HOLTZIIAUER left chairman of the Elmo Pow Ir Squadronl seventh annual water rendezvous And all mash presenL ï¬rst print BEETON POTATO The final regular mullnz oi thn Bceion Potato Club was held It tha hnm oi David Leach Following lwn judging classes tha potan members WLN given short talk on the selection and prcparaiion oi thlir exhibit for thu Achieve mcnt Day ï¬nal test and lunch supplied by Mr nnd hin Leach aided lhc meelinlt HI EVENTS Members oi Hi duh In re minded at tho two Important dates in August First is he ZBlh on which the County Jud inx Competition is being heid at the Barrie Fnir Grounds Second date is August 30 dur ing which he CNE Judging Competition L1 being held CORN PROSPECTS This past week neverl South Slmroe Arman hIVI repelled corn crops 10 int an more in heinhL 111m hwa been tom porting beller ml develop menl as well which would ludi ule good tnb sixe Ind turning mlor wnii In two mod cob per stalk FARM MISSION Memben lhl South Mrlcln Linslack bllmnn mum in lhll nu In Tn Nu lmpm Cm an Inn lmunl llnmlul uln rm mu Dom lllldl Nu Ame meeting of the Slmcoe Coun ly Am and Cram Amclnllon Councll mu hald Shunt hum of Miss 01 andsley on Lulu Simcoo near Orillil Allendinl wen Dr Clnk n1 Ptrklulleld pruldent Mk Embar Coopcr Coldwnler Mercury Mn him lmxuru Mrl Domth 1m well Ind Mn Cndwell nma Mu Spurinl nl lmlon Ind Miss 011 Mdet lay Orllllll Subjcdl under discussion we ghgcqunlywldu exhlbll htld OHIHI 0d and Qulll flu and Cu It In bi held In Bedonln July 1964 Plum wm IIID made or ml weekend work shop wllh alum In pnlnllnz dmma Ind woodwork lo bi MN 01 and Aflmlnl Mum Auam Iln Alllmlnlum Mann nu NI ill 11 In um um rm lfln hr nu Ian lhmnlm Im In Ila 5min lurmu Plan Workshop In Painting lll llflll ANIVI IYOKKI NC run lum lnll MelI wmm Ilmlm IHIWJIIN mm You Mum Mummy up IJI lull up ll Ummn wanna nu lltlmnl mun Mannu up 01 out lap un om llumn TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flyn nullp lurk LOCAL AND GENERAL IN IN iht IN II in mu Dom you lllm am Dom Mean at EL um lunch will mm my Mln lluduml my lmn lnhlu yum pu IAIIII Am humm Imam umXI Int nllnd thlnl INDUITIIALI uman um guests of the Holsleln Frlulan Assnclnllnn of Canada In visilinz the Iallowlng llrms Inday Frnser Slrcclsvill Cerswell Bedun GILm Illon Farms Alllston and Elm cron Farms Beaverlon lha mluhnwill tour arms In 0n urlo ram Munday In Friday About 100 boy he Lellon Mlnor Baseball Leagun will can ducl doabledoor Inles um pnixn belwecn le Ind nlm pm Thursdly They wlll b0 ulllnu polIo chip in ulu money In cqulp lhcir ll basa hall lums Iulue chnlmun Jnck Kznnlullun me today The ablecllvl 500 ll lhu mlnl mum requind In pay or glnvcs ndu helmet Ind cum cqulp meat Chumm MumDr Chlrlu Mnorlln whn pmldenl n1 Ylll Unlvmily mm 1011 to 1m lulldal BC Donnll Fuoca rlllnl younl Illum By THE CANADIAN PRESS AufluCltm Baum lunxIlmu lllm Ind IIIVMOII durum ulor ha 01 Jelly beans lo Susnn Wallis the she won Ihe Innerlube um the mud mna hmlly plcnlc yesterday The even Wu bald It Junk BOY TO SELL Cllllfl wt mi 13s AMIDRED CORPS DEATHS Nov Na Moon Im lun rm Tltllle rm II ran TarMm ll TIMI In run In Tud Tlnu lYnInn nu wmu HAW rum rum rm II AI an mm mu Mum MM ml UnllM Km mum mum lpallepu in nu Edwin Norm Camimm der the Barrie iner Squid ron look the sllula mm morn than 15 vessels It In quad mna sevenlh nnnull nllpast and water rendezvous yeslu ay The 154mm panda was ltd by Dlslrlcl Commander Charles Head In hla crulser the Mary Lyn flyan ll red and Mme flu ha Dlslrlcl Corn mnnder Alxo akin part In Ihe snll pasl was he tmlser WIlllam II skippered by Chmcr Commander OPP Cor poral Ted Glddenl Gucsis on no reviewan bani mm Deb 11 owned by Will Iam Jones were Commodore Maurice Bane of ma Barrie Yncht Club Haber Smith MP Simme Nnrlh and Put Commander Robert Clillon rm mulling Gmrzlan Trent Dls lrlcl ol Cnnldlnn Power Squad mus xmup Barri Buy Seoul are at he Georglan Bly Dia lricl Camp Wildmln enjoylnl an aullnx under lha leadcnhlp of Scommnsler Doul Walson Ind Aslslsllnl Smulmulzr Ban Pup P9 The group In camp fur nlne dayv canals of Panel Leader Ed Grnhlm Scoun Robert Ed wards Doug Reid both Pin Blrrle Troop Scnul Pllrol Ludcr Tom Hurdlm Scoull Polar Jnhmon Ron nubcrlaan Slum Win Ind Tlm Holllar of Steam Burris Ind Scout Jlm Firmnn at Filth Bmle Tm lcnlar Scout mm nouns who hue Iummtr Job Ipend lhtlr wotkcndl ump They include Quecn Seoul Kl Cnrmn Ind Troop Leader Allen Wheel anu Ma In equcled In mum Mum lhrnun Ihl Inwer Gm Lain brlnllnl Ihnnm Ami lhundmhnwrrl lo apnlhrm Onmlo lonllM Ind Hf vurlcd program cl um um S€0ll€flfl awimmlnu hlk In and nlhlellu Ind cnnu ln mucllnn plnnned lor lha ban who will mum hum nut Sundly Fnrccmll Inued hy lho lor anln weather 0ch It Iml Lh Er Lake llurnny Georxlln my Wllldl mt In unvlhml In innu htcomln wulhrulrrly In In no knoll lhll Innmoon rm huamlnl tlnmly lull why Sulllrld Ihnwm lml lhundmhowm lonlihl and ly Lak Onlnrln II II mum nu lhmll Inn Nnnh my ï¬udhurg onlo Pmly oudy Ill lmd mnqu Ind lhundmhow lulu lnnllhl Ind hmduy wlmju 1th Alumna whlll nlm hull Mp Mull lulltml Ihawm huhmlnl lhll an mum ml nuln overnllhl Tuudly purlli cloudy And molar Hmll JIM Funnu Tuna Al MIIM hllh Thnmu lnmlnn Kllrlwnrr Mmml ant Wlnflhnm Nnmlllun Allnrlnu Tumnla lunlmmulh Tmth Mman leh my Kmihuvy mull SH Mull hllnflvfl Takes Salute At SailPast Barrie Scouts Enjoying Camp Weslmlnu marlnl an Inn aonlh than Kempenmt Bay WEATHER Tummyum hln 15mm lfl TM II In mu lnsllmenl In Ilory on Hydro Ind Public Ulllllles Burl lu ken from me Mlnuln Book of the Harris Public Ullll Ila Communion Mr Hm presented report nl are arm needlnz change also an mansion In Allnndm Llne Burton Ave and than In lhl llna II Mr Grflllha con lllr Mn Bennett moved lhnl lho work he proceeded with He Ilsa moved hat lhu water extension on Burton Ave ha Rona un wllh provided hat the necessary do posl mnde commissloncrn mecllnz an my II 1007 Iellcr mm Al Campbell asking or raise In Inlary was rud Tho mm mlulnnm decided they muld no at present their way clqlr an lhen pelillnn mm llllnrn Tay lor asde or an cxlcnslnn of lhe wnlcr min on Eugenia st Thls was lam over or Iurlhcr comlderalion Dull tendered signation secretari treasur erof lhe Eleclrlc 1th and Water Dcpnrlmcnu ltrwu decided advefllu Ian new man On June 1907 lulur1 rum Dr nos nnd Stra lhcy were rud They complalncd or Inn b1 walar hill lhey elved llld asked lo he put on Hal The secretary Ircnsurcr wu Instructed Io wrlle thcse pir lle Ind lorhld lhem chnnzlnz rum meter lo nu ma Mr that MuPhu be appointed mrb laryimnsuror ii lehl Ind Waitr Deputimenis undu same condition II iii Duii ninry of mo per yenr ha in prnvldn bonds Thu contract In be lrr minnied by either pnriy giving one manihl notice MIho June 17 1901 meeting lcller 1mm Mr Fllhcr Ic nrdlnz water rnlu wu rend On motion it was decided in hive Mr Brown lnmllknlo and thaw Mr llshrr that me mu rhnrgcd only mm and um there In rcducllan mu consumer provided In the bylnwl 0n mnllnn ll wnl drcldcd purchuo envelope Ind paper II rtquhrd lrnm dmcrcnl prlnlmln lawn VOnJuly 15 KM manlan wnl In Iha Mnyorl alllu on Dun logï¬tml It wn nrdmd lhn ncllnn In ucurln and lnllnlllnl lho plpu cannecunu lh lwo holltrl hllhlhurrled up ll much you Mlnult mullnu lnr nu urly purl In century ahnw Ihm wu tomidmhln Impul on Io water mtlm In lht mlnuln In mullnl or Auuull 20 lm lhu ollnwlul ll tnlmd Thu mm wn lmtrudpd lnfurm mu mu ind Mulnni Wchb drvlnllnn mm the by would llama lhnl lhu By IIARVEY BLACKSIOCK You cant mm your Invlnnl mm wllh P3P Iho IllaInlurod auamnlnod mlnul plan 60 Ml dllfllll 1mm anyone who mm at Scullhank exclusive wlh THE 1an or Nuvn scmm yéflIMBHNK armer must uubmlt hlvlnl meter put In and my lhn mlnlmum prlca and Inn Mr Webb must make lama new mngcmcnt with the commmlom clru In mud to his Illumlnmd In Authority wax llvzn to pur chnse lnw motelI Inr use in lhe Opera mm the Mary and Culllar Ind Elluhalh Street Churches Thoiecrnlary wu Instructed In no Illa no walnr wu turn lshnd lho erkcl Haul unlll thc account or arrcnn awan by armor man wu paid mccllnz nn September letter wn read mm W111 lsm Wlnls Asking lnr rain 01 wages II was laid over for mu prescng nlullon from he Tom Clerk rcqunsllnz that crane be erected ln Ward No for pinpan ol lllllna wuler can per lnslrucllans ol lown Councll was ordered lo be lllcd lhe work lmvln ham already pcrlormed In meeting on October In order we given In the clerk To Inlnrm Wllllnm Wlllll that It was canlrnry lo the volley he enmmlmqnen In cnmlder Iny rnlse in wages ll lhl lu wn of the year but the hl epplicallnn Ihnuld be renewed about in onexl yen Al November me II loner wu rend lrom W4 Hayes cnmplllnlng II In In chnrudlar Ipwn IPllnklllll On Nnvcmbu no lhl Com mlsslon recclved Idler mm 12 Donnell lawn clerk lvlnl 1m 01 the Includescenl MIMI recnmmtndzd to lmullcd It Iald over In nu me In when Ill prmnl locality Incdamn lllhll In uso wan requlrtd In In lum Mug by Ihv ucr of um wn lnnrucled lo Amp 325 rom Bnyl hr lawn Iprlnkllnl or lumn 01 MW nn lhu undermndlnl lhlk Mr Bay hive Ml wncr Nor III purpmes meuured by not nr harnflm ILL TIMED Superlnléndenl hrawnle Ingrucggd Iorepag urnc Dumber 1W lhc Cam mlulan recelrrd mm mm Wood complain About Km Dcan injured Sup trlntcndtnl llnra WM Inllruclrd Mr Wand and explnln The null lwo wardl lhll len lento tn lhl Mlnula Book In mum The llm meclinl 1906 ml Md In power sun all Jane ulr 22 wllh Commlulonm Ber ml Dauull Ind Mlyor Ber neu pmenl Bum wu ngnlnlcd ghllr his purchln our ll hlninl nrmlm mommm ed Mgpjm Hm wu Iplhnrh nm Iccnllry mlruc ad to uk Town Count lo Ip lnl mum to conhr wlh mm nm on vltw mun rule In mnlltr ct lighllnx Ind hydnn rentl 1an rm The Nnrlh York Chapch The Society for tha Pmerva tlon Ind Encuumemem of Bar bar Shop Quartet Slnllnl in Am ulcn EPEBSQSAI ram Aurorl Ind Newmanm area will be mm my Mklnmn Chum dlrec lnr AI Ihe BunIa Barberlhoppm uld 1mm lo 50 members In expeclcd to he on hand WANTS DEER OUT FORT WILLIAM 0M CF Clly council mmldcrlnz In uppllcallon by mIdent tn Inc In elchrIc fence Imund his larden Sm lay his problem In ï¬rmnllnl deer 1mm luvdin vuellbles 1553 CREAM DRISTAN TABLETS 24199c OLD SPICE MEDICXTED SKIN CREAM 4PURPOSE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ï¬EEDOBANT snow 99c TAM BLYN DUNLOP RI 40 175 Value TAMPAX Zn 222311 oz mmIUomI mcou 20¢ 53mm 2050 147 991 SALOTYN TABLETS grain 500 63c TAMBLYN DRUG STORE SAFESURE SANITARY PROTECTION NO PINS N0 BELTS N0 ODOR N0 CHAFFING 11 3mm mom cm An Ilclnl on lonely Ind remotu and In this Snulh Mlnnllc will not he represented ma Anullcln Conmu lhlt mm hm hm dnyTheIr bluhop wasnt uhla to hitch ride on pnulnz urn MIL Riv Humid Burdmora um mm mm Ascension mm In Ihe column nonu rlnl by Ihc court III Unlled sum lulde mluu hue expreulnf uxrot he qu umbln to all Tnnmlo Ind hll unnlpamllun dit lellln oi lien on Iuppoulhn am bishop the moat milled diocen in In Anzllcnn communion WM W0 hm very law mm all In St Hclm and theater very low mIHI Ind opportunl In at gelling Iwny am Able to com here only um TORONTO lCF Ihl Pd male of Auslnlil nld Sunday nlnhl Anlllcnnx Ihauld be ll nosllcx on name he Ipeclflc degglls olilhelr Qhrlxllnn hellel Most Rev Hulh Gou Archbisho Sydney 1on congrezoton Toronto church um only by uaylnu dont honeslly know about this could Christian Ivold contu dlcllllnl each other on complex pa Archbishop Gouxh here or he Anglican Cannon mm mm Tunday wu inter viewed mu lhe urvica Pelern Church And give In ex Ample whnl he mun complex Int Allrchr slllnl hellava In lhl Second Comhx al leu but are no ununlmnui on In de III within All Chrilllunl must um absolutely an min nolml Christan alch nl Bishï¬sp couldnt Hitch Ride Be Agnostics On Some Points BLACK AND WHITE 120 620 127 F03 99° IRII CITV DILIVIRV FOR WHITER BRIGHTER TEETH COLGATE DENTAL CREAM EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 601 Spatial JOHNSON JOHNSON Comparablo Valun 98c Cam Inblo Value l09 v27 18 each your to mlnlnler lo pcunlo and lo um Amerlcn Epllcopullnna nllhelr hm by mnklnl My In chnnu um hank Blshop Bunrdmorcl Cnlhr drnl Church of st Pnul Jamestown St Helena not at mm the we Whore Napalm Bonapum Ipcm hlx leycnr oxllu and dlbd In gm The 11nd pogulnlud by person mixed Lumen Ens lndlun and Mrlchu descent Is 700 miles aoulheualol Ascenilon Inland Cnnndlan blith held nerv loel In St llulonn mm 1551 lo 109 He won Rev Thoma Welhy once owner of lam came In Brnnllurd 0111 and later rector of SL Johns Church at Sandwich now pm at Windsor Ont Demolition began today on pioneer house more than 200 year old on the 1nd Line at mummh lowmhip The house owned by Mrs Mary Urbnnskl is being torn down make way or new modern building Mn Peter Urbanskl Fee on laid lhe Inle Mike Urbanskl rllscd Iovcn sun and dam ler on the macro arm on whld thu house standi All but two were born In his house lho houu wu constructed moulded clny bricks The uuler part wal llncd wllh board laced varllcally on tho muc ure Name the bullder ha house has been traced Muse um curnlau have placed lhl an al mam than 200 yam Up to midJuly avcrnuo mes llrl damnzo In Ontlrlollarcau was Ham Ire compared with ll um In 1961 Ancient House Being Tom Down BABY POWDER DAMAGE INCREASED WITH GARDOL GUARD AGAINST DIAPER RASH 843 82c PA M106 87c £94 ï¬n