By RICK FRASER Enmlnur Sport Editor Received letter from local hockey fan who maln talned that uncomiortable seats or cold rink isnt the reason why hockey is on the way out in Barrie The Writer contends that the fans are to blame He claims and with considerable justification that winning team would put the am into the rink Barrie arena manager We Allsopp said the other day he is doing everything in his ower to ice club for this season He had no new nforrnaiion to pass along but he said there are few irons in the tire and he is hoping that aomething will develop in the near fumra nu uvu um um all the summer sports to occupy ihe minds of the fans But wait until the cold weather alerts creeping in and the hockey talk wont take long grabbing the centre controversy TOMORROW IS THE blg softball tournament at Edgar and our of the llve Senior Softball League team In the are are represented Truelova Heatln Earrle Plaza Stewarts Garage and the host clu RCAF Edgar are the our clubs Fllth tournament entry ls Smllhl Dairy from the local lnlermedlate clb cult Smlthx are expected to plck up few nddlllon ll players First gums on In will see Smiths face Truelove Thats at pin oglpc At 19 Stewarts and Ed lnll at nine ouucx mun vlcvnuou gar wlll clash Plaza drew the bye tn the draw held hxesdny night It takes two losses to ellmlnete team The games will be tlve lnnlngs except the aemHlnals and llnals which wlll he seven lnnlngs The puhllc has been extended an lnvltetlon to lake tn the tournament end tecllltles for snacks and soft drinks wlll be available Following the tournament dance will he held for the players and their guests TRUELOVE HEATING look well equipped to meet pennantwinning Stewarts Garage in the bestotiive senior league semifinals With Bill Henderson and Rick Groh looking shrug on the mound recently and Don Dykstra always real to hurl shutout Stew arts have their work cut out for them Not only that Truelove has defeated Stewarts our times in six meetings this season Thls series will open Monday night at Queens Park Prior to this game Bnrrle Mldgets will play East Gwllllmbury in the second game of their best olthrce OASA series First game will be run on to monow In NewmarkeL It look 1le the Dodgers and Yankees ln this years world serles and hope youll enjoy series column were plannlng here Clty edllor Steve Jonescu former sports edllor and an American Lea gue Inn wlll do dally column on the Yanks whlle Ill be wlth the Nallonal League cham Therell be plenty red laces when redlcllons go nywlre but ll wlll be fun controversla andI we hope enjoyment for lhe readers IT WAS PLAYOFF BALL at its best last night at RCAF Edgar when the Airmen nipped Elmvale 21 in suddendeath playoii for the iourth and final playofi ago in the senior league All runs were scored in ninth inning Now its Ed at and Barrie Plaza in the second semi ilnal series an Plaza would probably sooner face the Airmen as Elmvalo has given them plenty lrouble over the season Therell be inn and prizes when Stewarts Garage lay the zany California Cuties at Queens Park Aug Prizes given away will include 50 gellons of gas oline and three other prizes with value of $20 each Tickets can he oblnlned irom nny member oi the Stewarts loam The benellt baseball game slated for last Sunday or the lnmlly ol the late Lew Morrow wlll be staged thls Suntlny ot the Fnlr Grounds llaln forced the postponement Inst Sunday but huge turnout ls ex peeled th Tleket sales have been hopplng and he pIEymismarcinll so to go II THE ASSOCIATED PIIEHS Jukmnvllla Suns litendan lnltrnnllnnnl luau chnmpl mu mly he dun In South em Dlvlslnn ctllnr but they Illll an tumble ul hnndlnn no glue lop lruml Ill ortulunnl de lrnl nlumlny nlnhl Inr hulnnLe Iluhl hnmlrr Ilulwn iomu ml lhlrulnllrr nl Arlmmnl Tran1m Io Iva nu Sum 11 lclnry and knock lhe Trnvdm uul umnd plate In lhI Saulh rm Dlvlnlrm HAROLD JORY MOTORS mum IOWlNGNiu smwcsï¬il lllMl ll wul lhe third Ilrnluhl Ic lury lnr lht Sum Ind thtlr llh ln uvrn Ilnrll lullnln luml lwunccd Sm cuxn CW MIN truck but lllLhmmd Vlrflnllnn lmllnnnpolll Indium vollrd pul llochultr IN Wnrl ml Tornnlo anla lAlll du mdod Cnlumhu not on bad now With LA He not the on1y one Suns Knock Travellers Out 01 Second Position In 11 DAY AUGUST 0M1 MA NM 0M unpIu lo All M5191 lllyllvll IA Ill Ammqu min In ENDION mum SPORT AT 615 NGUAM IIU 01 CAR lllMl IIJlVICl Hockey Sqithall OnLocal Scene Pumnslc Greens llrhrenklnl tworun homrr lhc lounh Inn Inn was me cl llanln hlll Chlcl hurlm nay Dnvlnull plckcd up hll nuth vlrlnran mnny mm but needed help from Crnlx Amman Allnnln and lwn uncnrnrd mm In lhu Hm lhtre Innlnzl on murl hy Dan Ilmldln Harncu Clnrko and Inkuï¬lbbn llnrvry Ilumch ï¬nvn up II whla fllo mrkrn in MY our Hulnnd Sheldon and El Slnlllo mm Ilnrry hIMI lhrrMun hum In lh rluhlh lnulnx mnlul lh IMII la amrhntk viclury um Calumhux Slmcao Camp moved lnlu tie for first place In the Inter mediate Suflhall last mm at Queens Park when lhuy ham mered out an victory ovnr Clarkson Haul However Coop could ï¬nd themselves In Ihlrd pluce Illel lnnlghta doubleheader at Queens 3n Play halfback Billy Gray 19 Saskuchewnn Boughtidem pulls away from defensive back Steva Sham 28 ol Sm Dairy will have chnncn to bank the In for first when they meet Barrie Jnycm tonight whlla the tecand game rnnlchc Consumcrn Gas and Lakcvlew ry Consumcrn trail mop by single polnl and wins gnlgjlt hySlnllfu njl 533mmch wlll ï¬llhmllhi 1n Wrestling fans had weak mi month and lhclr return In Banla Ann nlshl should be with IV amnfll Coop Gains Tie For First Place Opening bout has headliner Bllly fled Lyon halllln Mlke Valendng ilhllg jusylhe gm In tussle wiln me team Swec Daddy Sikl and manager Duka Nnhle wing agalnsl leo DlIaulo Ind Tully Marina Thats still not all The mnln event pits TV per nnallw Dick Bulldog Brown unplug Gnnllergan Jlm Ha StarStudded Card Monday Nady um routr sound Ihrashlnx In Kitchtnur some llmu ago and unknown to Draw or Ms match was Ilmwn on CBC mnry In Bulldog Sprclallm Anyoneant Iutc ofWAIktrn Spcclal Old Ynure Spctlallu In gnarl Inlc wlxm you dmmc he luxury whhky ll Impular pllcc Wllkrrl Sptclll OM Goad mic and Innlu Iml cumumy have made It Canaxlal largnl Idling xpuhr prim wlxhky Nut llmn mak It palm In buy thkgru Sptchl Old IRAM WALKER SON LIMITED BILLY GRAY ELUDES TBCKLERS Comp got unck Jump an Clan1mm Inst nlg scoring slu xle run in the ï¬rst and lhlrd and mllylnl or three In the second Best Clarkson could do was alnzle run III tho second ï¬rst and Comumpry accond Erle Columbia Llonn durlnl ï¬rst quirk of Western Foot ball Conference game at Re gina Thursday night Gray Anmherrun In the ï¬lth and lwn more In Ih leh gave Ca an 81 lead In the bollnm or In ï¬lm Clarksun get to Coops Les Jul 1mm four runs and lhrce hlls ElliNWBlklr slarlcd on the mound lor Clarkson but was re placed berorm an twp held an hman edge and three these hlls want In Marshall Alkens whn also acor cd two rum lla was th only CM bnltcr wllll mu lhan one nu hlls Gem Bumman nnd llulnc were Clarkmn lop butler wllh two hlll Iplccc PARRY SOUND Barbara Gurlng 17ycpmld lemmhu In structor ll Gravenhurs Gun Lake Park undcnlnbly pmvcd that me did not represent the weakzr ux here last Saturday as aha lucked lo vlclary In two mile open mm mm Held Olllciais cut lho xlrls com pellllon to half mile but Bar hnrn who specializes in longer dlslanccs Ilkld ll ollicialn would mind her enlcrinz lha Barb Goring Finishes 1st Ionmm Tcrry Hodgson and Ken Fox in came through with slmnK pllcylngl pertqrm 99113511113 1n Barrie and District Church Sonhnn League ncllnn when SL Andrews and Crnlghursl posted vlctorles Fasler loxscd woAhlt shul out over Central Unlled as St Andrews chalked up win carried the hall to the 80 lzyard llna on this play set In up thamdm In touch down Lion led 117 alter the ï¬rst halL CP Wirephoto Bob Iloopers lwwul bases emmy homer In lhe lrsl Inning proved to be all the working margln Foam needed but he wlnncrs added slnglc runs In the second HUI and seventh names Post Church League Wins Dun hall was he hm siv ng up alx plu Craig trounced Essa Rand 131 and iiodgson had iii ile iroubic lacing only 15 ml icrx our aver ihe minimum He iosi his shutoul in the bunk inning Cralghurs had two bl In ninn tho icmnd and third when Ihey cared 1v runs In mach They started with mule run In the Hrs Ind rounded out Ihclr tom with two runs In the Mb two 1911 even Inlns lheflboyl Amld Ina ny am ed chuukle Blrhlrl look to the mm and outdlslnnccd bar near csl rival by mimmd on lhlrd mlle Sh had heen out of Ihe water 10 mlnuleg when the neicond plats lwlmmer email Barbara the daughter Mr and Mn Eldon Gus Gar In GrnvmhunL Sh ll lho Krnnddnuzhler Mr and Mn 9mm ol William Barrie mm In OVIII An 5W 021 IN MI IIAIIILIDIO DIOANVII KndpplfluflsEdgar T3 353 351101 I11 semiï¬nals VI WNIBKV ID One Ihe hm lnyed and most Impamml not all games the lemon endedJn dram tlc ashlan 1m mum at Edgar when RCAF Edgar nipped Elm vale 21 In Iuddendealhdplayv ngl ulna lo vlhe fourth 5n playol spot In the local Senlar Sollhall League Ralph Knapp the Edgar scum paw and Leo Beinourl Elm valal toiled ihmush eight lcorelen innings In the hp at the nlnth Leal bmther and battery mnto Lou Belcnurt upcned wlth triple George Slbbatl followed with walk md Homer Barrett hlt fly bill to right Ileld whlch Gord nay caulht but Lou tuned up at third and raced home This looked like the ball game But in the bottom hall ol lhc Inning Chuck Blanchard trlplcd with one out Leo Belcourt struck out Buster Bultzer and thin let the me at the lame 1n the hand little third baseman 131 Gaynea grounder back to pltcher Belmun who llrcd wild to first base The hall went Almost every year since schol nrly Frank Clnr nlnrtcd coach ng Ollnwu Rough Elder In 1956 the experts have picked his club Io flnlsh lnsl In Ihe Eastern anlball Conference Clalr never given them an ar gumenL But he mdm havent mlssed the playofla Ilncu he look over currem Ounwn entry nhorn last years regu lm and wllh no blgnumc ra plncemanu In night usher In me EFC season In Wroma lanlghl against Toronto Argonauh who have plcked up new quarter back by me name of Jackie Parker In Hamilton Snlurduy he do IcndlnzAchamnlon Tiger Call play has to Montreal Alnucues the lam voted most likely to succeed lhem Because lawer budget than mas their opponcnu he Rough Ndm dld most or lhelr mmlflng in tho Imuller United Stale colleges By THE CANADIAN PRESS The anly lnlmsllnz rookie lhey have munllancd In quir mhnck rem llawali Tommy Lee who klclu placements in his bare Keel SOLD LANCASTER Wllh Id pmblcm lnclnl Mm lhll lemon 1n Irnlnlnu mun one mlght hlnk Clair would welcomu any alumna wllh open nrms What did he do He cut 31x rtzulan and told quarterback Ron hammer lo gyxkptchwan llllouxhrldgn WWn hlve bet mph menlx laid the qulctIpokcn conch TwoEFC Games Set For Weekend mt lhmnah rtllrement In 2nd Bobby slmpson Tad Smalf MU an right Held Ind Blanchard ncored anally and Jayne went the way around lo score the Mining run The mm llnlshed lhe reun Iar schedule Med Im louflh mt Ind now Edgar will meet mond place Enrrle Plan in best offlve wmlllnnl mm while Slownnl ammo and Truelovu Healing clash 1n the other seml KNAPP rmzon sump Lnu nixhtn glma war one ni huh renianalawln mush onruwlosa aiiair Both hurlm pitched wall enoulh in win and neituiml throwing error which reunited in the Edgarviclory was only the mend mircue oi the game Bolh were uaiml Elmvnir Knapp never looked better all learonr He retired the In 11 Elmvnle butler he need before giving up Ilnzla In Den Bel noun That didnt bother him he an the next seven haum Slana lhul Ilnxled but wpl cut down Iecand and he war tho la base runner or Elmvale until an Belcaun tripled to and Bill Snwalakl tackles Gllle Archnmhnull Ind Harold Belly and Canadian centre Bruno BI kowakl Regulars cut this season were linebacker Bob Bhncre and Mlka Snodgrm oflenslve hull back ArtIlumlng flanker an Chandler derenslve buck Georg Erancllo Ind import guard Norb my The last mm the Rough Rid were last In lhe help was In 1955 under mach Chan Cald well Claln whu daunl say much hasnt predicted any mm Wen picked In uvzry year he aayl And lhntl inc wllh mo STEVENSONS Thll II modernwt luy Ilnllon wilh two balm shllon wrll mlml lnr mechnnlc whhln In pcclnllzo In many Ind olher Ipccllllml mvke Gullnnnn Ml 115000 BAYFIELD at SOPHIA ST BARRIE Mndrm lwn luy IlIHIm well IMAM In Ith Midl Onllnnul 1m 11530011 mllon urll IuHed In nmhunlc wlhhlnl In Ipcclnllu In um up Ind oflm Ipecllllnd Unusually Good SERVICE STATIONS FOR EASE DUNLOP ST Minimum Investment $150000 HP Canada Umllml are prepared Iupply any nddlllonal capllnl ncmlnd or the comploln opcrallon Gvnrlnlnd prolllo 0000 monlhly Ropiy DP Camh le I971 Yang Tannin All pun Km mlclly Cmfldmllnl 208 HAZEL AVENUE MIDLAND BP CANADA llMllED BB Edgar threatened In the flrat lnnlnu when Marrll led all wtlh Jingle and Terry Eunthcl lollawed with dnnble Curlll larced nut Monla nnd Beleanrt tanned Blanchard and Enllzcr to 919 the tnnlnl ml was the most serious marina threat Edgar posed un lll lha nlnth whcn Belcaurll error rulned tho rlxhlhanderl llne olxhll mound parlarm ance and cost Elmvnla bar In he remltflnall ll wal not known when Edgar and Plaza wlll npen lhelr urn llnll net but lenlltlve plum have the team scheduled at Mlne sz Monday evenlni Final standing of the South Slmcae lugue In umllown North Section Midland Drill Creemm South Simcoe Standings South Becfloll Mormon Utopia Tonalth Cookslnwn New VLowcll Baotou Playafl Gums 581 645 or lllla at Crcemore Touenham at Thornton Mom 615 New Lowelllor Conkslown ll Ulopln pm Geemm nl Midland Wat pm Croemore It Or lllla 645 Mormon at Tollcn ham Thurs 045 Ulnpll II New Lowell at Cookmwn PA MSOI