Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1963, p. 2

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nu Borrower mm the llhnry nave upreaud prelercnce or mark llcuon Ihll summer Figures released by the Birth Publlc Library lndlute that Ile tlon 15 running ahead ol nan flctlon by lwo to one in Ju SPECIALIZED WORKS Then rudlng hnhlll are re flected in that uudentl mnka of the library the said They show uowlnl demand or mounted works In current 1an and hlslory llowuver he total pennlu led this your is dawn com pnred wlm Ins year The 1968 Dlll or 231 25 below that ol 2an or lho um um month 01 1961 Aldl Smith wmmenll lhnl lnduflrlul perm or In men month of MI ycar uhow sharp lncmue The cor mpondinz llxuru or we and am no 5213800 and $165200 01 of which dun the ex Eanllon of Elllllnl lnduslriu notes The numbrr nl bulldln pch mill lnued lhll July wn 52 In Increm Inven aver flu number last year HESIDENTIAL Judging by he iigum this yur we expect ihni ha trend will continua Into August said Chiei Librarian Consinnco Hur dy no mile ai iiciion in non ilclion in January was to While MHWIHEI oi niigion science blow by and nine hnva remain consinni elc month Juiy ioiuln or iiciion showed an inmate oi 2000 book aver circulation in spring New 10 hmlly dwamnx pmm worn lmcd Inst month 30 Mn Vlvlm Bu Road lor an WIlllam 5L and Comlmcllon la 35 Mclmo Ave Jar Otuwny Ava or llway Ma or 30 Olhwny Avm 21m 0mm Am Mr and MIL Pmylc I71 Collier 5L Jar Emmy my Mn Jun Ltd or 28 Luv 51 Cnnn or AL 57 01¢an Avuy Pam or 12 Lay SI Pull Lint or In Lny 5L Ind Cannmcunn hr ll Sprlnnhomo Rd Gnyvlew Cun Mum Alfllhl Alloml Illll Alumlnlum uMhnlI Ill thull ll TI um PM mm In VI Mom IN THE SUMMER AT LEAST Auausr spoon nuuw August In uxuully our mend best month or the ynrJar the number of books circulated uld Mlu llnrdy We have had about 50 memhm Mn the brmh or he hulldnyu Barrie residents greater number bookl In March than In any other month kind an Inhelween month Winter mm In almost um and people have not yet got out Into lholr gardens nld the able librarian mu nmulm on at run can lmnlIICm mm €rn 91 Eumn 45 chunk Cmv rmur gm Alter winter spent ndoorl perhaps the are not loo eager to outs shu nld Zrum my Mm in01 Min Hardy nolnd that there hlu been mnrkcd Increase In the demand or nonfiction and relerence work In the In few yem Both the demand and the type or book Lu urowlng wid er every year People seem to be Ihnwlng more and wider In emu lhun they have In the DIIL she said 11 nlml VI VI MD VI Imam fun In Dual remnm Mum mm mu was 23°52 awam Valua of hulldlng permlu or July Ihom an 111mm 17 ms over he llxnra ur July 1m FlKuru released by Emil building Inspector ohm Span Indlcnlo that permlls valued at 3611975 were luucd or July Thu Mal campnm wllh H370 or the sum month In yur July Building Values Show Rise OVer 1962 Borrowérs1ie£r11 Reading Of Fiction Imm Arudl 11mm TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn Dunlap ll Birth vinvufififlmw munnmfl luaumm dawn tun Gun II vunuu lm 1m DII lnl nom found Dam Mom II hm um mamy Ilnml on mm Hudm my Imp Tohuto ltmly mmmml ml immi 700 Clnlv Lawm In Mann mm nun Anu IMcuv mm cum Jilllfld INDUITIIALI MIND It Imumxthc numbar ol pea lo who will wnnder by the tab In the reforms sedlnn and II down in alumina soma of the new Ind maré popular works that no dhpllyed Many people expeclnfly ol linden age araluclulted by plumla ac count of the mg and works at Salvador Dull Thu xrnwth and development of tending hahllnpone pmb 19ml when It com to on In books in lhu mm and Ill Qullo number of people preach uswlu nest wlh reglrdtn purchasu ah laid Veryohm we km the book on he llbnryrollx However theMum zlve flood lndl cation of the specific Interest 05 our region Louls Nim was on televlllon some llme ago and we were deluged wlul requesu or hll heel teller My llle ln As It we ordered Mr other copy both hnvo been In cunstant demand The name held me although on modlllad plane or the work Iris Murdock dont think she could bo categorized papulu author bul raw erl lntcmll hnd been aroused by main Ind heraan her on the am sgraen Miss Hardy Inld that the dc mud or myxlna stories II steady throughout oyur One man come In once or twice week and take out damn thrillers she noted mum 119m Min Hardy noled that then hn been flowing demand for tho library to my open or long er hours We would Ilka lo 111 especially ll we had mu my open ovtr he Inp pcr hour howavcr luck ll not the cm at lhl um he sold There are five lulHlme Ind two part lime memben the ma Sevtn hlxh Ichool Illll have been added In lhl mt or 1113 Viixmnier slrucllon Scarborough or 10 Alexander Mm Homer Int 16 Springhnm Rd Sinnun or IT Lay SL Crer or Paneling Rd Stellar gomlrucuon for and 62 Queen New permlu valued 12300 Repllrl and alteration Brown to Woraley 51 Earth Sunntdnlo ltd II Flew alttnl or as John St Bus klewlx Peel 5L Stehhe 74 Parkslda D12 Chlnller tor l1 Elytlcld 51 La mly tor Tm Vlclnm SL At Emmi El Htxh 6L Min tor 127 Toronto 8t Nlnl nermltl Vllued at $3550 Acceuory Bulldlnil Ilnm btdu tor 2M Codrlnnton St Crow 213 Twin EL crlkl ttl Puget SL Dr Dairy Valley Dr Mo Ken Metroso Ave Tny Int Newton 5L Mr FM Ferrlg Lan COMMERCIAL Addlllom Bum Trucklnl Termlnal 33 Dunlop St Osborne Donald Rob Imnl HIrdwprt xl Duno INDUMRIAL Rnpllrl Ind Illmllonl Caldwell 50 Dunlop SI 12 K¢lly 221 Wellington st or 21Dunlap Sf Addlllnm Ilulomu um Clnndlnn Flllm Ltd No puqu vulued II 173000 Sevrtn permHI valuedal 33650 pufmll vluud hlle Two permlu vilued It moo AM my Noun cl own rumqua Nu II nu Mm Mel hm re Ink nu ma llmrmnl in Am llnl Cm TotDom nlnl III Inn in Mu rum luv rm Noun won my Mun rm rmqu It lllm um Mm Inel hm Unm um In mm Wm Igu Our mate probiem re volvu around overdua boob Most people are good about re tumlnl book or lemon no when 11 book has Mendamaged How ever wa must seek to educate hose poople who like book without signing Ihnm out or who Repfllrl and alteration McCaw or no Victoria St Ono palml valued at $800 hllscullaneoun and not Ielsnhla Dame Public School Board or 242 Grove st ML Gibson 191 Eau 11 SL Marya Sopnrnla School Bi or 90 Mulcasler City at Barrie fur SI Vlncenl Park Dania Fue and supply or Ellen Strut lely Paula cuslnl Church or no Anna Snrlennt Ellnle or 73 Dunlap St EAnnlx Wny Slns lnras Dunlap St MONTH COMPARISON Sevcntecn new Mini er mlls luucd July 1m vn und nl228500 10 kl 1953 JULYB CIRCULATION at work of nation at the Banla Public Library shvwed an In crease of 3000 over 015 com mpondxnz figure or Jam uy um your Joan Calvin summer member the nun fhlrleen olhcr rcsldcnllul er mlu Issued July 1961 VA ued urumw ll Iln 1m woo 51V cummnrclnl crmln 1ch July we wine mm Five in ma Il6000 0M lndullrlll anlt qutd July um Vlluv 015000 three in no It 373500 nonmmnbl colluncoul purmlll luued July 1961 1550 dim In 3216975 Mallslmo Jnmu Raidlclu ol Toronla pmldcd ovrr 1mm mnablrnlal court lodly hm um wm remanded la fulun dntu Mlllllflll losltr ll txpocled mum Ml pollllon an lhu bench um wnk 11 mm menu nl chllo dun whn loo lhn Crnu Junlnr lemmlnl thrdl nl um nlldll 1qu In Harden In luck VIII rumour Iyuvmlllffi Al to no lunl nul lmupl lwu and lhm luweml the MI Inn In Mr cml he uld UflEMFUl Mva In Vounl Dtvlns CH ha Mum flnm Human Elm Mun Don Columbul mum NW Mun MI lmn Cunt uubm Cm Tnuenhum Tm Ah nudity Mun Mama nun can MWWFW McClIln hm MMIAIN OIL nmt mm flu AnnMum Mi Third Magistrate For Barrie Court 11m cmldrrn pulklpnnll In In slmcnu County Communlly ICKMHDII Servlco um mud In lhm mum um mu lullun at an pu nnl Inld Hm lleld In an DIIrclnr Day Camp Youths Try More Tests lgmpermns Valued at mo lute In retumlnl them ihO acid Some munldplflml have Idopud the mm at hnvlnz moon mama than pzoplo onlhelr from doorstep muesl lnz ha hooks in method has med was The Incidence of damzed book In uni gmt Miss Hardy laid However you would be unned no how many peopll hnvo don with IhllP teeth leih are Illmmi ash numfimul pcope we urge human 01 3am and come ELMVALE St Elm vale mldenu will no longer are to pay their wnter me on urinalnu hauls Elm vnle Council last night passed bylaw amendlnl the water rule from lhc mdhod to nu rats us In your Ilafllnx Jay help put away the books well helping with the many tasks which mnke lho libnry run moomiy Juan will err ler Grads ll at North Colle EMS in the all Examiner Photo In buy threehour Icsalon muncfl ud three byllw any new WW Wu Clerk Hamid Nash anld Ill mnmlnz the count purdmed 100 acres In Flo Township about oneundnhnll miles out llde tho vlunio 11mm or II He Iald 111m strong pouihlmy hi the lowmhlp will parflclplla with In In In uuérfi Incoming this dump an bylaw wu pinned to pml than with the tawnpr In tho synwolu Pieaunt daytime wallhu II upcckd today nnd Friday wllh abundlnl lunlhlno Ind 75 lo no dnlrcu aflemoon mdlnxl ovcr mum at he rov lnce llowtvur cw Icllorad lhundcnhawcrl nrn llkcly lo dc valop In Narlham Onmln lo 1th Ind In cenlnl Onllrlo Fr day Lake Clllr Windlor Sunny toolermld 1m humld only Clear Ind cool 0111th may mllnly numy with HM unly moxmummgn Nell Dtummnnd 090th NH llvlr nully McCllln 0m ann nhlp Hurlh Anderson Lew Mrdn Bench llndley John uon Cnlluy 1mmva lhyllll my Drhhla MCOHII llrml llvlnn Knmhl lush ry lth lmlllu Il Ter lnlrmn Arlnno Vdnvlnh Uolllnlwoovl Hrlll Wullnh Jlm Randell CIUINIM full In My lltlnnv Tony Connr Wunn Illchl mm mm Jrllrty DulI Jun lluntorlr Tum llmlalnl llanllll Mllltr and Iaul Mdhomm Elmvale Residents To Pay Ill TEETH IXdrcn pmenlly mnlltd In Du mond min at lmmlnx And nu um DI 11mm will In unmltml Lamb um and JulIan mun IMI monlh on lnllowlnu an Cmu lntemmflulc and Secular Au II mm III II noun hard Pool Clmp nor den Hod Cm Junior Ind Ir mmuu Aul IN IA IIIDM Cllltlllfl KIM tlnnl LII In Wkly 11mm Medium Au II LithiumIn Foul $15 Per Year Vaughan wTaATmzn FORECAST Areayolnlo mm In In ma to attend an open house the LatentInc Seed mm Restricted Ann near Pm onngndq Aug 11 Goodwinmnrhu de velopment officer of lpeclll crops aid men will be Able to no Held at the peak at melr mwah and to llal the manual or dheuelm md potato production in the In Arrangement In been made or rowan VIII other power In an Iron Ind 1n sped pomo Held and equip ment um Vlliloll will bu guest flabfry at Luke shge Klnzxyood Agra Soll Ind lmpmwnom Av soclndon 15 Branch Po lan Section CFVGA Those Manned In Landing Ireqncglgd la rneet It the Potato Growersi Plan Visit To Seed Plant Tn tour ls conductid In co gpgrauon ykh She North slmcoo Egk in la mm the Ni oul on Collier sheet 1146 Emma or millclalrm In ha ylllqu exam wing Much 15 We hope to have thu In ready or Ihlr mm nddtd Mr Nash Bent Pilon ol Emma contractor or ex cnanon and backllll4 Ind the contract Inr equkomant II yet to be lwnrded Naururntrlim new nqu lyr cm nknost pognpleted cogn ell paused hyllw overnan lha linkage mm mldencel and Industries Into the vmuul mum We hope luvs um complcied wllhln one month Mr Nash said me new nyl Icm quIdlnl permit or new loyalm Ichool on the em and 01 Kerr Ilrcel Wu unl cd to Glynn Auwlnlu Allklan uncrnl minder or an $10000 mmm Ichool Nu rnn Buy uoma llmnxnm Norlh ny Eudhury Manly Iunny today And Frlduy Chum law wldely mllcml Illuuoon nvuh In lhundcruorml Friday Lllhl wind Ind mat much chum In legpquluro wind Ind not much chum In lemnvrfl Luko Erie Lake Huron Nl ngm Lulu Dnlmn lanthcrn Gearllun my Hullburlo Tur mto London llnmlllon Sunny and In humid today Clur nllhl Mainly lunny Frldny mm wlnd and not much chnnxq In lunperqlure Conhrl only lunny lo day 1le cloudy Frrh wllh VMUY lullmd awm or lhundmlorml Wlndl In all 15 la 20 today nonhwul l5 Frldny Whllo lllvnr Mollly Innny lo dny Pnrlly clnudy Friday wider lullmd lhundcr nlnmu NM Ind hidy LIIM wlndn and MI much chlnu ln ltmpemun MMIINE FORECMTB Lulu llurnn Gem In my Wm In nntlhwnl Ind 10 In 15 knoll huhln Ioulhwul lo nnulherly elm la 11 lnnllhl Mr TCINIII Tommyum In INIIIM Ill hldly Wlmlmf BL 11mm Mullen Kuchmrr II llnmlllnn Cllh Tmnnlo no leluhmuu lnnlon Klllnlm as Munich Novlh my Budbury mm flull Ml AlaIn ll Rm SESSESESSSS BS Th1 lot bin cranial Hizhwny 400 at st Vincent St on Its my 1mm Duck mm and Steel ALIecu lo Iho Preventive Ind rallmlnnry acllon nnlnn paulba railroad cranlnz uccldenn on the Lug Innklil Townshlp llna we hr Ernmby Em Council Mondly III Clerk Bell hu wrilun lnnlnm Towmhip request 1m medlm acllun to correct Ilzhk 1an lion ha road And nk thll llgnnl 111M he Installed In order In prtvenl mlous no ddcnu Mr Ml uld lhh morning 11 road wu recently mnulrudzd allevlale lufllc on Hlmwny 21 which would hy pAu mule Thu rnllrnnd cran Essa Worried About Crossing Maxims Walklr fllhl udmlm ha wlldl Awarded ta him by Eaton Cn ENJOY THE NEWER WHISKY EN ROUTE T0 RESTING RECEIVES WATCH FOR SERVICE WALKERS GOLD CREST AWMAWEl flag mnmddmrry 51mm County Muuum nut Springwmr Park v1 mn dlel Ilderoad Ind Highway 2641 The mnnumldirec or 114m Channen nyl flu Ing near Highway 90 dyn Ha uld Ihm were no acrlu dents ycl hm when It mm to carry mm ha way It Ls mean in we dont want lo we any Injurigs Innlsfll Towmhlp wax In charge the remmlrucllon and wag nsked by Em In Contact lhe Bond Trlnspon It Ol lnwl mmedmely And request In Impectlgn Euo Township men to than cull wllh lnnlull on WM bull nld Mr mu THE CANADIAN PRESS Ilvnn Cnhnlflma mm lcr Fldel Culrol malhtr Sl norl Linn nu d0 Culro Salter manner of the Ban tie hranch look on The wntch was presumed 1a mnrk Mr Walker 25m yen with mm mmcgaw HIRAM DEATHS EST 1858 II 01 PLACE mumm Intde to mm the building to 1L1 orlfinll con dlllon And use to houu uguu pl kg 91650 mm Examlnu Photo MArIpon Folk Fnlr In can wncflon mm the Marlme Fail Festival 1n Orlllla this wmkmd WIN hold on the Town hall mm Ill day Saturday Dan nmsllll Orlllln Iald lhll Irllaln dbplay held In overnllon wlh ha Orlllln Im hls Gulld will dzplc uenml lhnmu only All local re Ildcnll In Orlllln and llnnle dis lrirll nro Invited lo txhihil and sell wllhaul mmmhllnm nld Mr Tumllll Enlonl Since Au ms Mr Walker has wrved Ea tona In Sudbury Kirkland Lake Saul Ste mm Chut ham and Emle Ill nervlcc wu continuum except or tho yoan mm when he mvzd wlu Iho Cnnadlan Army Hold Folk Fair With Festival Eiamlmr Photo

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