Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1963, p. 3

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fly1 Ax 11 210 Wfififi No men died result of two separate accidents over the Oil iolidax wepkelg an arc Antoine Dorion 62 ilfiih Conmion Tiny Town ship and Wynnmid William Edward iiicDermou oi River drivo Park According Elmvalc Pravln clnl Pullce Dorian died Sutur day lew mlnules after hltch Inc ride will agycnrold W31 ROTARIANS DON DIGGLE and All mmhull lay slab of fluckon on wlra tame to mnlo CHARGED Police said Szwez missed curw on Cmmiy Road near Perkinsiield and his car roiled over five times Szwez has been churned with careless driving IN THE DISTRICT Mammal was thrown mm swlhbound car when It coll Idcd near Bradlord wllh north bound which driven by Fran mlso Mltchefl 27 Born Ava mde Miss Mitchell sullened only Inlrgm cugand bnllsex Junlar Inllorl Peter and Maya Snrouy were In first place In the Hnl men the Ihlrd series at he Barrio Ynchl Club on Snyrday The Klimt our bouts finished lollows Porter Surlnnnl Fair and Maanren Sarossy Pair Leads Races She And panther Irena MANGO MrDONAlD l1 hm 1uu mlnlelyi in nmin Cuhml durum Elle plnm lo mlcr Touchm At Least Two Killed In Highway Mishaps zwez olriuélki Vavennc To on YOUR Dmlflfll HI 70 LAME FILLED NOEL SIEPHENSON RO Sllphomonl anollou Ind Opiomalrlm roll APPOINTMENT DIJNIDI EMT IIIONE PA lml MMHE ONT STUDENT AT WORK OPTOMETRIST AT FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONIULT McIntyre also Bay Ridges were released after ucauncn In the York County Hospllnl in Newmnrkct Another man Humid Wil liam Smith of Midland escaped injury when his truck rolled over at the Junction of High ways 21 11 and County Read on Friday night Police snld Smith 105 control or his tmck when he uncoun cred loose gravel No charge wen lnld Damage were ex mated at about $300 CAR ROLLS On Sunday shortly befom man one man was slightly in Jured and anolhcr unharmed alter their car rolled over on Cmmly Road Ronald Dounro 10 of Tomnlo sustained cuts and abrasions Ind the driver John Simms of London was not lulurqd1 firlor to being placed on the us outdoor barbecue 1112 the Annual Rotary Chicken Barbecue yesterday Proceed Provincial police dclndhmcnla 1n Slayncr Wnsagn Bench Vlc4 1min Harbour and Alllszon re ported air to medlum heavy tralflc over the Ian holldly nnd only few minor minions Bmla OPP detachmch ofl Innlsnl Tuwmhlp PaIlce Sun day summon marched or couple of hours kmwcm Miner Two Wet Boaters Reach The Shore Mkfa In In n11 Mario work or the mmmer In Woolworthl lilnmlrm Hm lo Ica was plagued with three one car accidents on Saturday 1ij lirsi accident in the are occurred beiorc seven ociock on Highway 21 north near the rniirond crossing Driver Mm son Wright 29 Steiner sixget fioroplo wine initimd Shortly alter clzhl oclock car driven by Thames Frank Gruler 522 Shana SL Lan sing Mich mlled over on Highway 400 about one mile north Barrie There were no anurlex llflfl POLE accident sent ben Hartley 63 Napier St Ban1e lo the Royal Victor Hospital with undetermined In Juries Accoman Io police the cm in which he was passen ger driven by Charles Lind my 20 Grove st Bunin let the mad and broke tekphono poie on Highway 21 um thq rfllImldUo51nz the giant event wenlto uh her the work the Rotary The dlnner was nerved In St Vincent Park Thn VBieriaraoiadunenl ported heavy mulcMondu emummn no mlom mid Palm and lhu Government Dock 1°19 Emmi Chic Polka Wllllnm Brown said that two men Donald Hubbl 35 and Mill Monlxnm cry 30 bath Toronto were cu in nullflab ball on tho Mothem Ind unbu Camp IhDN when lhelr molorpowmd bout nvcrlumcd Chlel Drown anld that the wt men managed to drnu lhcm lclvcl and tha boat to the Gov ammenl Dock whllo Canmblt Haber Nmpsan and 0p ll Cran wm narcth them 1ch Weslmnn olWislmInl Mnrlnu Mlncll palm Alla 1le In tho search New Mayor of Willa hoth Poll couldnt Ilup In on Clvlc Holldny $100000 In Fem Counn not on Lulu Couchlchlnu prevailed Um exln number Thu mayor Wll Irouwd II 530 Am Io live the lawn dcpnrlmenl numnrlly to Mr lho Mm volunmr In br lid um lho him an men toqucllcd lhu udllnnco when wu Mb ad change In mu windl dlr cllon would Iper 1mm ram Cluh Couchlchlnl mnlmnca cenln And Into hall cum morl bulldlnuu Fire Houses Orillia Mayor DATE FURTHER muumn ulna mm 1000 000000 yam nld II lhl flu mm 11h lur which man In null rmrdl 311 ulnnllll In BBBBIE BUSINESS COLLEGE PLEASE SEND ME FULL mmcumns ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY IMll DATE NAME ADDRESS YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED 97 66 TORONTO SWEET BARRIE COMPLETE coums FOR GENERAL omca AND nusmm EMPLOVMENT BAIRII BUSINESS COLLEOI 66 TORONTO ITIIIT IARRII PLAN NOW TO ATTEND IHIS SEPYEMBER BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 1m Revenuuu Bunleltee consumed 1150 mull yesterday ulemoon the Rotary Club Inuuel chick enmeem at SL Vincent Park Elm barbecue chnhy men laid the menon we 001535 Iuccm Weran ehort ol the Ihonly helm our ncl Ind looked In and around the nowlmmted Romy pavil Ion and into the 60400110 hun mi° WM 2000 poo lo anthem In 11E helm out The Rominns under chef Dr Ross Nrnbnll and Bob An gelo flayed until well allot 51th oclock whm the people mm In disperse Than wen Battle Horticultural Saclely ls busy pnpurlnl for It annual Flower Show to be held Aug 21 all llge 1001 Hill on Cnlllor basement hll beeri mind or Junior aectlan and tbs main hall or the unlor secllnn Commerdal exhlblu will be on thermaln Vflofl Violent Storm Bypctsses Barrie the Mk year or junlon to mum in the Horticultural Sogely Rotary Barbecue 13 Tasty Success For several year the BIN House Competlllon has been con Hned cubs who have been film when of need to plant Thu the 1er year hay will have an opportunlly Iohpw whatulhe 11qu mvrn it II also the first um the Horticuuural Sonny In conduo ted garden Icra buck campal lllon or zlrl nu es and brown les SixtyIve scrap books were lurned In and judged by com mlllee three member the ngjlcullural oclcty Iuniors Get Chance To Show Their Agricultural Talents Violent lioxms inciudini iwn small iomudos which map cross Soulhcm Ontario on Saiur day night did no dnmllo in tho Buria um the don mid um morning that the crown on du over the wnkend hid re rt no Incident power mllun vrlallurv wrmpur Fom 611111 walrwllhoul power 101 mu hours late Saturday mnlnz mluulve pm rty damage oc curred ln not em Lake 51mm and Lake Couchlchlnm Power lines bouts reel len ce and Inn bulldlnu were used about by tho storm In It lashed he can this Lake Sinmoo Home on the Ram Indlnn Rmrva were repaned to have suxulned ulemlva damm Pm York Ind 51mm oountle wm lho hardest hit by the series of storms whlch occurred from Lake Ontario to Ggorglan In the EU he wo norm urlku the man area at Ibo le pm mum opcrnwr Nell houu bellmd to be yam old will be moved to In 51mm County Museum lhll If lcmoan whtro munrum llclnll wlll lry In future ll 10ch pomblo lo Ill orlxin II conqlllm The house ha been In Iho 1cm Spoann llmllf or llvo ununllom and II outed 1M comer ol Duckwnrlh and Sled Ilmu Recently plmer wu rov moved mm will and lhu huvy huwn Ian Indlulu lhn Ilurdlnul ol the ham Dr Spearln who rncUIed vel orlnary mtdltlno Inld ha maven wlll nllcmpl lo lnko the hquw up alhl Muxgum today Thom unly one lhlnI aul of pine wllh Hm Inclml bulldinl relan lump llxlyrn Move Old House To The Museum This Memoon Orllrlnllrlfllfll vhrp la mnvo lho 110qu flu museum III In lock Mnuum oHIdMI hum lo and ho hum buldn Um lul burn um wu man In th muluum muplo mm llfl II II bHIIVM in be Ihuul yml Mn Ivan Gracey and Mn 50 many people pl one pom um hallhour ram jlm duv elopod nlimg Kempenlelt ddva The 50 Relarlans used 53 50 pnund ban churned to keep the Ire golna and In undo mined number amen bar mudsauce urn pen ngoilvlpegnr Aniwalem Mr Elston am the 936m mount 01 money counted vet gazed luccessful barbecua wonl b3 mdynul the minim have another pmlecl underway Last yam proceeds from tho barbecue wen used to em lhu new pavlllon It the park Selwood supervised the acup hnnk prolecL the dose of the Flower Show prize wlfl be 2195 winngls All who made mapwa lot needs to plant 50 that both wide and brownies will have meh uwn exhlhlu in the Junior Section poster contest or Junlon ha been sponsored under the oonvenmhlp of Presldmt Heath All poster will be on Winn not tub brown lv or Kulde can uhlhlt In the Junior Section Mn Jenn Gable apekin or the Iodety xald The Horu ulllnrnl Society very pleased with mm the Junior have done and only hoped the parent lwill Ishuw the lame enlhu asm All cnlfles must he placed Au Wore flay fluxind of Hamllmn ls Judge or the Senior Depnrtmenl mi Synmu for the Juniors Rolland said that he uw wntenpouu heading across Lake Couchlchlnx Bonn wan ovu lurned Ihrowlng thelr occupant into an lake but they were rescued without Injury or loss 01 llle The second slonn descended on the and mu clam oclock cumin the damn to III out Aldo Lake Simeon and leaving argu yvlthogll power Tha tornadoom wind Ilsa struck the Don Mills suburb of Metropolitan Tomnlo Slouflvfllo Bloomlngtnn five mllu north stoutfvlue and the surrounding Anzhle MacDonald Ram towmhlp lumen laid the wind caused $11000 to $5000 dnmnza In his arm hum of 2600 mum eel mu am apart The hay noted In ho hum wu um 912d 1px hundyccjg Ink Farms were hard hitas Held 01 wheat mm and com wen flattened EXTENSIVE DAMAGE Tombalonu In lhu lwYflliwld Noemlnmn comet wm lam up and mud umun an ccmu cry Landau Dr Slcphcn Ward 504 lcudlnx nun lhl Pnr £11310 lcnndnl ol in overdose ol Wuhlnnou Phlll Gm hnm 4a prclldtnl nn chkl ex tvullvo 0mm lho Waxan lan Im Company of IdHn lllded gumhot wound Bu Frnclm Jam Zellurbnch 11 Culllomla lnduy mum and humor Unllcd Stale ambmndar to Italy brnln tumor Rockford Ill Iloyul Cole stun pllol whoc mm Duane omnnlmd Kh Colo Flylnx Clrtlll whlch prr lormtd lhrouxhom Ins Unllcd Slnln mm lo 105 when Ml blplnno cmhcd Navlhmplon Eulnnd Elr around Wlku l1 who tlllmed dim damn 1mm um lamauu Hernqu lha th who oulhl Wllflnm th Conqucror In Um lcnl PhilMl Sldnly allo dur l7 Ino lhlrd nnllu Unllad Slnlu mullrt bxldu nor on In Illa mnlur III and our tlmu Wild chnmvlon THE CANADIAN PRES DEATHS JOHN STEVENSON Iell and Ted Fraser spent good many hours yesterday The Canadian Opeh Old Time Fiddlen Contest will ha held It Iha shelburno Community Arena Ana and 10 The contest whldl lnnunlly dram competitor and specu tar mm across tho country In mnducted by tho Rom Club Shelhumo 1n assocln on with the Canadian Broadcasting Con parallon Auz Pluydowns are pm 30 tho lol and up final Fiddlers Piddlel In Annual Event iéwmi Edy Royal Victoria llaspllnl wn busy am the lonu weekend In lhe Emerzcncy Departmenl lmllng 130 people SMOKING CHARCOAL and ulnllnx frame chit1m wu ha men that ma plum by the lolly Cllgh Am1gal Thlng were lnlrly quch In lha llospllnl pmpcr with 35 nd4 mission most at them not minus nature Chicken amenim Hospital nulhorlflcs laid the alnl number patient lrcnlnd during July was 060 mycnr old nnmu woman Rhoda Duball Iowmnn St mud Ihotlly below one uclock lhll momlnl and charged wllh drunk drlvhm RVH Was Busy On The Weekend Harrie Clly Pallco Inld due wnl nrmnltd Ivy Co Ilnhlo mu llookey on tamer Dunlap and Multan mu Charge Woman Drunk Driving You cant mln your uvlnni mad ydlh P3P MM lilo1mm aumnlud mm plan Mun hm myono who wt What WBHNK TH BHNB OF NOVR Iconn packing barbecue meal St Vincent Park Occasion was the Barrie Rulary Club anaull nuevc made all with an un determined 31mm money over the weekend In mm break In during Saturday night 9nd Sgdny mung Dame pouoe reported the first break1n George Mow rcsidcnce 25 Dunlap St shortly belon nine oclock Sun day momlnz Mr Moth told Cum Ro bcn McKenzlu um oomcona had pried lhn kitchen erdow open during the night nnd nahn his wllol purse which Wu ly cfxm able He later told noun num ber 11 valuable 00an wem also musing mm house Polka mid tho mount 01 money Wu not known The second breakIn wn poth By Wfilllam Barry owrr cent Park yesterday The chicken was cooked outdoor and wax then acted In box along yvltlrml mania Ill cola slaw and MIL Hundredi nnnlo Clty Pallcn wlll hy chum nznlm Mutiny Howe Mlnulnu or belnz In volved In wear calmlan on 010 mrnnr Hoyllcld and Sophia almu early Mud momlng pollco Ipokesmnn nld lhll moman um Ilowu was wub bound on Sophia mm whm th car wan In mIlLsIon with cut driven by Ammo Muller an Dmry Lune nnnk No lnmrlu um repoflcd POliCe Studying Three BreakIns To Charge Motorist Chkken barbecue More than 1200 meals were served to nqry an unpredgu hunrry and nppredauvn dent of Bath lid er and operltm of servic unuon at the cornur Ann and Dunlap streets Awning pollen Mr Barry came to work and dLmvmd broken window pane Pollen gm no details on the mbbery The thlxd break1n was Rpm ed by Jack Gnrmu Gwen Development Company on Noflh Park mm In the citys east end Police gave an doluih on the occuncnu SunduL two hulhcrl mm mnla moaned be wnllnu uolm while they mm lem mlng Johnson sum Deldl Lnuxnn Ind Mrs Phyllll Wench told Barrio pollco flack wnllcls were left In their at Ind wcm taken nhllo lhey wcm nwlmmlnz Police Ive no dntnllx on tho mml ol peep wen on hand to sample the delicacies In bu eaten either outdoor III ark or taken hams Exam er Phnlna mu yfififiituow money Molcn GROW MOST CORK llnll lho wuxldx cork suwl come mm southern Forum THAT he Mlnuhc tumn Llfo wnl flu nm tank puny In Cnmdn to one LIX InIurlnpo Dllbnllcfl Twrnlyycnrl nxperluncowllh lhc Inlurlnu conlmllod Dlnbellu hnl shown lhnl they sound Imurunco mkl wide vnrlcly plum nuw Ivthlo lo lhl lpcclll group lncludlnu Term Family In tome llcncm INfl Ind Dnubln Prod lmlon In on For ul dlllunll In armHon on LII Incur Into ur cam trolled DlIi belle cull DON CAMPBELL humm um In mu um ltpnmnng WWW mum mm

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