Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1963, p. 8

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exs mm TEE EARMB EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST You know fishermen sometimes rank with the motel and bluebenay pickers They can tell the worst stories in the war But every now and then you cpme across bona flde yarn and yam it is For example Mrs Fred Audrey Coulson and her husband are avid boats eople Audrey can talk about the family boat more han can talk about my new car Even alter what Would consider an unforgiveahle incident Audrey can still talk about it and smile While she and Fred were on holidays boating natur aily they spent good 3123 of the time fishing This one day Fred had dandy pickerel out of the water He called to his dear wile to bring the net and give him hand Of course wives are like that Theyre most cooperative Audrey brought the not all right She brought it r1 ht down on the fishs head knocking it otf the oak and to freedom recent Believe it or Not is believe it fel low with favorite and secretive fishing hole brings along iriendon the condition that the friend will tell no one about the place PS Theyre still together LIKE BLUEBERRY mugs Sure enough the next day off this guy who swore to keep mum not only blabs butbrings along the entlre opulation of the town Only difference be tween ls guy and the lcker is that the berry picker 15 so stingy even he or iorgets the great patch HOMESWEETHOME worsi fish stories as far as the listener is concerned are true The first time my wifewho and went fishing was memorable occasion so memorable that the good woman wont chance it ever again until next week We were in the north countr near Iroquois Falls She was fishing was making Ike one Qulet you fool she whispered Ive got pike on the line Good thought Then dogpaddled close and raw it was huge monster This was my chance to show her she was not marrying sportswriter and swimmer but helpful son of gun floated to the line grabbed it gave ank and TarzanAUke howl 11qu said The wedd ng wasnt called off but the fishing was Years laler he bride bought me rod and reel ahd laid Go alone ANYTIME FELLOWS Panicstricken slatted to reel hurriedly You know what that did to the line in the vicinity oi the iéel Iéutiiaaeoi theivvorst tme yarns happened to me aner arrlving In Ban1a You ma have read about 1i slx years ago under the late ally Smllhs by ne An Army mun mm Borden went Into the stream to retrlove the front end game warden helped Smitty untanglcd the mess Id made of the reel When all was put together sheeptshly reeled1n 0h csl There was rainbow almost two pounds an the oak We were at the Nullawasaga just to the right of the bridge etore Angus and made beautiful can It was so beautiful that the from section of my rod decided to follow the worm llurdn rapped zuh homer he mason Wtdnudny nlxhl Ind Frank Herrera poundcd In nlhrr lu um Jul victory over RochaIn fled Winn nurdn hn 79 III lor Jrlu By Tlll ASSOCIATED PRESS Calumhu Jcls may nol ho lhe haunt ltnm In the lnlnr nullonnl League hut hmIr hll man he lnlc Doh Burdn ll lendan Hm Mane both In homo mm and run lmllcd In Northern Divlainn lradrr Syr mma Chlch cdml lmllnnnpo 1L1 lndluns Hm lop lrnm In wulhrm dlvlstun 32 Jnckwn vlllo Sum bud Arkmuns Tuv allerl lulnnln Cluck nlp rd Illrhmnnd Vlrnlnlnm In Tanan anh Lenin Mn lullllo Ullom 74 Of course Id show anyone how to do it But whos got the patience Wlllle Smhh hrcnm he lhlrd nlrulm Syrntuw hurlcr In be dlslunrc nu hm pulled his lllh vmnry Clnrh lunged 10m Vulu nrlrnlhnlrr lnr nun fill and nll Inc mm In lhr ulrmkd lmllnm Inan mrni In mu armL Iets Slugger Burda Leads Victory Leais Down Bisons Mm IUIIT lALh AT 400 wsxxxco my mm comn ssnwca mmou mmwr PA um IUBES GREAT OUTDOORS The Worst Tales Are True Tales By STEVE JONESCU Snm McDowelll our hll pllchlnl Ind Wall nnndl two run hnmvr In lha lelh lnnlnz ave Jarksonvlllu lha wmklnl mnuln ll needed nondl homer all Paul Brown with me on Inlpped 11 dcndlock Allnnln milled wllh Hunc run nlxlh lnninn npmkcd hy non Coxl lwnrrun hnmtr Dun nuddlnl mund trip bias In the nlnlh pulled Vlralnlnn wlmln one run ol lle nllcvu John Ander Inn came on In he lhlrd lnnlng Ind held Dulllo IIIHCH In all hm hm Anvmlh whrn Nmnl Icoml run on lhrre Alnllu Harry Chllil lend Ml hamcr In tho leh wnx annnlnn llnl an Ted Kman upped nn other in the lame lnninl lhn lnllla fink hnno mo nm lwlro annually In Shun llnly dnlu buck la lho Mlddlo Aim Oovl Dock Fool ol Ilyllold ID PA 664 TOUR BOATAVAILAILI FOR CHMle OnrHour Tour Plzluruqun Komponllll Buy IMCI IM HACK DELANEY BOAT lINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS 210 330 710 030 pm nw cocky Chlchgo Vhlle Sax lhlrd baseman son former hnckey slar llmmy Ward slammed home run and two single Ia drlvu 1n hm tuna In wln over Kansnl Clly Alh lellcs By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lele Ward who may some dayhe classed as Canadas beslever baseball export tank another mlde Vcdnudny ln hl bld for the Amerlcan Leagues RaoklMHhcYear title The Mnnlrcal nallvul hlltlng dlsplny boasted his Home to usm hits In 110 game good for almhplico flu fl lh The win let the Whlle Sex In second place night gnmcs he hind lhe leading New York Yun kees who home mm from Joe Pcpllnnu and Elston How ard In wnlloplnz Wash Inga Sonnlm ha mum and gave hlm the lenguu land dcposlng tcnmmnln Bob Alllsnn lrom the No Ipol Allison has 75 homcrl whllo Earl Halley llxlnl member at llllnnnsolnl pow lrlumvlmlu llvn all ha pacu wllh ll llnmmcrln Harmon Klllm brew was also prominent the plalu with lhrwmn homer In In eighth Inning which cala pulled Mlnncsoll Nlns to 94 vlilnry over 14 Angelo An DEPOSES ALLISON Allison mannwhlle was creed lo tho lidclmu nr two In thm dayl WM Imclnre the Hun Hngtr on rlnhl hand Nu wul slruck by pilch lrom Lo Anxclcl Donn Chnnco In hmdny nlsh xnmc Pllchcr Sandy Kaulnx the Los Angeles Dodgers delivers pitch in lhr fourth innlnx against Chicago Cubs Chi cagn yesterday During the game he won over lhe 100 CAP Edam nml Elmvnle wlll mu onlxhl In decide he louth Ind lnnl plnynfl In lha Scn or 50mm lmnnuo The club emitd In In In or mirth Incl Hm rrxulnr nchrdulo mm la close In MEN The Mum lnmd nnd denr wnn or the rlnhl lo hm ho hum pnrk Ward Paces Sox To 73 Victory In lnlermullnln Deanne ncllnn Queenl Clnrksnn HunI Ind Slmmo Conp wll mm In III Ilnled tn cl umltrwuy nl mo Elmvale And Edgar Clash The Nins rlumph pullnd KOUFAX MOWS EM DOWN lhcm lulu lhird place gnmcs behind New York DEIull Tiger 54 victory over he slumping Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians dropped Bnlllmnre Into laurth plncc by downln the Orioles In nddillnn Wards ul bursl Dave Nlcholsml crushed key lwnrun double with ma bases loaded in lounun sixth Inqlng rlly la help wrnp jl up Junn Plzznro with rcllal help mm Jlm Bmsnun mnlchcd his previous season high with ml victory slrikeoul mark far the season Hes he anlnnnl League lvuer ln lhls department Thl the lhlrd sonsnn Knurnx has 700 slrikcouu per season AP Vlmphnlo Why thirsty men say OK for OKeete Ale Draught OKonlo Alo comuln draught All well an In bolllol And dollvowd lo hololn Ind lavnml by kuuiull mnny man wlll loll you homl my Illllo In Ihn world boll abll lo Iolrnh and mlnx you Hum cool OKooh NI draught Mar ouch days workduvan an avoninu oulpull up chnlv In your lavouvlll halal ov lavom and any UK lo OKme Ale dmunhl it will be Siuwari Garage and Trueiove iieallng opening lha Senior Somali League semi iinala Monday night It Queenl Park Bu BarrlelPlauis sit ting on the sidelines wallinl or their ornament to he decided as Elmva and Edger must play suddendeath game int he lainiii and inst piayoil gpgt This was the silnallnn 01 ow lng lus nights doubleheader at Queens when Iruclnvu nlppcd Plaza 10 In thriller and Stew analclnhpercd max 184 It left the stnndfigi if Em end of the Zlgamg schedule looking like lhls Suwarts Plan Truelove Elmvale Edgar Elmvale 10 14 20 Edgar 10 14 10 Llllla Bill Henderson came lhmugh wllh gm pertur mnnce or Truelnve over Plaza llrlng twoAhlIler and scoring his teams oniy run He wns orced lo came through ugh spol three times In he first tour Innings Plaza lclt the hast loaded In the lirst and outh and two man were loll stranded In the second An lninrnniional much has brcn added In the Emmy Buy Naiionnl Junior Tennis Tommy men in he hnid this weekend at the residence ni Rech niizcr For lhc first lime in he lhrec ycar history 01 the loumamunk player from oulside Canada will compean Added to the lls of compelllors thisweck were lhc namts fill Harris Wes Palm Beach Fla and James Osborne of Honolulu Hnrrls is llle Unllod Slates under In champion while Osborne cnplur ed the US Juycucs crown The laurnnmcnl will get under wny lomurrnw evcning and wind up Sunday ntlcmoun local nurgcliunwlll he lhe nppmrancc Paul Thumpsnn and Pnt Qulnn ham or name Stewarts Cop First spot 4th Undecided 11 Olhcr players nxpeclcd to cum Vpclo In as follows Two US Players In Tennis Meet WLPII It was laugh Ins or lanky Jack VaIr who allowed only hm hm Hendmnn gut the int hi all Valr in the ionth inning lla lined slmi in lull Held and Glenn Adam almost xlnvcd it but lhe hull skipped nil in im gen oi his glove and Hender son wound up at second with double Georgn Uhnppel ground ed out andllcnderson lonk third This brought up Frank Rum and it looked like Rawn would be gelling he lullaway sign the way as lung fly ball would have sgarnd Hendcmn Bu Rawn got the hunt signal Ha Iricd and missed hen dmp peda hunt law ed in iron at the piale Vair fielded he hail checked Hendersnn bl third than limw to first to Rawn But the speedy Henderson look nii as snnn Valr threw in first and he crnssld the vial with time In spare as lha throw came back in ihe ping Henderson had no nub whnt souver alter the lourlh Inning and he go lha lasl nlne Plaza batlers he faced SIXTH DEFEAT it we quite contrast in th sccond game Altar Truelove dre Cale and Plane Lumarche all Monlrnnl Mike Hummnn and Terry Lench Ollnwn Dnvld Dlnelle Pelnr Burwash Tom Borccky and Fleming Dunn at Toronto Mike Wilson Oak villu and David Brown Inn On Inriu junior who hails from Part Crcdit Mr Rcchnillcr slated may he pcrmIflcd the ouLsidn entries because ha all would help give lhe Cnnndlnns kecncr enm pcliliun The lnurnumcnl is annulluned by lhn Canndlan qun Tcnnls Assoclullnn and cxpucled llml hls meek will bu keenly cnmnnlcd mm 51an In lulsh Thu inn will be tinged Sun day nflcrngon The pcacocks strut Is actu ally hls nllcmpl to avoid If Elng nvcr his big not and alnnce his large Irnln my the Nulunul Geographxc Sodely STRUTS CLUMSY won lheir game the Ilrst lhrce posMuns were decided and all that was In was to It Ed gar could knack all Smwarlx anIall goynjpuryl spay he sixth time In many meet ingsthat the airmen bnwcd Stewarts lhls sensnn Five of hue same law Butch Boyd flop Edgar and It was no dif crcnl last night as he scallercd seven hit Io lhe vlsllors He sent 13 Edgar halter down an strikes racking up two strlke out In every inning except lho sigh when hn gt gnu Cralzhurst Ind Shanly Bay posted vidarlu anhe Barrie and District Church Softball League last night AtCodrlnglon School Chrs Han Manned uulhlt Shanty Bay 1813 but wound up on lhe short end score The laser picked up eight in the last three Innlngshut man aged only one run They led Shanty Bay 22 at th and at our innings but lhe winner scamd Iva runs In the whim three more in he shah lvan Camcmn was the win ning pitcher while Wnyne Klooslennan oak the loss Post Wins In Church League CrBIEhursl upladcd or three runs In he sixth inning lo edge Emmanuel Hapllsk in game at Hllsdala Terry ilodgsan nhalkcd up he why Carl Canslgbie was the loser H1 males clubbed out ll hils NM CI To Ynu In bun 1th CAR WASH Cor Anna and Dunlap ELI MINUTES CLEANED INSIDE AND oumm Tc voun SATISFACTION Edgar starter Al Smith tank iv the worst of thls Assault glvlng up lo and runs beforl giving way to lcfly Rnlyh Knapp wlth lwn out In lhg Qflh In VIIUI lwn out In Ine luln mun Slewnrll opened lhe scaring wllh lwu run In the second and added anolher In the lhlrd tor 10 lead They Increased lhI mnrgIn In the Iourlb lo 74 when lhgyAscnlrcdylouf xnorenénI Bub Curtls hero Edgaru 37 wln over Plaza Frldaynlxht with six runshaltedln drove homeEdgnra only runs last nlghl when hls HuhInning slug to centre scored Doug Gaynu and Buster Bnlqer Stewarts gut mos runs back with Interest In half hell the innlng when lheyscored live runs an lhrce hm They mund cd out heir ml with Imn In the sixth The Barrie Agricultural So dLly ls holding Harness Race Meet he Barrie Falr umund on Saturday August lnlh Post Time 515 pm There will be classified heel with supervised purlmutual wa gering in addition In the Daily Dauhiu Combine Win Place and Show wagering the Socier are introducing Quincila boiling in response in many re uesis mud by the beiiingpubic Qfiinella Betting To BeIntroduced BATSTIINES TIRE SERVICE IO BAYFIELD 51 PA 6549 MI halalrt lli ery Skeet nun1e IN OUR FUNJNJHESUN CONTEST Elm Sled as Shlnly my old Barrie Mrs Jlm Caldwell Shnnly Ely WINNERS 291 93

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