Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1963, p. 14

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WI ll IA J4 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC lemnsmw nuns Am mtKnUnN IINfln lenln mum ml Inumuvu mum Amuu um mun nun Numlu llmlll mym Mnmurrn lulylrnnn Lu mvlm rum mum 7nd unnl llnd Ivm nutm lamhum 1va Wlluvn IIA mm uamllnn nwm IT mu lo mva IT mm Iva CANADA CAN HELI PRINCE II Snsk CICnnudn should be nblu lo an much In rlng about the na lmrenco la the pnrllm bun agreement by French Presldnnl gg In OppnilunnIchqer Dlalcnbnkor In Thursday Mr Diurenhnker anld mnnkind cnn brenmo enslvr because cl lho Ignlnn the lest bun agrcc mcnl hul udder taugrout hope may he hull up because II He Inld the nm slop In on law 1h use outer lpaco or mllllury purposes Mnnmlnl no cowm II COLLIER IT WILSON MOORBY anIan soucrron 11 OWEN ST mu CONDUCTOR FINED TORONTO CF Conductor Leonnrd McDonald 35 Thnrlday we llncd me or so In loll or onerotlnn hll Lreelcar wnlle under the lnllu ence of alcohol He was char ca under the rtnllway Actl Poles nah theynw McDonald xlltlng glassy eyed In Atntlennry ltmtenr lle pleaded gnllty CIIAIU WONT QUIT MONTRE CplTho Que bec Republlenn Party madne tarl have urged pnrty Lender Marcel Chnput lo alve up hll all for lends but Dr Chnnut hnl reluncd The party enld medleal advlacrn lenr Dr Chu Eut may have henrt trouble ll cantlnucl llll hunger Itrlke to relle money for the senerntlut cnuaer llawever nald lhe pony In Itntement Thursday the alt wlll contlnue unlll $100000 hue been contrlbnlcd Se lnr 5000 ha been eontrlhnled REPAIR CABLE MONTREAL CPIA lnult In melar tranrallunllc cable ha been rcpnlred spokesman or Canndlnn Overseas Telecommu nlcntlnn Corpornllon enld Thur dny The cable new operat an nt normnl capaclly The fault at pelnt about 250 mllcl all the North Amerlean cantl ncnlnl shell occurred luly 12 The cable runs between llnmp den Nlldu and Chen Scellnnd EQUEATH BODIES EDMONTON CF Scores ol Edmonton resldcnll have he qucnthed thclr budlcs to the an new department at the Unl verllly ol Alberta Dr Meson head ol the department lald Thursday It week nun Dr Leeann sold the unlverllty mlght have to llmlt the number of medlcnl school Iludcnte because ol lack ol endnvm The re cent bequeststho netual num ber was not nvallnblchavo eelved the long lorm problem but there ll an lmmedlate short anon CIMRII KILL SEVEN FONTANA CnliI AW nlnllan wnunn currylnl man and nlnn chlldrcn cralhcd lnln runcrcle abutment an the Sun Warnnrdlno Frccwny Thurldny HIM mm of them SzL nich rrd Chapman he Culllor yln hlghwny palm said Iha driver Forrrsl Lchg 41 La Anxrlcn had Just passed lrnllcr truck nppnrcnlly loll nnlcep nnd nllcd lo slrnllhlcn on PRODUCER INJURED SANTA MONICA Cal AP Prnduttr Sld Lufl husband 01 Ilnzcr Judy Gndnnd was taken WM HINTONI BA JAR EXAMINER MEALAUGUH nnmuu or and Mary Puhllo PA Mn 35 Owen Corner Collier and Owen SIECKLEY FUNERAL HOME flAfiMfiTlflfl nerrrnnI Nnnluu IlYlIIJK rnann nun mm harmxv II but In rummi Nlnrh Dfllrl Olllrm ll CON DER SUGG BovsTsnAmiim now cowANimWAN ummms 12 mm FUNERAL HOME nnhmu ml luxlrnum nIIIrr 5L llnrrln Plum MM IWHIDI IVNI NnflllAll le1 Inmonlnl Illl WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF tocknmm PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY mm human am mmuu on than flum yr um 60 Inlrlm no FA 6M9 lEGAI rA mu IIDIICM II THERAPY nmmlAL nvMNAInCJ ll mm In mumIa hlneluo Conu Mnu And PM Thu III mmm DH lA Illll Noel Slophcmnn 10 IIIIMHIIIT mm nu nmu lhlml 7A IUfll mum um nu Humans or osnjofAmv Fm mm mm llmle nllrla Tolrlvlmm um um WILSON nsrmrmnc rmmc EXAMINER WAN Al IONS VA MIN SPIES CONVICTED KANLSRUIIE West Germany AlJAn East German coupra wn convicted Thursday spy lng for Communm Earl Gur muny The man war sentenced to lhreu yum In prison the woman to one year Erhard luck SI and hls wife Inge many mom ruvu nunnan on forum mm man All Ancf MM Illalum ll THE DAVIES OF CANADA mum Ilan Hum mm mm In hwr Admolh nnonlmhnu Innm Um LINE HROKEN HELSINKL Flnlnnd Reuters Finnlah conrlmclion worker drove nn excnvntor through Iha MoscowJVnrhInulon hut llne Thursday and broke telecom munlcnllonA He was clearing ground or In new highway on lho aulsklru nl Ielslnkl The llne whlch cnrricl both to phone and tulcprlnmr connec lluna was rupnlrcd about our hour ntlcr bnlnx cut 13 Ex pcctnd he randy or nurvlcu up an emergency llnk bclwnn Moscow and Washington next month 32 had worked or lhn Ens Germnn mm acrvlcc and had gnlhnrnd Information on US nuumylmmunuom RECORD 289 TREMORS Yugoslnvln Rcumral Skopje xclsmolcxl ml slullnn hnu reglnercd 2w earth Human alncu an unh uuko destroyed IouMillhl 3m mmhcm Yugmluv my 13 days mm the news agency Tun Jug nnld Thursday THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mm AI Cnllvr IL rho IA UNI Former dlctntnr Guxlnvo Rojas PlnHln sought for as hnun an chnmo planing to sake the government was arrested at hldo out In northern Bogota Thursday security onlch an nounced pollcu spaknsmnn laid 10 other accused 1n vulvcmem In the conspiracy In cluding aonlnluw nuns also wero cupmrcd Mina PA mm NndhlmCA II UnduhlllCA humm hrlmn coum mumms CINCINNATI AP Slngcr Rosemary Clunney and actor Jose Fetter lay Ihayva re unltcd and lhelr divorce out The couplu relaxed Thuraday wIlh rclalivna and Hands of MI Clmney who first oId re rte ml the rcooncIIInIIon cdncaday nIghl AIIEI nrrlvlng with Ferm lrom Las Anaech by plane She enld Ihey cun cnlled lhnlr CnlIInmla divorce lhrco monlhs ago mmm ARRESTED BOGOM Colombia 41 to hospital Thursday following an auto accident Caiiiornln highway ntrni oiiicm Inid Luit mm aincd oi pain in hit neck on back investigator raid Luit 47 crashed Into trniiic light Polo otter Iianclnz nit car in rent No other per son wera ininred DENY RElmfl WASHINGTON tltlt Tho Itnto department denied Thurs doy nnwr diavntche tram Vi enna flying the United Stntel and iiunn or about to sums iuii Ipiomatlc relations Sintn department Press Otticur Richard Philllp told pron conference that tho dispatches are entirely without foundation in tact VOICE PIANO IIIAMA Nlflllfl IT llMlRll Chmm Annual annnlo nu 1an Wlllon um Em JESSIE ERYSON MEDICAL MASSAGE RQSE HARRISON ANGER 11053 BX HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT MUSIC LESSONS ACCOUNTANTS OPTOMETRY oifEbPKfHé II Irvnlnlmml OTTAWA CPlSaclnl Cred la Quebec wlng cxpcclcd In press or showdown an Ihv led crn leadership lssue ml nun convpnlion lnlu lhls month More than 1000 vollng delu xnlc have been Invited to the cnnvnnllon sat for Aug 51 and Sept clnsslcnl mm In Grnlnby 50 mllcs must Man reu hlnhrunklugvnmdnl La Rnlllcmcul dc Credillstu said he convinced the Qucbcc urnup wlll cull for nnunnnl leadership cnnvcnllon by next 2000 Delegates Are Invited To Sacred Convention In Granby Vllh tho all wntcr Hud son My mirroring their dc parlure tho 34mnn crew of me Yugoan grnln carrier 12 Rod Cnp Ala nnd12 Black Lnbol 800an ono handy cuso of24l Each cuss contains thwo now Cool Carrmiys4 Rod Cup and Black Label In ouchthey lllt out to mnko cooling and qu Two great beers 1n one new pack 34 MEN BRANDON SINKING GRAIN CARRIER The Crcdillm would nlso press or revamping at tho nauanal council mu partys 2x mcmbcr rullng body In the our yioar Inlervnl between conven Inns There general Keeling amung Crcdnlstcs mix he party lhnuld choose hlllngunl leadur and nhcllsh tho posluun of dep uq Icadgrho snld The Inst federal convention was held In Olluwa In August summer one year ahead 01 the lmetnbln so in the party con smann Kustela Saturday abandoned thclr Alnklng ship to board thu Canadlnn Icebreaker escort McLean This picture taken 500 miles north of 12 Map Ale 12 Black label Beer in the new 17 TWin Pack 196i when Robert Thompson deIenlcd RM Caoucltc for tha leadership in secret bnlluk The convention Inter crenlcd the post at deputy leader and clockd Mr Caauello to It CQQUEITE CRITICIZED The nallnnal councilan nnuncnd July attera three dny special meeting here that it would recommend the eltml nation at the deputy leudcrl post to the next convcnunn Mr Cuouclle has been ill CIICd by londlng Social Credit spoknsmen In Alberta and Sas kulchcwun or by nssing Mr Thompson an such ssues as no quisllion of nuclear arms blcul Iluralism and campaign prom sca churchlll mm is by ico pn lral officer Plnmandon The crew was taken to Chur chlll lo nwnlk air transportal Hun home CP ernphnko The tower was bull by Can adas second prime minlsler Alexander Mackenzie stanc mnsan who used the mm In hlerlvgla office Another smaller room has now been openmi as aocniicd quiet room in which members and sunaiars can meditate This frees the larger Mackenzie room im nlhcr uses DRY SINCE 1916 Parliament HlIl hns omblally been dry slnce 1916 when Ilro destroyed all or he arlglnal Centre Block except the parlln mentaly library There was lmr in the nld bulldlngln whlch some say lha lire snarledand It has been com mamaraled In Room 16 lhg presenl building Ihmngh it dyes DllAWA CF Establish ment inunge in which mum berr oi Parliament and senior can enioy quieiimnmenl oi conviviailiy is being raised again possibility on Pur liarnen HiiL The proposed room in his loric connections it In In Pan iiamenis WesLBiock over its main western entrance and at the hue oi the Mackenzie Toger used in recent year the privalefiilice oi the minister of ilshcrlra was suggested by iormer prlme minister Dleienbakcr during re construction al the West Black as nondennmlnatlunal prayer room or parliamentarians It has an aakpnnelled ceiling nn intricately carved stone lire plnce and Gothic chapellike wlndaws looking wesl along lbs Ottawa River carryingthobolllos and picking uplho omplloa especially easy Moneysaving looyou pny loss for this 24cuso than to two lwolvoal THE CAR N6 BREWERIES LIMITED Lounge Is Needed Bv MPS Senators Unholslerlnx In Bun nuI Not Just Side Hum 85 BRADFORD ST BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Bcautflul sample Freo Esumalev FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA MISS EARRIE Twin Pack The subsequent story was summed up The Monlrcnler magazine by Ted Eul lack former Parliamentary Pres Gallery carres ond cnl and later government nlar mnlon olllccr now llving in Montreal contain ground floor room in lendcd as but and main floor room Intended as smok lng room or membersdecor ated rcspecllvnly with grape and tobacco leaves curved Into the cellingbul both are being used as Commons oommmeu room There no other place when members can mm In unfunny ll Benncll prime minin ler 3035 was antisocial by lempcrnmenl and imp to him scll walling rich chocolate nencrnle hi awn sllmulnnl he went along Louls St Laurent 19481957 mm Parliament lale inylile and never really un the years there has been aglmlnn among members privately for the service wlncs and splrlu 1n the pnrlll mentaly restaurant Suqcesslve Speakers of Ihe Cnmmnns and Senate have been ammnble but prime mlnlslm hava been 014 mm nggacmn BY KING new dan was occupied In 1922 pwhlbilion still prevailed in Ontario and lho inle Mackenzie King ihnn prime minister was imr riiicd the thought estab lishing in bag Block is par oi the null he Speaker oi the Commons and is available for MP5 television viewing room when lhe Speaker is no entertaining aiuncheon ardinnnr Rdlo Equipped Cubs CENTRAL TAXI NEW YORK APlAn Asso clalcd Press hula was trans milled Thurs ny by lhu new Syncom satellite mm Lake hursl NJ in Lagos Nigeria the flu news service plckure In he sent by synchronous Intel le dcrslood either its spirit or Its worklngl As or he Iale prim mlnlsmr Dlelenbnker 195763 ho was burdened with the high morality mall lmm luelomllerfl in country burn ni cum promise where give and lake based on mutual understanding and respect is the Essenllnl ni national survival he very Par iinmcnt Buildings are designed in pcrpclunle rccilmulinm and dliicrences he writes The dumonslrnllon plctun showed Chla Adeho NI lerlan nmhuundor In th Unltcd Nations and Ayo Emeka Aziklwe son 01 the zovmor general of leerla In the UN bulldlng spokesman at the Lakehum sending station Iald they had re word from Lngul that tummy the picture we ex Farllament lllll ls glvln la nl lhuugh In the summa on by Mr Bullock Mr Pennsun who know more about the great world Ind ll way than many 01 pre decessors did when they sumed olllce will perhaps wr Iccl these lhlng Photo Transmitted Via US Satellite SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Repllrl ALL MAXI Tlflln PA 811 aonYwdRK

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