mmmwmn Mm nIII EunumrnI Mult ua llullrnll mlann pmuuhmmmmm unqummmt mMumum MIN2mm nlhntmn Born In England George wurkcd ln Orangevllle for somu um blacksmllh and 35515 ml In Ilvcry stable The lale William erght was In buddy al hl at that me and oflen swapped stories lnler Slroud when Mr erghl had struck ll lucky and cum live In Ban rle Ann hl manlaluu George was blacksmllh at lhe quarry n1 Terra Colla The shop ln Slroud was purchased together wilh he house next door lrom Fred Mnlhem whn had bum he vlllngo blacksmllh up to then When can begun to ho med by local peoplo nnd lho Ravelend Clcmcnl brought his to sac ll lho blurksmilll could help hlm solve IL roubles was nrccplnd Ihnl George cauld lix turn The shop was chnng AllhCDNDITXQ NOTE DUE TO LENGTH FEATURE AT 00 And pm On Ihe momlng of lhe ï¬rst of August George Shering will retire mm the business he has operated since he began black smilhing In Strand 47 year ago The placksmlfll shop has long slnce became garage and he more recent building WM operated Jointly by George 1nd Ms son Manly wilh George handling me and tire palrs the service work undm Montys manageman WW5 JAMES GAHIEH IICHARU ammnausu INNISF II NOTES Lloyd Hunter lbycamld Calgary youth lies waiting for an ambulance nfler he was thrown from his motorcycle In gm 1mm Emu WVEbNESDAY mi ax 1m MINE SEW mm CDlUH PAWISIUII WAITS FOR AMBULANCE TO COME NOW SHOWING Stroud Man Retires After 47 Years Wu nu 168 George will be greatly mismi from hls perch at lhr window when he sat between pump calls Once he was the only consta hlc nonh Drndfmd and south or Barrie Allhough he was never known In have made nn MATINEE DAILY AT pm Evening Foaluro Shown at 720 and 935 pm When we asked George who that needed shoeing went else where The in Lizzie became bigger and boiler and the Sher ing gnrage kept abreast of the times with son Monty beam in adept at general rqmirs making the name of the Sharing Garage mom for satisfactory Service and fair prices Gus iomers from Toronto to cum to their epitang took advantage of the services and the busi ness prospered fire law years age wide nut the garage and equipment George then took aver the pumps nnd Attend ed to tire repairs while the general services wcm handled by Monty whu wilh his assLst nni Norman Willoughby i1 al ways busy ed and added and horse lopal resident lhe zin Mnnday The car was parknd near the scene and was no Involved In the accident CF Wircplwlnb DELMOOREKAHIIHN EREEMAN ImTï¬MAumunm wmfï¬f Plano do not In van the middle his plcluml maï¬lï¬ymmsgy Llllln Rand Buwun Hwy 400 Ind ll WED THURS FRI HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE vary Lewis Production tne Mlla le worker mm NIKE mm TWINE um WK Open Slut II 915 the change in the garbage dump to the 10th iina site was intended to do away with the continuous fore and smoky cloud bulldozer was pur chased for rinin covering How ever it wouid appear that Ihis ts not teasibie The best that can be done is burn the gar bage as it is dumped then push the remain over the brimand follow this with ncovcring 111 Since the drop thcre is of some distance the tire are kept golngin the heaps The oper ator coin that he is doing the best he can although the clouds of smoke drift with northwest wind news the summer msert nrens Monty who recgntiy was man tied will soon move into his ownhorne vacated by his bro theriniaw Bud Biain who is moving into Barrie Montys wife was the owner of arm on the Manitoulin iaiand which has been sold but she is look ing after the harvesting at the crop before movinz Strand ngMP gamma hintmamme ll nmmmmm meg he dld pass out sum mouse they were earned by lsln hls 815 year what ha vwld do to ï¬ll hl tlmz he lald We to read and ll doesnt matter what readanylhlnl Our home ls well healed and we will be happy just around here SHANTY BAY TONIGHT ONLY High 11 ll Gulhrle mm comn CARTOON ADULTS 75¢ CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Hllfll BIG HITS ï¬nTluww PflTflTfl CHIPS BLUEBERRY PIE MILD CHEESE FRENCH FRIES HM Illilllll IIILL IIIIMITAIJIY GOODNRM MN FlllllliN CHRISIIES IGA FOODLINER an ROAD ICE CREAM EH BUTTER IGA ROYAL GOLD AT THESE MARKETS ONLY ROYAL GOLD HR bum on Pill cul II III 79° 45 49 45 NGSIGA MARKET MUD 01mm 54° $2800 IN BONUS TAPES EXTRA TOTAL OF mmgggmmum unm an clllSlIIUIJS PLUMS EELEHY RECEIVE 00 IN BONUB IAlfl WITH IIIA COIIOURED MAIIIMIIINH llb pin DONALD DUCK OIIANOH JUICE from ll ILICED IIDI IMCON Tublullc IIlldIeII lb pli COOKING ONION No and IIh In WE IIFJIIIVH THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTIlllul IllID GRAPES BRADFORD N0 GRADE NUBMNA or DIMRTE LARGE CARDINAL 115 No GRADE unczwz um mus mm mm nnmnn mm mum JUICE cwura mm um roux an un no mu roruum um Emmim 100 Minn Mun on un no IN ION TAP Wlm TEA BAGS Cull FlmlLv Blu IGAJAM 49 Toth ï¬ï¬‚flISCATSUPhgï¬Sc Molnar Pnlm 0mm Pam TOOTHPASTE $139 Luéxevlsgamwc 16A Delnn SERVIETTES Bullet WM ABYFO0DIO $1 sunkeny Strained or halo FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 3M AUG ONLY leo No uox and mm In my rul9 29 29 29 79c 45c