznllum 1n lho provlnre he In From th59 c0urnu or funlor lnrmm cnmn he lendcrl In BK rlrultum In the county he nnlcd lMlnflTANCE plcmnnt mums Introduced In apeclaI nllhl Ichooll In tho caunly duran lhe 20 year In Ipcnl counly ngrlcuIIurnI ru pmnnlnllye mm Hm Ia INS The only objccl In the Whltn Home May that belonged to President Jefferson In an Ink stnnd Inscribed Jefferson IHOI All approached early Sunday mnmlnn unread that lha csllvnl will never be the lame analn Their unllmmu are nnw being echoed by all who had anylhlng In do with ha weekend ac lhfllu The nun L1 not enllreiy that the sludunls commented one Orillla citizens The festival or ganlzm ha Iown coundl and the pollcalaroo must be appor Moncd hair Lhm lhe spon aihnlly or the weekends out come he noted Although lhere were num ber of beer bottles In evidence was dilficult to ind the c1er 01 mallelnua damage that have boen reported 1n the mums aflormalh One Eek tho Im pression ram report that band of thugs were rnnmlng the streets smashing plate glass windows and icrrnrizlng lhe clllzens in lhelr beds Illa was open Ihelnlk am 115 enthusiasts were beginning to bed dawn on available patch es of grass Somn hardy types were still congregated on he alrch corner trying Io work up hpolenanyl They ram summed to be In exhausted but had nowhere to go and Ihauzhl it was beller LhaAn dolng qqlhlng hoolenanny had been camel ed Many the vlsllora were Iced all It the reception they had received In the town and at the hand the c1 Ilva promoters Examiner Photo ONLY ONE nmc SIMr luyn Immlrd IM AlliInn rlmpler wm AIIIMKI wlmwrn nl mm lllllml luhl In llvp nllrmmm ln pr Vw donml mch me when In In Scrumr lnr an Elodrln Tluh xIlany and Hum ernn 0w Cooknun mu notion Com Cluh lrn rnlluvlu Ipmhu worn hm Imm floor Ed lnlnn Nu Mum Wain Auv lrnlln In Cumin rm MI urlml Innl mhnnu pm rm In pvmnled lo met The Junlnr Innncrl III Ian of no wImcL mus hnvn tn lllunlnlm InIcrnsI Imhlllan and mm and Hrncu uI find of he nhl Iplrlllml In curryan onl lhrlr vvcnllnn he Inld nah Dryhnrnugll of Llnmhlll pmidenl the Snum Hlmcnn Junlor Inrmm whlrh Incluch lhr rlmplrrl ul JIIIIIleIIL Churo cIIIII Nollnwnmnnl IIIIlalnu lllch Ill and Ivy pmlxlnl lho Iumqurl fimlnl Klltlll nham ho called upon In monk Included Arlhl Evnnl Mll or Sllnron Ctnlv Ilnn WIIIInm II SIuwan Im vlnrlnl mInIIcr ol nxrltulluu Kellh IIlrlImr mkullurnl pmrnlnlhn Inr IImIlII Iwlmmfl In llmnrll necrrlnrylmnnrr at Illr lulnrlo Iunlor annfiru John Munny WHMIM nI llm Onlmln Iunlnr Fnrmm Ilallnn Irmuy mww oI Mnlnnlr van ululp rqwrsenllnx Wmlm DIM 31mm and Elwood Mmlill Ml Inr llllllcrln Slmm 11w zuul lLlllllEr llktncd lhn mnpcrnllnn mom unflor lnrmm nurlcullurnl muman llm iuvcrnmtnl nnd gcncnl lnnnlnz pulnllm lo Euklnll wheel wh ch moved In lho middl ol the nlr Mr Lnshloy Ipoku about mm who hnd enrolled in lhu Illa Clllnnahlp Night the Hm Tm Iur Rodeo In Thurman and the Nlnhl School when It opened in Allialnn Inld lhnl mnny he mm hnd made nn lndellblu mark nn llm ngrlcnllurnl pro gram nnd Iuccm urmlnn In lhn tounty Innislll Police who also an Iwcrcd Hm call Inld eleclrlclly had be lunmd becnun of damage In power Ml Panza said the Fire Dopan mml sand the Iron the house but the back part and the kitchen wcm badly dum Smoke damage was heady Giliesple was alone when the ixg attuned Thérlnmsm Fire anarlmcnl mg dlg lghuhe hlnn ALCONA BEACH Special Vem Glflexnla Illnmpllnx lo cook Franchlflrcd potnlocs hm Sa lurday night lost nearly half hll housn when Ihe grouse hecnmn Ignited and not fire to we mIscs ml us on bus ride past the ma stadium and stopped at the Acropolis nlLs ls situated on large hill and looks over Athens Thls hlll consists al cobblestone roadway sale and several temples ol whld the Acropolls we maln am We then went la the Temple of Pokldcn dcdlcalcd to the God 01 the Sea We had swim In the Medllcnanean First dry ducks and forsaken We set up camp with limited equipment and made supper ay 2911 630 for breakfast conslstlng ol jam bread and meal Went to thns and were given Mb dom the Gown Many small and intpreslfng shop here and an equal number of lulerestlng sights deny July mUp again at This time they Grease Ignites House Damaged Jumbome The temperature L1 about no degrees and humidity is so per cent The ground dried clay and eerechy hard to was Mos Among the 200 uwclallon member in Ontario are protu slonalipilals blulpenmen pol loemen and mm Lawrence In lpllefll threatened loss of auendnnca due to the annual Marlpm Festival which was held only lew mile south Ihe turnout wuzood Thirteen of die llamath aircraft lrnm Ontario xethered or an associations Chapter flyIn my nyhhlfllllll and vacallonera attended Iho second annual Experimental AllchL Association F1yln at guiseSt John near Orlllla yu Mbi may 2000 um tan they metatqu Rise Early For Full Day At World Scout Iamhoreé 3mm Emlmlz MoNnfl Auimsr ma the mud letter Irom Gums Scout Warren Law Thlrd Hmle Troop who II In Crete Ilkudlnz In Wold Buy Econ 019de 2000 HONORS PROMISE TAIPEI AhThe National lsl Chinese lavcmmenl hn kept Ila promlse nnd mm mm clal axes levied 14 months ago to ralsu money or delence the limo they wcre levlcd hn government promlud they would end June 30 1051 bylaw to name main Ilrurtl Ln tho city will tel third reading Inher byan to change the name at certain mm wlll let first and second readlnu Tenders or painting the Clty Hall will be recelvnd Council wll alsn receive reports from Public Works City Development Finance and Firs Ind Tramc commlum Barrie City Count will hold regular meeting In the Cnum cl Chamber at oclnck ta night prndm or painting the City Friday Aug zMter break fast cleanup and flag break our cm arrived and we set them up We then had lunch and after Huh wa began swap plng We swapped badges with the Brileh and American Scouk Alter supper we visi ed the Stadium We attended the omdal open ing Preslded ave by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Constantine He emphasized the Jamboree mono Scoul Wider and Highuf llmndny Aug was cook Ls mowing and prepared ap ricot hnlm corn flakes View In wlenm mllk boys enjoyed Wednesday July 81Day Wu men in comleng mm of cum allowed by hooleunny and bed before 10 oclock Will Consider Paint Tenders AM on hand lo display the flying menu wereseven mem ber ma BanIa Model Alr plana Club who put on fly mzndigplly Next yeér the llan will be held at Esme Thu Barrie and Orlllla club was Junmed only mandssun and now has laur aimalt Hy Inl with poqlblllly Inns our additional cm which wll befeady 19x tye my flyan Shawrprealdeni oi ill chupier said The nuoclatlon wan formed In 1953 wiih Imail lmup of flying enihuslasu In Milwaukee USA and now has member aii over the world with IIetatni oi nver 11000 mem rs So far to good Labqflb Pllseneir Beer first choibe lgeer ofwso many people meskauluxxhan mam iw mm Alwayé 6n theflhozp Pllsener ls up to the elbows supplying thedemand fora crisp clear beer Yes Labatts Is the true sparkling beer enjoyed by so many people Working hard these days 3mm STUDENTS any TOP rams ullv year Graham Townsend was third in the novelty Clara The only participant to break the domin atlon of tho two classes by Town send Marlin and Cherny wu Isayearold Paul Winslow oi Granlon Ha placed third in tho open claaa Prize money totalled over $2 000 All llnallsta won trophies and cash words There were awards for the top woman dler the best performer under 1n and tho contestant who placed lath in the overall Handing Dor othy Houston Earlton rrpem ted na ladlaa champion Joining in the entertainment Cherny Winzham and Toronto was second In each event He has won the an class twlce and the novelty n8 three tlmes contestant enn nnt win both in one Kuhn The three joinedthree final lst from the novelty clue in the final which were broadcast over Ihe 7a corporationand a1 naclalcd station the CBC net work Winner the open class and the Canadian championship lot plaelnz as lop Canadian was Graham Townsend Taranlu Hlla prize money totalled over 000 Wayne Sleepy Marllne 47 pl lnulvaUe Kentucky wan Ihe novelty class He II Ihe current Unlted stale netlonal champ Iun and had won the novelty clnsn at shelbume 11x limes pre The eight survivors Friday nights pluyduwnl In the open clan were reduced to three dur lnu the um part of Saturdayl program Mal of center tents In the open and novelty classes had been entered They represented xix provinces and leg stages per cent or better alght ar nlne pawn The pcrccnlugcs released by Central Collegiate today and whlch are appraxlmala are Mnrgaml Cowan as Jean Flsher 34 Bruce Henry Minimal Collins 83 Pamela lnuon l2 Ml chncl Kelly 82 and Mary Lnrklg 50 Bowman principal Central Collegiate Inld the Ontario Scholarship will not be released umn hey hnvo been confirmed The twoday exlragnrfinzg was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Shelbume In usadéllon wIlh micac Seven Grade sludegll at Central Colleglnce have lelh marks 01 so SHELBURNE SM full housa nl almost 5Doodevoleel of oldtime fiddling packed the cammunlly arena hers Saturdly night to watch the Inn at tha mm annual Canadian oldlime flddlcra championxhlps Is11IOpfFiddler7 ehlerinlumunt In the upon c1115 Mamco Madmen led Browne Fashions In the race changed leveral limos because the patchy wind candluon In the Snipe clau Wllllnm Prlor led tho on and was 01 lawcd by Wllllum Porter Al Sarjcnnl the Jack Falr nllcd by Pctcr Samsy Tuxml Royal llamlltan Yacht Club Park Light wlnds Ihmlng and var lnble were lhe min during Sat urdayl sallan race at he Bar rIe Yacht Club iar tha Sheiburne audience and the transcannda network were vocalist Shirley Harmer Cow Iin Clem Gordie Tupi announ cer Bruce Marsh and Tho Can adaim male quartet dlreo ted by Toronto nrzanist Edgar Goodaire at the piano Don Fnir bnim acted as master of core monleq in Four Barrie Sailing Boats Entered In Ontario Races Graham Townsend 21 of Toronto Canadas top fidd ler Ho wan he Canadian and Open Old Time fiddling Cham plonshlps It Shalhume Ont Saturday night well as hla trophy ha picked up 000 nvinnlhle Vlnca Mounllord nlll ll ma Hm oiliclnl Iv lalln or iii newly charicrtd SCllM lice at iha lonnl club which will ha upturned by William Porter Willlnm Prior Peter Snrauy and Jack Fair 1th will pafllcipala Illa In the Ontarin Open mm hm Saturday and Sunday Fnur Snlpo clan boat but loll or Onkvllle to take part in lhe Dominion Championship rr gum hm nxuday Wednesday and Thursday After the context final contestants and the Shelburnu audience moved all for In square dance to tho tunes lhsr olylme fiddler in their auihenlic Ieltlni Ernmplon perlarmed mm or Ihe plnydnwns on Frldny night They lasted from men In the evening until after VI In gm mqmlng prize money Officials llmnlcd that 10000 pcopll crowded Into Canadal Iddc ung capital and hear lha card In entries CP erephato

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