IAN llflll an II VI mu In munm Imr In LII WI um mm mm mm gum ll 01 um Inn at raw1 Ammo mum Alum AM Aluminium mm on YIIAWA Spcclnll Dr ll Ilynnrd HP or Slmcm Em continued in cnmpnlun Wednu lny lo oblnln homo rlnrlflcnllon ha propoml unvornmm mnlrihuta pemlon plan In uk Hoallh And Wollm Lam Sergeant Dexnllle charted In connection with the dealh Sergeant Herbert wllam 30 In Camp Baï¬en gngs on ynyn Leonard Ruymun Demllle was commuted to trial In Sam ember on the Crownl chum capital murder It gha con clunnn the mm union In prellndnary hell1n In Em r19 Mazlxlyalaa Cpug wagerd colonel Jnmel Allan com mandant of the Royal Cnnndlnn School Inlnnlry Cum Bor den toldthe court that had recommanded ha release deceased mm ha army Kn lala Seyumber Ins ye fCommifll1Demille7ff To September sTrial DANNY MCLEAN 10 Elmvnlw 1m Ind Douxlu Stark of Painswick wm two ynunmertwho Bchleved BIMCOE COUNTY temp llun Dlmuur Jlm Iltld brlcll CHARGE OF CAPITAL MURDER Continues Campaign For Data 0n Contributory Pension Plan responn anesilou ran TODAYS STOCK PRICES CvmpM by l5 ILvul1 DI Dunlap In In II II II I1 Mulll mm It Nulm ml no man non nmmm llnmlnkm tan mm mm CML rpq nunmun um um Auunu Irwinmm II IllIll WI hm um macaw Home on Had my Ml gmv 19pm mmi lull Ulllllltl lnlurrnv rm cm m1 mm mm nqu mm mm IW INDUITIML 0rd that he data had conmcl for barber shop in Cnrnp Bur den 55 Wlllon had employed Mn 11 Demllle the wile ol the named as What Im hll Colonel Allan uld that ha clneelod Wlllnna charter In 599 nz of the melon Mumth 0rd nld that he had received an Iflldevlt with ep ended lnlormnllon from the on Paul Hellyer Minister or Nellonnl Defence 11w mlnklerl letter remred lo venom docu Minier Judy lennh whelhcr tho government nclumu who womd on lhc plan have con mad the oplnlon outlldn Iclulrlu lhnl lhe real ml the plan wu xolnl la be lwmn and 11 per ml delence counsellohn Hoolthnn he um um he had counter mmded Nu commendation 51V9°39h°1 lhelr Junior Red Crou nblmy budge the last at End Pool In Camp Borden yeller day The mu wen npamored mm nu contextual In tho Cnmp nordcn ycuudny Ex Rcd Cm lwlmmlnl call It amlntr WWW Mbnllul Nnnndl um 01 no um 00 Mfln Ion mun Im NP Innl In Turn 11 nu mm on 135 Elmm Aulhorlled Ihn Nnnh NmA No Roll Ind mp Imprnvvmenl ml Farm MIMIQO Amm llm In lour Include wldrly Ilvpflocl ynr um we in uniqueHr Mina Imnmmnu menu and Irtlclu coma pondencl mm by the delenco aver lha In twa salons appealing manual but gm It as his opinion that the mhluterl latter and the docu ment should be luled In an envelnpo and left or the perusal ol thc um Juan hem rxplnlned to all than who will lllltu lha gum whlch wm Ivnn ll the time of lha Iubm ulan corrth In hr ulnarch In lblo la Ive um Marin In mlnd nln vrojccllnl lnlo lennh ropllul Thu mmmum Imaunl Io IhI yen 2000 whlch hu bun conlemplm led at my llml ll Hvo per cent And no 15 par mil Mid thou vha hlvl bun the In per cent In anbmplnllnl Inch lhln per ml prr mnn IncomI In lhuo er NM carver llon lu Ind hm per cunt In In And nddln Hum In In lhoulh lhay we mrcenlau plymll Ind pm ll wulnn heme wlusn In mt lhoy Wm all mmplvloly dllltrml hnlL ï¬ll not comet Ind Any onl whn ildolnl MI pup puly IIOHM In AMI ln um um mw Anltullurll or Nnnh Elmtno Inl mnlallvo Kellh Clay klnod nun Ml mm or our Nnrlh sun momma Ha lntd that thl material lup ported the mlnllml contention that an nlam of tht alarmi tlon would be aflnlnst the publlo Interest Delenca comm Hoollhan nld that counsel In the cuuhonld be permuted 99 examho an Min lelnh laid that Iha wuulinn hn been made that lhe lokal conlrlhullnn ha plan wll need to be 15 per can nl Inlnry to me tho cost and Ike delcrlbed thll II camplrh ely Irmnmui by Simon Count Recrullcn Service Note to numhm Emma in Hpallck on their en Ag Reps Tour Noth Slmcoe dmlmenlllnd ll midVII Maximal 0rd Ind Crown lorney Thompson mead lhll ha Informdon should not be mad while Mr Hoollhln ropllud um the mud had dim cation to prohibit ha publica Hon Anythan nid More Mr Thdmpeon laid the even we documents In quenlm were opened la defence counsel there we no chemo their MIJar Mllchefl an luwyar ram Cent Cammnn Onkvllla Inld that an docu manls In quesuon wm com ments hmst and oplnl Handan dawn hll ruling on ulelquelllon ol the document and an mlnhlerl llfldlvit Mn mule 0rd aid that ho wn hol In themV Ihl um In the um Itrlctly conlldununl ma lulutln lml Iw mmhm uno rly and junhr nlcrmullnlc um Iflllof lemmlnl mu wlll be hald Al ho Communfly Im on man ul 1110 The uhllvfllan won In thudml Ind oulhl hum all In pnm Swimmlnl And nnvtlly um III pm Al nullI lor 1mm chlldun who Almost 60 51mm County children took pm in ï¬le Coun ty Recreation Commute Jun lor Red Crou awlmmlng lblllly mu It the Bard Swlmmlns £001 In Camp Borden wmr lY The Ilndenh why gmfldpateq the rigomu tests have spent the last three and half weeks training under Ive kmmctou lngourcq1gmy locpuolu Jlm Reid Counky Recmuon Director said that the percent an 01 Minus was high high as 0ApcAr pegAl Tull lar lunlnr lnlumrdlnlu nml unlur 91 Cum lemmlnl Ind mlnly Iwnrdl wlll com mum It nlno oclock on Tum day mnmlnl ll ha Communlly Paul prulmlnnnl lmlmrmr wlll he an hlgnl la nln ha IL An undetermined number tllh have died as result of lnuellclda poisoning in some nations the Nofllwnugl and Boym river within the last lwn weeks Mn William Braden wife of hi Enrl Rom Pravlncm Park luperlntendem Mllaton nld um morning Jmt In Fri day flu lawman Gourlo Gray lound over 100 dead ï¬sh In the liver Unconï¬rmed raw pol orLlnz but slowly spread over he townshlus Tecumsdh Tmomnllo Eu and Adjnla became concretn wlmln the In low wicks Anoiher amp dead ï¬sh wnl aLso taken mm the NIcolslon Dam area near the jundlnn of he lwo rivers nm dam wmfln tha boundaries Frank Nicall lnrm Ken Sharpe dlrctlor Innltnry lnzlnmlnn Onlnrlo Water Resource Cmmlulon said In Toronto Ihl momlnl that ll dend lh examinedY ans mlnch brown trout ha cause or dcnlh wax lound to be lethal do Insedicldo pnkonlng lull Ilm ol wnlrr ntllvlllu In pllnncd by ll Ill mlwn lho lummnr mm Inn pnr mm It lllnlo pnvlu nlxl wed llan Munup tllmlnr cl mgrnml ur Illa llnnlo mu Inn ltnmxulllu IIIM lhll mm In llul lhrn All Iml lud lel lemm unmlnn llvn will In held TR Mr were In park and Included Ipccklld rainbow mm and pike Ho and he chomlcnl Wlll may comblnnllnn DDT and fungus killlnz mnlnrlnl whlch flowed Inla the bank of the Home mvur Mr Sharpe Inld mo polmn mun have mm mm Ipllllnl Iha wmblnod llquld mm equipment which mu Had on he walrr edgy POISONING We pntrollinx the Iron wllh he lden ol lnylnl chmn ha mid Ha ulw tammcnltd on lho mnnnrr In which he aulpmtnt wu mm In he Alllalon Iru nu nurlbulcd lhc pnkonln Io noullxenu an um part of Iomcom ho Inmrnpedy ltd NEGLIGENCE Believes Fish Killed BY Poison In Rivers 60 Youths Take Swimming TeSts Supervisors Plan Water Activities The handedkuch nun wmm trout water may wyud Awlm Iron dives Jumphl In deep water nd trending mic or mulled Ianzth ml Sue Crooks Tommo one the mummy uld ccond zrowp boy Ind glgu year and am In being trained or their intermediate and Senior tells which will be heigAug 1a phase of the pmmm In clude nwlmmlnz nullity mu unfll the Senlor allegory vned than he aucceulul con mm an eligible for various linemin awards Items to be nulunl mum to flu Ihe equlpmenl alunl tho morn In the new halter belongan to Mr Braden dled two week lilo Mn Braden said The helm died few day alter having mnxumcd some of tho water Dr Young velerlnary surgeon of Allhlan who saw tha heifer was not Available 10 comment It Dont lwlm were Dr Maodle added ha Ionilul hnnrd lo children ex lltcd He could not lay in Mm mom the necessary equlpmmt In the last thm weekl the OWRC has picked an umplu wnlar In ch dose lethal to ah werq lound ill Arithunk In exec ol tho lethal damn wen d1 oovend Dr Mood Altman Medical Health Olllcer Iar Sim coo County warned children and adgly awfmmlpl lqA he Accordlnl Mr Sharpe la Lhnl dosages or llsh In labou nry mu 21 dayn dunllon only were five pm per hlll Ion ol the mlxture In ha wmr Mr Shan Iddod Ihnl the duh ha our townships mourned IN lulu mllflad hi null Klnlmml 00 will mmmcm nl am pm rm numxl Jnhnmnl lunch ll wll In mid on Tue dny ll 1504 Mr Manon ulnl lhnl nnvrll rum In Inn lwn null HI lnrlmln Inch vrnll lunnlnl Maul nlc 0n nludly Ind Wednudl lhl chlldnn of he pMk Ill Kllflll their Imperm on and HI lmnlllnn Commu lra ll vlrlln rmlnlnon Iho Innm at mnlul mm all Qunnl Park In Friday an n1 Aflprulllnulei ml In It In baa In wmch hIL dun wk plnnd rm Hll cl lhu Imu Ami pm Hll cl lhu Imh Ami pram Ilml IMII uk ulll mod ll Ml pl availb Mr Nwa uld Ihnl wolm mm nu Mod In ht lhc populu order lho Iy DONT EWIM THERE Four Toronto iuvenlkl lwo buy and lwo glrll were chm ul wllh Ike blcyclu yum dny by lho nnmo Clly Pnflcu 1nd lumld nvor lo In Toronto Mclra Pollcc Accordan In Mica numll Lumldan 1W Stu 5L culled um palch Iharll or noon to uy MI dnunlulerl blko wn mien 1mm MI hack ylrd by mg youlhn They WM lulu mated by Cnmubla llnn Ilcklrd 1an mm In Klmmen Pool nnrl lhc John math under thMCHnlllplll up ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teacher attending 1h junlor educnuon Iummnr mum hm In July had that clollnl bun que Wednuday the Can tlnemal Inn Shown hm Iron Report Juveniles Stole Bicycle Dont iwlmr diere hi With iivl wash oi ciluronm hbar buhind than 170 mchm who wen nummu Ichqu lin denla here anioy Park School ceitbmed III and oi the mum with banquet at noon Wednes day at the Continental inn They write exam on Friday Thesa chm of intermedlata dementury school 1mm from all part or Ontdo were taking the sundard unlar educallnn coma provlda by the Input men 01 Education In commun Member at Barrie Rolary Club wlll became on Mon dny he clvlc hulldny dny ha problem hut now exllll Ind are being asked to owpmle Among ha In perom lo re port wmethng wmnl wm Mr Ind Mn Frank Nicol or All tan Mr Nicol nId number Mth worn found noM Ml Ibon the dam whim bout ylrd mm the Junction the two rIven To date no Iurther report dud ï¬sh have been rccelved No ofï¬cial warning has been Is sued mm he OWRC or ha Simone County Hullh Unit The club wlll hold ll annual chlclm barbech ll SI Vlncenl Park on that day Onlnrln mldenll Involved In ucldmll wllh unlmund molnr hll In MIrylmd In My IN to lnlm dum rum ma ery lnml llmnlll lld Clllm Ind Judlmenl Fund Tmmpurt mm Jamel Imld hII Inununml ï¬lmHIHL mldenll llnrr land Involved In uvldznll wllh unlmuml molorlm 1n Onlula Inlllled lo clnlm mm Onl ulnl Ilnlur Whirl Arcldcnl Ill1m Fund The men wlll um mvlnl ll pm Impede John Clark BanIa OPP Detachment today umd that all molorllh pudlu road courlny over he clvlc holiday wcekend Commluianer Eric Sllk hm Mkod Inch dbirlct omou to lock mpcrnllon ol all new medi lo um mounts to use common new And cannon on um mm Mr Auhl nnlnl IInlOVII llnl llu Onllrln luml wlll pay up In 3000 In damn or llnllu Irclxlcnl cnmpmd wllh I20 one In Maryland He nld Hm lnrl mlrlcnll vlll lw nhla Ia mnkn clnlma ln nnlnlo an up ll IM Illnll ln lam In helr Mmllnr mlpmll with um In unlnmre Immim ullu belween Onmln Ill nlhor mlnm um lulu ol Nu and NM Jami 1e Emu Henderm Multan yrsIdem In Inm mer Ichool Ikudont council who wn mum of ceremonial at tho hnn not Alma McKIy tumlam an lhl Elmo lnnmlur Clark nld In ha flnl le munlhl ma SM venom dlal In Onmlo enm JIM or ha mm period lull yur nullbl Imvlnclnl Palm offlcm Incluvflng t4an mc gum And the mpcclar Mm uU will no on the mud Ulla wetland We hut MM In help Mar IIlI In uld And to It lhry dont bemmo mantle Can AskDamages lh Ontario States Teachers Ready To Write Exams Rotariuns Turn Chefs OPP Urge Safe Driving Me lhroulhout the province Thu um coma um lummer II Illa helnl lauxh In London and Patelborough II not al wnyl conducted In Barrie CHANGE FOR RENEE newmemenlu Emu Hendmon Mlluonprcslden¢ the lummer Ichnol Iludenl coun cll kept the vragrum moran So did tha gum Ipuker Dobrlndt London or many nan master of London nach era College HI ulk ranged over the many aspen or edu nation which have charmed drntlcally or the bane during It past 3040 yum Public School Bond Towmhend London principll of tho Hummer Ichool Ind Dohrlndz Mndon gum Ipuker Thu lummor Ichool conducud by tho Dapmmcnt Emmix low preuuro trough il moving eulwurd irom LIko iiuron bringing mixlun ni Iumhlne Ind cloud and oven cw brie Iiwwm The unul lied npecl oi he wumr will mom Iluil by eveninl new Iiorm up routhinl Lulu lillchiinn Iota Fr day may bring run oulounl oi Iilower Ind Ihundcrllorm mile to wulern Iocliom oi lhe province by ovtninm LII St Clair Lnka Eli loulhtm Lola liumn region Windor London 1er cloud loduy but with chance oi in man briti Ihowm or lhun denlorm Cieur lonlm Sunny Friday with iiillI than in lrmpclulilu Northwm wind no lo bncomlnx Ilghl 011 IN nlpl Wultm Luke Onlarla NI lrl mien4 Toronto lllmlllnn Pull cloudy today Ponlhlllly luv brlol Ihowm mm demon ller In Hm lonllhh Sunny wlulllu OtM In lcmpunturl FIMIY wlu lllhl Inmmln norlhwul ll lh mgnllnl mm Lulu Onlula IIL burl nnrlhcm Lulu llurnn mm In my Tlmlllml MA lama mulhem wmu lllvcr Cochunn rulona Eudbu Nnnh my hull ï¬le MI Cloudy mm law lunuy 1n vnll today with mumd mu and law thundmlomu Clrnr lnnllhl Mm nmny um um Fvldly WI nnrlhwul Luk Huron Geoulnn my Lulu rqu Narlhwm wlmn nur In knoll bemmlnl um and vnrllblc Ionllhl Fulr vuflwr urom chance at 1m Imllrd uhuwm or thunder ohnml all lmlny mml hmpmtum III lflnlhl IIIII Ml Wlmhqr El Than hndnn Klkhrmr Mnunl anl 31 Winnm lllmillnn 50 Culhlrlnr lnck Immn llurrlo ha been named Barrle manner lnr Cnnndlnn Alumlnnm Pm ducLu Mr Arman who will work wllh Nnthnn Km gen ml Iupcrvlsar he been In Ihe alumlnum pmducl lleld or number year and has travelled exlcnslvaly Ic rou Ccnlral Onlnrlo and llnr rlc rulon Exnmlnar Pholnl MANAGER WEATHER know you teacher hnvo had he grind all month Mr DomIn luplalned Thaw are Inna mother lechm Ill tell you few Inccdnlu In Ilud MID since Im anxluul to get In name all this afternoon wont talk Ina lonu One of Mr Dobrindn Ilorle concerned 1h lm act on Iylvanla Dutch Hdren cut tamed lo lha nld educr methods when he villu Ichriial and demomlrnl ILIIIIHII 11 ll such uni Wa wlsï¬ you would vlm our lcnoal m6 ohm lwn mu zlrl old him But one at the lllllabnyl Wis more mild MLIDnbrlnd ralnled Ha nld Arch you cnma ovary dn thzyd won 19 flux Buldu Mr Henderlun Mr Dnbrlndl head able guesfn Included mm Mclzay mpcrlm enden ol the Enrrje Pub School Board nu ma McKay nvwnxhend Loudon pm than he tummcrmhon hue and NFL Townshend and Mm Lilllnn erlhlll Mr Dobrlndiwn lnLoduéed by Mrl Lllllan Manhnll Emir Ind lhnnked by Mn norm Reedt Vann Plank or the enlertnlnmenlv was Mln Jean Clark muslc mpervlnor Camp 50mm Ttl chm who conducted lhe mm mer xchool mum look rnl 1an rom unlr students when he 1on group led by Jim Burnt Toronto did muslnl taken on the masters Illled Junior Education They aim made hit with thelr rendlllcn Mary Anne Educnflon In Olkley Pan School and Friduy when uuchm writ mml Aha 171 Indian of Manned and took the cum Eli minor Photo Today the lummer Ichool ill delu aro Icrï¬mmlnl log exagn TINL TONI ll PARKDALE WINES Mrs Mnrjorh Juquex Holland Landing Inn solo belnre ha rout chicken dlnner was Iervgd In lha Conllnenlal Innl bunqul mom wlan drMnn dlmnce hull lherdare lhey commuted clay avery day one Irlcher mld Lcclum rm from Im In pm 1le mm week Now wau he one whn ca hardly wnll lo on holiday the teacher nld Tvy YIN Mthokl alumnus loo Io bnclng Iolmhmo IINII vnllabla Ihmulhom Onlulo ma undcr Havuuud WIM terflflc comblnatlon for tall cool drink