Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1963, p. 6

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Charming Business WQman Supervises 22Member Staff TORONTO CmMare hnn llmlm shares of slack may change hands dnny lhmugh lhe Tnmnto Stock Exchange Evn Ilikl makes sure lhm lrnnsucv 1110 are accurately recorded The chnrmlng businessIlka Czechnslovnklnn woman re ccnlly nppolnlcd sluUslldan of fine Tamnlu Stock Exchange is he first wnmnn in Canada lo hcld such position In nddlnon lo supervising flmcmbcr sla whlch pre dam on one of lhu worlds uslcst stock market or dnlly mwspnpm And olhur publica 110M Mu Ink docs all he ixchnngca olflcla charLs and Irnlns newcomer In lhe ro hatch and Ilntisllcal depart Jncnl But ha approaches hrr wmk wllh ease Everything hm hm mlu Everything nu 111 Jun puuln WI no dil lcull it sounds Sm AS cunK Hm name rhymes Mlh Ilcklul learned lhe Inm tucks the cxchnnzel oper jnllon Ihorlly alter Ihn In wmd 1SE ad or clerk in 1952 Um cxchnnxol mom nnivusnry ycur Sh wn lel 12min Ipnk Enxlllh when he Joined am cxclmnm sho and her hut hand Dr Mario Illkl dlrec lnr or research for lhu anlonnl Unlon Publlc Servch 1va plnycu hud Hui allcr Com munlnu look nvrr htr rounlry 11 mm and cvcnlunlly mm lu Cnnndn Imcnuu lhny thought 11mph hero npoku bolh Englhh nny Frlcnch Ilul htr ulurnuun and bull nru lmlnlnu comptnmed or unInmlllnrlly with lmlhh Cuchmlnvnhln durlnl lhc wur Ihn hnd nludlul ccnnomlu mm lndnurlnl vlnnnlnz wcll nI hwhkrrplnm typlnz and Jhflllhlmd Time um hecnmo hullnru munnm of mu nlwhol and yen lynurhu hm nugnn nlmhol Ind yml lnc lnr Ml he Cmmmmlull jmavrd ln nho wnn ml nml went to Prune whrru Innmu helpcd her In nu umunllnl dwarlnwnl An lcnhol rrllnrry IMMFJ TO WENT Follawl ha nlnmllnlnl llllmllon Dr lllklan null Communul Ilullrnl lrlulrr whllc nl mllvrrnllyhml lmn nilrd llve llmru The rmmlo Ilnnlly umpr In mlun Hump lan Slrnilorrl Shakespearean Fes llval Oninrio ulh annual sea son Drama June 11 la 5ch 28 ioaiurcs Troilus and Cressida directed by Michael Lanthm Cyrano Berg erac directed by Michael HAS HEAD FOR FIGURES nntlnmll Kurd1 ll Thu Ilnl Illa Ill Klld mm nu IInul lmmkd Mmhudln In In hllnwllc HI 37 MARY MODELS WEAR FASHIONS CREATED FOR TIMON 0F ATHENS names mm Clam AND TOBACCOS FIRST IN BARRIE CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES Ilvrd In nclxluxh or lwo yum bqlore minan qundu repnrnx the flock mlrkct chnrlu lnsclnnlel her mm In hrr prmnl million sun had been worklnn on lhc TSF chum or II ycnrl Won htr pm dccumr John Scan Hourly OIHLIJA CPI TMI leu Tnuchlthlnl velar lawn hll cluml wnmnn mayor or lho Irl limo In III Inu nlcipnl hlnlor Isabel Iml Ilncc Jun ml unnnlmuml nlrcltd by own rmmll Tun ny lo llll th yncany fryfmd lylho lh Langham The Comedy of Errors dircded by Jean Gascan nnd Timon of Ath em directed by Mlchael Langhnm Brian Jackson was the designer or Ihe modern dress in Timon of Alhcns His creation an shown Humlny Donald Im rnuud munkl pollllru mm you uv Aler mm an Aldrrmln oh you In In ofllu oi dpyuly lrrvn Slur wun Intolflu ol urve Ixy nrclnmllloll EVA IIIKL II the new m4 Isllclnn or lhu Toronln Stock Exchange nullw Czechos Iovnkln Mu Hlkl prrpnrcs he cxchnngen dmm um Iurns out dnln ur dnlly newn pnpcn and olhcr publirnlianl across Cmuldn CI llwlo Is Iéabel Post 0rilia Mayor my Jain 7ch PA M741 slalisllclan or 15 years retired at the end nl last May Mrs lllkl and her husband spend he weekend lhch coltazo ncnr Brnmhrldge Ont In Muskokn region There she tries evade qucsllnns from rlcnds sacking ndvlce on the stack market Investing Isvery pcrsonaL she says It no function loe stock exchange In llvu ndvlcm ELEANOR R058 Want flood doltynnmll Men or curtains one Ihnl rc qulm mJnlmum amount do wllh mnxlmum qultk thnngo mum Well you can make prclly lnslnnl curlnln with tho um prlnlcd striped ar wildcolor plllnw cum and smallslze cnlo curlnln tiny You wlllmul cm looking at ynur Icwlng box you um have cullnln on ynur wlndown In mnllcr ol mlnulca COLORKEY 1100MB cllcdlvu wny n1 lulnu ml Idea to colorkw your whole lcdmm nmund lnmlly colors For Imuncn you haw brnuulul pal yeilow mm on lho bed mm choose ytllow lluulwlllrnod plllow can In ha cunnlm Auaéh thornAle mrlnln rhm lo Man and the plllow can Illp lhnn on lhl mnnln have From the icit Sylvia Shaiier wears lung Dovo Gray crepe skirt high waisted with bloused bodice Cin nnmon pcau tie spie Martha Henry models Puiauo Pyinm as in pale Lila itniian silk and wool biend heavily en Whip Up Instant Curtains To Change Decor Of Room Nd ml your mom will bu hrlzht with ham color Ind llnwon m1 your wlndnw wl bu welldnued Mnln mph11m um only millII cm curtain rlnu or Inn tip on your new cuminl UHF MIA SIZE wvo been my of Mn color can wmo Mn that trim In lhll cl llvllh colorhm 11 mm Ind you would THE CANDLE SHOP MIN Monk Daryl 0n Hwy II To Orllllu Dollghlful now mlvnls lrom Scam dlnm or our home hoslm ur friends 10 ochel Candle Dr In lhnpel nml coloun Ill Sconces Candalubm hind palnlod po por mllll mlnllluro Orlndhlh or Clocka nnd of course the mm on Iinmllos lrmn nrquuI he WE HAVE NOW GOT IN OUR WIDE SF ON SUANDIN AVIAN CHRISTMAS CARDS xheEla and pillow cm are Lil Avnldycd 12119 lmpqrtnnl our ll means hunt the color woni Undo whether be puficl or deep lone EASY WASHING Obvlomly lhlI mean laundry nlmpllllcnllonll no long necessary In separate the ml urcd piece mm ha tha llmns andyod colored Ihccu am go through lhn nmlly wnsh mmplclo with Munch hump my And lhey wlll come out Just as cnlorlul whnn they won In They can also he done by nmmcrclnl laundry wkflr out damage In color BETTER BUBBLES FROM OUR GUM crusted In pearl and pale Lilac bends Helen Conway Marmo in nb loused bodice of gold lamo with Stone co ored sarong skin of heavy crepe Chela Mnuhlson wear wrapped sheath 1n Pump kin brocade II nlco hlcn lo chm flfllmm colored new or much 0M trick wllh 0010er Hum In pnrtlculnrly mod or mm mer 117 mlnl calm bcd lprcndl ll Iimply pusch nmn Ihfd mod topper lprcnd nmn mm on your bed CIIKM AND MY Izmirr In wnh and euro or lhnn bedproudl It ll ulw War or lummer and an In mlvn wny or ulnonnl coor thqnly All lhln mum or lhq rowing populnrlly Inc vul dyed calmed llnem Ind oflm no den or mddlna showm Mm Ind or lnr Ihc vel mn humcmnhr loo dinn IlJflfl quullmIl could be ml bluo ynnvw ar am Iha xly pldel prlntl Americans In the bubble Bum set who prefer tho Cn nadinn slut can relax The treasury isnt blowing lhe stHe on Cnnrrdinn brands gum makers became alarmed at Canadian im mm running 101400000 an nuallyn1 cent ball than 40000000 mouthfuls Thuy said Canadian manu inciurer were chewing into the market by dumping gum in uninir prices 7N he lrénsury ruled Monday rcluslng the re quest for min ndjuslmcnm F6 onolhlgll lodnyn colony WASIHNGNN AP BAKER MINE FRIEAX AUGUST 1903 The Sutherland Reunion wu held Strvud Community Puk July The descendant John Sutherland and MI wllE Susan Gardiner Sulherland and thelr lamlllen numbered ave All we registered they arrived and were gven name in and red satin flbbon prin ted In gold gm mm the prgsldonl Doug Mchtnw source of great Intern to all we farnlly album thch Mr and Mtg Wllllnm Suther land Slroud had on display All lnmlllu are to add to this and make thefalbum complete possihle Sports mnvuner Bob Sulheb land 01 Brampkon prasenled prize to the winner In the ugly evantg gs1ollqwx Glrls and Heather Irwin Kim Rabemnn Kathy Newton Bayl and Girl Ric Robert son Drew Irwin Debb Suther land Boy and Girl up to Dan Robertson Susan Sumn lnnd Ricky Robemon Boys and girl up in Chrissie Leppard Bob Sutherland Susan sulhen land Boys and Girls up In 12 TORONTO CHMary Jane Holmes Is private Investigator but youd never guess mm 10015 at 1191 wqulng dogma And unllke the Tegendnry Holmes of another era aha um urnmu instead magnifying 15 Thé attractive Muneyed bru Mike chief security ofllcer axla laslnra Toronw discount chn Since its essential that she noi be easily recognizable as an lnvesiigaior when trying to nab shopiiiim Miss Holmes is iikeiy to wear sport slack and blouse while on the job And to make the disguise even more convincing she sameLime goes to work with curler in her hair The casual cull are In keeping with the running shoe she wears When stop ahnpper nub slde 015 More and he take all news Ihe parkan lot need traction she lays explaining lhe Inotwur Tha minors She uses them to keep an an on suspecled ahaplmerl wllhou rnlsing their suspicion Durluz 12 yam ol Invenlm lion work Miss Hnlmel has lbhed necklncu Wllthel And ring out dlny diapen and hm nlrlevm nylon slips ba con and anions from beneath caning Infants For heavens sake how did that get In mere the usual drain mm women caught In lhe Miss Holsz may they lnevlluhly lnslsl Ill lha first llmu but It seldom ls MOST ARE WOMEN Mos udul shapllnm are women she says but men take more expensive Items And esll mules are that 60 per cent 01 shopllmng dams by lacu nlm Mlcn Inr klcka SutherldridsCome AgainsTb Stroud Private Eye In Hair Curlers Mingles With Shoplifters ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS ElocIrlclty lsSafe Clean Flamelau l5 BAYFIELD STREET Matchless is proven to be over BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Other mothodl may only on much on 65 dflclml Tied Dnnnla Sutherland ChiII Ila Leppard Tied Bob Sulhm land and Sum Kathaland Boy and Girl up to 16 John Sutherland Jlrn McCraw Gar don Sutherland Illls my age Chrissie Leppard Margaret ey and Jean Robertson Boyl any an Bob Sutherland John Sutherland and Im Riley The ioiiow in the new exe cullva hon pmldenl Donald Sutherland Brampton presid ent Bill Sutherland Sixdud vlca prealdenl John McGowan Enr rie necrelnryirennurer Mn Newton Barrle hlnnrlnn and assistant necretnry Mn Pat lnlnor Bnnla spam ennven er Bob Sutherland Bum inn wclal convener Mrs Wl nln Hand Stroud cemetery com mince Min Mae Sutherland Mine Helen Sutherlnnd Mn William Hand and Fram Sud erlnnd Following the dinner end bun inesl meeting lan long we enjoyed by young and old will Mu llnxry Smelhunt Burle provldlng the mule NEW EXECUTIVE In the 1m wu yearn Miss Halmea has nabbed more than 1500 shnplmen Includan doc tor and lawym FOR TOMORROW Planetary aspect can make ihln rather xlnmmns period as in as dealing with lrlend and loved one are concerned also lor sentimental interests and travel Be cautious ln busi ness and financial transactions however FOIL THE BIRTHDAY tomorrow is your birthday this next year in your llfa plum ises lmporiant gains you tx ercise inlllnllvo and are willing to forego some immediate per sonal desires in the interest of more lasting benellu Both and llnnnclnl gains are Indlclted between now and mldSeptem tier an nllraround good period or all Leoltes also next Janu ary and Marcie Speclnl racer nitlon or creative worker in due between mldDcccmber and late March 1964 Sada Ialvlllu Ind tnvel should 2va binIv enlaylhle all cl mu month Ibo next January June and July The period between now and mld Szplcmhar wlll be no or mnnce 3110 next April Ind May Avoid extravannca and upmlnllon between mid0M bar and mldNavemhcrz Ilsa during Illa luller hall Decem ber Ind next Febmury child born on thin day wfll be practical methodicll 819d domestically Inclined THY EXAMINER WANT ADS THE STARS SAY By ESTREILIIA an Flamolau And More Efficient fool FOR FULL DITAILS CALL THI Indcpqndcnl surveys prove that more water can bu healed lower cost wllh In mtu electric wnlcr heating than any other way YOU CAN USE OVER 200 The nmo volume healed by anollmr method could coal cm 300 per month 0F PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS ONLY rm MONTH To HEAT TORONTO CmMental pn flenu continue to be crammed lnla Ontario hospllnl and hospi tal rchools and lhe lack olm commodalion becoming In crenslngly serious In Dr Richards in the current Issua the Cnnndlmr Mrdlcal Arsocmlnn Journal Dr Richards VLIllInl profu xor In mental retardation he University of hromo pre dlcted tho ukura heads for men tal pauenl Iuclllllu Hi dllcus alved luppb dc Hazel Keeler right d1 mlor the MINI 01 nursing the Unlverally ol Snkalch man says rho doesnt object to nude numl working while may learn 1n hospital opernled schanlr but feel that there should be more theory And less service Jenn Byarn Mental Hospitals Lacking In Accommodation 90 Fur tlderly and convalu an puuenu Excellenl lucmuu or privala 0r lemlpnvnto HM and cold wnm la room mych ed Nurse In Iltandancl STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rag PHONE 114 WANT NURSING SCHOOLS EFFICIENT mend and lumovtr anaiyxl ol hogpillnl hng In Ontglo Looking first at the supply angle he laid Ontario has rule of accommodation at 138 bed per 100000 populallon renter than that In both Enz land and the United Stale Deanna lhlx he Inld Ontario need 1000 more bed Immedl alely to abolish ovacrowding If demand Ind Iurnnver rate were held constant 150 new bed your would be required cope with expandm popula on Dlnmnék Wunfiuailry chm some 30000 on cheese and 115000 tan butler president the Suirainon chapter oi the Su kntchawnn Registered Nuuu Alrocinuon my nnrlinz rchoai ahuuid operate like unchera concur1 The ma clnuon has launched acam min or nulonamm nurlina lchoois CP Phaio For Commercial Industrlnl Photos Passport Portralts Fllm Doveloplng CALL SMIIII STUDIO mmv EXPORTS lllGll Owen IL PA um PA 61825 GALLON

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