Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1963, p. 13

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SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE To RENT PURNIIIIID COTIAIIE tar IIrlt Dn illusion ltlver Avalllale It three weeks August Telephone PA lTIBS TWO IIEDROOMI all convenien sea on water next to Allaneate Uflll Course Doll Ind motor Ivall able Available Annual ill XI Inclusive Telephone PA LAKIPRDNT COTTAOE or rent Thunder Bay Beach Furnished VAVallahie Auglllt IIHI Tuck Il Dundanald Street == ARTICLES for SALE USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE PARK HIGHWAY 21 NORTH NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 2a it ideal ior lining hen houses attics garages etc perlect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply Tile Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario STIPAULS SECONDHAND CENTRE miles south ol Barrio on Highway it FURNITURE REPAIRING STRIPPING REFINISIIING FREE ESTIMATES Wnterlaii design chiiirohe ced dar lined wardrobe with mirror largo cedar chest Cleopatra couch in good condition sev eral bedroom suites and odd pieces going through our ilnlsh lng rooms will finish to suit reasonable Walnut poster bed pair at older style mahog any soInch twin beds stripped ready or tinishing Finished pieces always on our iloor WE BUY AND SELI llNE QUALITY USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Call Streud 108 Evenings PA 66178 OPEN AM TO IM CLEARANCE TV Sets 335 up also Vacuum Cleaners $20 and up Limited quantity Repairs to all makes at TV gets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE IA Man it Muicastcr Strcet Ulllltlln AND and vIrleh Foid at led at Ills Telephone PA as moan Usrd Electrlr Portabtrs allr as low as lilo singr suing usual se Dsrrtlol me Well Telephone PA Lilli risen roacmAu ouilrs him In lar III In good rundlllan one red looslion all ma Telprions Angus Itosort AUTOIATIC Washer Irammeh III Mnllal used months par value use out otter PA eottt helore pin TINOII sAxarlloNs in sale In good rendition Apply Murphy heater or telephone Ailisinn llrI lIIID Inr lurther Ihlorrllatlort er merit on any mm rung sinsr lewina Centre re lot with hardware rol lshio Apply Mr or Ielrphonl Alltaloll iulthar iniorrnstlon nrrlwatlrlns bought said not ed rlplilld Student rental rules All bout our narlt Try than pay an em Typewrttsr Co Duniov IL Wen PA TOP OUALITT Hill by the slab hr at land poaalbll prIc cut over me PA eoltl llly lopao l4 tamvlsle Summer sale you cleanl lalrlglr New ll Dunlpp lireei Wort Irma rANsr BissauId by the modern equipme only us New tripped Loco gallon nope tsrur truth Karl Willir telephone as com amass Irs modal machine llisiims it lists sum etlmmer pres Save no slurr Sewing 6was Dunlap st West Ci liar naral swivel PI lIrnrit Ill owns wmolnl se atllch trial nmplail phone IA ulna Ir Rinve Iarmlng nyrn lt wide horn on rlara amt timrr Ian Inn ryoni enl Ilshlnl tall litaha rA HI Imllas inte inllnw Ing sytlrlu or IlrslllIlO Itttunlu rnmrule with tn slo ma rm alltrtvom Ilnls with Al III llrhl TIN IIL litl rlhlnsl ntlil rnm lintin rs rrnlm rA erIItan stI olllllltl spar at mad www ran Ntly NnterI mlelrrw ttttta rillmhlng ml ttryllltg ltmlrtl llerlle as LAII IA Hill Atty me of the III rlsuiiiwl III tatlrrs will he Elptl Irs assist you with your copy AARTlCLEs FOR SALE srARMERs MARKET AUTOMOTIVE DIEIIWAIIIIR or aai Automatlo General Electric Di washer on whaaia white In color my Ava months old Reasonole Telephone PA ID or PA Ml HNCIND Chain Lilo Inehsl high regutar Ill now 15er in rad mt Orren Lawn rance Inches high no new film per aunties as reduced comhl nrld nar doors all motor oil rlaw til ml Robinson Hasdwsn Doors MM PA BJl 0005 PETS ODLDIN Retrievers Dill very no suit is lot snow hunting er puts Many Iteid IIIIl Ind beach mpioris In pedll Telephone PA areot Tvvsnatnoa otterlnl aoxon Boston Terrie hiyaand Miniatur her pup its All lnrtocttlata and warmed lalrllrors pa stable Tel Midian SIGfl AMPING EQUIPMENT VACATION Trailer tor III er woea sleep People Eluc rlctty and pro Telepaone PA loose or lttrt sr nlarrnllluni asNrs oiler Trailer camp cots um stoves coolers tor rent by wee Blrrll Tent and Awning Company malted it anyone so all still GARDEN SUPPLIES TAYLOR FEAT HumIII tor better lowers lawns lardena Approved Drpnnmsat ol Agriculture organic terrllio Water holding vain to bushels All Truckload Letruy ISA ARTICLES WANTED USED PIANO WANTED In and working order Telephone IIRW unwell BOATS it MOTORS MERCURY Worlds No Outboard SALES AND SERVICE GREAVETTE BOATS BARRIE AND DISTRICT AUTHORIZED DEALER OUsed motors Wllttti storage tor boats and motors SANDY COVE MARINA lith Com lnnistii Township 0n Lake Simcoe CALL STROUD 25R ltroor ravwooo rm Ratmrn lloaI lot Iall Lllhll at wheel iita belts and paddl rlttrs Apply to am ltaad merit Berri OT CKDAII Etrlv Boat to ligand All or the beat oilar II steerlnl wheel and no Tr Phuns evenlnll PA MIN or turv IIIIr daialll llPDOT CABIN Cflllllr wllla 35 horsepower Johrlmll outboard rub ilrnt condition Asklnl Telephone IA ISlfll storm littered noaun Ketch cpower Chrysler motor pru Dllll galley enclosed head learn rubber berths ml leather wallet atery Asllnl limo Dest otter Telephone lots Cnillalwnud IACIIIYICI to close reoi lnapare Irarotop nun us or Isle ill aonrpower Chrysler Mar engine Applfi DeeHarcov Ia Lehalhore oad Ducal Lela limeee FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest price paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Alcona Small animals removed roe For tut service PHONE RARRIE PA Had Collect or ask ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Rllw NO CHARGE It hours day1 days nnir RR Foxmead Ontario License No incas NirJt Montague Prop Mfltl Are you Ioeklnl or wit you can got your at cut and Wu pod pound lllrrya rat linlalnlwlrr II the piece MAN AND MI distal to ramh to acne et lulled crop Awly Aiag Pyodyls RR corner al l0th Line road at lnnlefll Towns aalp FEED SEED ORAN InAw WANTgn to buy Yor lurther delalll please telephone Illlt Oro WIIIAT POI IALI Ipprollrrtaie iy two torts Telephone IA Heal lar lurlhar tatorrnatton LIVESTOCK rwo rrsrlrimnrt mails ror nu one it months aid on morilhl ole Ragislsred Itahsrt Orroca Thornton Teisphen llti Ivy stns vast rtAsil air In Vora Enrol no ranna Ivy sort or any Iulthel ntormatlon In ittltol emu tart tar Due in Im ton rrt mm In errT1 way Tele PA 11 Fittle AM llnr liltrl trailed rulimd lnrtlr Itllthelt lo FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies or Service Case New Holland David iIrtrwn firstly Iarnl liqlllplllrat ltltithlN AWL IA arm CASH IIIADE TERMS HANK BROWN Ii LAVAI RALPH ANi SERVICE 117 tAirr mliltlng with new De Laval ion tiltire Milttrra Iiarrlu II tlltrllyi Hwy 27 PA Milo Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESINO FARM MACHINERY MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO to Highway at too Cookstowa 4594423 hIcKEE HARVESTERS stiltunloading forage boxer NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS mowers conditioners rakes PATZ BARN CLEANERS silo uaioaders teeding sys toms VERSATILE SP Swather conditioners NIGHN PH BARRIE PA $08M TILLEH FOR IALI Massey llama Tiller all plain In AI condliaa Telephone is ring BINDER Maury Harri root out vllh good all elm Whlte Threahlrll Harald Swltser PA MODEL so Allis Chalms Com hirie complete with clov attach merits scour clean eves Ind pleaup auslliary molar tIIlVIo Al condition urani totals CREAM IIPARATOR and Miib on Iliad reconditioned Plrtl rid Ilrvlcl liars Ila Crltghurst phone PA 5921 Ir PA MINNEAPOLII Molina and Po Eli and service Slnlll row and tw rox Forage Ind Pnrlll Dull nle Clipper Power un oll drive with gr tlnll picktin Call Dorrie Truck and TIIDIM III Iiary Street PA 50371 AUTOMOTIVE CARS URGENTLY NEEDED Highest cash paid tor clean automobiles Liens paid off Trude up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST SEE US NOW MOTOR CARS FOR SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA D5971 VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS 1961 Domonstrator Volkswagen law Station Wagon Radio Ros heater and whitewalls Priced to clear PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN 81 ESSA RD PA 85558 mo LaurtltNruN Muse tor 17 load condition one own phone PA 505 or furth er lnlarmltlals tux crlsvrtossr Ior ssts1vo door radio rm condition Tlo raw cooktown toe In artl me MDA looti and runs but Ilir earold ml Volkswagen rrlslvl Ownr ale llarveltltl Blawerl details tellvhone IA It CHEVROLET new body ob motor excellent as Al ery Can be seen at Deer re ll tlrsdlord Street PA to or PA All eveninn TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lItid WATSON Vtktnl Be eb MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS loss Dodge Moor sedan vs automatic twotone blue and white Al condition PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN 81 ESSA RD PA 85558 roll Sudan to nod lhlve me my uld throughout Mlle sold Any reasonable otter accepted Telephony PA Clfll or birth Interntattoo llll VDLKIW KN Deluxe will root rack or tion CAP Ste tlon Cam Harden IN and II or hell P115 of HO FORD automatic excellent condition INS Can be uen It Mll Itrl Station Panetusl SINII or IelehonIPA I48 IIIII pm IIII MORRIS IOIIO two door sedan In yer load condition Inside and out als blue In color with matehlnl Interior Telephone PA CNN PONTIAC Station Wllnn lot Dale VO Nodoor In good can ulllon throughout Priced to salt Telephone PA MID tor any ilth ther Iniormatlou POND delus modlllo°d cork ditlan black Irl color tln loud condition Excelgnt IIv holstery Telphall PA Miss alter tso purl tor any runner tnlorlllltl 55 PONTIAC or turquoise with III Int radio halter all brand new in Mechanically Vlry good Trade and term ll desired PA Mm or III Leti Street Wilma WARRANTY USED CARS 1957 Ford Pairiane vs stand ard transmission Moor Drivo this eari Any reasonable otter welcome PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Bl ESSA RD PA 85558 NIID can msunANCIr Ings or preiemd driven tnstlre any driver IelIrdIela OI all or clrcllrslltl all all carer IlIRlDell IIOIII St PACHRH CO on aaAnnAnD ts selllnl thrlr car 1an VIUXDIU Sedan tor ISW Good condition IT miles to the gallon but requires approximate ty no work PA in ml LINCOLN two torla cream and rawn with contrasting blaeg Interior Pour new waIthIiLs All IIII accessories New car candl lien Must be old by Monday awnrr trllulened PA 845 or PA 001 all of PA up We llll RAMDLKB Station Wllony wreck or parts or sell as whole hit 00 new motor two months Ila loud automelc new battery custom radio and arms may rough Telephone Wassaa ouch too alter pal nauAuLsI cArle Prices can he llna payment Ford VI 50 Ford Ranch Wagon 565 Ford ryllhder S559 IRS rolat seas lose Ma Chavrolet IIon Panel Chevrolet use Ford etss Sprouir Superteal Illsh mile west or Thomtw Ivy llRll CARS WANTED TO BUY cAIII roll your ear Lieu alo oil we trade or down no dale Ilolora II Road tlarrta IA lueal TRUCKS TRAILERS im 0th tors0N tor gale Le mileage Perlect condition Teta ghone PA WI or PA to alter pol Ilse tsToN trencuav tar to white tinder meter od ahlle Apply to Iiarrla Truck ns Tractor as Mary strut or late oaon rA sosrl MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDsMOEliE 1902 ENVOY SEDAN In excellent condition it you are looking ior economical trans portstion in smart little car you should certainly see this one 102 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Conch attractiver iianhad In golden ivory color llxcoiicnt mechanically and in clean showroom condition 1060 FORD TAUNUS station Wagon This versatile model it most attractive in its white and red tinllrh Clean and excellent throughout 1059 FORD Myllndcr station wagon with custom radio Motor has just been completely overhauled 1058 CHEVROLET DELRAY Moor sedan with Vrti motor aml standard transmission TM is It tittHinr car clean and dcpcndahlo anti is very attractive in its grey Ilnlsh These are hut law oi the many excellent used cars you will ilnrl on display at our Sales lot You are cordially invited to drop around and look them over IELEIIIONES Main Oltire and 7M Welng Iicnch tilti Fulirrlon East End Sales let all all see VIAU tor RAMBLER Central Ontarios Largest RAMBLEII Denier i960 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR VA Automatic transmission quality car at an atirartive price I959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE cylinrirr autnmstlc transmittoll torrtlllly tirivrn by lillt owner This popular model is very reasonably prlretl i959 HILLMAN MINX very good ltttitlll car at very low price 1958 METEOR Ftvllrtimr till toritnlirr atomiartl transmission Ieorl tilrnughuui th also have several CIIIZAIilLS on Special Ittr tilia weekctitl IIOAT TRAILER Vlitl wintil lights and IICPIItlAIIH MINESING MOTORS FOR rTHE FRIENDLIEST DEALS IN THE CITY SEE VIAU MOTORS LTD 17 lmVAN 51 PA oootio IIAIIIIIE lii Murmur 51 IA olill yica AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS Us TRAILERS ll DODOI PANEL taxRCA Body motor and Ilru In Al ton dillan It APPLY Ba hid Strut or telephone PA 57 or lurtoer particulars its nude men Enter to mqu motor recently rep men toot bot piatlortrl Tale one ror tumul Interntattoo to PA ldNI OR nullII allllll VII eturdily built Good condition Also lectary built lourwheel lam trailer Telephone PA mll lyerlr lull PA Hull MOBILE HOMES eaalN rrlasurt to rent nom lost it is at Axis slita lisp lied slseps rour Apply Hood litioo Eunoco all Barrie or nitpoo PA um em PERSONALS ACCOMMODATION NOW AVAILABLE At ROWMANS PRIVATE NURSING HOME STROUD Semi and private rooms on the ground floor has oasbie rates Quaillied practical nurse on duty at hours PHONE STROUD loRlIi alas wAma iretn sirens II rtvln Barrio no so Please telep eon Strand Evening camp an nlreshmenta Telephone Oro ll Thorsten RR DID Statlars WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Goverament Chartered School Thorough training in all bran dlcs oi beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST PA 33982 BEAUTY IIIOP Coldlav sets ei by clrtllled hairdresser In your own home or hospital sea armies PA 551 or PA Hm LOST 8r FOUND nomad rtog award ror re call PA aisle DDO lDLNDSrnlll icmell black White Irklltla Lot 25 Concession ll Essa Owner may claim or price advertisement or will live away vrllhtn week Ivy IRS D0 WITPawn colored Chihua riua mats Ila ed collar out no til Lost tram Concuslbn Vag pro Anawera to Plppl Teir Phone pa HM poo Losssnort haired male black terrier lost IronI vicinity Government Dock Tellerldal on aunssy Answer to Pretrel win Inlguzeronto tags Telephone PA to HELP WANTED MALE HELP MECHANICS WANTED Licensed mechanics rt quired immediately to work In pleasant drop with good equipment Group insurance plans and other benefits We will pay moving costs for those suecesstul appli cants tram out of town It you wish to change your place at employment your application will be held in strictest coniidcncc Writc phone or apply in person to Merrick Danger iieid Motors Ltd as Collier Street iiarrie Telephone Parkway Mm MAN vntt Retail Store rlnalo wage plus communion and other Ifits Write Del Bank llam nrr noun nova slatt big money Monday Aug civie Holiday aell no Mail Ont hay sIllrtl Caa risae Call PA lens rtev WANTED lor marital lardn work Na lunday or mains work wn to icon to drive motor leI In or out lullcrut Gardens lhaiplioel WINDII 7h upertenrl Olahe wary ant rprrlonr aalary pute to not Is lterrts lllmlnel cArlalAltartsl Townaw siaool Am oi vim mu lar Seventh Lille sraoot Vllprl lm in School Uiapla Particulars to dutire msy nhtainsd tram Ar IIIIlr arrIla rimi an Mid hurst FEMALE HELP CASH ER Required By TRUST COMPANY Contact MR SIIUiE IA 00405 EARN WITH AVON SCHOOL FUNDS lit WIVIJS ltIttl ymlrstll are earning good Ilicrmle hy raprrmlttrig AVON Connoi Icrt Openings now available tor nlinlitirtl women Write Mrs Walker on Tlltlmlltlt tit iianio or rail wail mulmr Imm ruII employment rA ewe Tut in Tu slltu wanted IN MNI IIPI VI ma now rA aorta innit hnllln late anon Triermm ra strs rnr ruin Wvlmetlen mmltlnn rt IIIJAII IIIII Wom mun ma Li ntwl Wllee Apply III tsttrarlt nnynim ar loinam In Inna atler rtitlnnn mt mien hnulphnlfl flullel Tag lulu InA letmallnn Irlrflmle rA nose alle Ire piss TRY EXAMINER WANT All IIIONE PA Hill to HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP LADY WANTED to live with math and child local board In cheese or baby elittag two hours liter school IIIII Asturday Dndlard Strut OIRLJIR Wears Woodland leach while mother mouth or August airs south as llmvsia Telwhous remit Elm llve in at tor children EMPLOYMENT WANTED IIDUIIWDRK wanted by the day txparisnesd cart supxiy good rat hone PAMINOI ALI types palatial at If moderate rate Einctlnt To lenlce Interior or to Stall PA Will Loorr liter promoot child in my own home in Alishala Fenced sick yard wlth sand no piaygrvund equipment PA earn sleort crmnr illmm lure irnlv son on tools scle lawn mowers tans aunts PA cor aerl the for MALE FEMALE BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT WANTED For Btabllshtld MIdIaaditrm Malt applicant pretened Must be capable at keeping complete set at accounts and making monthly trial balance Write stating age experience and approximate expected gal ary to BOX 23 BARBIE EX AMINER SALES HELP AGENTS Independence EXCLUSIVE PROTECTED FRANCHISE High Potential Earnings The Lindsay Division Americas largest manufacturer oi Domestic and Commercial water tottencrs has open dealership tor DarrioOrillia dis trlet Small investment required Ior merchandise only We want man who can sell train and supervise men We train and show you how Please write quaiiiicatlons in iirst letter to GISBORNE National Sales Manager LINDSAY DIVISION PROCOR LIMITED 4t YONGE STREET TORONTO === 12 TENDERS Gilt COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS on iorms supplied by the County Engineer or the Consulting Engineers will be received by the County Engineer at his allies In the County Court House IIarrIc On torlo until 1200 oclock noon DSi on THURSDAY AUGUST 15 rm tor the reconstruction oi Sim coe County Road No 17 tDll0 Development Road No cost train the homch at Severn Fails approximately t7 miles south eriy in the Township oi Matche dssh The work includes grad ing culverts and granular bso COUIAE Plans Specifications and Form oi Tender may be obtained at the Simcoe County Engineers oiilce or at the silica oi the Consulting Engineers in Port Credit tor the slim oi twenty ilvo liollltrs 1300 which will not he relundrd iIrlrh tender must be accomlp anlctl hy marked cheque tor an amount equal to at least ol the total tender and the sup cruitil bidder must provide cantrrlrt hand by an approved guarantee company lor 100 oi the total tender The lowest or any lender will not nerrsaarliy be accorded AIII CLARK lEng County Engineer County Court House ltAIIltiE Ontario McCOIIMICK AND RANKIN LIMITED Consulting Hnglmrg Stavrtlaak lined PORT CREDIT Ontario TENDERS FOIL CAIIEIAKING Scaled snarled lrtwters will he received try the undersigned llaili it oclock noon August the ath lord tor the position at rsreiater or new live roamed public school at lititlrrtliti lawns or any terrier Ml hec auariiy arrpied Rand Inquiries and replies to Frigar sturgeon Bemtary oi the heard at Trustees at irllllr III TEA No at IIullIlilI Ont Every day thouuodr me the risartiird page thats all you run he sure oi Husk ac IIM STRAU HAN City Clerk TEE DARRIB EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST lilo 12 TENDERS TENDER FOR PAINTING Sealed tenders in envelopes provided will be received by the undersigned up to pm August It 1963 tor the complete painting at the exterior olitha City Hall Speciiicutlona and Tender Ea velopss may be obtained at the City Clerks oiiice Lowest or any Tender not nec essarily acee ted I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday Aug pm For JOHNANDERSON At lot 17 Concession Plus Sale oi Holstein Cows Hereford Bull and Stock Cattle luii line at machinery itston truck and some household eltccts Terms cash ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 10 at pm sharp DST at the KENNEDY HOME STEAD at Lot Concession Plus Township to mites aorh ol Barrie Follow Highway 21 to the Apia Garage then east mile SALE at all household lumish lngs including several antiques Terms cosh No reserve as the home has been said JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 17 at 1230 pm sharp DST For JOEL PROSSER At Lot 17 Concession innls iii Township 5t mile east oi Glurchili Store SALE at 37 head oi choice Hero Iordcattie pigs milking equip ment term machinery grain straw and some household ell cots Terms cash No reserva as the arm has been sold JERRY COUGIILlN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 24 at pm sharp DST For the estate the late MARTHA ELLEN BOGARDIS At ie Eociea St South Barrie straight west oi tho Dorrie Arena SALE oi good household lumi tura including electrical appli ancts china silverware bed ding and many antiques Terms Cash No rescm as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer TRY EXAMINER IVANT ADS l3 Aucrl0N SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 31 at pm shar DST Ior REX WA SON at Lat 28 Concession Ora Township Right on Highway as mile north oi Dalston Store SALE ot 80 head at Iloreiord cat tle 75 ewes poultry household eitects including antiques Terms cash no reserve as the term is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEPT at pm shar DST For FRED NE ON At Lot 20 Concession II Essa Township on the Ivy sidcroadf one mile west or the Ivy store SALE of cattle pigs grain straw iarm machinery and some household eiietts Terms Cash No reserve as the lam is sold JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classitied advee tlsements are inserted at the rate oi to per word Insertion lor out and two times per ward tor three tour or live times and 1ch per word tor or more insertions loIr addi tional charge it not paid within ill dolls THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENI IS ass FOR 2t WORDS IF PAID WITHIN Ill DAYS OR SIM FOR IN WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE INSERTION canons on conazmoNs Advertisers are romlnded that all phnal iounlon orders on accepb ed in unvnurlr to you the neyartlur Then the clam tied Advertising Dev trrlaat sh oulm all usurtlnru to steely mans their advertisement up medtetrly alter ilnl Insertion ta order th any errors or omll non ml be reported hetore am to art thlt satnl may it reclined tor ill rollowlng em insertion order We wish to clot out that ra llarrl Exam Mr is responsible ler only on incorrectly Printed tnsartloa on any advertisement ant uun only to tan extent or Portion oi as that involves ta ollr rtni rnrurn which so not lessen he value oi the svnrtlununt are not uilglhla or corrections or ima goods Coming Events le per word minimum charge $15m Birth and Death Notices $150 ior up to as words over 25 words to per extra word In Memoriam Notices $150 til verse used 80 per wordettra ihéfiuion All Pious using Diiad Letter llor Numam tor ttl tlas is held eutetiy on Mantle Replies to Letter pom will be held on to days arm last day or publrauon Classliled advertisements and notices lor these pages must be lecoived by pm day pre ceding publicationwith the ex ception of Clossiiied Display advertisrncnts which must be to by moo oooa preceding day hats and type stylu or semi oliplay ciasatdeds may be ob PHONE PA lZtll lslried through The Examiner a6 eerttllrll department PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY lEGAl WM HINTON BA Banister Solicitor and Notary Public PA 61519 85 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen aovs sawmill ROWE Dsrrlalare Solicitor Drench oltlra Eimvair Ont cutter is cur st Itmtr PA MSII MIMOC grant DO CONDER 5066 uArlrtIsnrls nuLtclrong NutAlum rlinuc CDNDIR suoo aA tram Dunlap IL sort lA Mm COWAN Ir COWAN rlAlIlllltrIrrla to ROE COWAN II COLLII PA It ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDIIAM VRIGIIT cantons Accountants ramnto mo lsrrta aurl orrm Vllsnn tltdg run Grant alyul PHONE PA Haiti Neattham CA ll UndglhilICA hrldrnt Partners ROSE IIARRISON Chartered Areounlanis Trllaltsl lrl Ilnarurtcy samul rl nm In its Coilrr at room rli em MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Testher Plano llnltng Theory Pupil vtlrarsd roy mlnailarll oyaI Conm ry or All re and tiodrrrt mrthlue studio 11 android or Ill rule Tiil DAVIES Oi CANADA annnie CHARLES WILSON Chart4 thnn MA ll tailor lolleltore etc lull LIVINGSTON MYERS AND COCKIIUIIN LIVINOITON ll TERM II COC IIURN harrlltm one Intlrltnrl l1 Collier St Iinrlle IIions PA emu WILSON MOORBY DARRISIER 8s SOLICITOR l1 OWEN or PA ems SMITH McLEAN AND OWEN Deirlelua Mlitllsta rte trioy Anna 00 Ariau stilun time Notaries min cum ON IT In GLADSTONE CURRIE QC IAIIIIT as IOIICITOI Lew out vorcr IIANn llrtAsIA NArIrtll IT nAltllIl ANGUS II Ilsglsiartl tilllo lrtalnats IIttlI rlsnn Theory Thin II IranthJiIn olhrkhonlallhIprta It non rlml as am TMEDICVAL MAssAeE slguchl ttAseAnl TltanArv MilmIAt uvIlNAarlcl II nAINu nu nynnuala Itan Ileltrllttl Course or at and raylrsi Tamar IDI Talglhlll lirlrl IA ITIII try ayyolnlmnl OPTOMETRY Noel Stcpllcrlton II0 IIIIIIMITRIHT liarIna ll lieI arrta Phat TA IIWI ratepasrn Miau sun FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME summit mtvtcst AT ttousttan mar Carlyalone ram to Venice as lame PA Nata stAtlrllrs rt TIIHIIIL DOCTORS UF UlilIIUIATIIY Fred Irant Firm Harrie Ontario Telephone tA lml WILSON OSTliolATItic CLINIC TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE IA til

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