umm cl an Nunmp um mm rm And IN 1m Ho lh rmn HIM In In un uMIr mu ll Im II II Aan nm uummwunnmuw IIIAN ll Mannml mum Imam nu mmm Mlflllh leNllJJ lulu luwnpum um um Ivy um III Ily mm mm em 19 mi null In 1m ym nu mnnmm um mm mam mum unllllo mum In In Imm um ornm um Tmnla cm ml II llamal nu ma mm mm Vlflfï¬uvl Mummy IN CIMMII mlly Im hub 111 Barrie Has Birthday110 Recall Old Home Week PLACE FOR PROTECTION Montreal Gazelle It has been the lrndllnn wllh lrndo unlom that thof hnvo afforded lholr mcmhm prolccl on from oppression by cmplogcra This lnqulry has shown tho need hnl members have proper protoc llon lrom Injustices on tho pan un Ion ortlclnln who oblnln conlrol of un lons Those words hold Ihu heart of tho hu report by Mr Jusllco Norris In ho Dlnmpllon Shipping Though Barrie Examiner August 1953 Thousands of spectators from town Sim eoe County and distant points lined streets for Barrie Centennial Parade one of features of Old Home Week held on Wednesday afternoon Over 100 floats were entered Parade was lined up on Blake Street and Kempenfelt Drive moving along Dunlop to Bradford thence by Essa Road into fair grounds First Erin went to Cummings Massey arria displa showing advance from horsedrawn arm implements to modern machines Cooke Cartage took second for liiovlng To Barrio in 1853 and 1953 Charles Newton and family featured in entry with covered wagon Soroptimlst Club came third with float depleting loo years of Womens Progress Stroud Vomene institute won first prize in rural entry class followed by wt of Cookalown and Thornton all showing old tymo customs on farm and in home of 100 years ago Judges were reoves of townships around Barrie Cliff Lock hart of lnnlsfll Wood of Essa Smith Campbell of Ora and llo lliekling of Vespra Outstanding foals were those of Beta Sigma Phi and Barrie tlor ticultural Society hleny ancient ve hicles were shown horsedrawn and mo tor Gray Coach Linea had old cub used Aulhodvd ll Ml mu null TM Dcrlllmtll 0H mull DI ln mun luridH m1 Mummy mle mm IKNNKI Al flllllhy OLD HOME WEEK PARADE Its tossup which is worse says the New York Timesthe sound of tran Ilstor radio outdoors or the alght of this person who lovingly carries it usually walking about open mouthed andor glgsy eypd The Times editorial writer doesnt stop there He spits on his hands and goes at this pet riavance with mounting acerbity Trans slot radios especially in outdoor weather are blight on the land scape and to the eardrum Adult chil dren and childish adult use them as mat There have been many changes in 110 years These have not all hap ened ll mnny geople assume in the pa two dec ades ut the most Important have hap wned In that tlme slnce the end of orld War Two Prlor to the start of the war Barrles populatlon was under 9000 and the town had been almost atch or half centu The community never went hack it aways moved or wnrd but slowly Each yeerx end would That makes Barrie exactly no em old right now it was in 1853 the the Town Fathers made the decision to in cor rate as separate municipality wit the County of Simcoe Prior to that it had been part of the township It was not until 1897 that the Village of Allandele across the b8 decided to am llgamate and become Vard Six in the Town of Barrie that time the one mile area between ad grown to such an extent that it was im ssibie to deter mine where Barrie en ed and Anandnle began Down Memory Lane column started Wed nesday pnd will continue to the end of thlsweek some nostallgc feature events of but accnslon lrom August to 1953 It is just 10 years ago this week that me Town of Barrie celebrated its 100111 blrthda with tremendously successful Old Home Week 91 this pngelflthg On Disturbing The Peace The Barrie Examiner Will Millim ah 35W OTHER EDITORS Published by Canadiah Newspaper Limited 16 aayileid Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brim 5mm Guard 1mm FRIDAY Auouar ma Pqnl CAR STYLING BUNK The Times London thorn in In at Inadequate duly them also nplpem Io bu far loo much unnocmary mlgn or unless embellish monl For example mnlorlnln Illur hulng old lhll rm ncmlml lnllflnalo glvo Illblllly IpeednInd wrap Imuml tron wln Imamor mlor vinlblmynow Ind that nellher than appear In tho Mull cm nwy mar ho forgiven lnr holn Nllle cimcnl mu he lmpnnanre havan our ulnar Hun we haulath The report nlmn lo hrlng lho mnrl llmc union back la the control of lhclr members Mr Junllcu Norrll ls convlnc ul Ihnl this cannot be done unless lhu unlonn are placed under lrunlmhlp by llm Governnwnl 11m Gnvcrnmcnlnp nlnlcd trustees houlll have lhu power roulnhllsh unlon democrncy uxlng uuch menuqu in lho uch hallo la sure the ms clecllon of nlllcm he has dealt directly with the condlllonn of lhe mnrtttmo trnnsportntton unlonl In Canada the reoort hu tar wtder tm rllcatluns It concern the hmnder ques tan of what to be done when the mem ber at unhm lose control at In llrcc tton Inrl tlnd themselves the pawn even lhe vtcltms those who are Iuppnsed to be lhetr representatives dy Coulis Chamber of Commerce pre dent led parade escorted by police in 1853 uniforms members of Town Coun cil and Mayor James Hlfl Board of Edu cation iormer ma ors John Little Wal ler Dull James air Donald Macuren Peler Sinclair Grant Mayor llorb Rob crison Ed Wilson Mrs Marjorie llnmil ton also James Dou all Harriea old ost native cillzcnand arrio lire lirig ade Jack Maclaren was ande chair man assisted by Warren lJilgar George Caldwell Doug Cavnnaugh and Robert Ilood There were lhrco bands from liar rie and Camp Borden between Toronto and Richmond Hill 100 years ago Ball Planing Mill had model sawmill Barrie Teachers Council came up with log schoolhouse Lions Club Circus provided many lnu in parade Fendle rush order of towers on old highw eel bicycle ve interesting Oth er groups with good 0313 were by Rot ary Kiwanis Legion Boy Scouts St Georges Church Guild National Film Council of Canada Simmons and Co bear facts Emma Electric had float with most of Barrie Fl era Canadian jun ior championship hoc ey teams in uni form some in garb of present clubs Paul hleger of Montreal Canadiens Leo Lablne Boston Bruins Jimmy Mor rison ol Toronto Maple Leafs etc incisBaisione was parade chairman San ing calls and conversation pieces Sit on the grass or park bench and pointy headed addict will sit near by end blast off Carriers lay them loudly at ball game even music festivals Passeng er play them in busses and other fana tics piay them at the heechem There ough to be lawin fact there gmbably is one Something about dlstur ing the pane Transistors It Is conceded are great Invention But there is much to be said for keeping them out of earshot in public places Meanvihlle do we have to Walt 90 years for the next Old Home Week As or the next decade Barrie stlll has the natural advantages of location transportation labor supply There have been some dlsappolntments In the past couple of years regarding new industry Com etltlon for industry was never 11er cer Southern Ontario But this com munlty ls bound to attract its share and further growth ls assured the star of 1959 Barrie became city the first and as at only one In tho county IL remalns county seat of government The explosionaiaried at waru atm entirely due totha big influxoi soldier and airmen to Camp orden To the sur grise many wara end didnot taka arria back to 1938 Barrie had all thy impen climates or induatriai location was discovered man firms and so today the communi in ooze to iha 23 000mark For many years the railroad provlded the largeat source of employment or Barrie people There were foundries breweries the carriage works the shoe factory wall long since game What we have today Is familiar to most people or ahould he ï¬nd Ihundied or We net incram 1n tots population Wmummfézm hummu flul Mb llllll mwnm lam In any Imm trnry nml Imhllc oplnrnn mn Illll nl Duo Indivle TM In III xlm nnd tancrelu Ilruclurrl Inmlnnllnl our lawns Ind clllu nu mm mm HIlmz cabinet Um nu Mon Ilghu mlvullsln Ilzns mllu mmll cleclllrlly pylnm lmwlnl aver lnllnr nlnmk pm or unllmu mm mllnz lowm he hdemu Imam whim mm In luvu hrrnlnl In mew hull pmol llfu lumw ll mAnomgr runuc The npnn doc ml mlnu wnrdl In ulllnl mm lhe dr lecln In the prutnl Irthuw lurnlIIchcme II Ona ol he orxnnlzallnm whlch ls hepan watch an Hm modern devnlnpmmls the llcrllnrdshlre Soclrly whlch ll heading comblned ellurl lo cl Ill 01 hldnoul tycsoru llle counlrylldc In In annual report ll Ipenka oul nlronxly unlnnl lho lrcnds In mndrm urchllcclure Ind my that the pram xcnmllon lcnvlng uni lunacy In In drsccndnnu ll rtparl lhu Soclcly my lhrenla lo the Green llnll are put Ind parcel of lho uncrll rand lhln dccnde II hnlnz Illld wllh mm Jul Illcnllon lhll Illa mm wlll In down lnlo mulerlly ma up wllhaul thunder mng 0N mwnscun SMLYS SALLIES Pmlculafly ohnnxlnus ar the lull mntchbox like blacks pmmentl which typlly the modem and Inward lnll hulld Inn la Increase the denslly nl ang lcmmmndnllon in area within transportation distance of London One can Ice lhem In many plum nunt lurk huild lnxl Ilnndinz up like real lln urponll In lha mldxl scene lurpusinl rural buuly Thay In mmplelcly dnslrnyinx he thunder all Inn in most buntilul In the Ennlhh Iccna SOFIZTVS REPORT DONDON Brlliab people who live In Ihe rural are away rem the lurle centre oi pnpnl Ilinn urn really cnncnrncd bout lhe lnmad bting made on the countryside by the erecilnn oi industrial Ind residential iaiu in the modern lnsblon One bu only in travel around Bril aln by min bus or car in no hit herJ tome iiusliiinlion far the compilinu which an beinl mlda by pruuvallon Io etlu andnlher public bodies well by nsidenu oi the null areal II In creation oi wbni lbey ducrlbe Is eye mm which are robbing much Ibo munlryslda oi in rural chnrmi REPORT FROM ILK Rural People Ike Concerned Inroads By McINTYRE HOOD All Askrls To Dress As Well As My Constituents Torif no omnlllll middleIan nod PM my vlth Ham mm hut with HI lhlnk IMI OM wall lmporlanlly In Incl nl Ihe mullnr up Am1 II In un mix Ih mHllu We In hunglnl mlrly Jnhn bwmmm mud In 0th T1 un rrynu ulnr whlrh Irml In rcnlrnl mnlullnn In the my prnblem nlmrnl lnlnly II lhl fratH Ihll mm Ihunld nn MI monty nu nl pull garvlre 714er Frnnl rriGiuly um INA nunmrnl hm Mlnllnl 1n the ll uhm Imlrmnmu ullll are Im Thu canlrnllon Illll Ilnmh There II more need Ihun mrr lur Iurh body Tm outcry llnlnu lho 0H Inmuu llmwul In mini rmnlmeul mnllnuu Io bu mm the um lluml dl on lhu part of pllhlk lur people whn tlmmlolvu In In pl No vwmnnm Thvm lhlxnlhnulhl nllgh lwnulgl alien WW lrnlmhly on rnntlnulnx tnmmlulon whlch could also mm mnllm much rudmrlhulhm uhlch wnuld nc nmmuul on Iha Indenmllln Ind gym he pald nalcdn uprr Irnco hamHm lhm would no he ann hchlnd lha re Imhummcnl memMrI Xurxlnmcnu unul lhr mnln nnul xltm All oulnldo nm really cant bu crlllclnd loo muth For Mbodylnclud hm Hm membm of Pullumrnl and our vnrlnm lemlnlum In Cnnndnynl hu Ill down Ind Hmuxhl out Jml wlun llw ro munmllon public repre Icnllllvo properly Ihould be INEFPENDENI IIODY 1111 nomnlhlnl lho lnfl x01 do Every editorial writer lnvlho counlrrand lol flu cl zcnsl mmnd had mmtfllinx In my Ibnul Iha Ollawn mum hm boasllnl lholr stipend In 5000 yur Mn it wnl nnlnbla lnr Im lhlnxa Luck ol underllnndlnl and Ilck balance someflhynleVm Ind coml able excllemnm Ahaul member pay uaI mzens There Is In on much lndlflzrence too much lnlsrez hire and In attitude ol Whnt good can do It up in each one of us to main our View known to check ha resch headlong rush Inln mud ocrily But am Ilrald lhnt Ihe vulce of the Herthrdshlra Souler Is very much voles crylnl in the wilderness Even whhln the boundaries that counly the erecllon he eyesoru of which It wmpllim Inc on particul arly In the vIclnIly of the new town which hlvn been dovelup ed there to like cm of hu overflow of people lrnm london QUEENS PARK TORpNTO jhnrel bun The Salary Problem For Public Service DON OIIEARN writtr nsnly lhn prurnl moo mmpluloly unmlhllc TM EXAMINER WANT Am IIIONE IA um would btlleva hm hm lhln flmuM he mlnlmum 5000 an Hlurly mlxbluml pm nhy wouldnhow Uul It would ho more nul In lhe munllme lnr lhOIr ulm du lcl In hm llma Ihould he Amp rrmummllnn no lhal lhry In no tilled on or mul llm mo and nlhnr anan lhuuld ho umlinllur rerlnlnly our vwrmnlulmn now In ml lha hm Annlher II he hnmrd da feul mm hm lu hu In Ind probably In lamlly ponl Nun when he Inflle up nunln until curry on lam hll One them llul law orcu pnllnnl wlll pnrmll Ihrro months yur nlluhlch In nboul um mlnlmum lo allnnd malnu hm Labor all well roprcscnlcd ar Ill Ipokumul nrc nubsl rifled Cupilul can allord II ll wnnu nut Iho mlddla classno Therlflm olher tnmldrrl lonl ulde lmm ply why lhl to And lodny the map who most nccd rtprescntnllnn lhu mlddlo classes Ire than who really cant cl ltar not at leal pmperly The men who would be his Imkcsmm lur Mxlmply cant Iflard public mvlct When his precept was estab lhhed In Vlclorlan Enidmi and bdnrn lhm practically was no middle cluL Between the gen try and ha marker lhcru was very Illlle By THE CANADIAN PRESS 195 Premier Mal iov Announced Lh Soviet Union possessed the Mamie bomb The Ashburion Webster Treaty wan Iigned It Wash ington 121 years Ign today in ma to xettie out standing dittermce be tween Clnadn Ind ha United States The treaty was negotiated Lord Ashburton nnd DE ei Web ster Ind nttted Among other things disputes on boundrte between the two neighbors Ailhouzh tha truty wax not popular in Canadl til Uniud State or Britain it Ierved compromise 19¢ An Itumlc bomb ropng on Naggsykl Aug mm DANGERFIELD MOTORS ma nn ynumll mull 11w valuu an nlwnl lhll loud II TODAY IN HISTORY GET msm¢ OTTAWH REPORT almond on your loclarl enml nallan Ind ndvlce Dur Dr Molnm Whit ll mcnnl hy he lenn myocardlll lntnrrn thl II he but rub mrnuMn Sometime lhl lunzuo wllh lwlhhnuh Item toovm9ma Um mndnlnn In some Individun Dcnlum cream or pastes 111M be In valved And cxmxlvo Imoklnl does It In quu Instances So you hav been ullng nmlhinurs dlmnilmflnz Ihem mly be Ihu Inswtr count you no Inklng thrm under yuur doctor lnllrucllonl con Iull Mm Hm Possltily Iï¬crused dam Vllnmlm and pump will help Somcllmu such Ipol are due lo Imn dtposlu multlnl mm lrrilnnu In the moulh Tooth or Vlnzcnxcs Ihoy can thanxe lha bacterial ballnca ol the maulh Whitt Could cum um condl UglyMm ThenIre lBVllfl possiblll Hes Anllblotlcs can do ll 11 lakcn HI cupsulalnrm By JOSEPH MDLNER MD Den Dr Molnm hlve black 1pm on my onguz have been akin vlumlm but that doesnt mm to be lha Answer Bermuda like lhe more dls uni Caribbean lslhnds used to he lhnughl as playground or the idle rich especially In our snowbound early monihs year llul the airliner has changed all Ihal In only lwn hours the Nicholson lamlly wu jailed mm the complainde heal oi Mammal in tho ocean cnoled sunshine oi Bermuda on modern mnzic camel open aled by Trans Canada Air Lines Just lime to enjoy duly1m bottle of bubbly with Ill ex cellent lunchplus birdl eyu view ol allecilonaleiyremem bered Cape Cad we passed over lrlhlnk ma llyearold Vicky who read the Bermuda 45000 but 000 tum bed make tourism their biggest business Last year 4000 alr llners each tank an average of over 100 delorx there Includ hlz many Canadians Fewer visitors make the may ma trip Iron Nay York Bermuda Is cum 100 Isles of which only 20 Ire in habltcd mh Iota um In less than 20 qugre miles Their ll meansrnrhun lunch the smaller British West Indie are mentioned as our possible lllh province That bl question but them In no ques tion at all about the warm wel mma hay would all live to customs union with Canada TQURISIS WELCOME Ah wu hwn In Bermuda and ah novah wnntl leave ma home but Iho would Ilka to visit Nzw York just to Me an 51mm ring day his don called 09 RI RI The holiday visitors we were quickly come under lha naming spell of The Sum mer Islands Bermuda ll called Elem sun makes that mral strand lush and different One quickly forget the race back home in me worldl Brent esllourlsl mm which even banned or hull century llllt noisy Innpvnlllm hellnor can Taxidriver Jlm Monbuy ex pounded his Ilmplu phllowphy of Itos happlnm In um mem orable mnlznce he drove the Nichnison family Ilonx the Iwisllng Meanderfringed lune ol that Island Iornetlmu culled End T0 GOOD HEALTH Several Causes For Spots 0n Tongue PATRICK NICHOLSON ForgetBafï¬n Bermuda Holiday We In lhlnh In God Alwayl tar you III mnllnl menqu you In our munpl TumIv calm Mn our uprcnlnnl MIL mac Inch II In rrcvunlu HII wmlh ul peoplen vnlua fur nrnlrr lhnn lhnl my mnlmfl lhlnu Llncoln uld vaidcnce la hm mndc everybodyl log Jun Ion enaunh to mch lhu round Growlh tonst In hay about 29 and In girls about In Mlcr hut hormone Injec Honl cannot encourage luflhcr mwlhand probably tnuldnl hm mllcr timer don wmle me In rtmu Jusl In ccpl our naluIrIlpckghL Height clermlned by her edity and lime clue In use hormone Imbalance common may hrlnx 1me up lo whnl was originally luppoacd lo be bug lhall about IIL Dur Dr Molnrr am 20 and Illhouah In good henllh but very lull56 hnva heard um hormone hob cm tumu lnle lmwlhf but lhal lhey an Also have bad ellccll herd my chance growth mu 315 fly 20fl lmtmenl consist of Ilvlnl In eh My lo Ivnld Inluru BIBLE THOUGHT We laund many Canadian were enjoying Bermudal un usual summer lady 1mm Oshawa wan lame In the shin contest the beauty queen from chlna the mostpholn graphed vlsitor he murmlnz Glllesple amin 1mm Onkvllle were everywhere alluuer an the renlex motorimd hlcyclu Other Canadlann took holldny Jobs them llke the nlce blond hunk mm In Oltnwu high Ichoal Ind hlarlllmer Barbara recepllonlng ant lavorlll toltoxevholel One even lound Cnnndllns popular visitor at the Enzlhh type pub the Hal Penny enjoyluz llshandnhlps and yard hltlcr them Maybe even that sun porch wlll one day be Canadlan mica to en the Ularéiilils thrive Tha tiny tree imgs continu ous chorus from dusk till dawn ranks as distinctive noclurnal melody will the nightingale Bukeley Square and the bull irogs Lake Niplsslnz Bril liantly colored lizard abound imported nnly 20 year ago In combat lhe deadly blighl killan IQ famed Bermuda cedars but man cannot but naiur the lizards flourished and the mel ndimq pascadeg bird was im or about the beneficiary oi nature wuper hnpl Andrew Marvell Who three centuries no wrote the poem Where the remote Ber mudas ride He described lhil eternal Spring which here enamels everythlnxr In that enhmel we inund the Il most evenbioaming hibiscun in over 150 varieties the mliestic red blooming royel pondlna tree the proliï¬c oleender pink and white and many other How en which the must memor Ibie the delicately irazrnnt lrenxipnni Then there are those Itrnnze red blossom in the bananl zrnve beside our cat inge where we plucked warm ripe iruli ior our breakfasts 50NGB MG nd To em ha Ohmlo lily aver Injured by Carol wt hive lonz wulht mm In lmhfnz on our holidaysand wonderful cur hat in proved be But we had never befor beea so far Bermudnl pink coral benches everlasting nun exam colon And that met yhlch Pamlll lha understand which pamlh Inga 15a rat ace