IUIFK mu IIAllJT MONHKEAL 4cm mum hm llrucvllml dully mu MM ulcs lur Mnrrrl mum llw mvnrnllul Irahr wlm hm hlululnkrn hrrmlrnmlwnltr dflll I0 he morn lnr Hl QM lm llllluhllrnn Inrlyr MI 1m Iufluul erI Mnlml Iyoll null III wrrk noun ernlmmvlnl Hmmlny Ilu am day um he man he orange in daily Inuend INN nl hm 4mlrflmlnnu lb llue Lbml fund lulu Mm 12M LONDON Ont CPI Tha gmwm mending be tween Christian churches mk In converts In mlssion fluids can be allrihnlcd to lb new ecumenical splm of Christian fly mlssion worker snld here Thursday EL Rev lrnpn Secre tary or he Church of Englands Soclely orthe Propagallan of he Gnspel Is among Anglican bchurch misxlon leaders who havahunnwdlug 1m um week prin to nexl wneki dis cussion wlth Ihe Angllcan Com mgplon ygexjarchyt FORT MADISON lawn MP Camch Wlllinm Hrndlry came down Thursday night mm Moo Halo pcnllrnllnry wnlrr lowrr where lmd lpfn mnrly Ilvo dayn Prison omrlnll nnld Bradley cam down mm the anrr rnlunlnrlly out any nnd ll hour nllcr ho wu flul walled on It Sundny morning They rmcnlcrl or flu nm lhm Hull ho had mndo Icvernl drmnnd at him during hi lower alum sum ammunlly conulved pmch HI unlanu Milo llnnl Dircclnr Hen min nnrr uld Urndlcy dï¬ mnndrd Hut hl cm be ml mlutd lo mm mm jmy and MW judge mud lhal lhh Imm prim MI rill be pululllhul In Du Malnu newunnmr nrldhy climbed down unnr IIIlcd II had hlnnm wllh hlm on lhn lnwrr nml name not lnl Wlllr mm lhu Innk Ilnp lhl lower urndley urvlnl 75 yurl lll hANllll trlmlnnl and at null wlm Inlenl In In home In jury Convict Descends Archblxlwp of wnrldl la Anxllun churchu Including AMnat Rev mummy Arch lblthop ol Cnnltrbury will ha In London or next weekl cloned dlmmlonz Vulaul mutation Inrwnrded lhc prellmlnnry mctums rng AnENps He said In an Mmlcw that although Christian churches are running out mu In which to expand her is Itlll plcnly momrlo get along with olhcr churches in nnlhms ahcndy spenglrnlcd hyvchnlsunnity Tho propauls mm on the week mvdlngs will be onlldmd In policy discussion with he Communionl advisory node prtctdlng lha Angllun ponmn In Twronto Aug 1121 and Nepal because polillcal and alhcr melon are llmflil alono in nu having been cngred Bisho Trap Laid Church Spirit ils Ecumenical Says Anglican From Water Tower No479 mu FL900 am EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK véthmk we should strenglh and extend Anglican work In wen menlloned by bishops In In gjmuuqay Put new sparkle In your kltghcn remodel now wllh our now Ideas Ind malerlala See our model kllchcn In our show room for yourself how may it ls lo llvu ln luxury In new kllchcn dcslgncd and bull by ncrlrnm Brothers Ltd LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Complain Sunk ol CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS Well Do Job Youll Be Proud To Show Your Friends and built by lmthm Ltd WEll 00K AFTER FINANCING T00 The floor plan oi tilla Colonial merit special attention You will note that tho livingdinlnl area occimieaylhe back portion oi the home 11 land is ac ceulhio from tho dining room ï¬replace whoa beautiful hearth extend from wall to wall occupies one end oi the livlnl roomiha den which could acrve an extra bedroom haa alorhgo closelt Front entry hail provides easy appruach lo upï¬er floor invatory basemcnt alulrs kitchen and living room The shaped food preparation center is compact unit that will ease the homemakera choresl The thede sleeping ccction includes large closqu and full bath with double bowl vani tory unit Constmctiun is brick veneer with clapboard lacing Standard Builders Bluaprinla 01 HI dcslgn No as coal $1500 or ha llrst set and $500 Iar addlflanal salad They are avail able In Canada by return mail Ontario residean must remit per cent aalea tax Lalln America and lhls convic tion will be shared by he advls cry council said Dlshup John Benllcy New York um Utmon Ounlliy lmlu your Buildr um Bulrlm Bron Pradum 429 BLAKE ST BARBIE PA 60254 BERTRRM BROTHERS ETD Then he pllchcd his lent and will an altar an lhe mounan just east ol Bethel which means house oi God Alter his re turn lrnm Egypt it was to this allar that Abraham rclumedi Notica that whenaver the no mndlc Abraham pllchcd his lent he also huill an altar Bclhcl one Hi mas ia moua religious ailu in Hebrew hlslory From 1301th Abraham conA linund tnwnrd lhe suulhand he Hebrcw word here mu lalcd south L1 liege lhe nfllciul name Iodny or the ex lrema soulhcm pan of Pales llnc next to Egypt Recently lhl has been an arid raglan but In Ahrnhumx lime It was re SARI EXAMINER anY AUGUBI 11 Gods promlse lo Abraham Include also hls loundlnz ol lh race ol Ends blessan on hlm of the me of llls name and 01 Gods blesslnx ol Abrahams lriends Fram Ahrnhams de sctndnnt hnv come all the scriptures will the probable ucspllons ol the book of Job and the wrltings ol Duke Most lmpartnnl All or us through Abraham came Jesus Chrlsl 01 he placas Abraham stopped on his journey we may any that Schechem now known as Nablousn It consid crud the most heauulul 5pc In toï¬lrul Palestine Our Iemn today begins about 150 mlles above the mouth of the Euphrates River nboul six miles mm the prexcnt river course and no miles 30th at Babylon Known wdny as link ayyur or Muxhelr II Just all the rail line from Basra to Baghdnd This upol was known as Ur of the Chlldeea one of migrant clue of entlignea It hlelory goes back at least Ir 3500 BC when was already wealthy and flourishing The most unlent recorded hu wrlcal dynasties Sumerian kings ruled mm hereand In the dnys Babylonlln urea ness was the cllle centre wnnhlp or the moon lad Sln whose amt ample Itlll and 70 feet high In this greater centre of civi lization Ibaul 21775 BC was born Abraham lha founder ol the Hebrew race Perhaps Tarh hll father was glven some ran Nvlll Ian In Inspire hlm to like his lumlly from the rlch Illa of Ur lo Ihe clty ol Earn an lhl way in Canaan Tu Abraham God give Ihe direct command to take his lumlly on to Canaln which land God promised to him and his descendants HI sublime mm In God leads Abra ham forth on this venture MADE PLEDGES Chaldeés Flourished 3500 YeaistBeiore Christianity new Jonas PARIS Reuters Former vice president Richard leon uld Thursday night the United Stale should sham her atomic secrets with France consider Ihal the United States should put Frances disposal what necessnry the dcvclupmcn hu nuclur forum which means sharlng alomlc knowhow he said In television interview Nixon sald Congress shnuld agree to shnring Mamie secret this appeared ax Ihe cnndilion on which France would jnln the aurecmcnl between Bximln the Unhcd Shale and flussln ban all but under ground lesls Nixon and mi lamily were here on private vlslt the end of European our Golden Tm By filth Abrlhlm when ha wuulled to go onl Into ylnce whlch he Ihonld alter rtnlve or nnlnherlhmce nheytd and he went oul nnl knowlnl whllher ha went flehrnwl 113 ABATIS SUMMER PARW CASE marlmbly well Irrigated and heavily populated Abraham generously nIIered Lot hls cholca of alto and but xreedlly chose the plaln nI Jor dan tho moat Iertllu area In all Palestlnc So swayed by worldly consldcrallons wna lot lhat ho chose to lIve In Sodom clty notorious Ior lIa moral cormp llono Abraham aeltled ln Heb ron In Canaan In Chapter II walhava Iha Ilrst war recorded In tho Blble Chedorlaomer klng oI Elam was the ngzressor selxlnx live clllea oI the plaln Including Sodom and Gomorrah along the Dead Sea Mar 11 year DI alavery tha nlllcs rebelled and Chcdnrlnomer returned to dev astate them agaln as well as to weep Iar north as Damas ma Abraham than look up arms and conquered the klnx releaalng hla brother In verse 19 we haye the irst Biblical mention Jerusalem here culled simply Snlem ND lice that this city wn already hallomd by km who was also priest lbs God must hilhAbrnhnmn and our God UEQEDASEPARATIDN When It became apparent hlt the land around Belhel woud no support the wealth both Abraham and but Abraham suggested separating Wants France To Learn Secrets III NIH EASYCARRY TRAYS ThucasotomrvlngbglhaloandlagorJhofaur easycarry my mako carrying coollng and nrvlng clnchI So oflnr your guest hgm so nlound Plhenor laser buor with man Summer Pmy CueFIRST lrom LABATTSI €£Ving 39 lager9 12 50ALE12 PILSENER The prayers or de parlcd lhen followed and the racesslonal hymn request by the preacher was Onwurd Christlnn Soldiers playrd by the ortnnlsl of Christ Church Mrs Eslen Davis One of the most mnvlng pBrL lhe service was the elmtor lum In anthem enlllled Open lhu Gales of the Temple nun hy Mls Ellzabelh Jnmlcson Ic toglpanjcd by her mglhcy The them of th Ilrrnon was The Vacation the Church The Padre veteran of No 53 Squadron RAF warned Chrls mm people not to bask in be reflected 310 Ind achieve menu at tha pancers He uried them to Ilva vital committed huh and to how in their own lives that the faith of halt ll lhcrs was relcvnm In Me today and be ivgd triumphantly IVY Special 0n Julyzl ervlcflasnpnrl the centenary ceiebrailons at Christ Church was held hm and proved to be most in xpirlhg service iha cemeiery had been previously decnraicd Many oi the dnscendanu oi the orlxinal lamliles who ware on vucnlian werenhie lo be me enl The church iiseli decnmied inr this occasion was iiiled in Really The lesson Ind the sermon were taken by FL lha Rev Hinson MacLend Sr Chap lain RCAF Slnllon Camp Borden and Ihe umclanl or ha servlca was the Rav Harper Don you believe people who sell the Church down lha river and say the Church flnlshedl ha emphasized Chdrgh Unites Service Get the best of both KENITEX TEXTURED COATINGS Bunllly and protect your home or building with une qulck may npplcalnn KENITEX Pressure sealed to your wnlla In one low nus appllcnlion Bonds perchlly tn Stucco Brick Block Frame Slccl and all aluminum produclsr EASY TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT Call now for free estlmate andask to see the letters lot recommendation from customers that have had Kenitex on lhclr home for over 12 years llldu bulldan deltcll Bunllml Conn Nnver needs vllnllnz Weuhnrproofl Wnlzrprouh lnxulllu 10 Yur Gnululu PORCELITE OF CANADA LTD MARY ST BARBIE celebrallons at was held hm be most in mmegery SEATTLE AP Thcndnra Rnelhke 53 Pulitzer Prim win ner or poetry Ind Unlverslly of Washlnglan dlcd Thursday aim being Pulitzer Winner For Poetry Dies Analnay General Robm Kennedy ennlen with his civil rights dapnlyy Burke Mnrsh all left Ml being questlon HUDDLE DURING HOUR TWICE Elrlcken with while lemmlnz in nelzhbnra pool Professor naclhka had won numernus award or poetry He mm unlrmlty in 1947 He was given he honnrary Mlle pm In residence hy the unlvcrsilyl hanrd of regent In 1962 ad More the Senate Judlclnry commmen yesluday ll WI Kennedys sixth appearanc durlng hearing on civll ruhu Icgislminn AP erephmob SENATE QUERY DIAL 66551 Caller heart attack