W65 AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Mr nd Mrs Herb Llsk Mr Ind Mrs Vske oi Rosemnnt Mr and Mrs Little of Shel burn and Mr and Mrs Mr Qacken ol Alliston spent the lenkeud at the Live Wire Hunt Club Lodge at Port wring Mr and Mrs Wright Ind McDermott attended me mes at Arthur on Monday Mr Ind Mrs Cecil Ferrler 1nd Mrs Churchill left Thurs day tor their tarm st Sundridge Ehere they expect to reside or several months Mr and Mrs Msson Ind Mr and Mrs Jack Mason Imd tamlly attended the Orange Ellle Centennial on Snndsy Alberi Webb at Toronto spent weekend with Mr and Mrs lure Watson Mr and Mrs Vrsy Earl ot Brantiord visited with Mr and Mrs Mason during the psst Meek Miss Anne Munro ot Csleuttl ndis ls visiting with Mr and rs Clare Watson Misses Linda Mitchell and Les Yey Ssdoris at Toronto have been holidaying It the home at Mr ï¬nd Mrs Mason Mr and Mrs TaltCarol 3n and Susan oi Toronto were nests at the home at Mr and trs Little duran the ollday weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Page and Penny ot Toronto visited Mr Ind Mrs Sidney Kesrns durlnz lite past week Miss Crowan of Toronto spent the past week with her aunt Mrs Cole ngsr Pelllgrew spear 1h past week vlaltlng ralnllvu In Woodstock and Paris err Llsk And daughter arbarn returned home Silur from Linawed vial with relatlvu Ind friends In Vancouver and San Francisco Mrl Cole Mrs Rathery Ind Mr and Mrs Wicker Illendnd ha show In Lquqnn rlurlnl £19 ygek Inunsmln AUGUIT sunu Inn vmuu 11m Ya llllnuy uel Lhr Doll In Dr Alfl Clubvol Thl htltndrn Unluflchlblu HM CBC TV Nm wuum Boom Nwu Ina surplclou Mlsx Sharon Isk rliimlldny lngï¬wllh flanges 1n Tgrgnlq Mm Shelley Duncan of Burl ngtnn relumed to her home Snlurday after several week or holiday with hu grandparent Mr and Mrs Narvll 525wan Miss Judy McMnsler spent two weeks holiday with relativu In Tammy mm Unluflchlblu HM CBC TV Nm wuum Boom Nwu Ina surplclou nun Aucvu In Tm turn L00 POD fly Wumlr lynlll un an TM ll kanl Nick Inuunuwnu mm Mn Club Mn Kiniey may and Mrs Patterson Churchill vlsmd Mrs Wip ua Misrsrkalharinve Sauï¬dersnn or By MRS WRIGHT ll um um In an mum by hut mu man nm Wu Tamhllnn Nun THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR IN IIRViCI TELEVISION PBOGBBMSi DRIVIYOUMILP CAR ANDI TRUCK BEETON And Davy mn II Drum TI In lhm CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Chlllwnk 30 vlsued Mr and Mrs Skinny Kelmn durlnrlhn past week Mn wmm men 11 Ma week with Mend ln Tun on Mr and Mn Dun Kenna And Slephen Milton Ipank week recently with Mr and Mn Sid CKFW Mr MILMel Tn Ior Donald Ind Hume Vinita the Iormu mother Murmurs Taylor Barrla on Sunday Rev Loan Mu le gun Douglas and Jennifer vlnl ed Menumolt durlnl ha past week Lawn wen on their way home to Aylmu um monkhu vacation spent their 2qu Blrkindale Law of 1606 In hurt snow um crv Nm Mum nu ma mm umon um nun Aunvrr In no xumm 1m lomlnl In um Momlnl uunu mouund cm Mr and Mrs MIcKln nan Ind family Toronto vult edSelbyDabhl nn Sungay Mr lid Mn Jlmés Dexmm Afllstnn vlslled Mr flld Mn Wright on Sunday Miss Aleen Glrdenu Russell and Howard spent the weekend in nnrumn Onnrla zolni Cochran and 1qu on friends In Eamon Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were John Bunnie Ind Heather Dales Tor amo and Mr and Mrs Hnrvty Bell NawrqgrkelL Mlss Berlhn Dixon Part Colborne spent 1h weekend wflh Mr and Mn Joe Wood Sorry upon Mr Phllllps conï¬ne to Newmnrkel ho pllal H1 mlny ï¬ends Wllh him Ipqedy recovery mun WM wm mu Mwu club luauu runTun Kld um mum mmmu mum Apart mu mum mm mm mm mm mm llm flanGk Mcl In NH um nun mu rrv Nun mm mm many mm Mvvl nu Ilnll Ilmmnu Auuuu ll um rn An ml Cule Hanna munn1 rmu rvln mu my rumMn manth Nlmuu um 53335353 823 9g 3383 8335 NnaID AnnIvifll hum IV Nu Amlnln NINA Hamid Reynoidn or mini visited hir and Mn Milton Reynold IIuinl the holiday weekend STEELES CORNERS Mr and Mrs Funk Wlndun Claiborne weri Hull Mn Jackmn or our am Mr Ind Mn Elmermlu Taranln were Monday visitor with their parents Mr and Mn Emesl Dales quuelmehumble ll visiting her muslna lhe chcmann Wmdbrldle Mu Cerawcll Ind Jim visited her slam in Michlxln llsl week Mr Ind Mrs Imcl Moore or Palerborouxh called an ernl friends here last week Mrs Moon wu Inrmerly Maj 5w HM my run11ml Iud ll Tl VI luv val Wlll Menu nun Jul rr Show crV Nun Mum 71qu cm Utnon Hut BOND HERD xuam gmm By MRS DALE Mun 5mm TORONTO aria Parker Her pnrenuhld thahlrdwnre store here many yuan nnmumwhltealde who cook an the bolt 55 Impala Mndnnrwuhume last week Mss Doris Evnns ol Welland JCLMH Lymer Bill and Dnullns Min Rm of 0mm Mrs Colwell Ind lrwln of Bawmnnvllle and Mr Stewarto Beam map Sun dly with the Bradley and Suth wands owlpade lend having 513 the null lwlcu Ind havan been In bqllWICAIby nil pqmger 0n lhc surface lhn only laser are wade and hurt but wllh the Idnglelon ltud but wllh lhu unulclon lead thorn now subatnnllll dunner be ddch by dlumond The ladies ol the vow cater ed 101 mg LehmInLlng wedd lng nn Saturday in tin United Church while the ladies at the Settlement catered for tha Ne pit wedding reception in the hull Mr and Mrs Harry Plnex and family were Sunday dinner guests Mr and Mrs Aria Schnly Ind amlly of Thornton Mr and Mn Humid Wood were supper guests on Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Jack Hanlnn Barrle Mr and Mrs Fred Ford en joyed the mlchrnflons at MEI lord during the weekend You cant Mlord Ill ldIy by Ind kl um mfl like plum Mls FrnlicesflMunrn enjoyed bolt rip with Mlsl Christine Lejyn In yeah Mr and Mrs John Cnnk recent bride and graom were shlvareed by lhelr neighbor on Friday Vevenlng of last week The guest Ipenker at ha Sum day morning urvlce lion Church was Rev Orville Locke Lindsay He will speak again next Sunday Mr and Mn Hunk Dull spent an holiday weekend in Timon hura with their niece Mn and Mrs Roy Holmes of Kitchener spent Wednesday and Thursday wilh Mr and Mrs chon Conncll Miss Joan Helmor of Barrie rumnod homa after spending week win her grandparents Openan lead jack of dia moulds Letl my yours declam at live hum nnd Wu lend lhn luck of dlnmonds Yau cmalm ly dont hnve be xcnius lo ccnmlxe the lend slnxloA Inn Wcst surely musl hm hnd DAILY CROSSWORD SUNNIDALE CBS by llTrlmmed llllwnlot food Ink Wm Nlhnll bur 1mm mamaby nun North dealer EnsLWcht vulnmble ypo Oppl clnnly munM um unin Mum ll mmnl inlu In In II an Wln I1 nu mum ll nlnm Ibhr I1 Afllmll VI mu Dodecumo Illlndl Lam1 rmflhfl Immu nm Oxuon VA um inm awn ï¬lm mu mum Gummy Unfl ol By MRS LEESON blddlng 103105 mu NEWTON ROBINSON CONTRACT BRIDGE IB 981 AKI AQH 1L BATES 101 lunmlum 0001 10 NM mu man mm chlmbtll nuldtd 211mm mm hulk lbjjnlnl flupport cm Llm wmm pugnof hum Advlnr Im Lincoln Day Exthl By JAY BECKER Mg and Wnfllr Andrew 3111MLIII aux 5mm 11 Color hunt1 hqu In mu ammo mmm av upon Mr Ind Mrs Allan Smith 0mm Ind Mn Taylor 01 Toronto were weekend guests wllh Mrs Leeson IO 11 hull Illax rug ILllum umkuu hulk nnu It ulonI l9 nyllllll Preleirboiom men the week end wllh Mr and Mrs Lam West at Stony Point Lake Sim Mr and Mrs Allan Mthod Torunlu vhlled Mr And Mn Mar Mend You cauldme lhu dlnmanï¬ ln Hummy and lead hurl lrylng lo lake the trumys out 33 man posslble but thll ll hlnlly likely to head olllhu rull ll East has the Ice ol hurts hell lake and return dlnmond while llWnst ha lh Ice ol henm hell wln and put hL partner in with pado In order In at dil mond return lrue hm an Illum Mve Hm ol phy which would Auccctd In mu Iclunl mm but IL not recommended In case You could win Ihn open lng lend wkhlha quctn din mandl Ind llntuc qucen of Xubl In an cum to make lhl conlrm but II by my chancn Ens had flu king you mlth luller lhrmlrlck dtlul This method of play obviou Iy wont work 10 you have to look for name nlher way of vallnzlhq contract Thu bnsl wnf ol playing the hand II In wn he dlnmond wilh he ace and hen cuh In no niclubl and continue with the queen When Eu iollows law you discard lhe men oi Inadcsl Once you do lhll the contract in nude Em unnnl poulny obtain ihc lead And he only rick you Inn the queen of club nnd Ice 01 beam Mr and Mn Jhï¬iflamnnnld Ind Jlmmle of Toronto spent by weekend wlh Mrs Russell Rowe Mn and Mn Don Mom and llmlly Oshlwn wera weekend guests Mr and Mrs Grenvilla Egbert HAMILTON CHEight play en were cut by Hamilton Tiger Cats Thewa ascoach Ralph Sula brought his lineup down Ingmar leagige speciflgallpnsl Two American and 11x Ca nadians were placed on walv urn The import wan nllback Sam Fernandez Ind lineman Mlikey Ordlgz Tho Canadian drapped were centre Rnn mum and Ed Och knn llnomnn George Mevlsatn and Bill Graham and tackle halfback luck Van Busklrk and Game McKee Ticald play their in time the Enslum Football Canter ence here Saturday against Montreal Alweues housewlru pmy Ind bake ale put on by tho UCW Inst Wednesday wem very succenml Sympllhy of In communl ll extended In Mra Mmhn Campbell on the dealh cl her mother Mrs Flor Ron Cook luwn and In the lnmlly of My Warnlcn Mn Wamlca who wn membcr oi the lnnlslll Plln nlnz Board llld presldenl ha Stmudï¬lephnna camplny dled ln lha Royal Vlclorla Hospital Barrle Sunday no you than Ullnk lel Ind mum of trying lo prevent thgrrufl Eight Players Cut By Ticats By MR5 CAMPBELL Tumoflom nu STROUD l0 nul so kinda lulluto mm lml nptnlnl bld BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUII In ll