lAIME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1m NEW YORK AP Federal nutharmu hm mer eight pennuns with amuzalinn huge summit of Swlu walch mow menu mm the Unlled state rom Canada Mexico and else where In the 1m navel yam The US attornay allies hers lald the movement were amul gIedJn such volumoan call mated 30000 mumthat the U5 unvernmenl we de rived of 81000000 year In mpm duties m11 eight all US residents wen arrested Monday night and nmdny OTTAWA CWMasters and officers of 20 shlps trading In Canadian ports havn received award or making weather ra purts during their voyages an the high scan in coastal waters and on tho Great Lakes CAPSULE NEWS The awards were unmanned Tuesday by McTaggnrl Cowan director of the ransport departmenls meteor ologjcal yranghz ge the wea Iher cnndillons over the vast ex penses at the worlds Mean dependent almost enklrely on he reports received lrom mer chiadn ships the announcement an Weather Prizes grand Jury in New Haven Conn has charged John Doyle nbove with stock item in the operation ol Cmudlnn Javelin Ltd mininl company which holds right on extensive imn are pmpflliu in Labrador Three other men were also named Th9 indictment was returned July 1962 but kcpt secret until today Doylu ruid lhu indictment referred lo M4 Lion nhlch took place More 195a nnd that he has rlnco m4 muted fully wlih nil Nguin lory bodies Plclure was taken in Montreal court in 1961 when Doyle was charged but iound not guilty at comnlncy in the operation of lho company OITMVA CPIThe Board of Transport Commlsslnmrs uu hrcn Isde In nrhld lha 13011 Telephone Company Canada mm holdlng nhms In Nurthern 59m WW Stock Fraud TM Iumugm In An apnllca llnn In wllh lhu hnard Mun dny hy Indmlrlnl ere and CA hla Company 01 Tomnlo Slnnley ltnlnwskl H7 Dclml dhd In hmanl hrre Tutmy mm Inllnwinu lwocnr mun hlch lnurrd rnur nlhcr pnr lbnfl an lhrm Mingus Ilrlnn Inn 15 Snmln pnmnurr In lh mnnd cnr wflurd hrnd hunt Md hnthlred prlvlv Forbid Shares IDTIMVA lllnnllll 1m uanI In prnvlvb hm wllh mmo wnvlh of Md mndum lo slum ur Minn rmrr pury pmmm lIllrmnl lnlu Mlnlnlrr Mallln unnmmml lmluy NW mnluulluu rm mm mm or he vmvhlm Ibo ml me urlmnuul Allwm Ivy Mlnnln Hlvlrlll inmullm Mnhlllmlnr In llnvu and ln llhlflul llplnrlll ll vlm mlnlucr Ind mluhler Ivr only lllllu Detroiter Dies Food To Greoco Eight Charged With Smuggling smnunov om lCI JOHN mm AUI MARTIN OTTAWA CP Sham wool production in lhll Iprlnl wu cstlmnted 5259 000 pounds dawn 10 per cent mm the commanding 1m n1 5508000 pounds the hu geau of statistics reported Tuer Prodncllon was down 10 per cent In the Eu 2066000 pounds compared with 2300 000 and nine per een In the West at 3173000 pounds com pared with 3500000 Number of sheep ehnrn declined nlne per cent to 660000 head from 730 000 In 1962 while the Average lleeea weight was 79 pounds compared with last yelrl elm pounds WASHINGTON AP The US treasury department an nounced Tuesday that It wlll ln vestlgate to determine whether vital whentgluttn being sold at less than fair value In Iha United States by he Ogllvla Flflxr Ml Co Canada Wool Falls The reasury mid Ogilvle last year mid to US ï¬rms $432000 worth gluten when prod uct used tn add protein and olygrnutrlgnls 19 hread Ulider 1h Anii Dumping Act Ihe iariii commission has Authorin in IcUust duties on any import which said in Ihnn inir value and ymvlded there is deierminnlmn that 115 ï¬rms are being injured WHITEHORSE Yl CF The RCMP has launched an In vestigation Into the shipment of $100000 worth of high grade ver are In Helms Mont from the Yukon insp Vachnn said mg day lha shipment was believed in have been made in June or July It was believed shipped by rail irom Whilchurse in Skaxway Alaska and by boat in Uniicd States quteq gheating Robbed In Congo ELISABETHVILLE Reuters Four Unllcd anlnn Hymn and two Journnllqu were man handlcd Ind robbed by rem mm ex president Make Tshomhes Kalngn province gendarmcn Tuesday It KI mga about 135 mllu northeast or here The ofllcnrn Norweglun and three Svnzdrsv hnd flown there check report of gathering exAxcndarmes who have been accust of several recent hold up nnzr Elisahclhville Th journnllsls wart Tim Knight and Roger Among United Frau Inlcrnallonnl Silver Probed OTTAWA CP publlc hearan he rcslrlcllve rude pracllces commisslnn will be held In Mnnlrcal Och In con nection with Irnnsporlullon mmmodmu by wnlcr Io nnd lrnm Eastern Cynadlnn parlg llon are usunlly closed la ha puhllc declslon In hold an openlnn hznrlnx In mi casa mm mm the rent Impart Ince of ma mun thalrmun Rnbm Mnchllan Inld 1an day CAEN anre nwlern Fnrmrr pmldunl Dwight Elm tnhnwr rcllml lhu Normand landings Tuesday More lclcv alnn camcm on he MM 01 he loan Navy destroy Gurkha The xleslroyor Ialltd mu lhl wrtcknxn DDny cum all Omnhn mm EIunhawrr Inn helm lha cnmrrnn Wfleeï¬ng Ellmfrxéwérll on uMny VIII Europe In make Ida vlllon mm on tho lnndlngl GITVA CWThe Mrnnnn Ill4 lrnlrrnslnl nml llnmnn Cnnmuc nllglvug Illnnmln nllmn hnve lhn younwl nu dllrlhullm In rrlnuon la Can lulnl pnmnpllnn Gnu linlir rrlenled Tuesday by Hu lmrrnu uln lhllu nlmw woo or SM per mu nl Cnnmlnl 151 Mm nonllr Mn umlrr 5H hr in prr crnl MW Im mInll nml 3107594 nr 11 per ml 1mm Human Cam In Rglives DDay WINNHICH HlYA Mrnmm Hr rnmcullm hue hRI mmm flml lulurn mrmhmhip In Ill lulu wlll nul roquln Impfllm vy hnlmnlnn Youngest Ages 11n drrlnlnn ulllnl prun nlml In Ihn lmycur hlxwy Um mulch wnu npmnml by drlrunlu nllemhn 1hr hm rnnrrnnnn urnml mn lrunrll nl lh Mmunnllr flrflh ml Humh Nnrlh Amnlu MUNTIIFTM ltl nnlnnl my mum anlay nlghl Imu hmmIy up mwrd me In In mm In lrnglh nl Hun nu any In Is mllu we murly Inrmud Imnnwinl In of lva lulu Rules Changed Extend Subway