Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1963, p. 9

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STOCKHOLM 1GP Euni nusmnn Kcllle Tor onto any lha but way cum pnny cynhujld an lnlernnyuqlnll nun JULY Mlmy Mann Club Hlfluwly InnTun rum JULY nn Ivy Pee Wee bmbnll team ll dolnz very well Th tum pllyed Strnud It Ivy and way mo Tim Iv Bintlm uni In the Em Innhnl Leuua lrvelled la Cookllawn lul week Ind loll In lhu oppnslHan Econ Cagkxloym my The Ivy Juvcnlle mam wen lo Slroud Ind wan 90 The boy Inok pm In tha Tallunhnm Ju vnfle Blll Tournnment July sun Sat and Mn Row Hour genus and family Churchlll went ha Past lhrce weeks with Ah lallou paranll Mr and Mn Burl McLean They have ben ponlgda Kn lnn waxh Ind Inmlly Owen Sqund holldnylng with 113 lormerl ar an Mr and Mn Arthur 00x worth IV PEI WEE wnlh The rnnmanu Thu public relallon In In urnallonal company are the ac 1qu rzlnllanahlps that II Iell lo mm with the public Kallle nld Mrs Claudl Bnnllnx Mu Morley Baker and Mn Vllmnr Vllxon sum any in Taronlo hsl week LII 1J0 El 15 in became good cm zen or Ihe communlllcl in which ltrdoes huslnuu Kutlle in each to flu wnrld congress lhn Interna iunul Advortlxlnz Auoclutlon mended by 1200 ndvarlhlng men llld ml 15 lhe Ippmnc his company hlmeyFuzulon hu liken Ilnce it went world wide In 1951 AI an exumpla al lmngm bulldln publlc relNona Kama recall mm the first rulor lurned out by tho companyl French plant nur Purl In 1960 WI driven cere monially th rou Ill numuaur French und German vlllugu lo lhl llrml German heidqum lll He uld Hill with 0lllln llllll ulas ol 860000MOO MM Icyanson ha laclorlu In no countries and markcu its product In 161 countrm and larrltorlu Says company Should Become Israel 1s Citizen To Build Image Eigggnm CPiV Bual They lha wn In winch ew 51 MRS WILMEI WILSON DNIIIMY JULY ll ll nut nnm And fun Wlll I1 muum VM flm THIRI IS NO CHAROI FOR YHIS HRVICI Thu Tenn ium In vmuon nm Qulrk nnw anw jam Ilnu sumu am anon Tum AHk Ilmury hth AnnlI lel Wmnu lpnfil Tull Parry Mum anon aqum Emlan Juncllnn CBCTV lel Wlllhuh 89cm lel Illlklllm TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND YRUCKI CFIO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI IVY CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 iirliler posllnl Ell Edmll who ha Men on duly wllh Inc Services Gay lown Camp NJ expecltd geturn plum lhll week or Mn Marla llum Sclrhnro Onl ll holldaylng at her col uge on Parkslde Drive Sun Hammer vlslllng wllh Mr Ind Mrs Marshall Mn Hm Sherholl of Toronto ll vacallunlng wllh her cousin Mn Lea Whltly and the lan eru uncle Jnseph La Polnle Detroit Mich Illa vlaltar Mr and Mn Carl Mmhnll were In Glh rccenlly fur lht wedding lhu lulu5 Ilium Mlu Juan Wntmn meellnu of lhn Ruldcnu Assaclallnn was held It Buy Ilalrl Lodge on Vednudny with 15 member pruunl Many mn on were dealt with in connec Han with continuance of lhl amnizallnn and mccllng lha Ilelllnl cnmmlnu will take plncn August to devalop lu lnye cuvnm The plrk wu lull ol Clfl Sgndny Illernaon Wllh tho mu belnu cu mumllv much added lo Illa appenrnnca ol lht surroundlnu Unlon Jack ny lng on tho show In Iran ll roperly ul ll colorlul that mllun John Pearce on Buyvlew Rand hu sold his properly and mov ed to Burrle Olen Faraghu Cllll Road has also sold hll callngc Ind ll la understand he will bu moving to Oshawa Nam purchuerl are nnl IV Ible nlIhe momonlu Kellie on Oanudlan Ipcakur Iha lhreu day convention pnrllclpnlcd In group sculnn on how to hulld an IntelMilan 1mg Alan Illendlng um sualon was Bernard van erkcn nl Rotterdam who moved to Hol llnd three monlhl llo They In lha In which uan lnlunallonu canan clllzun 1t acluqlly nlrliclpllel In and ad um Hull to lhe com munlllu which don bull n2 Thin II th at in which In Iurnlllnnll lmnnbulldlnl can ho most cllncllvc It must be Iclccuva and Ipproprlnte and mpplemqnl la lha locn nu liqueylmaflyfl MINETS POINT By ALMN INGRAM nun Jinn mu TORONTO Mi mum Scum Wu Nun Iv Pm Pu Pal Openlnl lud len 01 eluhl Tn extcuh mum is not renlly dmicult if ynu In About lhl rluhl wny All you do II ulh your rich Ind ham or he hat The mum may wnrk or nol dependlnl on haw ha delendm card In divided hul tqu nolhlnl to mnkv lh effort mum on hm to In Idea of you limlnl for Genenlly Ipukln lhm hm requirtmlnll for uuccmlul Aqua Declmr mull hm wlnnlu excepl or Dfll trick 0M defend mull bl WIIUDII when IN MI lo ward Dr clmr mus ulillmnry communlullnn between hll own hind Ind dummy From lhl lap of U1 lmroainx peanuIrlennnl lhl chler rnh Jeruulem lulldl II he plum and hlllnrlul relch wit quiet dignlly vlallar ulmck by hi quiet knowledlelblllly at their custodlnnl and by he Ib nnce lmporlunala mum and nuvenir hlwkm ram In acnlllred Ill ovar Ihn cuunl But only Jerusalem the hay clly lhnt Imam mlde their cnpllll In dcnlnce Unllad Nellom edcl ordulnl Ill lulu nlllnnnuuflnn blend them Ill Into linxll humonlom com munlly calmly any on Ill dally txhlence up lhl bot den 01 ha JordInheld Old City buhed win urund awny PRESERVE PAST hlnm or II lnwer of Ihc YMCA hulldlnx thl lnlermlnl llng ol modern oulca bulldinn and apartment block with Jew ish Mnllum Ind Chrlnlm xhrln rudlly DAILY CROSSWORD lhmnnd wllh woman mm Eutern Eu rope wurlu hud mrvu luhln armed mother mm the wealthier luhurba with lhelr llvel chlldnn In ow In order lle uhaolbnyl Abe hard by their lucher blank robed Gruk Orlhndux prelnts lha necnlonn Arnb In whlla helmm my Inlrgldlenu blnckoclld bearded man null pam over blackhound He raw ext AcreI 1h mom II young hundaams canplc In khlkl mm work on 19le qum their calecllvaletl1emenl plpfll In Enllllfi Germ French Ylddlnh and Palhh lupplled by lhe mlnlxcmenl or the nu in mullillnuull customers Two mlddlc Ind man their calm Ion lrawn culd um fixedly chm build palween theml JERUSALEM CF SI In any dawnlawn Jernnlam cm and wllhln live mlnulel you can we cromecllon lb my 3nd olq Lell Apply lhm conlldc Ihlnx I1 Mululo 1115011 11 Dwvlllnl ll lml hmdhlll ltlpuk ll Lumpnyl llhrl 11 comm numm tauMI Jhrd fluubll wood mu 1007an full nmv Saufll duller Both Ildel vulnmblc Im II mun bird £an illnun I1 mm pm lun 103m indium CONTRACT 13m OI A0 AK OOOO AKA N031 lwlll Iolhl It 10 Mnlflll HIM mud Blblltll mm gnpuul Not worklu mm or Illk Moon ampod nkml human Torrid helpllli 37w IECKER Ha Iquzezed dil urdl nude dummy wlnl ll our lrlch Will In dlmrdl lhl klnl dllmandl South nm when nu Man In dhmandl and lhln In ha rimllnm mm with U1 Nnil hut Iln fut would ho Lullly ellmw Wm hcld lDldO mum and um km dllmondl 11m rzducu MI hind In our urdalhm mdu Ind Ihc quun ol dllmundl Thu dummy ll lhll polnl hu only llu AK 04 Ipldes in Illo hu lo coma mm In lour cud when In In rump In led but he II In Imu bln bnuuu Io mull mlkl dimrd holdinz lhe JloH 01 mum and king 01 munds whu lhc club lend drm lhm round lmmpl ushu lho In din mondi Ind Ihen pmceedl If ulh two man club and MI In Itwo grumpy fornomw Dalculu mm Iknu In IO and Mlllu ILChurch lnnrll Wur yunu Thlrd note 1m plenly nlrlel In both hlndl hl known than no can mgnlcaflgn proplamn An phuiunu DIG Second declarer than not know when plny lllrll lhnl onur dellndcr In this we En lm to In both Idea and dlnmondl but In npu lhl ha lllunklon d¢nI ll mu II Hum to pruml hind Welt em club Declmr ht hn lwelvu winner Ind on law The hlndjhmlorl con aim roqylremenl community chm mlnu Ihu conllnlnl band II an med town 000 In lhl northern hill Gnlllu mm with home plnm wonhIp llld larllflcnliona dlllnl hick In the mm ChrIst lll JIWIh lrmyurd unlenced llld nu llacted IccardIn Ia orthodox curlomr house rman medl ml um nd IccordIng In luend hc ropheI Ham Ind II men who dIed In rival mlml Ihe Syrllm In th mend century BC Current Safed II the horn dwndllnl murmur of Crhhnllru orthoan lemma mystic lore Ind colony ol uum attracted by the plclum °d Bu In cool breues hm Illa turned the lawn Into Aummer resort and mum hm been unblllh llm lndux Munlchl Iulhorlllu lnlenl on hulld mu community MI lo f1th out lhu In mldeml lhl declylnl old buildlnu Eluwhm Iccommodullmu 1m gully In country when avery Iqum not null mar Md mm of In Inclm elvll min de artmenl or Inthulllu hu mu pownrl to mum lcllvlllu countlm Amateur mheolollm and frequently to mlnanhc Impatient bulldoz of rondmuldln And con Ilrucllnn crew will an owner lency um 01 relentlm Iml th nrlcelul evIdum turned up by lhulr hhdem vicinity ii II my lhIths taken gain in reurve in pan while uiidin or in iuiura Tin nma nouluenu at old Ind am an In on qu It Iuch piIcu min hilltop omen cantininl mu 01 hi dozen occupyinu Irmiu down tin nnluriu which lankl down on nut vial ni mluvmd IInd Idioinlnl Ill experimenill mm in In midst oi llu va Dueri nym mqpnnmmmn Anglo yuan an mi 3193161 Ancient Inn 11 mpumm IConjmellul Wup °IIlfldl wAsC wml ua mmv LABOR uvma APPLIANCES MVNaw NOME mm mumm nxmmn TUESDAYJ1JLYJD 1m HOPE DOESNT mME TD 55E ME IN THE HOSPITAL

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