Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1963, p. 11

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5521 IN Mn Gram Pyhnm Jana and Blake returned la slinglnn after visiting her parents Ml And Mrs Beardsall Miss Glmna Downy Barrie sited her aunt Mu Thom loll Thin And Mrs anmtock guest Mr and Mn Charla Med al Thoma spent lb tend wllh Mr and Mn El in Latlmer Cpl and Mrs mwan Dexter and Inmlly Gander Now Fnund and are vlslllnl their pargnu ML and Mn Geurle Dexter 21m being mud to Bazotvllla ink nucxwonm Mrs never Mu Gn hnm Christlc nchnls In forum hospllnls Ewart Thur an in Pcnelunl Ganerll Hos mllnl Recent vhllnrs wilh Mr And Alvin Pinch wm ML and llrn llmcy Wood Ind child Jrn Toronto Mr and Mn Lou Hocka Ind family at LWIIItrdoun um Pinch cl Ro nn Mr and Mrs Barry Mmmlnl Tamnln mm lho wcckcnd uh Ihclr grandpnnnlq ML Ind In Manning Alvin Finch and non Pinch lnndcd the 100th nnnlvmnry llurlbtrls uth near nwm lvury Ind nncucd lhrlr friend hlp with whoa chums of Ml IKO iiils mama mum and Miss Jlflralon Tornnlu accompled Mr find Mrs Duckwartil ia Gravenhum An in attend ihe wand concert ioaturinz Bar ie Collegiate Band iiiis Janice Zinger who was in patient in the Royal Victoria Jinspiiai Harrie has bean taken in Tornniu General Hospital or urlher Irealmcni Valtcriiihggnrd 1nd Frank Leoplrd Thnmbury spent Sun day wilh Hurt Grnhum II THE SICK 91 Mr and Mrs Mel Ruwnl Guests at Mr and Mn Schandlcns were Mr and Mules and Sue Capl For Ian Lime Curran Mrs am Shetleld and granddaughler Cralxhural Mrs Elmur Graham of Ale on vlsiung Mn Thomson ind other rclalivns hm Mn and Mrs Garden Ogilvle AryALynn and David Toronto an gucsls Mn Wllllam cnrdsaIL also Mr and Mn cargo Boardsall nexdale mm Mr And Mn Albert Yflev and Mrs Will turned hnme tmm their hull dnys at their college at Ma Kellar They mended he Anzevllla Cenunnm on Monday Ilhelr dnughtur Mrs Carrie Mn ISlenninand Wayne and Darrel anndqn hav moved In an nparb 1mm In Barrie Mrs Dauglu Jackson mallenl ln the Royal Viclorll Hosplml Barrln Her many Mend wlsh her speedy wvery Mr and Mrs Don Cameron St Catharines called on friends 01 Monday Mr and Mrs Wllliam Grahnm fund lamlly visited Sunday with Mrandlrs Duckworlh erand Mn William irwin Iudiamily and Mr Illd Mu any Litimer and Arlane re hlnied home mm month Midm in in weal They at llndld the Calgary Stampede Sgt IndMra Georg Gould ind Pnlsy went in Pinion on hid Mrs Gould and Palsy flay or holiday with her 1mm Mr And Mn Albert ifikounn COUNTY 3m and Mn Duck worth and MI and Mn 0m ntan spenllhe weekend In ronla Mr and Mn Norm lfllnck and Mrs Mary Reid ac nmpled menu home USTMASTEII Arpllrnllmu are hclnl mtlv or Hm pmlllon ponmnler By TERRY ELMVALE ANGUS Mr Ind Mn Gordon Dunn more were hall on Sundny eve nlng In mherini cl lha Dum mam Mmlllu plcuanl ow nlnz wu spent vlcwlng colur Alldu thown by Doug Dummure Cnmp Burden which he look of Cnlulry Slnmprde Mm Wm mm he Mlddla when he wu wllh hl Unlled Nullom Emmtncy For cu lhrrc hm year also Ahfwcd plrluru llmlly Mer 05 Mr nnd Mrs Leonnrd Edgcr ton enjoyed holiday ll Luke Romu hluakokn Ind Mr Gordon Mklnaon nnd nmlly lamlly won week at nnlm Bench AM Jory II vlalllng hll uncle Elmer Jory and Mn Jory Orlllln Vlslllnz In the neighborhood recently were Mn LamA Kerr nl Tomnlo with her ulster Mrl Roy Parlrldge ML and Mn Snm Oxford at OHIWI with Leonard Edgennns Mr and Mn Murray 01 Tavlslnck wllh Mr and MIL Roy Newson Mrs Charles Carr 01 Tennis wlm hll daughter and sonlib llw Mr and Mn George Flaw er Mn Jory and Mr Ind Mrs Cyril Mnxium erkhnm with Mr Ind Mrs Ptnry Jory Robert Dunlmore Cnmp Ror den with his Krnndpnrcnls Mr and Mrs Cecil Dunsmoro Mr and Mrs My Parlrldxe Mr uld Mn Partrldge and Inm1y and Mr and Mn Nnrman Tuck allendtd lhe Vlce neunlon It Midhum Park Mr and Mn Gordan Duns mura and lumlly Mr and Mn Dunsmm and family unan dcd ha Lennnx reunlnn on Sun day at Mldhum Puk wnrm welcome II exlcndgd lo lhe Inlanl Iona born In Mr Ind Mn Cnnucu and Mr and Mn Dunsmare Mr and Mn Jim Curtis and non Paul Orlllla ML Ind Mrs John Hill of mm were men vlallon wilh MII Hnrna Mr and Mrs Enrl Conn al tendcd Ihe funeral at the arm er broth Lou Conn ol Cree mnre on Tuesday Av ernoon at St Vin cent PerkBarrie tire Lazinan families held their reunion end picnic Arthur Lengmnn preli denti Wu Absent owing to Illness Antlnl as chairman we Hurry Lengmln oi Hawkeetone ring song was led by qusr tette oi Mrs Clarence Carson Mrs Harry Rowley Gershsm Lengmsn end Jack ltitchle nc compenled by Mu Earl Parnell on piano accordion lhe child rens nee Ind few events for nduluwera enjoyed The 1964 onle will be held at Cou dllch ng Perk Orlllll Dsw eon Ansley recited two or his poems bleed on the Leng men inmin and mans interior lty lhe secretnrl Helen Moria Lsngmsni Orlllil presented Ipflzes to the ioilowing Com ing longest distnnN Dewron Ansley Hlllierdton oldest gen liemsn preseniJohn Lungmuu Orlllie oldest lady Mrl Elhel Langman Orlllia youngest ba by lnienl daughter of lllr and Mrs Don Bertram Elmvele ro cenlly mlrrlcd couple Mr and Mrs Leanerd Lnngman Elm vele longest married couple lllr and Mrs Fred Llnizrnsn Cerrylng Place iormcerly ol Elmvalei Election oi olilccre president Ewer Busierl Lang msn oi Barrie secretary treaA rurer Mn Beatrice McAuley oi Elmvale Thu Grade 15 aludenls of Im vale Dlslrlcl High School Init ed patiently for their rt but war more than surpraed and lo disappolnled to find each had lulled or Elmvlla Mr Klmherle hn been ponmmer nlnca Apr 17 mo and In hll bun IIJPflVllDl of Wyevalo HelpleY Crash land Orr Lulu Ind Waverlay findjnwnmer aim post omqu WOMAN FAMILY MRS DUNSMDRE CROWN HILL ope trip to lha mt null vlulllnz relnlvu Ind rltndL WhIII In Vltlnrln ILC Huey culltd ml Mr and Ilcrrlnmn nnd Inm Mr and fl 2an Lellh nockllcn Sank And Mrs Mm film of Slounhun Sink vhllcd lhclr mullm Mr und MII Al hm llama Ind Mr and Mn nay Frater Whlle hurt lhry Ended lheubcml min MM JOHNSTON Sym nlhy In extended to NH Lm chd und lnmlly In lha drum htr molher Mn Roy Shallwnll Sympnmy Is Aim Lmdrd Io Roy Shelwell and Im Mr and Mm Carolyn mm lha Toronlo Mr and Mrs Pronhcl Jr Barrie and daughter Klm Inem Mondly with the Karma NILch hgre Thufilardlc qullud null at he home Mn Kennedy thin wuk Did you mad In Memary Lune that 25 year an Ihe Illa McLean rlnrled lhe tourist resort hm The present nwner Mr and Mrs Cooper Inn buy plan with all blnn Ind the mole nlled wlm lnurhu Carol Miller on holiday with rlrnds In Alllxlon Mr and Mn Mlllord Carter Creemurl Mr and Mrs Mervln Auslln llunmille Mr and Mrs Amos Camp Borden Mn and Mn Albert Lennux Toronto and EDurlan Camp Borden war wlthMra Arlhur Dobson Mr Ind Gordon Klng Woodstock vlsllcd Mn and Mrs nglor Turnhull Air and Mr Jack Ell nt tmded the centennlul celebrn gen 11 Orangcville over ha ha ay Km Eveth Glbsan Ix spend lng law days with her parents In Meatord Barbara Glhsnn with her cousin Beetan this week Visitor during the week were Mr and Mrs Eastwood Toronto and Mrs Agnew Mllslan Mr and Mm Arnall Sutcllfle and er Barrie wllh Mnurlce By MRS HANDY Rev Thorpe In retunr ed from hls hollduyl Next Sun day Aug 11 Mr Bartram or Gulhrla will be misting wllh the lEerCCL Mineri Vinllnn irom Gliiord al in CnmpbeiIMoray weddinn in Ten onlo Saturday Au Grace United Church were Mr llld Mrs Paul Runull Mr and Mn Keith Keil and Mr and Mr and Mrs Bill Keli Earrla well were Mra Hazel Keil nun oi the brine Ind minus Margaret and Winniired Neiiiy Mr And Mn Robert Keli were school reunion annn lock near Porl Elgln Sundny Aug They were accomplnled by Mrs Kelin ulster Mu human Toronto Ind Miss Belly anclvor ni Sudbury WONDER VALLEY Judy Nellly Anna Sawyer and Bruce Caulls passed their Jr swimman last Camp Bordon Wtdneldny July MW Sundly Au Gllford Unil ed Church Women conducled unurvIce Mn GNellly maldnnl prulded Mb Laan Steele guest maker who II from lha Sudan Inlcrlnr Mlulnn am Iplendld lddreu on Thu Work of Mlaslom In the World Today Muslc wu lupplled by Mrs Brodie oLGilrnrd Beach The callecllon wan when by Mn Doug Hugh and Mn Hughes By MRS ALLEN MILLER GILPORD RUGBY UTOPIR Prophet and wackend In Sunday leorI Ike ham Mr and MII Vlclor Held wcrc Mn Ind Mn Mnrlln Ind Mr and Mn Lonny In lnnllly Wlllawdllg Vnndlwnler ol Wn In Full upon cw day wllh her hmlhrr And Ilmrln law Mr And Mn Paleock Mrs Moore and Ian Idle and Mr and Mn Dave Hobo hurl of Toronto spent Walnut day with Mr and Mn Alljlfl Vfiobrr Ptacnck of mm mm cw day with hll grandparentl My Indulhjg in Peacock Sundny lellun wllh Brown were Mr and MII Langley Ind daunhlcrl Coldwnler Ind Mr and Mn Brown and Wm olrllurrle annrnd Mn Andmon and Sherrnn Iprnt Iha wukend wllh II Bovtqery Mn McKenzle mm vlsiled her duughlrr Mn Jornellnn Mgndny By MM MONTEITH Nell field and Ian Jimmie Sudbury 5pm lhe wcckcnd wijb ME and Mn Victor Reld Some cam ol rccklen and dangerous driving have bun noiicui nl liiineial One evening lasi week car going up the lung hill narrowly escaped coi lldlng wlih car which came around the curve nenr Bay Iinirl 1min li high ni oi lpecd it was coincidence dial two person in lilo vehicle mini up the hill wcro people who hm hm allacks no long ago and Icnrc oi the above nalurc an lmi In their heneiii Max Ormslcm Taramo who ha been wmmcr mldenl or many years has returned to Tarlnnkn or Human cryfloq Mra Shlrley Llay dnuxhutr DI lllr and Mn Gears llunlcr Ind malher of Brock Slrnhnrd dltd suddenly In Tor onlo on July 31 In her 35th year Funeral look place to Ill nl Pleasant Cemetery Aux The annual mceilnl oi the Re aidcnln Association will in held nl Baymin Lodge Tuesday eve ning August 10 800 pm Re commendnllons oi the altering Committee will submillcd and it hoped lull Illcndanc of members also new residents will present uncauraxa lha uiilcm la carry an with enihul ilsm Molln Res not beneath um true ol knowledge climb 11 roll call Should Canada hm her awn Klan Pramem chlzenshlp and educatlnn lunch Mn Eric Scoll Mrs Clarke Hum Mrl 31m Lanumln Mn Ed Johnxnm By ALLAN mamuu Mr and Mm Thomas Wonall Falrview Ave relurned recent from May cruise on Georgian Bay from Owen Sound In Saul Ste Merle and return The ma going Included call at Killnrney and hen proceeded via the Norrh Channel to the Lock and returned VII the Am erlun Locksr They report the wealhur was very good water almost calm nnd medlnz many Immennz people on board Mr and Mrs Robert Dnviu and lwa daughter ai ioronia visited iiin Daviu mother Mrs Bela Johnson on Civic Holiday fly ML and Mn Clarke Horn Muninrd Home Mr and Mn Wlllred Johnston and Mn Berna Jahnllan1mnded nhuwer In honor pl Brim Gibson Ind hi bridgtobe Aug 24 It wu held ha home Mr mg Mn 9rd qung 0111110 HY omulyél lhlx Ebmmpn Bruce Keith and LN Ann McLeod and friend Val Caron are holldaylnl with Ihclr rund palm Mr aqd Mrangllh The Womenl Inmmtu wlll meal thaevenlnl or Any 14 Lead 815 at the home of Mn Ggorze qugman MIDHUBST STN MINIITS POINT my BOARD EUCHRE There Wm 10 table euchre mum to tha weekly Mondny mm euchre Winners were Mar jarle Moore Mrs Kelly Mn Mam Mr Kc Anus Dave and Roy Lepnxe Lunch WE lervcd by My Mel Cook Mrs Huchlnsun Ind Mrs Gould Lunch will be discontinued DWI1R SHOW Ladrcs get your entries ready or Illa flower show to ha held Ann 21 Strand Hall Anyone wlshlnz prlu 11m should con tact Mrs Ednar Thom son or Mrs Nelson Wilson Fr 121 art or man classes Womenl In Next week Iha plan game will ILBIL schlduie wlll be uglydcd njext ycgks nowa Mr Ind Mrs McLeod Big Ely Palm and Mn Fred MuIA hollnnd mnlored In Port Cal borne on Thursday la 19 boat which Mr McLeod captain While here my vlsiled rem ngj Fort Erie Mlu Glundn mm pa licn In Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Also Bert Rlx ll hospit alized or qburvutlan MOLSHN EXPORT Mr and Mn Bob McLun Ind family or 01mm went the weekend wilh Mr and Mn McLean Mr Ind Mrs Don McLean and Iamlly ol Tmnln wggefinlao viallors Mn Sam Brnley visited In week with her daughter Lillian Ind IonInlaw Mr and Mn Ev Kneelhaw Bradlnrd On Sunday Mr and Mrs Howard Brolcy and Mr and Mrs Clarence Brm lay oIToronla enjoyed lamlly upper Vlthewrnurket Plaza Mr and Mr Walter Amos and boy have moved lnlo their new homo Iormcrly owned by Nuncy Johnson The Amos humn ha been aold In Newmlrkcl ra Ildenth Mu muss lNDIflINDINT IIIWIII IINOI IYII rm bum MULHdLMND Fs Ind Mn lea Blieakl and family ni Ceninlia mm in weakend with Mr Ind Mni Fred Mulholiand Cindy Ind Wendy remaining for week with their xrggldpagcnl the goodnatured ale lhmo only om thing In nnmn mm cooling than mmmur Mm and um Ironycool homo Nelson Export Ma 0pm up In Ex noon happen more than milllon 11mm ovary dly In Cnnnsln moan Mn Ind Mrl Kenwcll and family and Wayne Morrow lpenl law dayl holiday Wanna Bench GnrySchaht al BanIa recently visited his comm Douz Bentlu Douxlu Lounhced anlamined fllfnh huhbars And hfldrenl mm Them Mn be pmmm Sherweelns Mr IndJd Fred Mulholland Attended the wedding ol their cousin Donne Morey Ind Mr Campbell Saturday lk Gnu Church The reception wan It Qqqenswnx Mrs Alhert Brady And Mr And Mn Hulhe of 1010an motored In Sault Ste Marla and other mlnlrwen enjoylnl nnsweek vacation Elluhelh Rodger II vlslllnz Maureen Stone It Phelpslon George holldnylnz with hi uncle It Cookltown Mr Ind Mn Loughecd and nmily unicycd wackn malor trip to camm points and trav elled pl far Nova Stalin ConnInlallons to Mr and Mrs Fred Mason on the blth dauzhlu at Iha Royal Vic torln Barrie Holly Bible Vacation School nded with rmgrnm Ind dll play of Ihe ch Idrena work lhe evcnlnx July as In the church Parents Ind Mend gathered In this went Around so 11th ran attended the two week 01 classes By M115 DOWNING MASSAGE DY APPOINTMENT PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS HOLLY Prlvm Durhll ha month Auguxl there In nu Iervlcu In Holly Unlled Church while Rev Wnr rla on holidays Tho can mention warahlplng at film ny United church In Thomlon lor john services lewlrlendlklblrthdly Wednesday Holly UCW wlllhuld lumen lnz In Holly Sunday School room on Aul 14 II 815 pm It wlll leatura mlxslonary program Convener ll Mn McCorrlslen Hanna ll Mn nler Ind Iulnnnque Mrl Fllher and Mn Ella Mr Gloria Srlglny mm the weekend mum her aunt In Toronto COOKSTOWN Mn Ind Mn Gcom Flldey And Inmlly have returned home lullawlnu lrlp lhraulh Algon quln Park and th Oklawn am On their my home they visited Mr and Mn Bud McKu In Llfldny Rev and Mn Howard and family have returned horn hom monlhl vacation at Royal Munkokl hland on Lake Rqsselu nd Mn Monk mnn have returned homa from lhrceweek trip In Vestem Canadl and the United slates mamxm EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 1M VALUES FOUND AT VIAU MOTORS lTD 11 Gun 111 Bndlnrd SI visiting VIMouver Victoria and Sealtie Portland Lol Angel Disney nnd Hollywood Beverly mm Sucramanln Beach Salt Lake City while at Shit let they visited the famed Mormon Tabarnacia and enjoyed music by the Momon Choir th Cpnper Minn and the Salt Lakes 1113 continued their trip ihrough Ol den Albion and Yeliowutonn Paxketumlnz home by Chi mu Allecn and Arlene Flood spendlng week wllh their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Ken Clemens 1n wlarlnn Mln lellh Taylor of Sam lnun Sank LI mending weekl vacntloq with her parentr Mr anq Mr Jghy Tnyla Inn Collin of Prince herl Suk menial 9w dnyl wllh her bmlhcr and III crmlaw Mr and Mn John Taylor IBY SATURDAY AUG 10 lllcu clusllled PM Thu 15 pm Admlallon 5L2 CHILDREN FREE Fru Parklng PARI MUTUEL WAGERING EXAMINER WANI AD PHONE PA m1 TWILIGHT BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS

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