Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1963, p. 3

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33$ mum rnlnlvl Jury Hrnnh Amum lhl Tmunln Will Hm Mal CNN mun HIM le my knew he ml MI rvmm muplo nl hay In lulu Imnl dlvrd lmlnulI nloly Into IF In My mum mm Hm lmy An luvur nllrr lu lnzhlrnl Dr William Funlnnun Mll cr qnnunml lb Ind and Him llmun Inquuu nmumhl lnnlllll anmhlp Inllm Clllrt VIHIMII llmwn Inlul LM Mo Mulkln Inn Mn and MM Hum Mulnlklu Mnylru lhl Wlllnudnlr mu Ilrmk Ivy lhn Imutu pvmwllnr and WM llwn ImrllEM mhnm annnclnun lJyrnNIH Wlllnwllnln lmy wwlnl Innricl wt 1er Mrly ymrrduy nvrnlnl MM Mn MI by nulhonrd mu mmm whllu lemmlnl under mlrr nluml 75 HIGH ma Ila gm ugmnmmt um In Hm cue bulk Hem whlch could unduzn Any Indl cu dumn chnnnu wllhln le month ntrlod Ilka lurnllllre lo he ordered nmund he In lho can of mmhnndisu lhnl undergo lllllo xlyln chnnua ram yur to year Inch nI 51mm and IkIboou 0m lock In ordcred almosl lmmrdlnlcly Intr lho wlnler season In our Ill qullo nn an Inld Jack Gnrncr Gnrnul Mtnl nnd llqy Wrnr Full winlcr and Chrislmnl slack buylnz or null mtrchnnl la nlmml Ilke Ihowbusincu you uAunlly nrdcr what ynu wan wrll nhml ol Um Hit By Boat Lad Is Killed llnrrlu hurnlmro Uri wnnl urchma ll wlnlu Ilnck unlll Fwn Iurnllnra ohnwl unu been Work under way on the name Church ol Chrm 850 000 aneAslorey mature at Cook and willowdnlo Slmu He has llvcd In Barrie whh III wife and three teenagc child ten or me past year He had made lrlp to Canada during Rev Wesley Jones says that he hopes the first scrvlca can be held in ma church on he first Sunday In November expected um he church will be completed In 1an Och er Mr Jones AL nullve 7Kan lucky has served the church mlsslnnary In bulb Canada and the southern US CONTRACTOR Michael Bu chuk mud and RW Wfllly Jone Iumy tho ail Christmas Items Are Ordered Early Start Building Of New Church on Slr hm slcphrnn Mml and onn Wonr mid but hlI nrdor ll uwnlly plncud Mound Scpumber lomle luuo ddlnllo burl hnblh And orrr Ilw yum Inunlnw on Am Hull mnhlIhu lrcnd ho Inld PAMIIN AFFAIR VINNIIEG CI John Tlmku Cnnndlnn lncluu Hallway annlnoor who mlm ll ym nlur 50 yum with Um nllwny one lhm lxmlhm wlm hm Mal erI wllh Hm mmnny Iwrllu lmn In xlullymenl In Mll Wu about fix to uvtn months ahead at the unions in nur nurchnlcs hu Inld The mnnulnclurm nerd llmo In pro duce lhcsu mltlu One or lhu problem lnllm run lnlo lhl lhofllll mum llno Theyro him In rrnlnco when wn run Ihurl bccnuu they nnl reuulnr Ilod mnnulnduml produc on Frank Crosaley uslennl munnxcr nl Valkucl Shun Inld ll order or all Chrmmua nnd wlnlcr nrn unmlly plncui alter Cherlmns Ihl macadan yo Mlcndcd can In London Ind one in Monlrenl The greatest strength or Ihe Church Christ In Canada now centred on the Niagara Peninsula At present about 12 men arc to come In Barrie with heir families from the soulhcrn US the past slx yearn conducting his mlsslonary work Thu mates advantnfe ho twoacre site my chael Bachuk canlnclnr the avail nhlllly ol spun or upnnslnn The church wlll have adjoining room or 0mm and Sunday School and as the congrclallnn whch at present number abuul 30 expands nddlllanal space will be added dnlc nlreelL Construction ol DISHES Thu Firm In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 29 Dunlop En leu om Onion PA 60163 ar 64 CITY Cm Conurll will be held cnch ove nlnn lhn wcckmd Highlight lho lullvnl wlll ha 511nm nll nluhl hoolommy Silver Elnnvn Inrk I5 mllu north of Drllxln nn lliuhwny II Sev cmnrldm nm thaw built around an nllCnnadlnn cnsl Featured wlll bo Inn and Sylvia Alan Mills slmnm Jnhnlon sm Phillips and Hulk and Jun 111a tench lot halal accom modnllon hu mud to Barrio plan an lnld or Influx ol 13000 loll Ilnllnl bull to lhu Marlpnu Folk Fullvnl In Or HI lMl wcekrnd lo help In the organization 01 1h church Teachers from as at away as Kentucky Vlmlnlnvand Ma bamn will be In Banlo to In 5mm Bible study course sponsored by the Barrie Church Chris at North Callcglnte In smut mm Monday to Friday Classes from man to 1130 In the morning wIIl lndudn muyles slugsongs Instruction in crnlu recreation and Bible study The classes are deslzncd fur sludems ram grade one to 13 Expect 25000 Rt Folk Festival oodrso for adults wlll he held In the evenings The adult meetings wlll Include lnglng but wlll alsu Ienlure talks by visiting pnshm and films the church which has Jun be gum II expeded to he flnlshcd by lbs and 01 October Ex amine Nola Import Teachers For Bible Study Council SessiOn Monday Evening IvlnnlpclHclcn Laulle Run dnl 01 former milslrnr nl nuvm nr nrllhh Columbia DuranChum Finhcr as utond oldest the uvcn Flnhrr brolhcrl nulnmollvo lama Council will uiso rmivo iclier oi lhnniu from Iho Curm dinn Red Cross Society and hm ieilm mm the Commit lw oi Adiustmrnl Thcy mo in nnnrd to an nppiicniion iii Kirk decision mnnrding the application nolinson and Nolita oi iimrin or Sinlinr Construction to erect up dwelling inL Last 1ch ma under com municnllom on Ihn agenda letter mm ha Geurglnn Bay Develnpmml Conlcrence regardlnx conlercnce be held Sum 18 and 17 letter lrom the Royal Cnnudlnn Le xlon rcqucallnz pcrmlsslon tn hold the Annual Soap Box Der by parade in lcllcr from lhn Board ol Pnllce Commlsslonerr regardlng establlshlng Coun ly Pollco Force and lellor mm the Department of Econ omle and Development re port Survey of Need and De mand or Federal Pravlnclnl llcnlnl llouslng Battle my Council will hold regular meeting beginning pm Monday In the Councll Chambers at City Hall Mm remlving dcpulnllons council will hear the tolluwing cmnunlcnllmu think theyre magnificent ha snld when askcd to comment on lho Cmtra of which there are only low In his country and on the way the gownnment handles tourist Information Mr Knus was In Barrio yes terday guest Doug Robert snn assistant direclnr of he InIarmallon Brunch Dcpnrlment Travel and Publicity Ontario and toured his first Government mms not much dlflorcnca between tourists lnCannda and lourlsu In Mulayn on the other side at the globe They all ask ncsllons about Ihe country eyre In And Mohamed Mohd or sham Kou Hln Solleh an lormnlion Officer with tho Mo lnyon Government on three monlh stay In Ontorlo through the Colombo Plan one the person Involved in the dlssnmln algon of Molnynn Inlonnallon fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Malayan Information Officer Appreciates OntarioMethods DEATHS SARJEANT C0 MD PA 82461 fill 1qu Mom on In much anon and lnqulrlu mrlh Aldo lrom Davidson street to Bolhwcll mutant dlslnnce ol 343 ml on Grow mm em mull llde ram Duvldson Almol lo the west 11ml the pramfly at No In dlmnco ol 694M led and on Dnvldson drool cm Ilde mm Gunn drool 10 Gram and em didance 91505 col under the provlslom he bocnl lmprovemenl Am 111 will have an and NM rendlngpl lurer Bylaw change the nnmu curlan mm In the City 01 Barrle will get first and sand mxdlnu letter trom Barrieyblsldut 001 kginto Board rezanflnl flu pm posed addition lo Barrie Noflh CollegQIle Council WI ulna rccnlvn poru of he allowing winding conmfltm Pubflc Works City DevelopmeM Finance Ind Fire and hamc Alter motion deallnz with communications deferred hul ness and ncconntl Councll Iwill dcnl wth lilo 1110th by law Abylaw to name cerlnln streets In ha City Barrie Mgti endlnm hyan authorize the hy lng or ourmm wldo mum Aldewnlk on van Mm mt mm My Irom Davidson ham to amend mule byln will thrpo grudlnxg Maui for pain the City mum befirecrdved Mr Kaus writer oi infor mation namphieu snid he in vel departments ailice in Tor onln were very intercsllnm Ive seen many colorful publications When back we iniend to produce mare oi luch Publi cation nmncl mums Abohl his time already pent in Ontario thoroughly enjoy able This afternoon Mr Ken Mr Robertson and Peter Head sup crvlsor the local reception centre visited modern mom on Highway 400 the minute Mr Kan had seen Hes In Cnnada to ninety 1n nrmallon techniques particul arly Ihnsa Ontario This In his 19th day of the threemonth vislt He was later taken on tour of rgnarl Simon mm 11 337 boat trip on Kempen my bmbumwsunmnmm onuuymuummuu In ummxymum mm ad mumw umnnmkolmm mumcau lunm land SUNUGU anon run IHE 1mm nun yum on Haw had wndcflu Um no hr The flu few day her wa spent In Athens The hagg llng In lhu Greek slates wu very Internsung Although ha rim were at malnly tour DTCEI Thu hunt In the my was wane lhnn out here on the Plain Marathon least we hnva continuum north wind hava found that Ehllhh ll perhaps lhu mull unlveml lnn zuaxn In lhn camp am am making real use my French One of he most dcllghllulgnd enhyable presentation was Bradley Browns lmllauon of Joe Bmwn and the jovlll Lou Armsgmnl NEW DELHI AHThere are more than 7000 lulemo hangars among the capltnll population of 2500000 pawns loomding lo lurve eon gucllefijytha Delhi no 01 Mi house oi vibrant and axpecinni children applauded perinImeII at the Barrie Re creation Oommiimu hrku Vatier Night at Codrinmn School last night Tilla wu Ihpwhusineu ei lori that succeeded iniriy well in anieriaininn iho audinca composed oi puka children iheir parents and instruclon Over no children collaborated to mold thalone mud hall hour program with aldll intermo mlonn and mlnslnl Ilnglng 111m sglmmoI vet lines law them on televislon the 10year old ma wnnled to impelmum Lham Soéiil Wink ATTENTION MOHAMED KAUB BinSal leh centre Mnlaynn gov rbmmt inlanmum officer cured the Ontario Govern ment Departmml Travel Barries Scouts Havent Met YoungSatchm9 Adds To Variety Night Fun Thln letter 1mm Burrle Queen smut Mm OBmhl mm the World mm Jumbone xi Greece mmwr llu ml in II unm hr your lllrh khan Mp In no to If all In Ilu Imlll dmlll Idl mr huh uul rewind AVOID 7H TERMOPENING RUSH HIGH SCHOOL gSTIlDENIS For The High School Students WEAYMOUTHS The noun uretched ram each Alale or Die valley to 10 other On the Irenl floor was hug copy our present Jambom badge ll wan Iurroundcd by the badge pm Ilmboms Thm wen Ipotllihled one time An lhll wal bclnx done Greek mu carried torch across the Irena And Ilghkcd Aland with IL The camp no Inn and long that have no lean Wur rcn Law yet Ihould have Kellen hll camp number earlier bu Ilarfll lnlerspmed throughout the program wen award pruenlm Hans Melanie West wu pm sewed with Ibo mcycle Rodeo Trophy by Tony Tnnb She place top In our categorize out of 99 entrants Bah West and Cathy Rlbukln were presented with their Top Fay and Top pthward rorn Dianna Davielwa presmled with hu uchery medallion by Tim Cameron other crem nnri Iwnrdl pmenlcd included lhn gtris Mlhaii mm the boy auilhail amt Ind Junior imeh median and lenior Iwimminl award Lm mum gel In looking or my lubcnmp And crolnd Several time In hi akfl II was given resounding hpnd by the audience and upon com pletion of his suchmo impelu nonauon heldup NI hand to the audience while my applaud ad Ind uldfEnouzh Another ml which proved to be an Indium chmner wn the openlnl number Beats by Al Shear Park zlrll Dane lng or rather choreography ax amplified to the lune of Peter Gunn by the lbyamldl wn borougth enloy by 11 The big opening or the Jun boLu look plgcq yalerdny and Publicity napkin cen tn on Highway 400 yesterday Mr Km LI in Candi an the Colombo Plan and lludylnz Canadian method omh publicity left Peter BOOK STORE The sum show recently per armed fur crvwd 10000 In an10 Lou Ganicru Tamnla Tho lhnW in the chk Clark radio ow that fill Dlsc jockey Dub Smllh will be master of cercmnnlcs or the show which also Klara Duo Dec ShunI Randy and the RI bows lho Angel and the Com pllmcnu The Four Season will head Hm mammoth rock and roll thaw In barrio Arena Aug 16 icinin Viburrlniv annals lhn rnUrn llvamha width be log Ilmlmd lggnln In closlng mu wmta EX cuso tho mum and Green pun on the paper Head rupexvlsnr th cen tre right Doug Roberta nn mutant dlrector of the Inlnrmnllnn branch Ontario Dcpurlmcnt of Travel and Publicity Examiner Phom Four Seasons To Rock Em Mm MEMO BROWN

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