Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1963, p. 5

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Ray Warnica mnnagcr of ht Slroud Telephone Campnny nnd chalrmnnal the lnnlsfll Plnn nlng Board yasscd away ovcr he weekend and will be hurled In lln United Church ccmclcry loday Tuesday Mr Warnch was lnknn lo lmspllnl few weeks ago allowlng selzure and became gradually wom lll lnrm nn lllghwny has been his cllch lnlmsl hul MI mvlcn In the munlclpallly and he lelcphonn compnny were considerable benefit to everyone ln he lnnlslll dhlrlcl llc was the Mad ha cxccullvo board wlukh ncnollnlnd the den far lha Isle the local phone com pany the Bell and so wlml Ihnrnholden all was Just nnd nlr olIcr lla wns 66 yuan when paucngcr from vu hlcla which want lhrouxh Icncc wnl belnz Lchn In hmpl lnl In the pollce cur ha pmod put and call was mlnycd nhcnd Io hava lhe rtsulcllulnr auilahlo when the car reached Slroud on ll way to Bank Gwm Young dopuly Ilm chief met lhe ur and rod Man with the vkllm but occmlon dld not demand ha use of he mnrhlne The weckcnd wuu nirly qulfl In Ihn pollro pom unhouuh lhl rowdl hi lhn am more lnmcr than mosl wmkcndx The cm wealher pmhany kept mnny III ide on Saturday awning Whtn lnnlxnl Cnuncll wan mnwncd day In lhnl lhn mulan would not lull on CM Halldny lho regular medium wu put our 11an Tutmi Thu Iharo mldrnu whu min luv wldud lu nllcml lho mm In wm unnblu In do In The ponlponcmenl Ibo unvn lhc owmhlp lmplnle ml appor COUNCIL TUESDAY OliAWA CPD its been long hot summer for members oi Canadas Pnrllnmcnt Pro pecia are the all and wlnler will be just as hard The sessian that npencd May in and adlnumed Friday night ior twomonth mass was marked by debate unusually tense lung and bitter lor first post election session Snvcrai explosive issue will conirant he legislator when they return to cooler capital Sept 30 to Ieitle down in work again Catherine Tteblng left and Mrs Edllh Bakes accused ol logging Mrs Troblngs son David thn leave or Long Hot Summer For Debating MPs INNISIII NOTES 1n Th Drl lull DIMIn Wllh llII cm The Fltlunl Llfllo Rand In tho Clly 3mm Hwyt 400 and Funeral Tuesday For Roy Wamica ANTHONY QUAYIE spite he pallllca Ira By RONALD LEVEL HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Coming Augul DIAMOND HEAD CONCESSION RESTAURANI MONDAY TUESDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABE HELD IN FLOGGING CASE By 1165 Thu first page la headed Vlc aria which was the name lha place bola It was changed In Strand when the post allica lull here were ioo many piacra wilh he armor name Thi record aaya that ha lira achoal was built lhm in 1838 and was amali lag building at the corner oi lhe loih line and lhe Pena lanauishcne Road The lira leather was William Booih mired aaldier who had name In Canada wilh ha 5th Rezimcni oi Enallrh laianiry in ills Other narly teacher wm Vil llam Milly Jaha Chanilor who laicr waa inapcdoi or Iuperln inndanl lor the ma and Samuel liars In January 155 lormtr nu pil nobm orchard look chum and conllnucd lo lunch up to lhm wtckl Mara hll death In Nmcmbcr MM lrlbulc lo Ml memory Ihn pu ll placed Ilono hit nrnva mu fin ur Tcnchtr Farmcn mm flu tndcnvourld Ia leach annl mm lho 1m book so hull hy prccrpt Md unnv pl Iho principle cl right liv inx ll Um deme klt In Um nId rm malty to celebrate the regular Clvlc Hallday even though the Iawnshlp field day had been aside as holiday SCHOOL HISTORY The hlstury Strand lCthl ha been aund nmanz record in he allln lhu present Chm and has been Xanncd us by one of the teachers Mrs Pnrkor Nnnce It somewhat lungthy and cnnllln pardon written by vnrinus hlslorlnns 50ma ulmm ram Journal mrntlon lha Mildlnl of hi lec and IcluooL rnmu lrutluu Nplnclnfi lhn In in ma Hud Wnrk In the first 56 days Par liament approved govern ment places leglslnllun In cludlng seven rclallvely Import an hills Also approved were prlvale bllls Allecllnz Insurance com pnnlcs and vallulu lncnrpurmd up Spcclnl cornmlllees won 55 up In launch larreach lug lnqulr lnlo dclcnce pol lcy drug prlccs and sunny and clccllon laws Discusslons Canadal cco mm and financial problems dominalcd the first part of the session m1 yesterday In suburban Soulhgau at neighbor broku up the llogglng and called police David was treat The Commons approved must Holiday cnnlllled ol lwn wockl during hnrvcu phu Iha elghk mm holidaysh Al one pu lod school was held evrry nllcr Mln Snlumhy nnd nlghl clamI ll llmes The lcauhcrl salary Win $360 annually Thu Iilo Iur lhe Ichool hnd been given by Jahn Dyer Sn who Ipccllled that the propcny wnl not re qulred for Ichool nl any limo ll muted back In lho lnrm Later on lot Wm told ndjoln In lhu Ichnol The equlpmcnl lnrrlhe new bulldmz pangin of an an barklm bencth lor unll LI er how were exchanged lmvy wooden dukl earh la carmnodnte lwo puplln The lunch had large wooden lnble Ind other lumhhlnxl Wu largo cuphonni and box nave slx wlndowu nllnwcd Ull dnyllzhl In and Ihm were hrnckeu on lhu wall to hold can dleallzh llw hulldlnl wu Ian mm for rcllzlaua nrvlcu kdqm Ind ollwr pumolq When Ipnco permlll we be In Ina mum more ma ed JHIy Nth 1560 he record sum Nu Saturday school any more Made out the hallyear re port and showed 156 names on the roll Ms average allcn dance On July lmh ha rus lens and lnlendent Chantler vlslled lha sdwol and decldtd la bulld new school drew the spcciflcntlnru on July am on August the IN leu confirmed the doclslnn lo hulld August HUI law Brmher Bllllam brought model Ihe new school On August lilh 1060 the trustee decided to the conlrnct or the flaw frame schnol la John Leonard lor lhu sum $380 On Otlobcr Ind Mr Loommi laid the uundallan Ind on December 2w he com pleted the building On Decem ber II he school held its llrsl classes and received lhclr Chris mns lrenls lcréliini mardm oi the economic measures out lined in the speech irom tho throne and even tho contentious liPLI¢0M sales tax on bulld inl materials and production machinery The legislation provided or new department at in dustry to assist manutocturers in opening new plants increas lng eiiicigngy andimproxing do xlgn of lhelr producla The de partment will recommend me cial programs assistance far Malaunemployment nrw Establishment of 28min ber economic council of Canada Io report on Ionaterm trend In ed at hospital and released Both women are divorcee and uhao teachers Immedl at cause at flogging was laid TONIGHT AND WED SHHNTY BAY OPEN lTAnTI Elva press llllhluy ll Gullull Damm TMl WSW IIAII The Ialca ax was the object lbs lonml and must healed dcbnle lhe scxslnn Mr Gor dan reviled hln hudch July lpplyinl lhn tax In three 1mm and Iddlnz nevcral exempllom Perhaps ha most unexpected accomplishment the aculon was enactment at prlvnlo mum berl bill to streamline Pulls mcntl divorce machine Act provldu or ltmllfildiclnl dlvarce nfllccr of the Senate and takes malt dlvarcel out the Commons handl PalHuman panned two he lhrea hllll arlilnu mm tho June budunl 01 Finance Mln Inlur Gordon The leglslullon larmally Ippmved he 11pcr rent tax and raullm lur lH chlnm The lhltd budge bllI pravldlnz or lnx lncunllvcs la bualnm corporations wan put all unlll lha All REVERED EAGLE Thu bald eagle wul onto the neat ymbol of the Iroquoil Indlnm wha bcllevcd It watched aver lhtm and helped In llme ol lroubla lhe economy and to plan cor restlvq 1an $100000000 fund or flu Atlantic development board which will recommend lpEclII prolech and rograma In de velop the Mann pmvlnces The board was Increased to II menibu lmm Ive PAY RAISED Parliament alto passed legis lallnn Increasan MPI annual pay In $10000 from $10000 and mind my lo 315000 from 0000 All More appointed judzu recclvcd Ialary In ream ranging rmn $1100 to Chatlon or munlclpnl dc velopmen and loan board with 00000000 capital Iund to he used for lowlnleresl loans to municipallllea on large works projects wtth high labor con tent This bill was revised can aldcrubly after federal pra vlnclul conference July 2627 to ba causad by David run nlnz away from the Enter home where he had been nay lug AP eraplloio My Ii mum smce ked It hotl adiiltékf 60 everyofig 11mm imam aaex smith £MMON momma 10le nNIN All CONDITIONED hit F6 Jéélfiaf Lemmons Jtcumeowr IM THE GREAT ESCAPE Weluhed down by heavy chalnl lhelr neckl nrml Walsh and min womIn and chlldren wen herded lnla Enduryt All market lnrlsh voodoo lymph loulu out on the duly dearan um was old mnrkcl Ille Hun rack um and welrd Inlmnl llzum pllnled on Ihe om pla wnlxn Local guide my arm wouhlpperl mu mm Although the talks are closed several of Ike nrchbhhopa In mmviews aimed comment ranting mm deacrlpllon South America one the cream mlulannry Opportuni uca the am century to thy laymanl Impatient over Ihe delay in nchlavlng united an phurch II II lrnportanlmt In pull all our relourcea lulu brick and mortar said Most Rev Fred erlck Dr Conan Archbluhop York We Ihuuld put mm money Into literature every lhlnl ram hookl paygfxlell Itrly There were Im 01 mflllonl pcopla In South Amerlca and many of them hclonzed lo prolllnraflan ol rem Many other belonlrd to none and great many had Ibandoned Chri my cry who Iur vlvcd slur Int us and Ike West In In It In eulmaled lbs 700 pnllhnxt About 500 Ed II It llmc of he rald or on he Journey 10 lb Au 125 durlnl Iha voyage Ind 75 on landlnzl gun To MARKET LONDON Ont CPLmull cnn nrchbllha ram churches embrnc an 75 coun trlu In Canada or lha Angu can world cunzrm In Toronto Aug 3323 launched weekl dhcuulonu Monday mined at Ilrmzlhlnlnz the world wldl fammunlonl mlnkmlry 11 any Rather than bulld mnjcstlc calhednll he would like to lhe Anlflcan church dinct 1n rcsanrcu toward humanitarian worku ll more important to leach men to live cleanly lo ilhmie million imm ihe pang oi hunger or willed mindl PEOPLE DIVIDED Mlhouzh Ihern hnva beau many disappnlntmenll 1n Chrll llanllyl flow mova townrd unlly there are new Ilan growth lrlcndlhlp and co pl beyond lhe treacherous lurl Wooden jellies ncrou In lazoon have lonl Ilnze rolled Away Fishermen and their lumlllu have moved Into Endazryl grim barracoam Ilrlen prl 1097an field up to 14000 Iv¢ Moll Ilnvu war clplured during uvnge tribal wan Pow nrlul African warlords brought them In the com or 1315 la Dulch Parlugncne Dnnhh and 35mm lrldm Badnlry today sleepy market town of mm 5000 No hundrtd year no when wan thriving centra ol the Ilave trade our llmea at many per sons lived here Seaman from hail dozen nation lhronzed ItLbyslllnz VIglerlfonl By DENNIS NEELD BADAGRY AF TeIulelon Ind the us peace coxfix have come to lhll Incicnt 1mm par lhat ance echoed to tha crlual thnpuymdy IIBYEI Sleepy Mrican Market Town No Longer Site 01 Slave Trade Humanitarianism Urged By Bishop DUE 10 IT LENGm FEATURE HIIOWN AT NO 1le STARTS TOMORROW operation between ma varIoua faith In lha vIaw of Moi Rcv Clark Prlmnla All Cangda avenge laymnn wénls unlon for tha wrong tenant and we My way or the wronl minus laid the Arch hl pognupcrt nd The layman think dlvlalan man the churches wauelul In em finance and Admin lslrauon keep apart bo os at human pride and proj TORONK CF gnllcr lmhed hard at ball In wooded are here Monday and wound up In hospllal with Ilahen to MI juzular vein and windplpe HerWI In mlaux condlunn luflcrlng Ahack from 10 of hlpod 77 Kalles ball apparently all the hm Km lwlflll at It with In Iron Ind ltmck ihe Cm about eight Incth from the ground Bark wn cut away at mg pollt Hiiald Kama 41 of Toronto went after his ball in tha woods 33mm Golf and Country Hma how pollen recan nlrucled the accident lrom evi dcgcg at ghe scene The club lhalt broke at 12 Inches mm the bottom and the hand flew at Kallu Ich at hlgrlhroat Telcvlslon acrlnls sprout to day abnva lhe huts and houses of Badam Mrlcans whnso grandfathers were slam pray una In rmw lo Bel Map mun Ind Perry Muon Bu Ihe old bad day are not lorlollcn On dark night on Endagry but L1 Iald you Mill can hear the crlcs Ilnvu above the paundlnz lurk He mumd from lha woods with blood reaming mm 11 wound and was picked up by ather playerl ln tbs market naked nlavu were minutely examined for physical delecll Then they were laid or battered for xn la bacca roll cloth In 1786 Have brought lhrcelald pm 31 being lflld In the Wu In hm for Iervicu conducted by vapdag pflcalg Goliers Slash Causes Bleeding 37 MARY TOMORROW CMIHIIPMII Sperllltlu 111 Flu Stan Kind Tn Olller Th0 Fluul unvaried Merchlndlla In The Falluwlnl er TEXTILES GIFTS CIGARSAND TOBACCOS AIR CONDITIONED wm mu Lin mums ADMIMION mm Ill momzum STARTS FIRST IN BARRIE CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES In sum EXAMINER 11mm walls MINEOM NY AP Flva Nmau County policemen have been arrened un hurulary charges They an accused laollng appliance and other Item lolal of $5000 510 000 In merchandise durlng the Inst yeah lelh policeman was nus ndnd Sunday pendlnz unher nvuligallon chdanrlfiilriz nucfca power alallon ll cxpcmd lo be fully npcmllnnnl by early 19 Five Policemen Accused Theft Premier Bennett of BrlUsh Columhil lamples some Nova Scolln lobster bum nunr minimum BENNETT RT BUFFET TABLE GET AIOWER PA 957 ma Mum Pnorasson In Color mnlng JIRRV LIWIS LAST TIMI TODAY TORONTO CPI The Im perial Order Daughter Hi Empiru has sent 31000 lo tho Skopje Yugoslavia Enflhqunh Relief Fund It was annnunced Mondny by Mrs McGlb hon national prcsldcnt 10DE Sends $2000 To Aid In Quake lunch during the two day mcellng provincial prem len that opened today In Halllnx CP Vlrcphoco WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7TH REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIAL nounns $19000 JACKPOT lEGlON HAll 71 COLLIER ST MAUNEE DAILY AT pfm EVENING SHOW AT pm ONLY LEGION BINGO

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