Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1963, p. 9

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mm Gollm Annclnllnn 4am Ill Auuul wllh MINp n1 cllblvmlnmr lln mumnu mum hm IL MIIJAI TIIOIIIY Ill huh llu lud IHI Mun Norman and UNITS Knmlm ham Toiunln lhol 74 um ulmh nhull Inn mm uh on Ind IMAM mman Tnmnlo ll In ll I211 Ilnlm dmppd nut lhn buwa mm nl Inn Mhnll any WINNIPEG CF Even ghnuzhuwllnnlpex 11mg Bomber 41 mm mm in mm mnhh Ilu laurnlmenl Irv pm In Umlh MM ham hl Grnnl figure hls tomlquad at lens as strong tum llul won the Grey Qua 1m De cember Thalr nrlunrs lhls year may depend on haw much louuhzr ha unposmon will be from the ether our club the Vulem Football Commute flfimplon mm llll Clnldlnn mg GoUHyAunclnllou TORONTO Alvlo Wampum Lyurald Tnmnlo alrtr hn hunhy lnurIlrokl mluln unln Inln ladnyl ne nnd round llu Onlurln prom Ilallll all chlmplnmhlp Thumpnu lanky Vuumuvrr ullu nnw plnylnl out at Tur onInn Nnrlhumd In 1an mum lry chm ul another two as human or nhumtrr nr ll hallway pnlnl In ML hnlo lmnnlmznl ll HI item Gall m1 Country Hulk EThompson Fires £66 In lst Round Aha rnlurnlnu are Leo AMI reunrdrd by mnny the bell runnlnl lull In Cnnndl Hm ackcr Dnu nurkhnlder rndl Cmclplnlm Ilarh Grly de lmuvn end and slevu Pulrlck Iho luml drhnxhn mlddln guard hMI ruininrd lho club Youll have lo uk them But llmel runmnn am In hm lo declm our maltr by Man of Iha city our um name On the brhzhlcr nlde two worm AEXEJ in nu nonew Mm pm cl were lur tiknlnk lha reel tllrnnl lulr Grant replled Nlhack Ind unter Charlla Shepard contra Inchnrker Gar Warnn Ind cornnr llnrhacklr Rick Poller III rcllrcd beam 01 buslnm prulures Mugs am nd Ir ullhnck and Ian klcklr Gerry James and urn hi Nlck Mlller Mn lulled lufqmg crmlrpcl lrrms But Gun mnvlnced he has found the play In Im the up poulhly with added Ilrennlh In the turn Grnnlwill Hm lnkllng of MI Tuesday at Calgary when Bombers mccl Calgary Sum pedm who nuth them to all limit In In yearl Western play all last all er prasea um cxhlbillon names coach Bud Gran Isnt throwing 1n the towel Imporled tram lhe Nallnnnl Football LEIKUEI Naw York Gllnll Martial cams Into lhl nma urly In the Iecmd qunr ter fumbled on the int plly MONTREAL CMMontreal Ahuellel unleashed 1mm round mack led by allslur hack George Dixon and Dan Clark to defeat last years Enslurn Football Confer ence champs llnmlllnn Tller Cats ms Thursday nlnht Aloueuu lulu acqulsmon qulrlerbnck Franc Hubbub ghrlnll had dlsapmlnllnz de Grant Rates Club As Strong As 63 MONTREALB Jlm Rtylloldl 1a In llylnfi lackle In In attempt to bring down AlOuettes In 2316 Win Over TigerCats The wlmw MII rmlvo lhu OKNII Trnnlvy and 000 lulvlho NM In pm mnnry Flu mum runlm urnpu 12I In mumDuh Avlnm nl Hummnn Gnmnn Dr lul VrInn nml Illl Kntnk Mm HIM and Al llldinl 01 10min mmumlrr Al the In More lnllnl cnnlrnl lnr unuvmrr par an IM um hnlo It am up ullh In rule on lho pu mum 11m lmlc when hll Itcflnll nhnl lua Inm lnndnl clam Irv hnm ho HIP nlo olhtr Hum mmrluhack In Kenny Plow llnl Imlynrd nnd allum dcltllsll Ml Dirk Thnrnlon ho will be In lhl de mm mm unln lhll yenr Inlmzr Wlnnlyrl all landed lhl Univmlly Kun ha oher tamer to place Pnltrr Grnnl In high hope or nrlnn Palmer the Inurth quip lerbnck on tho club To like up lhIn Illck Gun II lwklnz lo hallhnck Gordln Rowlmd whn Ippurl luIIy re cavern from knce Injury that Imp him oul of lhe Grey Cup In year In Toronto when nombm delulad Nnmlllon 2521 or lhelr fourth Cmndinn champlonlhlp In le yam Tn for deunx II In corner wlll rohnhly In Blll hhller nn mfknm lawn or Ram Mrke powerInckling lwowny Ind mm the Unlvcr my Arlxonl James MW llllle hallmarrylnl ncllon lasl amnn but med pluceklcklng mum hlm ha CondAhlnhtsl mrcr In lhc mnurtnce with no pnlnll To Hll Shepardu punlinx boots Gran has corner lina er chk Delveaux who may inln Vnrrcna llnohackinl an To III zaps run In hunk In huvlly on rookie Jerry Jones of Mlnnewla and Joe WI llaml lophnmara from the Unherllty lawn to rrplnce Shsparg rgnnlnzplayl Emla Fill and Farrel Funslan tackle Roger Sarole Frank Rlnney and Nell Thom guard Cornell Plper and Sher wyn Thurmn duhnaive 5ner lwlns mnry Jnnzcn and Ron Ln laurelle lullbuk anrr Ila berl Ind dclensive half Norm tham to arm nucleus REPLACE SHEPARD CENTRAL TAXI AIM Icllun allowing injuriu aun lalned Inst season sllll lucked bll shaky or the Tlcnls Ho complelcd only three Huh pas alumni and averaged mere 2r yard Icarry Ilnnz ha umund OEIVEE STOPS SCORERS Bobby Jack 01lvcr delemlve lick and pllcemenl specialle Sandy Slephens hired better complain eight out 12 paxsu or 71 yards bu hln run ning wn flag as cflccuve and hid pus lnlercepled on UM Iecond speedy Hamluun hack Jnmle Calgb sol In In nhlblllnn Eulern Foothill Conlerencn In lulpr 1h Munifim nunin voted In Ium down TM Jachcy Clubl lhlnk dlmunlled ltw lhlnk lhry ma helm mm dnnl Ivy donl num hi my In Wevo rnlml uur purl murh lral can TllN HOWN lFPIIfl John Many Jnckuy Club manning dlmlor up In lry box wlll ha nprn wllh la pm dcndllnl lnr mlrlu lnr Mundayl rlnl an III card MH Id Mooney Thurday nlahL II Illd II II pouihlc lnml hnrnmrn will not um mm In IlllA Imullrn Ind wlllA lllamlrlrt Thu Onlnrio Humn Hono mcnl AlandHon voted Thu day In lingo boyml ll Thu Jockey Club do not met flo mnnd tor threw wnluc prnmlninn plum 41 nor cult he lrnckl mm hi mu qul lake NIXOMO ICI Greenwood Raceway my In lunch with out Mun Monday unlcu lub mlnnh dul In rurhtd nduy ho tween hammen Ind Hm rick WII mnklc nlghl It Em plrl Sladlum lllwlllln Tom my Lru Innk aver rum etmn Ollnwn quarterhuk llnn Juk son arm dull llrlt hill and Ktmnf who cum hut yell wllh Western Vuhlnllon UnL vmlly kicked lhru dd ml Ind lwo Ilnkm mum In 0h ler mm or touchdown and tamarind Ihnl nuchdnwn II Llnm ended lhtlr lhmuma uhlhlllnn mson undelmbd or thy 1m tlme In 10 yurl Some 20000 an no let nnd look at tha hometown com blnlllon quarterback Pale Ohler nnd fullhark Peter Kemp Linn delelled 0le Rough Rldm In an uhlblllon lama Thundny nlzhl Columbia Linn appear to have devrlnped pnunl anttwo rooklc punch rum which much could ha hoard durlnl lhe enm Inu Cunndlan Foolhnll Lmuu muon OHHH Votes To Stage Boycott It Contract Demands Not Met Incond qulrler HImll Inn looked ll they mm mm rout of the name not ln 15 of their 13 points XNTERCEITS PASS Aloueltes waned no Ilma lel Hm Illrled mnnlnl 94 lead by tho end lo first quarter on my touch and Slophzm 15 yurd muchdouu pm Lusler convarled by Ollver D06 Sulherln converted touch down by Tomm Gunl and Jamlo Caleb or Tlcall be llde klcklnl twu 3anch an al lnrpplchueld only led lha Als ICDTIHK kicking lwo Held null and two convula Touchdown wen Icared by Clark and Marv Luster while Ferd Bum In Saskllche wnn Roughrlden bonlad aln In and Ed Nick lmelred hallhack Odell Whlll or sly laugh Ottawa Defeated By BC Lions188 quouyzn cm Hymn nume at Menuell Len out the atllon Aluueuu Enh by Jack 011m Ted Ell Grant lnlErCEPiia erloll II UOIHN IT Ill HAHN If TOMORROW IS YOUR BIG DAY VIAU MOTORS Shop Far USED CAR Jnhn ey Arunrinr number lhu moclnliunl burn nlnlni rummmm yald ownerl lulnm lma Ilnhlu II nrd mkmrnl lhll lhny Ihlp lhrlr Ilock In olhrr menu numb the hay coll Iml lr Mnnmy uld mo mlnl mum number ol mm la open lrurk would be um dny wllh 1m our harm lho dbpule lull unlil tho end II ireenwond mum Ann Il mlghl AIM liter The Jockey Chlbl MnhAwk Ilnmwny nur Cumphellvlllv OnLv when lha Ill mrellnl Inhrduled or Sew mu It all In rnlu purm mm II when at $9150 to 011000 Clan pllytd wllhoul Hul rlnl quarterbatk Jun KIN out MHI much Linn led 10 alter the llrlt qumcr flu hull and the In wu lied Alter lhu HI EC had 19 Hrs downs mil ulnnl ha anund and no halmr 0Han made rlxhl Ounwn an the Icnrcnoard when Lu hil hallhnck Whit Tucker with wryrd pan Dnva Thrlcn plunnbd three yards or flu touchdown and Mog flame converted 1111 Elnck pumad 011 ylrds In xlre Ollllwl alum earlier lnllhe qlll warktd tho Rough mum to lhrlr only pain Omar look aver 1mm Mel Melln In the nurlh quarcr when the lulur WI unnhle in mava Iho lenm wlthln Ike ll 35yud ling Ticnu 1m their mar In lha lcurlh quarter as Mouelln ex plnded wllh touchdown by Cllrk on Slephens endmm converted by Oliver Bur BTylrd klck caught the an melvm flat fooled Sulhcrln booted another Ilnglo early In the Ihlrd quarter and Oliver Imwmd with Jflynrd qu on Three play lulu Caleb went over from the Mnnlrenl threeynrd Hue Sulherlnl cun verl made 1M Alaucnu had Mrs down on their own 2iyard alrlpo Inllnw Inn Sulherlnn nlnlle but en Illy and Glno Bunmfg url kick nave HumlHnn the ball on Ihn Montreal 15 norm on hls bwn 41nnd rm across or he mnlor Sulharlnl convert wn Md by 151 Ind Dick Aboud um Manlrul won the sums me Wirapholoi rfll fulhffii LONDON CHDhlnnu run ner Bruce Kidd Toronto ur nved hm hy lll Thundny mm to begin European truck lnur whlch open with In Invill Ion wnmlla vrnl Monday It Lnlndnnl While Elly SAtndlum acmmplnled by ch had not who nld hl loch lha runner II In good form Illhough hasnl been In compelluon or two mnmhs or Ken Vlhmn owner and am eral manner the Omaha Club moving lhe lum here The move wn lpprnved by ha IHL hnnrd novurnnrx and ndnmd hy Mulligan who also the lunuo commisslnncr Tha franchm larmerly In Omnhl Nh wlll ha In lhe In mullunal Hockey League the lame Jump In whlch tho old Toledo Mucuryl played or 15 yum TOLEDO Ohio ANPro Ilnnnl hackey wlI return In Tn lnda this all alter nnsyear lhunce Andy Mulllxun general manager of lha sports arena hug announqed ngurrday Kidd Is Ready TovBegin Tour Otherwin Ynnka Ira well all head lnln lha our lama weekend aerlu at their rlendly 1ballpark in lha Bronx aualnxt Balllmura Orlulu Rognr Man will be hank In right Held and Joe Papilona at Ilra bnaa Marla hu bean dlad by ae rial Illmantl thll mm the lakes apralncd Ian hand that non him In tho aldellnu Inn Monday Pcpllnna was Itruck on the right elhnw by pitch Wednesday and taken out of the am an mt Kanm City Wllh Mum and Marla the firlma caaunm al Yankm nva had 40 can at allan lnlured Bu helr remnrknbla depth In talent has enabled them to nuke runaway at tho ran Theyve been parllcularly hot at nameand durlnl ha put Ilvo weeka Slnca June 1001 Bomhm have wan 25 and have alrctched thnlr lead mm on lame tn alzhl The va been 12 at Yank Sla um and an ar an the current norm aland which wlnds up with nur unma xet anulnst OrInXeI Yank have won 11 of resent dhnblllly Ill alllnl on knee which Ilruck Mm be torn ho had lully mod rum lhe hman Im not Miami Inga Mlcr Ilmplnl and wheulnl In lhnlr current cummandlnu lead In the American Lam chm New York Ynnkm resume mu drlva or lhelr um pennant tn th with Ike 0an lenllhy In ury llnl rcflucgg to on nii one ll Mickty Muntle 1mm alunggrl BY JIM HACKLEMAN nae ma Preu Spym IVrmr Toledo Will Ice IHL Team Mantle only Injured Yank At Present vnl IIAIILINI IfIll vr4i IIIIAM WALKER loNl LIMITIDrpmumummnull nu mm In ovu no any plan lulph Dupas New Or leans Nlna anvenull llnly Brunt Vlslnlln Italy Danny Meyer Portland Ore Gaspar one Maxim Joey Glnmhra Snn Franclxto Middl pmn chk Tiger leerla Gene Fullmur West Jordan Ulah SI fluhln Carter Palerwn NJ Jaey Glnrdelln Philldclphln Gem Benton Phlladelphln Lnszlo Donn Jones New York was rnnkod followud by Clevaland Vllllama of Houston Bllly Danlell of New York Er nle Terrell oI Chlcago and Henry Cooper of England Zora Folley ol Chandler Arlz was ranked elxhlh Roger lllscncr San Franclnco nlnlh and Tim Spencer In Annelcs 10th The other nllngn um nuvywrlxnl Charm plan Vlllle Pnslrano Mlnml Beach Eddle Collon Enema llnrald Johnson Philadel wlla Munro Mlnl Peru Iynn Thnmlan slncklon Cnlll Rlnglgl Italy In nnnounclng lh monlhly anga Thundny the W8 rnllnu commmu luld ell Pullman Ihuuld prov hlmsel lnllowlnl his Iwo first round knockonln Ihu hand Sonny Llunn PROVIDENCE AP Former champion Floyd Patter son was drupped all the way irom Lop contender to levenih pin And unhuun Cnuiul Clly wu elevated to Na the heavyweith ruling oi the Wgrid Eaxlnulnmcillion Thu vlclnry moved Cardinals Into or mom place with San Francllco Glam Hi gain back of Dodge only one olhu 1am wal scheduled In that laurllrpllce Chlcnlo Cuba clobhercd Mll waukee firmcs In Ell Burton beams the mu player In Nallonul League Mllory tn The 27yearold right handcr absorbed setback Thursday logging Ion No 15 lo wllhonly our vlclories al the lillhplnca Reds dmpped declaion lo Lou Cnrdl ml and ell 1m um behind plug Lon Angel Dodg That the problem planning Reds alllclnls who wero loundedylul yen when Jay made In unprtcedcnled move to buy Ml awn conlrncl and conrnunded this year by Joyl lnahllly l0 produce or Cincinnatis Nnunnnl Lu Bu p039 hnpgiup Man with Joey Jay CInA clnall Redl lwullmu ZHnmo winner who lug yur cnuldnt buy himself nnd hl your call ynd hlmoellly By MIKE RATHET Almclued Pun Spam erlar Floyd Patterson Dropped To 7th mum Chimplon Cards Move Into Tie For Second Spot In NL Flywzllhl Champion POM Klnxpclch Thalhnd Erncilo Innnuns Ecr nardo Catnhcllo Colombia Salvatore Burruni llnly HI ny lIb anan Ma Zhlucui Phliliplncs lulherwelxm Champion Sugar Ramos Cuba Ismael Lazuna PI mu Mluunm Sckl annn 3lullu Klni Nb NIB Hawnd Wlnnnna Wales Leroy Jellrey Sall nlw Mlch nnnlnmwlnl Champlnn Edcr Join Brazil Alphonse Hallml France Jam Pimen lel Mexlco Jon Medel Ito Flzhllng Hnradl anan Manual Barrlos Mexico lehlweItMChampion Car In Ortiz Puerla moo Pnulla Armslcad Lo Kenny Lane Mukexan mm Carlos Hemandaz Venezuela Dive Charnlcy Enzlnnd Bunny Grant Jnmnlca Junior Illhlwelxhl Chum pion Flash Elorde Phllipplm Love Alloley Ghana Johnny Blunro Erie Pa Tcruo Kosaka lenn Younl Terror Phlllpplnu Gulzanl Rozgul Algerll Jnnlor welterwelnl Cham plou Eddle Perklns Chicago Der Somodlo Phillpplnen Giordano Camparl Italy Bobby Scanlon San Franclscu Shlxemnsa annknml 13 plan Roberto Crux Phlllp pne Emile Grlmlh New York Brian Curvll Wales Jose Stable Cuba Luis Rodriguez Cuhn Rip Rundnll Dull Curtis Cokcl Dallu The oller amounting In about $125000 we turned dawn So was Juyl Iubsequen hld as he raised this ante $200000 llnally Milled lho nlary lquah hie went to work and complied 3114 scant nlua In Red has become lnesllmnbla 1th Ilnge last year Jay was 153 If he had wmpaubla record Ms neumn fled wauld be but Ilnl Dodgers or Int mm In stead Jay has averaged on Locked in salary dlsmfl with neda general manager Hlll newm Jny ndmllled4 have naked hlm to sell ma my can lrncL Am wllllng to pay hlm my nut live yearn nlnry based on what hal otlerlng so that can become ran 129pm Jay beema mums wln nor or IhaJlnl time In 1m puutlnfiI 10 record Reds won Nallnnal Lnugua new nanL Jay lnrncd around and annual the baseball world by hlmscll ln spran tralnln the next xenon WANTEI own comma hl hnme runs and lathanded lagne mu mum Marni butlln mm In Ihc anmn The commuson rejeclrd that application litcause Lillanl conncrllon will he turpomlnn And Klvln sald dont lhlnk any other um would parml snmclhlnx nnl permuted In Ponnsylvania In Hmlabu ram mission min on mam mendallun by he Illorneyen Aral Vrdmday rejected an Ip lecallun far llctncalrom In lerconllnrnul Promotion Inc In which the Nilnn brother Illo hald 47 per gent APPLICATION Llsiin can in be ruched for cnmmcnl AUer Klein member lhe Pennaylvunla Alhlellc Com mluion uld Im confident he thlwiILhn held here He slld cummsslon ll ready In mm licence to flu Nllnn brother as swan nmhip or If they wish nelhtr la form corynminn The plan under which Bob And Jim Nllon would promote ha 11 Instead curpnn an in whlch Llsian holds 47 per cent Ilill must be Ipprnved by like chumphm PHILADELPHIA AP The way was npencd ntcsday tar Sept 30 title light between Ilen vywotghl champion5mm Liston and Cantu Clay In Phlladel phi Stadium us two promoter and the Pennsylvnntn Athletic Cammlulon em up with an alternate plan to meet lent ob lectlnns Slave Euros and Jlm Scnnl ler ano homered or Chlcuo while Larry Jackson 12 ml lered lavcn hils In xulng all lhe wnyl Jackson conlrlbulell twa run double Cuba pul Lawny wllh leArun llnl Inning burn The swllchAhlller Burlnn wlm slarlcd the year wllh Houston and went Cleveland helm lalnlng Cubs cannecled aznlml Bram loll hnnder Denny masler 741 In the first lnnlnx and rlzhl hnndor Ran Ilchu In Illa Iavenlh Buxlon was anl 221 xolng inlu lhe am Thu cal ha been accomplllhed In times 11 lhe mnjuu wilh Mlckcy Mnnlle ol New York Yankees dolng nine llmcs Curl Smmuns 105 Win the wlnner but needed nlnlh lnnlnl relle help Irnm Ann Taylor and Bobby Shnnlz alter Tommy Harrer nud Frank Robinson 5an ed Geno Frccxe mud sncrlflca fly Taylor In brlnl In we run then Shnnlz came on Ihe tel plnch Muel Charlie Neal on lung fly and ended IL He wasxil flagged Hard by Cnrdlnnls hut George Altman connected for mm Innlnl humor that snapped LL and Si Laula pushed acmsa lhl clincher In the elxhlh nflcr Jny let on nwnlk plnch single by Charlie James and Tim Mcv Cmcrs ancrlllce lly Iclnry manlhfiwilfi earned run mnrk Fires 84 To Lead Tourney HO

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