urn llcntrlcr Mngdulrn Tandy In Klnnulnn uhn Innmrd 30L Clnmlc Humll llrmm who wun Ilm nllllnuulnlml ENV lco Drxlrr Ill rummnmlor Drllllh lrmpn in llunu Km durllnnIM Elm Vurlrl Wnr Rho Inlrr Ilml In lnmlllll rc urnan lo fnmuln In Hm allrr lhl drnlh Mr nnhnml Mrn llumll Ilrnwn wnu mmlc Mrmhrr of flu Onlrr nl Hm Drlllh lClnplw In HH In hrr lcllvlllrl will In Imperlnl Ur dcr Dnuxhlru lhn lanm dlnlnl Hmul Wmhl WM Anna Russells EMother Dies UNIONVHLIT Onl Cl Mrl MUIM lhmrll Drawn Slum mymrnm mnlhrr or mnllmnn Annn munll Ilml lnmlny nl hrr homo In lhll Tqrnnlu nuhurh mild cDununll wn mnnlhl younuur nil upllghl ml lhn run until Ihc lcnm loo lnr uldcwuyl hnd lumblcl over liku jn lnprhznvy round bottomed bnllle Then Ihu ucrnnrm Phllppa ha ha nrml Gm ï¬dlnu no Im max Ire lhnlldamldn hnMn Amu lmhlu were horn Jn flrllnin wllh mlulng llmbs duran lhn ll mnnlhl lha lrnn wau1d be 00 hard on tho hudael wnuld pmbably look mighty land To he home maker with amlly lo feed and clnlhe no fun look lnvelier no diamonds shlne brighter than new washlng machine clams dry at aqqzmnllc glsquh mnnxhs rhmmï¬umnbonï¬ ha lnllnlld lots She plrkl up her Vloyil hurry In addlllon In Just drylng wzt wash them an ha many extra an nummmlc 10th dry tnnlrlhuluplflnw um be lulled In dryer and dra mics and vanInns nnlclcl nl clulhlnz cnn ba nlrnd with the machine at ha of set ling Some women In up their qullu revive wrinkled woolen and altdry plastic cm with no man wnrk Involved lhun just pInclrw Ihcn In the dryer DRYER EXTRAS her washing mncMno still so strong but she has to hnnz Ihe laundry nulslde nu lhe Jinn how about clolhes dryer or medal occuxlan mm Pop and the rust of Ike fnmlly mlgm anther to Ilnnncu It of course sh would llke mink mall Eu thats an enur moua hudgetdenlcr or even gun of moderately loud qua We all urea that Mother de nerves somelhlng really glamor oua far birthday or nnnlvcr nary zllt But ll she ls the head at busy household give some thought to just what ls really glamorous that hardworklng wnArrAmna cycsl J7 MARY Thglidomide Tots Given New Limbs In TII Inl Nun NI KIM TI int llnnl Impale manual In 11 rnnum Jnrl TEXTILES GIFTS CIGARS AND TOBACCOS When Buyng Gift For Mother Consider WorkSaving Appliance And oh howlrénving van auto By LAWRENCE MALKIN LONDON AP Al ELEANOR noss easy llvlng CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES FIRST IN BARRIE anwhllv Lndy llnnrol slump hm mu nhrml on Ill mm and mm nlnr rhlldrrn with flu nnw lywx llmb he NIIlllrM llhmmllc Fnumlutlan llnwllnl nl xfonl nuclan llwrp nlm wlll mlnrm mmry nu Ilufmmrd llmlll MIIIICIAI nnrn mu llllrd wupuly Mic nu tiny duo In 1an In mpllclnn by mmo doclnn lhn hrnllh lll nlllry nnlrmi unllc 1mm numhrr and up perln lu IUIII lllllnu thrm mm and lrnlning chilllrm In mm 1an 11w nnlillnmlnlo Appeal pk nrvrrd In Hmllnx Iullnhlo llmlnl ery sent mm In Irrmnnyl Iridrlhrrn Unlvornlly nnd re lurnul wllh Irrcinl mmlcl powmd by cyl ndrr t0m mumd nun Lady Hunrcl npmnl nu bun dincm nl muddan nrllA llclnl llmhs lur lho children flrllnln Ioclnllzod mldl clnn nymm hnl lnkcn on the lnlk nnw lm lilo hull IXIInler WM lilmllly Iwnmprd hr the unexrlnlncd warm no 1mm lmyllcu dozen or them were broughk In garden pany rncnnlly In tho pcncclul luburb of SL Jnhn Wood It wu arranged by Lady FredrrIrk Hoax2 bunker and armor Inrd mayor oI London 511 II chnlr man and Ioundnr nI BrlInInI Ihnlldamldc Arman whlch Inn collltlcd £90000 Ilnm It hogan II yrnr an ARTIFICIAL Lmns quilllm lhnlldamlde won an lhu muml here or automatic dlshwuhm lhm are so many models In In many nlzcs shapes and mm hut ll mould be my lo plck the right out And mm or ha nicest and newest nre ponabla and able to it anywhere 111 lb kllchcn Is also the dam of nucklnfl tho dryer abovu rentlandan Iypc washer su that floor space requlrtmlnu are cm In hull Fludlng udequatu xpace II onnn Just maller nun ynug In dqnl up Fludlng udequatu onnn Just maller ynur wllu In dont zoqd gdca Iao qukkl Under ldnal condillons lho dryer would sl next to the washer but lhls arrangement lsnl absolutely necessary Any woman would gladly aka law extra my to save hours work Of course there he mailer space to be cumldcrcd when malor household appliance ll Involved But rarely does lack of ohvluus space actually rule out nnylhlnu as valuaqu dryer There well may be Melon space in lhc kitchen to accom mndali the machine lhe laun dry spuce there In rearranled nnly elighlly WHERE TO PUT Such workiuvers are New lug Mather will why every day in the your and every mem bar at he lamlly bencmx mallv dryer can naval Milly garments came out the ma chlne needing Just little linger presslng to look lhelr best PA 85741 Dur Ann Lndeu have hunted everywhere In the newxpaper that canled yaur column aboul an 11month reg nancy Will you plans 91 me when and where this happened My own parents are In the 51 yearold group and they wn alder themselvu mlddleued Are they trylnl to kid them aIvuor whan Please let me know what you think about thll been buzzing me or loni limeSpank Truth Why all this preoccupallun with age Buster Ive said It before and Ill may it again Its only yI number Baby MEDICAL RECORD Why do swearold people re fer lo Ihzmaelves In middle aged Hnw many people live to be 100 an my My own Idea In that ml dlev ale should be Inll of life expectancy which my It at about as Deu Spelker When was 17 though middle an wu about 30 When not to be so shoved middle as up about 10 or 15 yenrs an lva been 5113le lg ever alnce Dur Ann Lanniem Iam wenold hay with perfectly umlbla quesllon which no one mm to be ane to answer So am writing to ymg mzuunnvl ACCIINIII or any room Nydrocnl ur ImlcImno Inhlc Inlqu In lnmlnntlvu modrm kllannl Cmn Elf wllh wnnhnhle hilt Vellum hndu Approx II llh III Ill For And flu nl Moral ANN LANDERS SEMIANNUAL SALE FEATURE Age 15 IustA Number To Ydung At Heart lTl mmnv Tn IIUY NOW AND nummm BUY NOW AND CHARGE IT THREECONVENIENT CREDIT PLA N5 AVAILABLE maï¬a The average fullterm prez nancy about 230 dayl which approximately nina months Thl can vary several days om way or the ï¬ber Hut medical science In never recorded an 11 month pregnancy Muyb lust seemed that long Honey MONEY GIFTS Dur Ann Llndtn Our son Ron gain In marry Inc glrl whom will cull Anna Marle She was born and reared In another country and her par rnu speak very llule English pleas letlle Thgnk DJ Deu and There was nothing In my column recently about Injlvmonth rcxnancy What you are pro ably re ferrinzv to is loner from woman whn wmplalned be cause her friend could nevu get any place on ume She repeated the lawn Jokethat Adelle was an 11month baby and has been In aver xlnce My friend be me $10 that no mchllern ap Bred she clalma Ill punn are about the same length lime and that people get conï¬ned for all aorta of reamm know she wrung because Iwnl pregnant wfl my mood child or 1le mgnlhn or us mrmllle tumheavy mum hod mruda flnhhed wlh dew bullon mm Muhlm wuhnble mall or mam bu 11m In whllo or mum Ila mn VALUE rohnhlm than ONLY $115 WEEKLY 0N ZELLER CREDIT PLAN MIX MIUIJT OUR CONVENIENT IAYAWAV IIAN vlrnhm Flue nlulrnrl Ellrm nullan erl mmlo wllh CREEMOEE Specinli Friends and neighbors oi Rev Addison and Mrs Addison gathered Iheir home to pre sent lhelr third daughter Miss Joy Addison with miscellaneous shower oi giiu on her approach ing marriage Alter an hour BEDSPREADS Denr Tnke your husbands advice Since you will provide lhe brides mother with your guest Ils youll be able to phone or drop each your guests line uxplainlng the Eu ropean cullom Let them know then nolhlng obligatory about Im afraid when nur lamlly and Irlends lha Invitation Ihey will be mocked Please tell m5 whatrtn dad Thsy veri cram anheIr Plcuaydnnllake my head all and lcll me am mob 0m mm is lucky lo gal lhil girl Anna Merle In ml anly beaulllul but also brilliant and talented She has already so cured leaching position on the ml conservatory and will help put Hon through law school The Wedding will be held lull and the guests will he requested la bring money in Ilaad claim This will appear on the lnvllallonul was morti iied when heard it but up parenlly ii is lhe custom in Eu rope My husband say in keep my nose out oi it and lo let him dn whalayer they yang Conï¬dential lo Wondering Ynur mother tight SPECIAL form or lhn rucrenflon room or den nllmtivc wninutlmhh wond en Ilal chain HIM old or my Home mm ml Mill Stork upl Hold ShoWer At Creemore mu my MWWMWMW SLAT CHAIRS 997 WOODEN HEIRLOOM Imunm ltHrrn rllrolnmlï¬nï¬ hnlu VWMI WWWCour ual and bar ml hI many rnlpmlll qvv quvmmny 5M CHROME CHAIRS Q38 SPECIAL Mrs Elsa Junkins right manager the wamena divi sion flu Cnnadlnn anlonal vlslllng on the lawn an address was read by Miss Shirley Smelt Decormed baskets were car ned In by nelzhbors childmn 2188 4488 DUSTY TWEED VISCOSE RUG VALUESl PRICED WAY BELOW USUALI Rugged Viscose plle tuned on strong jute and loamrubber backed No underpadding needed Finlshcd wlth surged edge that wont ray nt nvell Choose from brown beige or green Iwecds Exceptional values 1199 anueï¬rlccd Gx CHECKING ITALIAN FASHIONS FOR IYOUR 2mm LIMITED BMW BONUS WINNER FOR JULY $2500 COUPON BOOK Mrl Fully RR No Box Lllllo len Burl duwn by Mrl Mnuam Hoopr Lulmy Onl MVP PLENTY Good qunlfly rayon drum In JncquardA dmun llmuu nr Ibnlmcl sum mumI Well mmln wllh plnrlwlcnl lam bnokl mppllcd LowIr ocular blundu In mmll alum by or II Iona nu um Buy Nuw Ind 11 ll hr only 0125 uulxlyl Exhiblllon looks over fashion at the house of Italys Fontann slsters Mrs Jenkins relumgd to Toronto recenuy from weekl Mtcr the presents were npcned Ted Brown groomelecl expres They contained many useful and varied xmx READYMADE DRAPES 9x IT 888 1288 Unllnrd cuMs291 27 Hall Rumm Linn Refreshments wage xervnd on the lawn mum rumw or exhibit or the um lure mus msnlon shuw CP Wimphola sod he cauplo appreclallon for lhem 97