Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1963, p. 4

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it wula Publuhm Shoplifting arucuiarly In the variety type store an by juveniles la causln increasing problems for erators such bus ncss places for cc and no doubMor parents New York buslness paper reports recent study of 250 discaunt stores in $750 mllllon business annually show ed thefts amounted to $27 mllllon or per cent of sales The recent bank ruptcy ot large chain at stores was blamed on such plucrlng Cooksvllle maglstratq sentenclng three married women who had plcnded ullty to ahepllltln blamed general ack of publlc mora Ity or the Increase in them He snld he knew of one class room of grade school students who felt they did not belong to thelr group un less they stole lrom one of the local d15 count stores no reported hlgh school club whogememberrhl requlred aleal lng one article dny nllcd States re ports Indlcnte that such lhlevcry becam es buatness with tho loot bclng soldl in sense the trend is not surprising comments The Owen Sound SunTimes time when it must be recognized ihni pubiic morality is on the decline when time is decreasing bciioi in God Shoplifting Is Result Of Public Morality Decline 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrlo Exnmlnor July 23 1008 Popu4 lnr young local man Nclwn Garrett succumbed to scaldlng rocclvod when Grand Trunk Rollwnyl Cobalt Express was wrecked llamas llrcmnn on loco mollva Joseph nodgm drown cd ln ha ncnr bonlhouso ol llnrrlo Aqunllc luh Rovr lohn Elder Scotsman took over ns pnslor ol lhrrlo mm Church Bylnw on assessment or proposed GTE shops rlclcnled by lvo voles only 25 per cent of ratepay rn lurnlng out or polllnf lnnpeclor lndrown reported hul lalny In excellent lhl Local 12h lng pm 0140 has on ox lrlnml Ahonlu hno dny nsl week Connccllon 0m rcloslhono Co with Darrle oxchnn do whonpcrmlnlon noloblalnc ram for llno to cross lrnckl hllu Resale Skelly lately rum New York hon lnkonn porlllon Ind l2 lacluono photo alutllo Grand 0pm on rooponud finlurdly nlghl wllh new and popular blll Immcr Nomi mum on my mum yumIan mu 11 um lu Ill mu mum on Unlnml Av hmm cu mm nounII norm Inna Imuur Hmbfl mm Mm momma no em mu lunlu ummuo rm Cu Mun rm mm In nullm cl nu mu at Th Mankindme Dunn Poll on Ind punI ol pu mm mm um Man Immu 7mm wALu mu MM IMIOM nunI lellllllml cunlu mqu In on Mum mm mum mum Mn MIUIAII nonnuu mmqu by mm In hull null II on at mm The Banie Examiner IPubuanea by dinaim Newafiépem mad Hayfield Street sum cggm Gannon stab ALTERATIONS WHILE YOU WRIT Brlmsmzht6uerd me munm mama ml ému DOWN MEMORY LANE muln 6mm munlhh ml ma yumqu eneral lack of recognition of the rig ts at others great lncreasu vague Idea that an thing on can get away with goes bus ncss aces present vastly lncreageq lempa onlo people In Yhaqllut tor increased aairca and decreased staff many stores display great quantities and wide variety oi merchandise which purchase must pick up and carry to the cashiers counter to make payment The purpose is course to up sales through the power at suggestion it no doubt uta tremen dous strain on tho restra nta of persons who we no great wrong in taking what is not their own the person whose only sensa ot morality rcsls with the laws of the land and thgir onforcomont Sulch reople ignore other laws In their dally Ire or see them constantly ignored To many traffic laws are farce except vihen the law is watching as an In ante It In part of todays lack of draw lng sharp llne between when is right and what is wrong Whereas there was time In the dark ages when ml ht we HEM today right to many he ecome alever one can get away with Those who promote such lcmfztellon must bear some the responalbl 11y conslallng ol Illustrated son movlng plclures and vnudevlllo hanly my school made record In number of pu lls unasan cnlrnnco exams Arthur ll ll ar ln handed llst Burrln crlcket learn deluded Cookslown nnd Thorntons com blned club by rm lnnlngn nnd 02 runs Wllllam Waller and lllurchlron were tho but bnllcrr or Burrlo McKnlghl and Stewart topped lha loser The Esplanade It the union was cllrowdcd for weekly cnnoo races and water even on Thursdny evenlan Dr Mubarcn Gordon Gnlllo and Arthur lno were ludlng ln palms Dr Arthur llou vlsl cd honpllnln In llnmlllon and lclcrboro to exnmlno now cqulpmonl bolng conshlercd or Brrrlol now Vlclorla lrolmor lllowat Ch cnuo Unlvorrll occuglcd pulpll nt nurlon Avenuo llclhodlr Church Sun dny nluhl wllh Inlk on Babylonlnn urch acology Grand Trunk hu complet ed at great coll double lmldn ol Mnln rnllwnf llnea bclwccn lllnnlrcn and Chl cngo ongcsl undcr onn mlnlgomont ln world llov Amos rnlnlllor ol load lrccrbylcrlnn Church ml nllcr to wcs com um coiihin cnca nl Wlnnlpou Allundalo YMAC now ha 150 membm Three rlnkl Hurrln Inwn bowler want In Jacklonin Iolnl nml gcrp 911m hyclgh pnln Palm and won hcalon by 0km pnlnu Ski swam ALSIowm Mchvun an Mex nrnwnlcn Thoma Moore of Plnchcr Creek Alham In vlmlng hll brollwr VIllIam In Darrlu Iflor nb mm of 10 your Sudden dollh of anlcr Haiku who had lnknn pm In Mondnyl crlclm mmh mm ml nhock Io mlny frlundn llu Wu 1rd year fludenl or Angllcan mlnlslry Evon ll mnchlncl are made lhll can lhlnk hey wont htow mlny pooplo out at work finer my 19an Momakmm Den Molnar We helr constantly lhll blrbilumel In hnnnlul Ind even dangerous Cm youullnl anally flu ef fect of lhzlr Krolonxed um Do they Iflect hmd1 or an brain Or both Can theirnu nvur Ihe nan elm mm in the nrmx almllar In burskll or IrthrllmVP To Youn cobnnrlimg Den Molnar We hear constantly lhll blrbllumei Ill hnnnlul Ind even dangerous Cun youMllm anally flu el lecl ol lhzlr they Iflecl hmdl or an brllnl Or both Can theirnu nvur Ihe nan clue plln in the Irmx almllar In burskll or lllhfllllYVP You hear About hem Iov con slant bnrhluralea ll lecond only In thll ol nlcohul 1n lrmuency But leln gel lhll sualzhc There ls bl dillerence bo twuen pmlunlcd use and ex ceaslve use Krolonxed um Do hecam Iddlcllnn lo er blrbllurnm donoL dunno In brlln ln lhejunn ol permlncncy Excmlve nu can keep person dull men lIlly Al to the elm In the blood nnllllva person my domain p11 urn Matches on no In on urlom muchldeprwlon of Ictlvlly lat lon km on Add up to mil tumble Blrbllurate pollonlnz unnumdulhl Illhonxh pmb Ibly manymon death are mm width when vlcflrna ru Illnth tho pllll all by them nlvu dont bflnl hngplneu Squalny mad the nrbllur Ila nql lolbe fluid science writer of my quaintlnce year or so ego we will some articles on drug addlclonnot just narcot ice but all kind at addiction At the iederal drug treatment contra in Lexlnnom Kyr an ex pert told him that bnrbiturete abule le indeed very lerioul Emblem However in the name reatil he added But pleue make clear thnt it ie the abuse not the use that hermiul it you irllhten people so they wont ule blrbltuntu properly piecribed you will Interfere with one oi the men umiul oi medicatiom The bnrbl are not like opium morphine heroin oo ulna The use several times at barbiturate doe not quickly establish physioloul cal hunger tor the drug l0 that the victim will rob lie and cheat in at more Well neither does Ilcloholm umm blrblturltea In their many vndeuel tedlive They depml lhu mle the mid brIIn Th slow down molar actlvfly yllcal move ment They em tho mm ln llllhlly Inner muons sleepadm mini in eqnfl CAN BE USED FOR YEAR They cm counterct loo much mulcullr lemon man In eplle 5y and other mm They can used or yurl an end in yroper amount Iluplnz plll one hum nd ob PM Barbilume enur All flu Ur qu ol the body For inlllncl premlm wnmm lubllul um them may can lhrwzh the placenta md ruck the blood the Infant de livery m1 cm can sleepy hnbyone lhl my be coaxed Jqu mm In mlrked murked down in the Mum book at the manlh of mm Ihorlcomlnn Ind Ihurl lempm on Pullman Hill Th nowlyulected 2m Pur lllmenl Clmdl Humbled In mid MlyV In an approvmu mood bury pullumhlp Ind pulh on wth the men bull nan this ultlnn Thll Inlenl dmrnd lhl lop prior corded la Hg mm or we mmnl Candim pub He wu Ilgkcnad ol pollllcklnl Ind other nluom wen mm lnl lhl pallllcnlly Ind ICOIIDM lcnlly unslnble counky uhlch Cand Ind hecaml What Are Eflgctg 014Barbitutates OTTAWA REPORT Led by ha hunlnm cnm munlly whlth hld Iuhlllullnlly bunkrallld lhu Liberal elecllun CImPIIllI and by Ihu laphllfl cnlrd urbln vnlerl who hid lb revncnbly lurned 1w lrom lull lm been dc bed Dltlcnbumhllnl had wllh resuvnllnnl nlnuled llu mnnlltmml III Illllrl lo the Llhzrnll wllh lhelr vrnmlm ol prepared plan lnr ullan The mood ol Cmndn wn properly ln Klvo lho Llhcrnll It not on wlllI mvcrnmml lo lmpo lhnl lllclr unablllllu would lullll upeclnllnm Parliament Hill Has Shbrt Tempers Pullmom MUI low ucrpv Nun cancumd wllh Hill mood ol nonpullnmhlp Tho mw prlmu mlnmcr Mlka Ienrlon ha naw permlllly wllh Inca Ind purlllmenury llnnu whlch ha hld no dil rlnled II Index ol ho oppoll llan llll mum and InlHly Ind nlwuyl lmn wll hlm Ind Hun qunmlu Howmd In now DIMHIIOXL 000mm mm awn nul dllllullon qulrI tom lhl mood at pollllul me lo IM lavurnmnnl on wllh lnvernllll vm vuthly shunned by lhl mall Maln Inmuumwl ol flu cmlnm ol Mlmlnl Ilrklly nnnlynrll an lmdut Ipmh coldly Ifldlcll dollulul mull ru vlew TIIII lllmurd In un vulllm rulv Minna by lull minHun lhv Impuo Ilcnhmly of mm hudm pm In Cnnldl budul In clnhhor In cm nllpd BM mm width cruelly m1 HII rocllnlcmlr um Ily honlud mm lh rumor Kmmdy conflonllllnn ll Hym nil lorl Vrllvefifilolluwud promul for lhl Mlnlcipnl 1m tum Ind lhc mmn yllu ma wuulu By PATRICK NICHOUON wuh aim Mu 13931111 Thu prob per Ion who thfnkl that one nlll night hzlpl Mm slew many more throth the II will be cven butter 01 with an per son who mm pop pllll to wake up ledUm min to sleep and Alcohol In between The perm who came to dupnnd on ledatlon expecting or hupnz 1m mule smog Ia hid PI ImIlur lo Irthrllll or humus do not come 1mm bro blluulel mu happtnl lemo lhllll Illa Dr lenm luv 1mm Hm whzn woman mum her buby Ihu cannot be coma pre In during um lime tumMn 33 No It ll not 1mm CANADIAN PRESS ml Ind leqrnl lhu rumbllnx hlcullurhm the dolly on old In penllon Incruua and tho llHlmcd mnrlnl of MP guy Thm nmmd to ha uly contra llom nth than pllnned and cup ullycomldmd promm Henry Hudwn Enxlhh nulealor and exyiorer dis covered Hndron Bay as year no todayIn mo In lbs 5540 Ihlp Dlmvary For Inumber Myrm re vlona to lhul Hudson Id bun trying to Ind north erly mun Chlnl Hudlon mnl um lumrner explor In th lua bay Ind wln tered in ht ulrema mum of Jim Ely Thn allow ing yur mullneerl cut Hud son hlr Ian and luvml rich men Idrm in will but Thty were never mu Aug Thu Pearlon lovemnenl hld Inldvemnlly dcllmyed much 01 ill wrlcomln bonlnu nl loodwlll wllh ll opponenu Ind had It lent watponad lhe hnpu Canalum And at nther on Bu nlll thu nuw leml ov emmtnt Ind It navlcl HIan tern could bo ucund may hid tried lo do loo much qulckly in lhelr Ambitious Sixly Dlyl Damn an lhey will hlvl lo Hump lo work lhdr my un nln In nullonnl Ind 1mm and wtdun mumyuor from Meanwhile Um Tory appeal Ilon Iron bench hld wnnlonly Ihlllmd whnl llllll remllntd In II publlc war by Ill HHudled producllrm In Pull mlnl at the Illuedly crud nullerworlh lllltr and by In crudul Illlmph lo convm lhl Home Common lulu In aleclarnl hulllnll Evm lho prevluully unquullonlnl Inlrlu wpporl on lhl lar huhbinchu wlmd whvn DI anbnkur dunud pollllcll lwlll 1m LIMA wu Ib Iorfisd 2v 3° mom July infilfiuon In ancn ondnd lltlcll Ilmpllhfll run In dl mmury Ton III In un nudenlrd numb no lhmn nf lhmuzh lhn Ilr Human nldlnn 1n Ihmll Ian mldrlmInd mn mud on blllnl They was not mud by lha mrlormnnu who mm mullnl nul In mu Ilu ndud mun MII Int Ihocltd by run dlhlll And tr VI luvmnnrnl Ind bun ebmd lnlo may want llnl In nlrl LC Enclnl Credll mm mhm crnu lhl lloum mm Ill wondrr whul lhc Ullmllll on mm glunmph In ulllmonl mlly Canaan no4 helm lur lllmmt Ill lhll nuc porll ll bnunfl lb hu qupun homo Mu hum m1 lm 5M lolmwn TM bellom upulencu dc lllhflul lellommp wllh hll lav Inl Lord BIBLE TODAY IN HISTORY THOUGHT UNICOllN ax ms MURDDPH New Bboks At iIhe Library written spotIm bleak cm Enullnd II the ulnar or Irll Murdochl uvenlh novel erllln Tulor undmakas mylurlous alignment luv cmen remote leacom mile Her charge Is not child In the expected but lavely wumnn Hannah Hannnh an unfnlthlul wlla ll kept prisoner by the nrder 91 her husband Ind the Ind her household teem In exln In Ipellunul the arrival Merlin TaylorNIHhor her lover kind or nelxhbourl nor he lnlerfmhoe of the new lover nen can permdu Hum to leqvenher yr evenla dcvelo tha veil wllhdnwn from new madan In the culls and un mdu II lei lo dnw hll own oanclullénl mm man you APOLLO Fi In Seven Tun For Apollo Phyllis Whitney combine eie menll romance and Inmme against Iha backnround of the G135 Island flhpdps or nu lurhed by seven mylieriou in cident since her husbnndl death in an airplane crash Dar casa husband had been involved in iiiicit art dealing and Doncan felt that his auociaic believed her to poses Important Morm Iuou in Rhodes Daren hoped to ind peace and lately but these hopes were dlspciicd by gimme haprehing and danger In her lmal daughter Finally with the aid at an American ihu truth is uncnvurad mu smmas mom umN AMERICA Thin collecllnnal mm no vel Include the three prluwh nun Ind those Melvin honour nhla menuon in content lpon lured by Life In Emnol to encouma lha production and million the present dny tin Amerlcln Allinnun The content ol the Ilurlu varied the vacations at the nuthon Ind ha munlrlel repmenled nre Arlenunl Chlln can It may Thll back II no only In ulln Ind martlulu but unique nun wurce or Any pno nlexell In undyan trend of contemporlry naml ive wrlunn In Latin Amerlcl TODAY SATURDAY AUGUST Senlor 501qu Slewmn Vl Elmvala ll Elmlo 645 wn Auto Sport Sponmed by Bnrrlo Chlllenurl Battle Arena Open lo am Soth 51mm Baseball memo at Orilllu 745 pm YACM Club Rum Conllnulnz he mlu the Burl Yacht club Church Service SM Church IMu South Slmcoe ualchlll lknelll hnscbnll game or he llmlly lhu late 9qu Law Morrow It Bnrfla Flir Ground II pm nchm nuier Lawn nawllnl Allnndnlo Mlxpd mblu ISO pm Menl Bollbnll Tournnmrnl In Orlllln nm Adult 5wlmmul Clmu nnrrIu Communlly goal MM pm Monday lhmuuh Fxl ny Lndiu Mikhail mm Vmou Ourcnl Imk Ml pm Juvrn Manmhl Qmml PM pm Swlmmlnl Clum or wormn mum um rm Mondly lluln or dclnlh Inlrrmcdllln Rollhnll nmumm Clukwn Sher hm pm SUNDAY AUGUST MONDAY AUGUST TUEHDM AUGUST and dlmlct ammmv Aucun To sumo AUGUH 1n THE ANSWER lily query hnut Cherie Scotty Taylor wee noticed by our Member oi Perllnnent Ether Smith who writee irom Ottawa we talking to him not so long ego He in now wnrklnl or the helpertment of Labor here and da nu public relation work When Sentty was new editor oi thin newepeper mm Heber we Meyer oi Bertie As 11 cell It the relation between Hie Worehi Ind thin putleuler Journe st were not the most coldill Evidently they are Ipelkinl etelnl Remerkable what the om etmoephere wlli Iccomplieh THEPIHST COLUMN IN RECENT column Ann Lander Id Ilmp handlhaka resemth dead link There Is an idea that Inch sum luck Internal and cnthuslusm 1m ihe person l0 greeted In this ally there Ire at least wa antlemcn whn must braver whelmed wllh Interest and un Ihuslnsm or veryona they greet Havu ynn ever shaken hands with Wllhur Hanis or James Vlclor Bynm GREETING by hand can he dlnslmlu In pcopla whu need um nso or fingers such as lypm wrilcr pounders can recall the flu Harrie Community Con cert In 1916 when he natured arllsl were twwplana quel he recepflun allerward In the recreation room or Coiller United Church tha two pomer Ignored mienred handshakes reeled cveryona wlth rmlle Ind bow on rzmurkrd than are thou In then 11qu awn who carrlcd awry Ind hav to p13 plum 1n OrlllII tomorrow lhl PESSIMIST man wha when he asks you how your health is and you In cm kick comments Thnl Ihlme rheumatllm WE DONT BLAME Alderman Mmellm or compilinan In the pm about upelllnz rhl name ccrrzclly he re one do the Ith made Our MP Located Scotty IriOttawa BARRIE By mm WAth THURSDAY AUGUST Lndlu Sanbnll Monarchs vs Juvennrs Queens Park 045 pm Orlllln v1 Kaw markel Newmnrkcl Ml nvm Swimming Clams Inr wnmcn mum Scc Mnndny 5an Iur dclnlls lnlermcdlnlc Sanbnll Slmcoo CMp VI Cluk Ion Halal Quecn Plrk FRHMY AUGUST Lndlu Sallhnll Nrwmnrkll wt mm It Orlllln pm Vlrcoes Burl Thornl Inn 645 nm Swimmlnx Clam nr wnmcn INS1100 Inn 1500 Mnndly lllllnl tar dunno lnltrmcdlnle Sallblll Burris Jnym Smllhl Dnlry Quccna Pnrk pm Cnmumm Gm vs Lnkovicw Dnlry Qutcnl Park 310 pm Mmmu Fnlk Singlnz mum Aug nrfllln llalltr Skullnl 13min MTURDAV AUGUST lll Ednr Wumanl Imlilulo both Inmlvemry lelc 0m thorlll Park 600 pm Elmtou Junior Imnm Annhermr Hand end Cauvnuully Cent 130 pm wllh hnll mum alluwcd Ivy hlnqurl Ind Inurlnlnmun In Scllbnll To mnmnnl 1100 Imv Ill CAP Ednr Inlennrdlnla salllull Conmmm II VI Cllmun olel ann Park 100 Lnkcvlcw Dlry Coop Quunl Queens Park 100 pm Edur nlL Queenl Park am pm mlxed up Inmetlmu wtth Mr Marcellus at tho Cantu Conant ae ItalUIhue dllterence between and Thulderman like It evtn Ion when they an to quota hlm at All THERE ARE NO Wlilacel or Walsh at this addrm not am on the ma dock in lha back may The most recent loul phone directory however led July 15 M1 hu three Wills two Vnul Ind one JOURNALISTS envy udlo an nounclra ln havlnz no Ipelllnz problem Illholllh pronuncln Ion allen provldel Ilumbllng block Now In lhu cm Mn ml and Marcellus nolzd above annnuncern could bridge 11 Ilmllnrlly by remembering the Ilrlng muslcnl Instrument the cello when ellher lllml come up in the MM lhey could think nl one as marchcllul But dont any It Ilka that remember lls spelled dlllcrunlly only you fimnounco ll the um the aldermnn Willis THE IIYMN Pralu God From Whom All Blessings Flaw ls usually reserved lor the cal lccllon plate 0m mornlng In local church the cranial rmdercd ll lmmcdlaluly lllm the cholr had llnlshcd alnging he llrsl nnlhem BALDHEADED barber was trying to sell his custom bolt hair tonlc But how an you expect to sail it when you dont hava my halt youmll asked the cus tamer Imnmnnl 1100 Imv Ill CAP Nothinx wrong with um came the answer knnw guy who Iells hrlulem KILL RATHER WIARNN Ont CP large Massassauzn ralller ha been kfllcd near here lhl make found curled up an bush road nem lhl Bruce Penv Insuln cummunlty close to Luka Huron wu inches long It had Inn at Mum slx lnuhcl hm mu Ind seven dodlila rallies Annl am pm VI Ste MflAwm TN 71 vim Affimf Xvi

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