Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1963, p. 12

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tlulithugusi Months ToDigr Mioadasr sin By MR5 MONTEIIE Mervin Reid at Toronto spent the weekend with his parents ltir and Mrs ileid Weekend visitors at the home at Mr and Mrs DAngia wer Mrs Foiriax oi Tottea ham and Mrs Coiburn oi Becton itirs Montetth visited her sister Mrs Ross Cook oi Damas cus tor weeks holiday also atended her nieces wedding Ia Arthur July 20 Mr and Mrs Rodway and daughters at Toronto spent the weekend with Bowdery Mr ondMrs William McNeil oi Barrio visited Mr and Mrs Collin on Sunday Mr and Mrs Hlekman and iamlly oi lslington aro visit Ing ilir and Mrs Reid tor few days Delong oi Niagara Falls spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs ll Palmer Miss Eleanor Channen iI vIsIt Ing iriends in Huntsville Kirk oi Barrie visited Brown on Wednesday Dr and ltlrs Erie Channcn and tnmlly have returned in Windsor alter spending months holidays with ltlr and Mrs Channen Phillip Peacock oi Barrie spent low days last week with his grandparents Mr and Mrs it Peacock IVY By IIIIIS WILMER WILSON ltapcs ior speedy recovery go out to Arthur Coirworth who is patient at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Mrs Roy Wilson Mrs Charlie Mile Miss Judy Dodds and Terry Wilson Toronto spent tow days with ltirs George Wilson Congroliilaions to ivy Juveniel Baseball team which took so cond prise In the South Simeoe Juvenile Baseball Tournament at Toltenham July 27 Mr and Mrs lloword Major Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Mary Major and Mr and Mrs James MeDcrmatt Mrs Claude Banting Barrie spent day with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson last week and called on few iricnds George Robert Davis lniani son at Mr and Mrs George Davis is patient at Sick ChiIdA rens hospital Toronto Mr iind Mrs Douglas Jennelt and tamily are spending their holidays at tho Vivian lcnnelts cottage Congratulations to Marilyn Graham Holly and Brian Flot cher who will he married Aug ust 17 In Nelly United Church Mrs Henry Harper John and Anglo are visiting Mrs Harpers parents In London Ontario Miss Ella McLean Toronto is spending her holidays with her sister Mrs ltarold Arnold Work began on Elwood Jen netts new house this past week BASEBALL SCORES Tho Pee Wee team in tho Essa innisiil Leagua played Thornton at ivy and won 74 Ivy Juvenile baseball team went to Thornton on Mon evoa ning and lost ivy tiliiornton 10 They played ralnout game at day evening and won 51 KNOCK By MRS GEO McCOltltiSTON Linda Mcitlanus of Calgary visited at Bruce Wices last week ltoss Wlee and Grace Craw iord his cousin oi Cooltstown are visiting their grandmother Mrs Doon oi Woodland Beach this week Darlene iiogg Is on holiday at lontes Bay Ont Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Wes llogg and iamily were Mr and Mrs Robert Reid oi Holliax Mrs Carroll and Bill enjoyed motor trip around the Mus koka Lakes and over to Parry Sound ltlrs ilerb Shannon and grand son Donald Clarke leave Mal ton Thursday morning on trip to the west coast Mrs Wes llogg entertained Wednesday oitcrnoon In honor at Mrs Don Bulmer About 20 guests took part in games and contests Then Mrs Sturgess on beholi oi the guests presented Dorothy with serving tray Mrs Bulmer thanked the ladies The hostess served lunch Mr and Mrs ltiilmcr are moving back to Barrie where hlr Bul mcr is serving on the police iorce GRENFEL Mr and ltirs Vlillom Wheeler and AIDEIINI Mrs lord are on vacation trip to Western Canada Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Charles Cole included Mr William hicltrlhur Misses Marilyn and Carolyn McArtbur and Douglas McArthur llond llead Mr and Mrs Philip Dob son and Andrew Centre Vcspra Mr and Mrs Davidson were hosts Sunday at surprise birth day party ior Miss Cheryl Cole Those present were Mrs Cole TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE SATURDAY aunts no inru sioorri Canada at war nnrr Itiinny Term rtrno Lute It To nrarrr ltIIerlr Itillhllll Candid Carnot To Tell to rruio IIItI nun Will Travel Grral atotlu iiiiririintro Melody ni Iv Nui Weather New Sports Motto traditions in the but nUNIIM Alrtiuar lztl Test Pattern Lso Dairy and linltalll zoo vorio Sport no country Calinon so euro and lilo rn Valiant rur sno tlytng Ilnrtar non itiouimoa n11 Father Knows nut Ho ho AW uoo iooo Iieo it to iiio IIan sum or Then im In isoliivan IIIitanu Valurs In nnlllrl iLnIIrlilelllnl Contrirnre car1v News other Nun sports ti Links or Jtisttrli siiwint Isis rni Iva Iopr CFTO CHANNEl TORONTO It ItltilH Avatar All Mu Thrall tmilinr Iiiiim Llillltll haliliiin Night Mavis lnglIl Iirliimi Iiiiir Inarii 7n rl anuuiins nuv tit ivnu Annriinr ltrrvlr NM Wvllhu From IINIM Altlll lieu ttrla muni itri anm Iltm lilo ll no on in Maino lilrli II Drom nlrun iinnniu Ir an Intm in il nun ltlt 1m naqu Nllht IIIvia llnimlt IM winni Int vino Itotlorn Iiolilr no story oi ism Iiia than HIIII lilo Iiui nuiun Illttlthb Altlll nun union invi uni Marinas in Hunting Iallnu iiirm itillt Iiu Haunting nnmI Inn wining mums ttnnt inoo Into lino News trainer Sports 130 Movi ilulxy Tlnk Nightlnwltl oo SummerIna Scarlett IIIll Vacation TIIIII 0n r1 Fury News Weather Eptttll Topper Checkflit Stump Thl Marl Singllonl Jubilee TIIEMDIW Krlit tulrry Theltil Temps Irrlrnt tiC TV New Weather Sports News Squad stiltsiiu Allilln ll rnt lattrrn loo ltlprlel larly Iis Nevin vmbrr snort no Mavi Mann Us nounI and bllmmlrlml too Marlelt Iiiii uo Varlion Timl Iio hIltra Mercury noo Tilgbnll Anni ario Newl Vulhll sports 100 1qu aoo tat no lrrry Mllall no than Mind Iona mintry iirnrtion Iloo rncfrv News ti wmnn sports have use tlathm no Our iimm zoo tlllilnrl Theatre IItllllllll Ill erMy aim iltltl iimmi tannin Klildo ItliirIuIY Tn tumn le wuinu spurt Itanallan tin VIIMI Ilall Irina mini 17 KAIIIT rrv No Iinm lnal iim itntnn linur rI IIIIAI AIItilIT llttlll thrtp ioiii IIngllm uni lltt Itmnina Manila Iioo Morning Malian tin mm at Inin till Nnimtiay tllmll tiio Iimnins Motion lCon iio nor Ilmtu ion hlmiel In lIIrIIIrI stmti Mum Mm Iiih rnn1im EEs 535 sEEE antirol loam niininn Tiiullay Nllht Moria ttaill Miwlvli Ii Minal but It llonr 22 NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS For Service New Available On DIESEL FUEL INJECTION It HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Barrio tiiriiilnituu ior rar lnnir Anti tintior Iionlrl and lull lin it ltlrrtrirsl products or tum tractors Errhnngo nrrizlrr iillriii and lralera In Itrwti Mill TEATINII DONE UN IIIHAIIREA tatl liAlttltl Allm Elrflttllif 11 Laurel and David Misses Judy and Donna DavidsonMoster Jimmy Davidson and Jim Mur ray Barrie Church services will resume Sunday morningvAugust at 1030 am aroma By MRS ALLEN MILLEE Mrs Arthur Dobsan attended the closing reunion oi tanner pupils oi No it Sunnidaia School Saturday atternoon Harvey Turnbuit Is on holiday this week and Is enjoying motor trips to ilallburton and Guelph Mr and Mrs Allen tMiller spent Tuesday with irtends in Sheibourne Welcome showers and cooler veohter were much appreciated over the past week iDllLSTON By MRS SPONAGLE itev and Mrs Norman and Betty visited in the com munity one day recently Mr and Mrs Gory McLean spent part at their holiday va cationlng at The Sioux Picnics have been popular lately The Forbes iamily and the McLean inmiiy picnics were both attended by several Irom here The community picnic at Bass Lake was well attended swimming and sports were cn toyed Mrs Phyllis Lock and Paul oi Cornwall were guests last week with Mr and Mrs Francis Vil items Other guests at the some home tor week Included Miss CONTRIICT BRIDGE By JAY North dealer Both sides vulnerahic NORTH oust enema siesta mar no 02 to can souIII aast VQJH enact Tliobldding North Ell IO Pu Pul has Opening lead six oi spades Iiere Is diiilcult band played in the iioal round at the finial Cup championship In Eng Iltl South got to six hearts and West lerl spade it was sound contract even though the outcome dld depend on how the EastWest cards were divided Deetnrer rolled to dummy and played it low heart East went right up with the king and returned heart it East had not taken the king at once Souths task would have been much easier and he very likely would have made the atom Decliirer took the heart in dummy with the ace played WEST AKIDBII 109 south West Dan Pm DAILY CROSSWORD AOIIOSS 1Prtnclpll ashram lclltm lLIortalnlng totha cor I2itomovt 0To reserve as botuo as am top Will lit Coronet Each Norm successive XII Rubbed ly ttlwds vigorously mm on 110mm Iwounrl letter Comfort 10 Reading 10 llutened matter loJoio II Etioler l1ticotllah 23Iaua Gaelic grandson mplcmaey 374ml Ioverrly as iteptlls so spirit iunp canola or silver cold It Objective ranot thou MIMIit iiitnuuut1lp or Mary llvmd Commmu Aiultet placl Inc ur All in lira knight Motor trutkilirlt DOWN IJIIlnI lllrtmr Ihlpt now Mans nuns Fruiting spikes oi corn is Flabby fififififififlflfifi Illfllllfill canniin MISS YOU Ii your router he not arrived by pm pirate phone PA 82433 And em Iriii nu llrtlvrrrd Im llama THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVENOURSELP CAR AND TRUCKS For Rare Shellfish Limit Isle AUCKLAND CPISo eager es Beth and Anne Baidwtck train gunmen to hunt the Utopla Mr and Mrs Lorne Randy and imily were weekend guests at Mr and Mrs StanWntsoa at the cottage at Severn Bridge ltitss lttary Jone Bule has returnedrirom weeks visit with triends In London lttr and Mrs HoroldMoore and Marilyn returned on Mon day irom two weeks trip in which they toured the Bluo ltldgi Mountains and Smokey Mountain returning vlo Washa lrigton DC and the new tunnel at Chesapeake Bay SUNNIDIILE CRS By MRS It BATES Miss Kathryn Wood enjoyed low days holdays at tho Wa saga Bench home at her trlond Miss Laurie Koch Mr and Mrs Gordon 13qu have returned irom trip with their mobile home through East ern Ontario retumlng by way at North Bay They were ac companied by Mr and Mrs Wallace Foster During the Bulcs absence Mrs Minnie Attrldga at Fort Erie visited her sister Mrs Ev eiccna Woodward Mr and Mrs William Bates were guests at the wedding oi Mrs Bdtes classmate at Royal Victoria ltospliai Miss Lois Polls and Robert Watson at Col Iiogwood Saturday aiternoon APTO Ry MRS WING CARSON Mrs Clarence Carson and Mrs DArcy ONeill were eonveners Thursday evening In the school BECKER club to the ace and ruiied another spade lie then played diamond to the king and drew Easts remaining trump But when he now led clubl to the king East showed out and when he then cashed the ace oi diamonds West showed out As result South had to lose diamond and go down one No doubt South was unlucky to go down on the hand tto would have made the contract It the diamonds had been di vided s2 or II West had had the iour diamonds or ii the clubs had been divided 31 or It the QJ oi clubs had inllen lie could also have made the slam had he known the exact club and diamond distributions but it would hardly be iair to erltl clze him ior this lioweverI he did make play that proved easily llc should have assumed that the trumps were divided s2 and thereiore should have won the heart re turn at trick three In his own hand lie could then ruii spade In dummy cross to the ace at clubs and draw Easts last trum Another round at clubs wont have revealed the club situation and clearly Indicated that the diamond length had to be with East by then cashing the Art oi diamonds he would have been able to trap the Iaek and make the slam in Monday Anotbrr iiimoul Hand is pmenlrd by Mr ltrcltrr IV Soon 22 Rat ttinx notct 2t Aro motto spice Ito iatrd Yintllllyl Alll HAVIth lid Asterisk ahihmioro 10 lilbnw measure CI Blunder ll hours Nata worthy to Coin Jay MIirrt writrr iii Apiattcr tar one Inherent that they leave the beaches where they srs iound looking ltkc sttleground Wanton destruction oi toheroas has brought public outcry The toheroo Is clamlike shelllisti iound only in New Zealand it lives in wet land between high and low water marks on only tow beaches in expert hands the toheroa produces greenish soup so delicious that it II prized by gourmets throughout the world The flavor Is highly distinctive Ono enthuslaIt said it tested as it the nest oysters had been led on the inert asparagus tor year Because at their scarcity the taking at toheroos is strictly when neighbours oi the commun tty gathered to honor Mr and Mrs Ross Richardson The eve nlng was spent in games music and social hour The bride and groom thande the guests tor the step tables they received The next evening the chlvares gong called on tha newlyweds and had geltpgether Mr and Mrs Peter Konis and lamlly oi ilalliax Mr and Mrs Konis and children Toronto were recent visitorswith Mr and Mrs Kanls Mr and Mrs Gerard ltioran and children motored to wing hsm on Sunday Mr and Mrs Webb at Oak vliie Mrs Darmos Willow dole were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Carson Valerie Eleanor and Louise Carson enjoyed artew days with their aunt Mrs Parnell and iam lly at Saurln regulated 1t is legal to dig ior them only during July and Au gust These are the coldest and bloskest months oi the year in New Zealand but the weather does nothing to deter toheroa seekers The limit Is to person day inspectors patrol the toheroa beachts during the season to see that the regulations are ob served SOME LET1 TO DIE Butrsueh hordes oi eager dig gers descend on the beaches at weekends train the beginning oi July that the tits ctora are hard put to malntan order Crowds leave the beaches dug up ior miles Many are so eager to dig their limit that they keep all the shelltlth they ilnd and then sort through them at their leisure to choose ths best But meantime some tuberous die and some are leit where they cannot dig their way back Into suitable sand Every year somacars are caught in quicksands Diggers are so busy making toheroas that they do not notice the flight at their vehicles until too ate inspectors claim that be havlor oi diggers Is worse than over this season They maintain that careless diggers are killing more shellilsh than they are taking home and that It such greedy pursuit oi the shelliish continues the beds will be in sorry state by the end oi the season The tohcroa Is temperamen tal creature Rough handling at Its beds Iometlmes brings decline in Its rua tor number at years GRENFEL Special Eth tytwo members attended the ltth Harris reunion at the Gran iel Community Centre July It Supper was served in the base meat oi the hall Guesisoi all age groups loin ed in the games and races Prise wlanera were Mrs Charles liar ris Mrs Ebby llsrrls and Mrs Fred Harris the three oldest membera Marlena Scott daughter at Mr and litrsChar les Scott the youngest mem ber present Mr and Mrs Del mor Bates and iamtly ot Shei burne tho iamlly travelling the farthest to attend the reunion Mrs Delmer Bates iueky chair prize Alter supper the president at tho reunionliorton Hutchinson ft Barrio conducted the meet ng Oltlcers tor the coming year Morton Hutchinson president lloyle Campbell vice president Marlo Harris secretary Ross llarrls treasurer Sports committee ior the com lng year consists at Mr and Mrs Garnet McMastcr and Mr and Mrs Norman Scott The table eommlttee Includes Mrs Marlon Harris Mrs Violet liar Naso TIME our OSLO Norway in Last year 225 crew members in Nor wnys merchant marine were sent home at state expense be cause they were pregnant the government reports More than 4000 women and 55000 mm servo aboard Norwegian mer ebont ships OPENING TONIGHT SAT AUG at pm This Is your opportunity to embark on an adven turo Into the realm oi good eating llero ls Chinese food so delicately and carefully prepared that It Is guaranteed to tantalize the taste buds oi the most lscrimlnatiag connoisseur The decor oi the new Mirnmar Gardens Is won deriitl marriage of quaint Oriental and ancient English architecture We invite you to relax In the comiort of our new dining room and enjoy cocktail as you partake at your iavorlto Chinese dishes See you tomorrow at our Grand Opening Grand Opening Sacda BUFFET We will have proximately it til rat Chlnrui dli on and you ran hrlp yotirsoli to some or all oi thorn You may not ll much you wish ior on low pri 4i DUNLOP ST Next To Roy toms PA 66729 or PA 66IOI manners exams Iarunoav auditor in Harris Reunion Draws 82 Guests rts Mrs Velma ltorria and Mrs Delia liorrls Next your the reunion will be held on the third Sunday at July at tho GrentclCommuaIly Con tre Woleomn Wagon cola hratca the arrival diesels now habywitbairiondiy callwith basket oi glit aod congratulations oitbo entire community Bo sure to tail Welcome Wagon oi the arrival oi every now baby to your Ilia ouoocoognooo

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