an WW hamburg Hm lhu Iml lnumllu mn nullm Hm New mench have lmn nwmlln under mormm hnpod 1mm un srn luml an Ibo mun run rnllun ul up llu muhlnm Im IM nu puly ha mu vlr Intu mumde nlnra UM um nim lh pm mum lvm lllrzldlnmn Ml And The mm at lodmllun Several of llm renolullnnn ml mluul mm In he znnvaullou runv lnr lump mn nllnlu lnlnllnl up lo dull liem ml larwnrd hy lhe lmqnmnrr nt tha NDI Mnrnlhnn IntHm lhn pmyn munrll umkul nm In Iriullml Ilnlcmrnl nl OMNHYKI Humlny and Mom day ulhurlni lnln mm Inala uulllno lhn nlmn put lurwunl mu man drmn mnlullnnl lllll vlnlrmrnln mm pnvly mn Illlurnry Aynrlnllnn fly KEN KELLY REGINA UmMum pallcy Ilnlcmrnu an lhn nhjmlvu lhn New nrmncrnllc WW and Ill llhfld rm hlnIHurnllnm ml to vrnllvu levlrrnllnm Im Irhrduorl In an More Ihn mm lyl Mllonnl mnvrnllun lndny Mu snnlry Hull 57 Win In trlllrnl condlllou with wound In hrr abdomen Her husband In lnlr cnndnlan wllh ln clnl wound ST CATIMRINES CPDTwo Elderly person wflcrlnx lrom Ihnlzun wnunds wrre lnkcn In holpllnl here Mnndny nikhl lmm lhclr Thnmld home TORONTO CmPolka Sun day recovered several painting om vnlucd nl mnm Ihnn $20 ooowhlch wm rcpnrlcd mlu lnx by owner lenmnd Victor Kuypcr Toronto Mr do Kuypcr had ulvcn lh Knlnllnxl In two mlcamcn In Iny Ne hcclmo alarmed whcn ho lenmcd lhrlr lelrphonn md hcen cut on and nullllod poll Snlurduy any Iwo hour slower than the record set by Iwumnn Swlsl mm on Thun day Michel DanclIny 29 mrltd ha cllmb am Frlday Ind cngplcgpd In In hauu em Swiss Alplne xulda has become the Mrs man to cnnqunr nlane the drende north wall of lhe Elxcrnnd he did it In rrccnrd llme NDPs Hold Marathon Meetings On BiCulturalism Policies It an row doublehead ers ll wltl be breakthrough ln agricultural xclenco at the greatest lmpartunce Neal Slusknpl nulstnnl pmlnssor ln churn at winter wheat bread lnz at the collage crop rclenca dcpnrtment uld Saturday But he uh he ml overly hope lul that the new wheat wlll produce ltscll Two Injured Earintings Found Scientists at he collage mld the dnublmhuadcd walks were believed to In the ï¬rst ever round here GUELPH CF No dau hlwheudcd almkx what were lound in the sum exqerlmLnul In Ontario Aurlcu lurul Cal nxe hem and graln from the Hulk will be plnnlcd In an al umpt lo dupllcale ha phenom EIIGIL Climbs Wall KLEINE SpHEIDEGG Rent CAPSULE NEWS Rev Kennaby taku Umo out from anmn In London Out 01 Anglican world church leadqa to relax wllh book in ha aylvnn pence behind Hnmn Canon Canon Kennaby L1 duplnin Wheat Grown DoubleHeaded TIME OUT FROM CONFERENCE FOR BOOK had ulvon lh mlcamcn In alarmed whcn lelrphonn md nullllod poll Mu luld rm mnlmm lho wulya 11 II nod nl um olullun rlmpnlm mm mm In In the only In powr Illr mmnnhh Wind wilhoul dlnpr IN NDI 1on In My dllu In um Ihum Nil nHkL ml by tlmc pl Incl Ihoyll hm hi lllr Ahlu Ilmc Mr Imunu no Md nquu an the mkmrlly Liberal 1mm mnnt lhul nnrlllmmlnry humymwn II pndml New Domnmllc mulling mllcnltd In myl youth Ierllon Ihnl thl choc wnhlrm gain In mum ulmlnl And mknlmdlnl mm linulhh Ipanl mombm 01 IN puny lrnmull hnvu been helm Hm cauncll und Iuhmmmlllm II which wvuld In Ihc ut hcc ulnaHum Inlemllly nlo puny pmvlnclll Ind purely lnlml Iortlomu modl win In In puny Imdurl Ionsln and hlcullnrnlllm nppmnlly hu llmvrd Ihu lounhul Nb Iem on whlrh lhu counrl In mnklnu usch rmmmmdn Ham In In rm damm RMXVILLE Onl CPIFor Ihn In time prlmo mlnlr Inr Lester 41mm PealIan used hrllcnplnr lo dodn Mah wny lrnmc and any flylnl vml Sulurdny lo the Gknnrry Inhlung Guinu hm The Prlmn nnlur flew la III vlllnuo to mxlu Inulhenll Otlnwn In 0pm nfllcllxly ma lslh nnnull mnlul Soon nkllIsplplnx 1mm dancing nu jump and tuber Flies To Games BUCKINGHAM Qua CD wyearold cumin drowned hero Snlurday War crowd spcclnlou whm he lumpcd In 15 1ch waler nfler com pleting ZSmllo course during an lnternnunnal canoe race Jnmc Burke Bucklnxham nnnswlmmer lhaught he was In shallow water when he jumped mm the came at he llnlsh Ilne on Iha Llevre River Canoeist Drowns to Mm Rev Mldnnel Ram my Ardlbishop Canter bury who meeting wlth the other Anglicanleadara In Landon prior to the Anglican Congress In Toronto Aug 13 23 CP Wkephmo LESTER PEARSON Flyln Alp P0 cy In vnlvlnl lhc Hoard Ilmnduul Ouvernon lhn CDC IIHI Inc nldlun Auodmon nrond ullm la wnlmmcd by im Ind ntnclu II In My bmndcnxlrrl URT COVER NEW AHEM Mr llrkmllll Iolfl lundl 1mm mod lnr urulrr cunlrnl but mlcllned wnlmll of Illuhlly dlflmm urlcnlnllon 0V ml Above Ind pubp ro plnclnl name of how by whim now dlrcclnt Midi by Sula Sorrel Picking In Immanlhllllfd In lhe lemolo address In lhu ontnlnu malnn of tha Mlnmlc Anncllllnn nmndcnnlorl an nual mull nun Engle mo dln Ind prolrlmmlnl dlrcclor lor anlcr Thompson Com Iny lellcd Tnmnto luld duel not um wlth Ihe lm preulon Ihnl lhu hrondcnn In duxlry II overmlrolled And ovrrrezulnlcd ST JOHNS Nfld cmA nnllonal Idvermlng agency rtp resenlallvn tumsud Maudy hm wu new or minHul llon control In the brondcnxl lnu lqglusgry rnn churches hIVO responsibility Io contribute In he healthy de velopment nl Ihe Lnlln Amari cnn noclnl revolnllan by mack lnz economic and nodal prnb ems at their mm the same llme my must neck lunhcr An Indlnn dolcxnln lo he led mllana Immh world assembly complained the repurl reierred la nonChrlstlanx godless any Injd lhll ll yldgly anmed mm mld he re port was merely restatement of old phrzuu whlla what needed In slulemenl on Jusll lullon nllh hat could be undemou by ha modern man why dye nolAknow God The report was made by commlllnu headed by Bishop Hnmu Ler at Hanover Elshn of Ihe Unlled Evangellca Church in Germany which wan uplurlnz ho central theme LILlherIn lqulllgl HELSINKI Flnland AHA raparl dealing wilh Jusllllcnllon by all draw aha crluclsm ho Lulhuran Word Federallon assembly Monday and was re turned lo committee lar lur lhgg aludy RCMP said they won laid Iwo women ware wllh Mike Sln dim and Alan Wnrd bnth Prince George EC when they look In the and hog 111 Company Inna mm thn company open on near here Says Broadcasting Not Overly Rigid QUESNEL EC GP Fir lice laid Monday hey have been told our person Wm la lixh iloni equipped plane which crashcd into in Fraser River Saturdny killing all aboard Report On Faith Criticized Returned For Lutheran Study Reported Dead In Plane Crash ï¬milMé Plan to Jud cnnlnnl polnll mlu dovllcd one at lho ynrdmrll no Inn hrondmlm could qunllly Ind thunder rmlnb llon Under pmml wnxllllonl one hour lulur NIHIII per ormnnca had KM umn value Shakespnmn produrlian wllh It me on And ml Involved Mr Jlmluun deal with lbs 55 per cent Cnnldlln wnlem lnclor In leluvlllon bmndcmlln Ind Hm dulmnm oplnlan lhnl exlll on thI ll mrnnl by he lrrmJanIIc Applied to quudinn rcanlenl Don Jnmlcson president cl the CAfl old ho mnvcnllnn rumgnlllnn aundnnh nlher hm Iunntlly Ind an aware neu In tlpaclly In perlorm within lhelr awn lrnup And wllh rnllllon In the CRC would bu given prlvm lelevlulan broad culm con mcctlnl he bellem mu wllhout television Ihuuld be taken cm llnl helm hm duplchth In am already urvod Luther held lhal God luv mankind lhc In or filth and that through nilh Ilene could MVHr Jusllly hlmxell held panlnu Ind loud workl inieï¬sxan Ralph Locw oi Buiia ican chairman the biya cummiure on group dis cussion Irmmlllrd upon ray Ing lha rut queslinn whether God exists one which cilen rurer lriu even mnny Chrisunns today The rapori deal at length wllh um er amlnaunn oi the doclrim oi Jus lillcalion by him based on teaching oi Martin Lulher 400 Thu useth also heard that Lutheran churches have given nearly $1300000 durinl the last rlx year award we support of II communlly develo menu In Min and Mrlca In Man the Lutheran thumb hnve pledged $2000000 Inward he 8000000 needed in um new Killmnnhm medlcnl 5mm lnTangnnyAlka undtrsllndlnz oi Latin Ameri can Roman Catholicism and Iain rapport with it well as with uur evangelicni brethren REPORT ON AID Authorization to pro Ira working pllna was zlvan Illa Progressive Conservative lov ernmenl 1n Febmary his year pment the National Wu Memnrlal ln downtownvConled endon Square la the prlnclpnl all ol memorlal xervlcen II was completed shortly before his Second World War ma murlnl to Cnnadlnn kllled In the mm wnr Design Vlor he make was ï¬rst recommended by the Royal Capnglaq nglon In 1955 Velernns Aliaire Minister ielliei Ind Public Works Mine islet Duchnleleu laid in Main monument the unnlaph will not be identified will any an umiar wu Ind will mvi focal point for nationnl mm mrmorniiva services The memorial building will house ihe iwn books oi remem brance for the Second World War lilo Korean War the South African War and the Nile Expe diLian mail it wiilrniso can lain copy oi the First World War remembrance book The books oi remembrance now are In the Peace Tower oi the Pnriinmnni Building The original copy ui the First World wer book would remain there Thu building to be Iltllaled on Nope Poini high above the Oliawa Rivar close in the Pub iiamen Buildings in to be com pieied in lime or Cauldal cur teypiai cueiqrqliong in 1381 OTTAWA CPI nle led ml govemmenk hu Ivan Ill 0111an zwheadIor construe Non 31500390 uudlonn lhl mernorlnl bulldlnl and Wong tenouphA It was an °l°d WNW 15min um EXAMINER runny wensr Okay Statue Given WM MUFFLERS sPEQflFG WHEEL BALANCING ï¬restone iBUYA PAIR get second tire at c3£3flr£e $2395 OR Wilt AIS Get that smooth new car ride 10000 MILE GUARANTEE $1 338 OR ONE YEAR mm 995 OR YWO YEARS cusvnpgar PONTIAC FORD SHOCK ABSORBERS 30000 MILE 20000 MILE 10000 MILE BRAKE RELINE swim Elna in ulhur MAC INSTALLED $1 53 EB DUNLOP ST MINI DOW 0H