incur snowman consumerism no Keep Eye On iSaldtiés Though IIélp=Needed By HARVEY BMCKITOCK Examiner Stall Reporter This Is the ioarth instalment he story on IIydro and Public Utilities In Barrie tak en Irons the Minute Books at the Barrie Public Ulllltlel Commission At the Ilrst meeting oithe year tor the Light and water rCommlsaionera tor the Town 01 Barrle Jan 73 1900 Mr Bro tcroit Mr Dougali and Mayor Bose were present aner Bee croit mods ehalrrnan let irom St rte lwas read asking commlrsonara ton per lsalon Install IIre alsrm system on poles oi the Electrle Light Department The Commission ordareds let ter sent to Council granting the request The wires were to be strung under supervision oi the employees oi the ElectrlcLight Department with oiier to keep such line In repair The corpor ation was to pay the expense oi lsuch work Mayor Ross moved that new Iet ot grate bars be rocured Irom the DymentFoua ry Conn jpany The manager oi the Electric uLight Department was instruct led to make arrangements ior nlgbt run so to allow lIaucey to Is as soon as le Hauca flowed to vs rnontha notice IIIOBT MEETING For space in the Minute Books the Meeting at March ma an probably the shortest meeting on record although the minutes record that it lasted tor an hour The complete entry in the lenuIe Book Is as ioilows Barrie Mar me meeting oi the Commissioners was held in the Electric Light Oiilce at pm resignation irom Frank Carpenter was read tMr Dougali and Mr Bcecroit bclng present It was decided to advertise In the Mail and Empire and tn the Globe Ior engineer saeistant Meeting adjourned bout pm iaurnaso iter The Commission usually met twlee month in the early years oi this century The second meeting oI the month on March 20 dealt mainly with the short age at skilled help Shortage or no shortage the Commission still had its eyes on the salaries At this meeting Mayor Ilosa moved that Mr Whiicacre be engaged as assistant engineer at salary of per month he to be subject to dismissal at any time according to terms oi application Commissioner Dougali moved that Mr are engaged as chIeI fenglncer as per his niier at 05 per month salary not to exceed WJ per month tor ilrat ear Mayor Iioss movcd let the services at Mr Altkcn be pro cured as consulting engineer to come up and look over Plant and report on pro oaed addition al power Installaton On April soon petition was read irom Gibson and Simmons asking Ior an ex teuslon oi the water main on Rose Street Mayor Itoss moved that the water main be extended along rltoss street Irom the Royal Vic torla Hospital to connect with service irom Mr Gibsons home and that the pipe be lit Inch galvanised Iron And It the present service plpe oi Mr Simmons Is the same it II to be lowered to roger depth by the town end rcome their property Doth prllilonera to malts proprr de posli and to lay their service plpea the regulation and make proper contact bciore work Is commented The manager oi the Electric Light Department reported tha shortage oi transtormera Mayor Ross moved that three lrans Iormera be purchased WATER MAINE There wa clamor ior water TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Ill penss oi laying pipe and mains to the spring ot toot At meeting on Aprilfl petition asking tor extension at water main on William street was read There was also petition Irom residents on Eugen atreet ask inx tar iaylnf ot water malts ad petlt on irom Dr Staton and others asking tor main on Bayiield street north was read Regarding Bayilcld street ex tension It was decided to let the water takers bear the ex pay Ior water at regular rates may be an error In the minutes or It may be the Commission did not want too much responsiblb ity to any case this Is added to the above The Department not to be responsible Ior supply oi water MEIER PETITIONS The Commission dealt with the other petitions as iollowa Regarding William Street ex tension It was thou ht advisabis to run Inch me to tiolgata Street and We Inch irom there to Mr Burtons Thcy to hear one halIthe cost at We inch pipe and to show required rav enue Regarding Eugenia Street this matter was leIt over tor Iurther report It was decided to extend inch main on John Street and Saniord Street as per Mr Brown Iees report At meeting on May 10 i906 communication was read Irom Jesse Keeter asking Ior an in crease In Salary Mr Dougali moved that 44 Inch rnaln be laid on Eugenia street distance oi ted Ieet Mayor Roar moved that Inch rnaln be laid on William atrcct Irom Burton avenue to liolgats street and that no fur ther extension be considered un HIS was Sergeant It Bob Carley right at Camp Dordcn and Newmarket Is on his way to Canada via Royal Canadian Air Force Yukon lie has iust completed tour oi duty with 57 Canadian Signal Unlt part oi lha United Nations Oper ations in the Congo stationed in Leopoldvlile Sgt Carley WEATHER FORECAST Syno Cooler Weather Irom Prairies Is expected to move Into northwestern 0n tarlo today central Ontario to night and soulhcrn Ontario Wednesday aIternoon or eva nlng Scattered showers or thun derstorm activity is Iorrcaat to night and Wednesday In crntral and southern portions Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron NiagaraI Lake 0n tarlo southern Georgian tiay lialiburton re lone Windsor Iondon Itamiion Toronto Partly cloudy tonight and Wed nesday with Iew scattered and thunderstorms mostly Wednesde afternoon or evenln Winds ht Nort ern Georgan Itay Al goma mi southern lvhlte Itivsr regions North Bay It Donlos do It ltarrie less the petitioners are willing to car out the original con tract putting up one hail oi the cost oi extension that the manager oi the Electric Light Department be Instructed to contract with Underhlil Company tor one years apply at coal about we tone ma per ton ROD Bridge anntNaraven it may havs been spring Iever or It may have been the begin And Moved by Mr Dougali ning oi trend but on May as 1906 the Commissioners went overboard on salaries The Ilrst tew mtriea read as iollows Motion adopted to In crease Kestera salary to per month commencing with present month Motion adopted to Increase tiaraa salary to too per month beginning with May In considera on at extra duties Motion adopted that Duii be paid bonus at the end at the year sum equal to pcr cent oi all accounts collected by him at the accounts due or overdue May at 1906 whether for Light or Water Rates or tor itxtures list to be furnished the chairman ot Iii euch accounts All accounts Ior supplies to Iac toriea or Industries under special arrangement with the town and all accounts dua the town excepted irom th arrange ment Even the cities benciltted by the salary splurge Another en try resds Motion adopted to employ by the month an assist ant at salary at no per month tor the oiiice to enable the man ager to attend to outelds work and collections End oi Part IV nous wnr supervisor at the tape re lay ccntra at United Nations headquarters in the Congo Prior to taking over this job he had been detachment sergeant In Elisabcihvllle In Katangs province Sgt Car Icys wlie Joyce and their children live at 16th St Camp Borden Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Scat lered showers or thunderahow err tonight Wednesday sunny with cloudy periods and cooler winds southwest to today northerwcslerly to to so Wed ncaday Lake Huron Georgian Bay West to southwest winds it to 20 knots scattered thunder aqunlls northwest end oi lake Wednesday morning Forecast Tamperstures low tonight Mn Wednesday Windsor St lhom Iondon Kitchener Mount Pores lllngham IIarniIinn Toronto Ieterlrnrough Trenton ltlllalne Muskoka North III Sudbury nlDtiIrIlas stabstor non nor roan Algorna tiers lime lead IIunttniu ibartl all TV true It Argue NC III Innl Ilosne III llud lay III in Tobeere tea limo irh lntee Nlrkei Inter uttuttu tntrmev rt facial clue MI Ce at are Leastwe Co or as row ports as Gunner mmmr hole are AMMAI Arm Amara eth Tl this sum arr tam Col on can ttsrnntsa lluek cm on is pm ltm tentsow rmana reimburse um Attltl AIIII Arae atreetrt mes Muslims Illa In Ellll serum All Dalaull Nahum IL Ill Illlmll Montreal 1M Ilb Naranda last or II Wt us We test or nerom as hana an lira at It yo eti tr MI lied Oil lilrny lites M0 amen OCR NM III NIMW It Notihtll Nolll Harlton Sault Ste Marie Kapusksaing White River Announce New ssaaaassasaaass sassssaaa=zz licolin Substance SitrEnke Piles stimuammweu WHMMM renowned reararrh Institute haa Inund unlrua healin Itsbtlanre with the shitty to sh nk huntwt lhulrierslnlnailtnllrultrhl IaMnioet In rn notes an up healing at the Month mud storm in rare aile use while gently rollring eln actual reduction rhrinlrag tonic plm Mort important oi ailmutt maothoreughthatthlstmprnvo ment was maintained em period st many months This as Irgmpllaheï¬l ILIth new so an no which uirly hspe beaLln cells an stimulator growt new tires New liloDyna tr oilseed In otot sr TOOK s1 sums beiore Comeliua Batman saw his brother Nick since Nick leit Holland In 1911 Cornellua son Jack leit Holland to seat The iamlly wu re united at Jack Botmane home here Sunday alternoon when Comeilus came from Holland Folk Festival Starts Friday AI Oriilia new word has been added to the English languagehoot enany or simply iolk singing at its best This weekend the word hont enany becomes verb ae lit erally thousands at followers oi Iolk singing will surge into Orll ila and take part In the annual Mariposa Folk Festival Canadas best known Ioilr ar tiste will be on tap to supply the energetic enthusiasts with as much iolk singing as possible they include Jan and Sylvia Ray Woodlay Simone Johnson Jerry Trey Alan Mills Malka Ind Joso and Stu Phillips The threeday toatlval now one at Canadas youngNt traditions starts Friday night and is ex pected to conclude some time Sunday Sea Lamprey In Superior Same As 1962 Indications are that the sea lamprey population in Lake Superior this year has remained the some as In i962 about so per cent oi what It was In spot and several previous years it was reported at the annual meeting at the Great Lnkes Fishery Commission the Inter national body working to con trol this menace to iishery Important progress was re ported In search oI cheaper more eiicctlve and more apecI iIc iarvlcides which may re duoo considerably tho coat oi chemicals used to destroy the ammocootes to stream As result retreating some Lake Superior rircra treating others which Iormerly were not known to produce nm mooootea and more thorough treatment oi others It Is hoped to reduce the population oi sea Iamprcya below the to per cent level already achieved noted Dr Dymond Toronto one oi the commissioners and consultant to the Minister oi Laoda and Forests and Nick tom MaeIncite Wisconsin From the ieit tront row Mary Ellis Mar liyn Eugene Belinda and Nick Boiman Jacks broth er Second row irom the Icit Mrs Nick Batman Wis consi Cornelius Botman Holland Nick Boirnap Wis Blair Richardson Scores TKO Win oases BAY as ice Blair Richardson made an easy deienee at his Canadian middle weight boxing title Saturday night by stopping Ron Brothers oi Saint John NB with tech nical knockout at two minutes and it seconds oi the Iourth round at scheduled IZrounder Aiter an even that round Richardson lot pounds took command In the second hurt Brothers several times with leita and right in the third and oundcd the challenger at will the Iourth Brothers tsetr pounds was helpless and bleeding Irom the nose when his corner threw In the towel to end the tight Southbound traiilc on High way too last night moves along at steady paw as In clement unalltcr forced many weekend vacationers to leeva their caran and cottages early Iraitlc iiowod south at art ovcn speed with law lioupe except tor Icw minor BRING YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION HERE We always give you precise prompt courteous scrvlrc Ask your doctor about our pharmacy neat time he wrltaa presrripllnn iar you FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE CHRISTMAS thB WHITTY thB WRAY thB Two Locations to Serve You Better PHARMACY as contrast ernnar rs eam It nUNIAtI AI PA IEl BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUSTl 10$ g1 Family Reunion Tbok 51 reunion that took 51 years to occur took place Sunday at the home oi Mr and Mrs Jack Batman oi Bold Street Cornelius Batman is retired bulb grower irom Holland had not seen Isis son Jack since toss and came to Canada on va cation to see Jack and his other son Nick At the same time Mr Bot man iCornclIus hadntsecn his brother Nick retired shoc maker since im Nick had made his home in Marlnettc Wisconsin Jack Batman said This re union had been planned ior many years but no one got around to doing it until now Uncle Nick was when he IeIt home and dad was It OI Mr Cornelius Batmans it ehlldren seven boys and eight certain and Mrs Cornelius Batman Back row irom leit Mr and Mrs Jack Bot man Darlene and Mrs Nick Botman oi Barrie Darlene Marilyn and Belinda are Nicks children and Mary Ellis and Eugene are Jacks children tExamlner Photo Special Guests AI Anniversary tamer agricultural repre sentatlve Ior South Simcoe Floyd Ladiiey new director oi agricultural societies tor the Ontario Department at Agricul ture will be guest speaker at the 50th anniversary celebrations oi the South Slmcoe Junior Farm crs Activities will take place at Bond Head special guest wlilbehon Stewart htinlsler oi Agrl culture Past as well as present 5° junior Iarmers are invited to attend TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA it accidents and reorond oolil girls all are married but the youngest who Is learning the trade oi bulb growing Irom his iathor iils brother Nick has seven children who are all married and living In the United States Also present at Ute reunion Were Mrs Cornelius Batman Mrs Nick Batman trotn Wis consin Mr and Mrs Nick Bot man Jacks brother and their three children and Mr and Mrs Batmans two children Years Five at Mr Batmans sons took bulb growing tor llv Ingwith the two exceptions oi Jack carpenter and Nick who works in the stock room ot one oi Barrlea industrial Iirms Bridge Champion Dies At Age 57 PHILADELPHIA iAP Sid ney Silodor 57 third ranking US contract bridge player on the lite master list who was tour times world champion died In hos Ital Sunday Ila won every ms or contract bridge tourna ment at least once during his 32 year career He wrote two technical bridge books Silodor Says and According to Siloder PROBE ASSASSINATION COLOMBO AP Ceylone Prime Minister Mrs Sirimao Bandarnrtaiko has named three Judgesone cacti Irom the United Arab Republic Ghana and Ceylonto commission to probe political aspects oi the 1959 assassination oi her hue hand than prime minister Mra Bandaranaike Is the Ilrst woman prime minister 832 Seek Jobs Through The National Employment Scr vice branch had 332 applicants at the end at July 439 male and 393 Iomale The ï¬gure Ior the end oi June was 778 and ior this time last year on During July is males and 99 tentales were Eiaceri through the oiilce One to was ililcd by transier Into the Barrie area and six pcople were transferred to be outside the area William McCurdy replacing manager Kraemcr who II on holidays said There are ill uniillcd vacancies tor males and tor icmalcs Mr McCurdy said the demand eions iurther south Exam NES Is mainly In the taming Indus try and anyone experienced In the tobacco Iiclds should apply this week The oiilce has the orders but the harvest doesnt start until next week Other vacancies In tho Iollow Ing order are In manuiacturing construction retail sales De partment oi National DcIence and service occupations Mr McCurdy said the reason the unemployment ilguro Ia so high Ior July Is that many workers who are laid oil during the vacation shutdown Immch ately apply ior unemployment in surance In case they are not taken on again Iner Photo Savings this Week at lDiI These SPECIAL PRICES End August 10 CREST Tooth Paste 87° NOXZEMA Suntan Lotion We 01 125 109 612 Insect Repellent liquid or Stick 79c 63c BRONZTAN Cream Lotion 434 01 125 109 BATH EPSOM SALTS 511 Bag Special 39c NIVEA Skin Cream 401 Jar 133 109 RESDAN Dandruff lotion 150 size 139 ALBERTO VOS Hair Cream 100 tube 89c VICEROY BATHING CAP Special 59c MILK of MAGNESIA iDA Brand 1601 57c 44c ALLANDALE DRUGS LIMITED lass Rosd PA CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED 66 Dunlop Street PA 901 must and lit Wilt inrm called drummers waw raaa asaasnae trrpsratlnntiAkiorttatalliirug Inelliatstlll Its sit runs as It stemmoney rt guarantee Yttltlttltl ill III Ilï¬ul Mull quelmta no one am no saw an Is au as as HARPERS PHARMACY ITI Panels Street 11 PHONE run our critical