Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1963, p. 8

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lelmll ulmnm mu ml unlmomly ml Mum Im More Inkm Ind MM lhlu yrnr mu aver hul only Ivrm mull ml uy Ilu lenm II lwllor Hun II nr Inuuwp Dunvlnhnri In Km mlm HI mm mum at nmulrnn mun balmy uml Dummy lnr um humll rnlxll M1 puntI umka Nulv llumtr Mn VIIIIe Flrmlul ml mm the mound Ian Llanl Irhuled ananlo Mannu mm In an uhlm Inn vmnlly nml hul unk pub Ilml Buhnmmwnn Ilfllllh Ildm coo IMVI Mm IllilIll VANCOUVER CW an hnrn mulled hm yon lur llrllhh Columhln Unn In jun lfly llnnrnnl WIMnwn nudit llnnl nl Alrrnslh Blmc mm lllmu him made he Winn Imlhll Tun lmnu law only once Thar hve wan 41 1mm and In you ul llwir Fluyerl Ilnn lvrr an nullnnn lonHmll nuunl In 1961 Hwy hm IIM but rmlvo mun In llw an nml ulll llnlnlud Imxrlh Conch Dnvo Kkrlrn HIYI he an Al lul uninver runnnully Ind pnlml Hark Now hn yum mmlulrncy ll mun mnku lunk nhrnd Hm lml cnr lln bulqu wou nlnrllnu Mm Ihu um rnurlxlni Mn and mm In mm plnym IIII hr ll wus lhnl klnd High on lhn American Lcnxuu pllchlng unm Mondny nluhl Jnu llorlnn Chlcnm Vhlm ISux hud hls hrllllunl try for uuhluer nnd lulury shnl Ilcred wllh drumxfllc suddcnnoss In the Inst ha ulnlh Innlnfl Val Vnnhlnzlnn Chuck HInlun smile with em Iul was the In Sonnlnr III of lhu 25ycnr uld rlnht hundrr Just recalled rum lhe minuu anl weak lhvn Dun Lack lwu mu homer plqnad mien wllh loss And nl Cluvnlnnd Dmn hnncn Annnlu Annrls mm in bull The Ollllllnu plnyA mulu of mu dflnlrlnd lhllu ky Ind luohlllrr lmllnn ml wm bucked Ivy lmrscur Inu Ipluruu Hm Includwl nu lubrun 1th Inning lech hy cllx anm ml nlnm hnmrr ScuroIlo Bulllmorc rmklo Mlckey Lollch of Dclroil Tlxm hold Orlalua lo one alnulo lhmuzh lnhl Innings but WM undone in lho nlnlh when Al Smllh sln nltd with our many and one onl lnlnr nlnch mum DILk Bruwn smashed homer Brownl clulch hit was In drake lnnunc nr oldllmur Jluhin Hahnmv ho an ho wcllonrncd vltlory wllh two hll pgdarm nce Dun Vlclundlum llllncd In nn rluhlhu Ahuinut Imd Wnyuo uuwy und Nnrm Siclwm unncrl lmmm Kilnml Clly thIcllu lmnl New Yorkl Im IMLD nnkm 50 um Non m1 bux wllhsluod Minnow guns our vlmks mm llcurlbrvnklnn lama ur Fair younnalurs much of nuk or vulcrun um anchor or mm the Innlov Maul Lions Appear To Have More Depth And Talent This Year Jacques Plunlu volurnn Nu Hunu llockLy Leanne goallc hold up musk he devised YoungAL Pitchers In Heartbreaking Losses JACQUES PLANTE SIGNS WITH RANGERS mu Knnp mny have Um Wnll hm mm rtcolvrrl In llmm lnu Sunny llnmu Pnl Clnrldgv and Mark Burton Ahln rnuklrx rum ctrrnnu In John on us Im th wnyn Nmm Flrldxnle Tam Ilmwn Enry Schwrrllcurr nml Cnnuck runklu lnul Hem prnmhn lho hr ll lmklnl In ILL lllllnry md wineucm braka up Clmmul nohll Md wllh lua cm In lho wwnlh hm ho Ilnhnrln allowed one Tlgcr hll In the llrsl nnd one In tho nlnlh Wnlknd we and hit butter hnd lho only run allth Ja ynuruld mm hundrr wnl un fumed Thu cumc In lhn um when lcndull mun Dlll Ilrulan wnlkod chk Mclmllflu douhlrd and llrulon name In on us Snydera nflluraul throw rum rlnhl llclrl or nu crmr HI IIN 10 CENTRE nhlc auulnal Orioles botnrc Brounl ninth Now In lhe hlnlh rulncd Im The flyturold lcn hundnr mired he first II humrs In order unve up xlnglo with two out In lhn ounh In Bnb Jnhmnn lhzn so down 14 more In row More Smllh halted lug IlobLrllhnduglmzlcd Lulu or the wound flu but Drnun whacked Lollchs um pllch nor the once In It or only xernnd hlnmrr he yran llurlun golnn lnr he llral no hlllvr In Wushlnzlnn In 31 Mars rcllml lumloll mun llm llan In lho lnxl he nlnlh be are lllnlnn bounced hls nlnnln la the Huh shurlslop non llnn Ion Then Rab Osborn grounded nul wllh lllnlon mav lnu la second and Luck lol lnwcd wllh hls 17m homer The 1015 Wu llle lhlrd Mains llvc vlclarlos or llarlcn who bent Dollall lhn duy nller he wns mulled rum lndlnnnpolla Ike lnlcrnnllonol League lust Wednesdnx Wlllle Sax scored ln the 5th lnnlng dnrlng whlrll my not three nlnglc and wnlk all Slcvc nldzlk but mnn nxod only one run on Kllne wns the winner nllcr pllchln lhg nlnlh for Yufihlnnlnn Twlnx humu run mm In dnwn In Twlnx 75 nrulucllon while plnylng nllcr flunlng his lamN contract wllh New York mmgon yesterday at New Yorkl Mn om om Fool oi lhylloldVgO PA um mun no AVAILABLE you cHAmn OnoHour Tour Pldumqva Kcmylnhll Buy VDELANEY BOAT lINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS mo 730 030 pm It In hourmm do IIM bark dawu In Ihrlr demand Ihry elncwhrm mm John Mummy mnnnulnu dimlor In duh nllnwlnz mrrllnx ullh hammml rrprmnlnllyu Mnndny mu mILLWuy Tho hommcn cnllinu or an Incrcnsn In purm hnvu HIrlul mud In bayuvll llw rcmnlnlnl Iva wrrks of he wnlghl Mun mcr mccllnu nL Um Tumuln Innk Hevrrnl muntlu ago Imm rnrd boych ul lhu rutkl nwlng mullnl wm mud lly hutmlnuln ncxollnllmu TORONTO ICI Irmnd muJur bullln hclwczn Hue lnno llurnm Hommcnn Amr clmlun and The Jockey Club hm threatened la hrlnu 15an la clam nl cnwmd IKnccwny Iloslon tank In 7D lend against Mlnncsolu In he first thrcu In nlngn Ihnn Nina shamed their home run mum ngnlml mu Monbouqucllc Dab ll 50Cde one in the tomb Bulky connected 1n the onm and We Power nnd Don Mlnchcr homered In tho clzhlh mgqun It 15 11rd Mrnng boy chk Ilnduu came an Him for hll um nppcuruncu scum nhul on NM or the rm 24 lnnlnau Imd prucrvcd Monbou qurllun Nth vlulury Al annlnn Yunks prize young southpaw wns lagged or single by Gina Cimuli nnd Cuusoys homer hulom mun wns am In lhn Hm Slebcrn connected wllh two on In lha lelh Vlcknr nml mutant was hla Inc In two mason mum lcugucr and Ihu ml or the urcr Ynnkce In almust lhrcn yngyu Vuodlu Held slnglcd In the elghlh for Clevelands other hlt The My Anncl right handcr wnlkch three and uruck out Angels pounded lnnd nllchers or II hits nah Ilna six In thclr blg rightmu burst ngnlnsl 05M Dick Donu van and Jerry Wnlkcr In Iho lhlrd Jon Kappa sinned It wllh single lhcn nncr one out cnme wnlk our slrnlnhl uln nlcn another walk and Torres unnndA mm Race Pickets Disturb Calm peg nusipgle Iocqnl6r nyrl dison Squprq Gnrdgnlie wps icdfilrcd lust mnnlh 1mm HE Montreal Cunadlcns AP Wlw photo TUE MRUE EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY 1m Indiannpalll Indlan HEM handcr Jun Shlplcy thancir culled Columbus Jet with nnchl Kama In mucllnx be tween 11 InleJhntlonnl Leagues lwo hottest teams Monqpy nlnhL fly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lndlanupolla conllnnad It drive toward lhesomhem divi Ilnn chnmplonshlp wllh 121 victory ovur Columbus Meanwhile Roéhestor lied Wing moved to within omholi gnmo oi the noNharn division landing acuse Chlch by dc lamina ncksonvlile Suns 65 whiio Syracuse dropped 100 decision lo Arkansas haveiicrs Toronto Maple Loot bent AI ionla Cracker and lire Bui lnlo Richmond doubleheader was rained on Shipiuy had nohittcr going until Larry Elliott smashed homer loading oil in the bottom oi tho oiizhlh ior Coiumbusllnno run and hit The victory wns Shipleyn illh naninst threo losses Deacon Jnnes led 15 bit indlan charge with three run homer double and sin gie Rochester built iivovrun land entering tho bottom oi lho eighth but hill to stavo oil ourrun Jacksonville rally Bus tor Norum Red Wing starter and winner rotircd the first 12 Sun to into him but the lath Wnit Bondsmashed home run to spoil the no hlt hid Norum who needed rciioi irom Not Martinez and Donn Stone Indians Tydunce Columbus In IL Théré arenbw 112131 fine FINA values like these Iumvn mm mu fink NJ HNACCNTRE MERCHANDIDE CARNIEG TH OUMIANTCE BAYIBFACNON GUARANTEED 0R MONEV REFUNDID Thu Huxmlirw aim ml mmlum zullly Ill nw wk Ill xlnc mud douhl Ilm lied com mallow SUPEHUNE MUFFLERS THE FINAECONDLINE mo AVMMIJLII IMO150R7mmECONOLINETUHKIEMIBDP MK ABOUT THE lOMlllTfi RANGE 07 FINA TIIM AT YOURNIICHIOUNIOODIINA BBIIVWIIMTION I1007 Inn wflh IméIKm4 Buy or youmll why In lmpmvcd hl record 543 whlle sinner and laser Wynn llnwk lugs new 111 Arkumnsa Puul Brawn cut down Syrucusc on In seven hll shutout whlle hls mules pounded three Chlel pitchers or 15 Ma Including 10 um hose hluws John Hermslein and Wnyna Graham 11th hit tworun ham ers for Travellers Chiefs nnw have lost six hair Ins seven COLLECT I5 HITS Tamnlns Bob Ticrcnuuer held Alinnln in one hit Lmd one un earned runin rcliei oi slaricr Carl Greene saving Gruenl ninth vlclary against seven 10550 series of cm run Cracker ruiliu tell one run short as Ticienauer nhut lhu door in the ninth The winning run scared in the eighth ank Leia hiusied ircmen dous 450400 plus homu war he rizhi lain Kenna behind um llersoisignsi Only handlul players In cludlnlz Babe Ruth and former Cracker pllclmr chk Donovan who now hurl or Cleveland ln dlans have been able to ball over lhls lance MOUNT CLEMENS Mich AP Golf pro Jo Anne Pren tice Injured Saturday In Ihv slrolns Golf Pro Out 9395Pita1 495 CONVENIENCEofneighbourhoodshopping QUAlITYof FINA guarhnbeedpmducts finatempe ECONOMYof automotive store prices 11153 wn in nu mm days PalsHM Ihmh In Inn Italprod pm mmm Ind lhqn mnnlnal lot H000 mug bl lvnuvafm Tho wln Knulnx 17th maln Inlncd Dodgers league lend gnmns He received hum run nuppurt from tha Davl b015 ngnmy my 11ch yenrrn cl hnnder now mu 174 record and led with Juan MarIchnl 01 San Francisco Glanls fur the must victories he mnlm Hes first Ikrlkeauls with 195 In Innlng and In cumplple games wllh 15 11115 SHOCK ABSORBERS Hus first Ikrlkeauls with 195 In Innlng and In cumplcle games wllh 15 Is earned nm average bril llnnl 189 Knulax was dying up he Dodgm ship San Fran clsco slipped pas ldlc SI Louls Cardlnals into second place as wmlnrMay hammered hln sec ond consecutive gamewinninu homer and gave Glam 54 vlglory over Piglsbumh Plngle In the nnly olhcr game sched ulcd Mllwuukee Bruves War rcn Spahn poslcd the mm my his tumor with homer collapse or suspenslnn fool hridgc Kim dumycd nboul no person Inn in Cilnlun River was dismissed from hospital Mnnday Dr Rlckman said the myenruld Alabama gollcr ln Julcs were confined lo scratches bruise Ind muscla Kouf Vxv Pufls adggm Out Of 4Game SE 91E FINA Service Stations m1 Innround 1m comr ham you There are now 1700 by Hank Aaron mid Lee Mnyu prnvldlng lhe puwcr In an vlclury over Cincinnati Reds Koulnx knocked out In no dcclslunnflalr and Mn laser In his last slnrl wnlkcd um and struck out seven Phllllu spuilcd hls Md Inr shuluul No 10 when Don Honk stroked tworun alngle In the slxlh In nlng allnwlng double by Tony Gonzalez and waka to Ray Sle vet and Earl Averill Badgers Innk 10 lead ugalns Cnl McLlsh nnw lne In Ina second Innlng an consecu live alnglc by Tommy Davis Ron Fnlrly John Roseboru and MW Dnvls The Davis boy wound up the scoring with two run homers Tummy cu nccl lng In the mu nnd Wllic lhn sixth Trailing 34 mar two innings Ginnin closed the gun in run on Chuck Hillarl third inning homer and look halved or mad when my hi hi mil homer wilh iwo an In ha iiilh where you Can buy them Dlslrlbulors or car truck and Tractor nozzles and lull line of Electrical product or arm tractors Exchange nozzJes llltm and testers In stock NOZZLE TESTING DONE 0N PREMXSES NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS CIH HARRIS AUTO ELECIRIC PA 35931 Park Sorvlce Now Avalllblu On DIESEL FUEL INJECTION aI HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Barrla You an chum mt Into urnMu mm at ndlm well Mn Iutomodn mmhndht llm huh urt And FINA mu Ind on USE YOUR FINA CHEW BAND ©S©Hl TIL shit HIfull 4swuh Ihe victnry tn relieve Jlm Duf Iala 30 fill Vlrdon cud Ruhcrw Clc mcnlc each nullcclcd lhrce hlls or Pillsburgll Spnhu slnwcd rLccully be cause sure elbow picked up his lirsl vlclury srncc July by chccklng Reds on lx hill The 424mm lei hnudcr MW 135 mm lnuch nr homers by Vndn Plusun and Frank Kahlu son John Tsllnurls started or Clnciunntl and was laser by the llmc he hnd pllchcd to uur buum wnn one out Tsllourl wnlkcd Ed Mnlhuw and Aaron and Maya lollnwed vllh consecutlvn humm mm the mahu lendlnx humor mm with drove in two runs wllh an eighth Innlng single In rnlse hll run bnllcd In Iolnl to 88 also top In the majors

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