AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY nun Imuun 09 5mm mi mum 0qu MONDAY Avon1 we mmy Mann Club in um runm Kid IIlduwlY In wuan Trun 1000 Hum Flul mo Nun Ilerlun but um curn ll Wulhlr NI Hum 1110 1le um ol Junk WlanIDAY AUDUIT 33 In Inga mm By MRS MAURICE REID Mr and Mrs Bed Noble 1hr onln spent the weekend with their math Mn Mcrvyn Noble Yo from r50 Mr and Mrs Culbm and baby Toronlo spent few day with the Inllers parents Mr and Mrs Jackson Mrs Reid and Mn Isobel Junk matured In Amman on Nelday coming home by Club Ion here they spent the nilht dimmer was burn to Mr and Mrs Donnld Matthews July II Slavenson Memorill Ho pllll Algal Mrs Ferris in visiting Brlmplan friends Conzmulallonx to Mr And Mrs Nelsun Griflilhs on the birth of sun July in the m3an Vlcï¬nrla my Barrle Sixell Renburn and Fungi Holmes was held at the hayqu gay eygglng Friend Whitfield And Men lieid cnmmunitlu nuanded Some the Kill pmenled were vacuum cleaner uni ublo und chain kllcheu ciock and teapot and money Rulkl orchesin provided the music Another shower was given this Simple 11 vioiei Hlli imm Neighbours of the Perm dil lricl Alltnded the funeral of the late Jnhn Weir at Cmmorc on Thursday shaman For mnnyyears he lived at the home of John Jinkl He died lha Colllnzwood hospital Intelmum wu Bandl EVELYN ARNOLD successfulvahower was held Iprld llld groan Jul by nm And Copy III In nonum To hm nun YHIRE IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS IIRVICI DRIVEYOURS CAR AND TRUCK MANSFIELD TELEVISION maxim LEFROY CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mun mount 14 100 Ilva uu nma mm Mm uun nam too 71 Sun mu mo 1m our noo nv NI lem no llmu lllrlun an wmvmuy mom moo um ll 30 12 mu Nm wmhu mm anll Pennnll Mlllfl Summlnml semen an Vlclllun 11ml Quick Duw mam 7hr swam Quh um wumu mm 11 Emma 017 mu Soul Frank um mm CAM Nmmumn mlomla CBC TV Nlll lvlvumr spam NI EllIII lawful mummy Auaun Ten Pllllrn Mrs Tom Pack Inlerlalned Ins Snlurdly afternoon lin In shower Iorï¬iss Beth Call carl Il2rldgth b9 Mrs Glcn Illchilvrdsgnhol Grav enhursl spent he weekend Lursmzu iMIs Aiex Bowman Brand and Andy visited Mend In Mr Ind Mm 51d Lewis Grendel Manlmha Ind Mr and Mrs Jack Lowlx Ind hm lly or Purim La Prairie vIsll ed for law dayx with Mr nnd Mu Rajah Work In Illned on new linemen for the Ichool Ind ll prggressllnzjlpld Mr and Mn Jna Jones Dan ny and Diane ol Grlmsby are aptndlnz few days with Doug and Dnva Jones Ind Mr Ind Mrs Bub Adlms with Mr and Mn Kenneth Junk ï¬r Melhaul of Zebhyr II apendlnz um week with Mr and My fate 119 mlly Weekend Iuexls or Mr and Mrs Kelly were Mlu Und MchchIel Min Lindy Lou Consume Min ery Linda anlord Ralph Countable Ind Ian constable Ill of 1mm and David Constable of Fennellu William Kelly men lwn dlyl at the Sky Lina Hotel recently akin lwduy come in un nncq reg VA Mm Sheila Bell mended lhl Secard Jack nuptial In St Eu ï¬nea RomanJ Cllhollc Church Mr mu Bell spin two am In Toronto Int week Mdor Illd Mn Erh and non and MrErb Sn or Khunon men law dnyl with Mr and My qlmElllnlt m1 wick INIvr Wm mm mm In rm an rrv mm Hun mum new xmdn ManIn nu Mnmhfl II llnu mm munm Monay II ml Munlnl luluu rtMM our on Immll Nlnl Thuln unify nl ll Iain Noundly pan Mnnflnl II In Col our mun Chum mm and In Amen Mm Ilnu flub III nun11m Wmn Idly NXIM Hovlo mm 01 man 19mm him tumm ANTEN MILLS Momlnl Mnrnlnl Th pt or Nnan Iy on llomlnl uunu Our Noun cnuum 1mm mom amen Mlcny Mann Cluh Idlle Tnnsnm ï¬n Hum Elam mum Bummmm su mn lthIu Pun Nun wum lum Ch at Dr mm Tm Dlllndln Unlouchlblu cnc TV Nm Wulhrr Walla Ntll Euuplclan Izmiiny hymn TORONTO By MRS 50011 BARRIE mil Opening lead nix bump In many hand when In nllIA male nulcomo comm unrerlnln dcclnrcr sand with Iilunuan Where It lnr morn dnnxmns or hlm In have one opponent on load lhnn the other In sum hands II all fumble he must lry lo Lhin hll plny lo prevent he dnnnmus opponent rum comlnl Inlo lhe lend an lhnl Il luflnlu Ihu principle Soth lhm nalrump and West Ind hurl Dcclmr wlns lho lcn IILh 1m king and note lhI he cnn hudly exprcl lo mike lhn contran without mnk ma nl dummyn Ian club DAILY CROSSWORD AMA thmn nln dc ulg Hm Mlth ll Tm bulimi Tho Mulrhoad Ind their lhrel children nave up poultry arm In Ind restaurant upenllom in England to com to Cand 10 ago The Mulrhead thumb hu been both men and experlmenul Ionz pm Member hm md so much Ibom gha Advalum Ind opportuni Mun ï¬lmed Mil pawl uhr II luhllu The Idea lllflld says Mrs Mulrhead whun to many friends Ind resident began BUM what to da will such andsuch plant that didnt team In be going wefl Then people beiglxzbrinzinl plant or Mr MuIrhend la ex amine Tum ltlolnalnll tn chm cunlnmtrl Mum1mm bird nut Illck um MW uumd l1 Wumlnl Mn P° talond Im In eflod or Mflonl Inn yam VPWnnt nixcm 101w 134 Humn 1Ammm muulnlu mwum It Aypm Ilom ll Amman Inmll Mulrhead who mend every possiblu moment with NI hur tlcullun hubby has turned Ml lreenhuuse in nearby Fall River Mn Gauiey Jr Anna Ind Bobby accompanied by Mn MAIwe Wren Ailislon visited lllliidl liiMlEflJdd 111mm Bumlvlllrfor law him In week Mr Ind Mn Dun Jones at me to be In their new llama Ieu thin month Mrï¬and Mll Keith be Burk hive moved Into Mn Ednn Dannhl home on the and cop non um Mrs Belll Robson Toronto ant the weekend with harmm HALIFAX CF Hansen pllnl menu with sick nn uvIerlI or In Illml ulslarem can Expert doclorlnl mm Edmund Mulrhud 51 ycarold Halifax sheet melnl mrker clpully DAluu Mrs Waller Faro Nmnlo hlvlnl law hulldlyl with helium 2115 Mr and Mn Fred mm In on holldnyl or hm week with man dluzhler In For Wllllam By MRS MAY DENNEY Thor will ha no Sunday xchoal here during lhc month of Any Int Church urvlcu will ha ha usual hour 1030 oclmk ullzu um Illa but wly Amwa 41 wmm aupom pan In mini mum DOWN 10m mums Thu mum at sou gm North Take Your Sick Houseplants Tgflpvrel Plant Hospital East dealer Nelthlr Ilde vulnerable DEXTER CONTRACT BREE NORTH le talond ID Xeflod of 4le but Tul mu mr By JAY IL Alum 59 um an Appnuu 311mm quenllyl IL it um It Doc in 1mm Auhi IM lllbr forum I1 Malu and lt Tullm NM 11 Pm To nvald lhll poulbillly South nluclu lhu plny d11 fmnlly He enlm dummy with made It rick lwo Ind land law club rum dummy when Em allow low South pllyl lha ulna helnl wllllnl In 1050 the Irlrk In Wellum non dannroul nppvnanl Al end llm lMI mclhod plly Iuccullul Wm win he nlna with 1h en but la lhen In no pallllnn to him do clam Reunrdlm mm In rrlurnx Soth In murcd Inn Irlch cumming of three made hwrl almond and live fluid The nusle ICHOII choun by South lurnn out In In but mean Illlck But he no denim In lhlx use will luck pmpollllnn Hi prlrnlry nlm ll Io mike lhc contract and he ll not plrllcu larly mncnrncd with maklnl he club lrlckl possum Ila known um he follow lhe Ilnndlrd procedurl Ind flnmu tho Jack lhen II decided chum Iha tho new mix lose lo Easttho dlnnrou op ponenlqnd thll heart would hm bu pllyed Ihrouih hl $7 with deadly 21ml BECKER DUIwa he pluhs to ubllln Iha mlximum number of rich In the with to cash the king or club Ind than nem lht Juana1m win ha would d9 II the clrcumltuncu required him In mnka Ill lhl club trick possible Many of the less II can In msrbred lo product variellel sulllbla lo the CAM dlnn climqle Mr Mullheld ba Hayes Meanwhile he hn mm or second amnhome pm enlarge hll huplld or sick plants xublmplul vulcllea of plum me Enllhh Iced bu com whlu nriely at tumto Icld Ind aid to be lcclpubll in dim ol mm sullen nom nch ulcers Mr Mullhead hu also roduccd cucumbu 21 Inchel xpllquty En BunI9 Ipenl tha weekend wlthhll dnulhur Ind honMaw Mr and Mn Dul Friends ol Mn Ellison wish hu Ipeedy recovery Sh In in Process Munro Hospltnl Toronto ue nflemll In Canada that we dodded to try lluld Mn Mulrhead Wu hlvent been dlnp med Bo Mr Ind Mm Mulrhud brought with them In munbl up like at admin pmlcu luy In trying of new and more exnllc vlrleuel at flower mg viewable heir experiments In crou breedlnx hnvu Involved belonlu seed mm Japan lunlu Ind In in Tomorrow lylvla um and mm In luv Mr Mn Via midla Mmm Stephan Ind Gilbert Klara River Drlve Park On Into villunx their grand pmnu Mr and Mn Klein Sgt IOHm returned to Army lummar ump Faxalum Queuafler three waeka mural gym Ugh hgmg hgra er Ina Mu bnully Ind family Toronto leldn the lormerl parents Mn and Mn ij 1m Bayer Ix upendin um Week with her dnnmar In non lnlnw Mr and Mn Myan GY Mr Ind Mn 1mm spent Wednede Illemoon with 31 and Mn mmbull lukwohl MUM Inlml forum and inn may at mm mar Kym bwgzh rflw mliwwauv 11 in MIME EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 0H WWI umwu Niwmi UK NH IN NY flIPflLLO 0N MI gowotmm mm umwu NH IN Amman mam