High On The List Is Nuclear Arms other Iuhjccls high on the agenda are underuood in be review he lnlcrprovmchl onlmnce nrcmim In Hnll 1le Monday and Tuesday prcp Mrnuons or second wenl Ev mvlnclnl ruund talk In Sap pnmber an In lcdcrnl govcm Inenll Mnuibulary rcllrcmcnl kpcmlon plan and consldernunn or mum up mnllnnlnl ed orllpmviutlnl necrclnrlnl gym FURHllle TALKS Pllnl mm nlxn he made or wnlerencn later In Inn yrnr bunny In Nnvtmbcr ax rcun he whale ambit Bdrm Tbmvlnclnl rclnllons lmrncdlnln concern to lha ubind keepan nn eye on lhn lroubltd lnke Ahlpplnz sllumlon mlAWA CPLThe cablne bald what is being advcrlhed routine mecling Iaday ul Hnl down Into It midsummer pm or bushing Elle Minister Mnrfln fresh from Wu out visit xpeclcd to on mud or discussion Ina ne lnlmlon CnnadlunAmerl can nuclear arms lxrumcnl Ind Cnnadlnn adherence lo flu AngloAmerican Russian llm led nuclcnl Ales bpn lrcnly Mk um MU 0mm um 0MU hum thumplnn mmluhlu tvm Prime Blinlulér Pearson who spent the weekend Monday and Wesday at his ofï¬cial summer lodge Harrlnxlon Lake wlll mum to he capital to preslda over the meeting which it not expecled In draw lull unend Ince because the number of mhflstm nn vacnlion Ho Ho crillcllcd Finance Minlalcr Gordons handling of the USCanadlan lax conlro versy and nld lha Canadian econnmy Is bound to suffer Followlng visit to Ms Prince in In interview before his de bariure ha hiamcd Ihe govern ment or endangering Great Lake shipping by delaying no iiun to bring five maritime un lDfll under government trustee Iilip and hunted President Hui Ennk oi ihe Seaiarcrs inicr national Union irinnd ni lhl Liiaerai party 0mm cm Opposlllnn Leader Dlerenhukcr firing crllh ylsm at opponents In several di rections lies to Saskatchewan today for ï¬shing holiday but bu served notlce he will return Quickly nced be fDief Blames Govt For Marine Crisis have Clue Plnll mm tan reels Manlum Premlar vIIllon to lhc Welllnltnri ccn Wallimon Ont nur Klnu Dull Roblln md Rglglln lennlll ovu lhn weekend CF CHAMPION BEARDS ARE DISPLHYED Frnnch olllclnll nld do Gnnllu Ind rrnlled In Krnnedyl letter hut lhey wnuld nol comment on conlcnu They polnled uul hnwevtr lhul dn hull hu undo clear he would nol accept nuclur Ild I1 any thing wm hunched rhlmp Alma Lawnin nmul pm manna ww PARIS APlPmldcnt Km ncdy has opened lhe way or France In no American nuclear help bu units It liven wilhnul conditlon ll wlll not be accorded Manned murch Inld Tuesday nmy suld Kenntdyl July 15 kill in President do Gnullo contained can hInl hIl Frcnrh ldhmnce lo Ihn par lIIl nurlur mt wnuld muke Amtrlun nuclear num ante poulble Opposition Leader Dieicnhlk or who ieit only today at ilshinz holiday north oi Prince Aibert Slain llld mudy night the pariinmcnilry nd Joumment gave Hui Banks president oi the Seainrm In tunnlionni Union Ind time to consoiidate hln position heiorl the truslecshlp in uiahilthed The government has pmmlled in all Parliament back from summer recon emergency Iczhlnuun Ia nrcded lo mame lmllcuhlp over Ive maxL flme unlonl WANTED ACTION Werrshouldmnol have ad Journcd wilhout action on lhl Mr Dlelenhnkcr nw teln lorcernent vlew that PAr llnment should not hlva Id lournud withqu selling lhl ruslccshlp In ha 510 ml ual ll wellare plén admlnis Iralor Bernard Boulanger Mr Baulnnxer uld In Montreal he was fired because be reï¬ned to allow an unprlnclpled Instruc Uan from the mom baaes France Wont Take Aid With Strings Albert Sash home Mr Die enbaker wlll go mm In Waske slu and Lac La Range to go fish lug with old Mmds He will keep In touch wllh Ollawn how ever In case there In luddcn recall Parllamen lo deal with lhu lake shipplnz multle Dr leond wu accompnnlrd by Dr llzrmnnn Olllwn Dr Sloan Sl Thom Dr Donald MrLun Vlnnlpq and Dr Guy Sortach and Mn anm McSwoyne mm Vnncuuvcr The turn wul ml to Maly Ia uplm medlrnl and lurglul ltchnlquu lo doo on lhm Wu wera prnmhed hcdl or pallcnll nn openlan mom and Ch necuury equlpmrnl IMd Dr leand but mm lhm wu not provided hrallml om mu unkind GP mm Dr CIluda leond ono of in Cunndlnn doctor and nuru unl Io Malayl two year my under lha Colombn plan laid In In lnlervlcw thought Ultra was ml need In Ihal counlry and help would be web Enidbut wag gong The Sullnn Pnhanu II bulldlnx $1500060 pnllu while lruckl repnlrlnl lho rand In hll um have bcm damned by Ihv Knvtrnmcnl Cand0 OSHAWA CH111 Cnnudlln Kovnmmnnl should review ll orelgn Ild prnnrlm Inslnad pouring muncy lnlo counlrlcl whlch III to llv up In cammlb menu daclnr Inld Tueadny Two week nzo Prime Mln Islet Pemnn wu unllnx Ihal Ill wan well and that what tho Unllmi sum had done In ex empllnx Cnnldn In par mm the Kunncdycxchann prumm wquld leave Canadn In Illnlll position ll now clear ha Cm nadlan econamy will mm Mr Dieienbmr nld that Fi nnnca Minister Gardnnl pilgri mazu to Washinvioniasi week end seemed lo be without luc eeu in lecurlnn oii axempilon or Canada irom in new us 12er on Amaricnn investment Ibrond wonderll Banks had any thlng to do with the mem manll decision because Ill mind during tho election cam paign he had not go along wlth us but hit unlon nu along well enough with the prevlnux le ml government The excuse the lovunment nava seemed to bu wllhaul Ioundltlun In act lhey Icemed In be ï¬ll Nonis royni commission report Asked that we proceed and it would not have bum dliiicult to draft the legislation This delay permits Hal Banks to come dm his position and invite vio iance to continue Doctor Says Relief To Malaya Was Not Needed Welcomed mu pmluflnl Mrlnl pudlm Upper Lam ï¬hlp yln Umlled ul Tnmnlo on 6110 who lam Mm nmullln hlnrlllmr Union WM munlml um lha IIU bu flu UMI Nb In Iympulhy wllh lhl 50 um lnll or worlm oi local hill roluud la lmd lhn lloum 5h nullod In Chulol Cul umm hum ulna April It Jud Jlmu II chmnd II ordtr In lumd Jnnc IO Illor hwy at mm Id Intllvldull mnmlnu Incl un ol IM Inlrnnlmml Inn Ihnremenl Aunclwnn nuurd lhul In muner my In volml lwuml UH mmhlll nrvrd them with thu nrden CHICAGO MP udn uvlml In Injuncunn wily ullml lhc calmr1 Ix call Clmdlnn rlln AM In no lndlvlduI unlnn mumbm lrom polliblc enn mm 01 um Exurnulild omdm mum In xpvrlgyn in llold II lld penannul mould bl dilllncmaly Club In All ald mull he clnrly du Ixnnltd In origin ennhllnx mlpknh And udllnl to Jun 91 eleclvu3 WI wm nbln to do Ioml uulul work but failed in nur also Jacllu lo lmprava the overall ifldnrdl of medial can In Dr leamt who has returned to pncllco hm wanted uven Inl pronlm lnr lulu In lorfllun Ilq pgollfl Dlrec clll med th Iood reduc lnx duullnn Ind madlc In cluding blrlh control naclplrnt counlrlu mull Ihaw wlll to lmpmvu thelr nwn rondltlnnl devollnl mlon ath proparllnnl lhtlr awn Inurm lo ht Iran dullnlltd ngedyt nldl mun hlu ndmlnll horlly man lhln The are 0000000 poop ln Mllaya mm In Ill 11 mm Thu country pravlously luv emed by BritIn nlncd III In dependence In 1957 and MW ha ovtrnmenl Ilmflar lo Iha Brilllh Iyllem PERTH Aullrnlin Reulem Llllm Dlllom Ihy um Irish wamln who lumd to fly In her 40 and helpcd planter will nvlnllon ding 11101 World War she drove Imhullnm In mm and mu liter took up flying and beam III In wnmln member the noyll Aero Club She moved lo Auulralll Ihoul 10 yam Inn ll being laid in Wuhlnz lon that he Iallure to excludu Cumdu mm the operntlan ol Khan new Amerlun axu ra lulled from tho totally lnexcux able action the Pearson lov ernmen 1n proposing tho SOper cent In on foreign movementl olC ad flocks Thu Liberal party which clnlmed my ndmlnlllnllon wn milAmeriun hu gone far hm ynnd unylhlnl we contemplnlcd and has Invited malllow Hun ulnat Canndul Changes Boycott Order verely from lhl Action taken by lhgjneglcln ldmlumrnum Pioneer Aviator Dies Ht Age 84 Winpholo urged rlh meuuru Includ lnl lulpemlon or expulsion of South Mrlu from lhu UN Than wan ruled out by lhn Ipomrlnl delmuonl hav Inrnn chlncl for upprovll Tho duh Wll much mm modelm nun lame Alrlcun cannula hld nnlhl but men allll wu doubt that could win lhu mumy mm van with an delaunn of flu boycott pro vhlan Tho mum Slllu Ilready lm Innauncad ullnl Lo hln nla wnpant to South Mrlcn Ind it named cmlln lhla proponl would bl Ipproved The US however ll opposed to econo mlc Ind palllml penumu In cluding hoycmll luch II lhn rel ulullan prapom TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA I40 UNITED NATIONS AP Ghlnl Mormon Ind the Philly hm llld balm Ihn United NI Ianl Securlty Council much molutlon cIlHn or worl Id can 41 outh Mrlcnn ruull that com Intonation pollclu TM three nnllon mnlullon also crud Ill counlrlu to ban the Ahlpmenl urml ammuni tion In mlllllry vehlclcl to South Ha liked UN sac nu 41mm Thank lo pm Ick lo the tunnel by on so on dIvalnpmenlI IAN EXAMINERll WEDNEBDAY AUGUST 1m BoYcottPlan Is Presented To UN Cbuncil Géï¬Augï¬stTOWELSALE Auomd rm Ind Iubl In luxury qunl lly Youll wnnt vuluy at hum In an mnny mm and colour IVIHIbll Inch l0 numor Hi Im Vii WALKE RS WASHINGNN hmSwill Republican hm memd th 1mm Impllclllanl the Hm led nuclur mt hln trulyj and mm of them expected to find up min or In millen an Allllfllllll puny luderl hm mllnulned nonAcommml olv tllude In Influential Rapubllcm unltor who uked no to ho quoted by nuns Iald ho And majority al hll colluzuu hm ruched lha conclullon lhl Illord pollllcnlly lovole mlnn thll lmly Khen number rim Involved um dont mu to Ilka nallon nu ma But Ihl JaLnl able at mu ny thal on bnlunne nc MINGJIM helluva they willw wont hm my chalet but to ouppart It LONDON Ont CHCom munhm 1m made low Inmdl In lndll malnly beam 01 In due 1y ralllluul mum ol ht nd In people Anglican Archbllhop ol Qalculu uld IIEMIlldIYw dllply ralllloul mile Ild Molt flnv Klylnlc rln dun DB Mel Ind the Itholllle mllcrlu commnnllm Ippull to the very few No Commént On Test Ban Treatï¬ Cant Aflbrdr To Vote Against 5915 India 3611919115 DO Not Appédlis Aichhlmp who II Exceptional Values on Brand Name Towels for Bath and Kitchen all IIOUMI Dolly nu um KIM In ll NOII hilly MM MI HI Illrlbulcdthl In pm what he ulled nu mother vote wnmun who hm lured that nuclear Illouk mlm re lull In dammed chlldrcn And who benev lhu truly may 11 mllnn thll tamer mun naï¬ubllcan mum paid that alter eurlngl bazinnhu Monday he expects la no opposition vlnumlly collnpn no mg amour bailedIlla ludm have nld may no conï¬dent of mm Ihc mummy nupporl twolhlrdn lhm voting Republicn Leader Everett Dlzknn llllnoll uld then In wldl vulauon In lha mall un nlnu havn bun rmlvlnn on the lusty Ha nld he had had 5000 letter which wan divided qunlly in nor and In opp mm raunullon Tani memiiership oi the united denomination would numnzr 100000 with about zoo Angllcln lllatrupolllln nl lndll PI lulln Burmn and Caylon Illa Id In In lnlorvlew mm Ire lndlcallonl hut lour Protes llnl denomlnltlnnl ln Ceylnn wlll unlte man after IBM The lchemo ambrncol lhu Anxll elm Molhodllll Bipllatl and mm dlocuo of the Church of Soth lndll whlcll ll of Cam monwenllh buckuroundn gfltqllon Terry Firsts Suva 22¢ on Ibsovbcnt kitchen my lowall Fully Icmn pvlnll In cholco ol paltuml Ind colouu 13 30 om wunllv hm lunglh 72 90 85 muafly 10 Spoclll vim ol ovor $1 on Inll Nancy Allwoo blankelswllho ulln bind lnm Ron blue moon ndnlwood orlurquolu 100 Wool Blanket Twopl ChurnRHv Gum Morden prlnclpll Huron Col lene Ind Rev Sidney Jelllcae dun II thopr College Lanna ville Quu mm of Inltrdanomlnallnnll booing all study which wu Ilowly be In recognizedwlll land in re duce luncuann of Iml do naglnagonnl cnllem Dr many ha worldwldu Anlllun com munlan unveiled plnqua Huron Callus Nemay cnm memoraunx In mu Idnlver my Emhyleu ind pauhly llvt llhogl Arc hlshnp DeMeI here or world conlermce at uni Aw Ilican churchlaad on ma lhm nbmn 11000000 Chm Ilanl In Indlnwhlch he pap ulatlon of 1le 450000000 lqupp Nmng Premler nobnm wlll bu mad an honorary allow the col lexu whlch teaches lhc liberal am and theology IndMOIl nuv Mlchael Ramsey Arch bllhop of Canterbury Ind 10 other church leldm wlll ro celva honorary doctor or ï¬lm lydelre91 More hm 40 hcndl of AIIII cnp college lhrouuhaut thI world bmn wankIan can WWW hllhllihl Indy gellvl Men will he Irwin cunvocn llon Huron Coleze In Annu cnn educational lnulldllon we brilan ltl centennlll when 11 world Anzllcln Ieudm Ind Pre mler Roham at DamIn will In honored 57¢ 51W SKI $45