CONTINUES FAST MONTREAL Cll MHILLI Chnpuf louder nl Quebecs Re publicnn lnrly has 5mm his nurlh wuvk II fastlnr us means of mlsim $100000 In kcrp Ilhu his pnrly which In vor sncmiun nl Quclm mm Cunmhl Mr fhnpm by Mundny hud dranpud 4D pnunds um cnl ltclcd 335513 sinre his hrmd nndwmrr Iul Hurlul H1 phy Mrlan snitl the wpumlisl leader 1k but In my dunner Omar Hrms sacking the con met more Gcncml supply Co Canada le Islimzlon 3261126 Sheridan Equipment le Taranln $255 Balkmine Co Tnmmn 32673 slxmly llms $125 cxlrnl nnd Equipmnnl Sales nnd Scr vice lld noxdnlc 5152217 bixply irm 3150 extra On lnrio sale lax levies are in cludcd In hose lnlnls The winning hid of re sub milled mm mm Cru hcrs Lcnsldn For total price at 5252174 Including cost of sixrply um and no tax ANTIJR Specinl Essa Township rnlnril thd special meeting hen July 21 19 upon lenders or wobble wheel rull er and to cunsidcr ollmr luwn ship business Wobble Wheel Roller Tenders Are Asked By Essa Council Threeycarold Brenda Ln WIsun cl Mcmnmin Suxk agxd visibly on her mm Atccpmm Mr Crolhcrs Let your fingers do the walking Shop the town the easy Yellow Pages wayright at home Read the ads for facts on brand names and features range of services and store locations Shop the YellOw Pages way END OF LONG HARD RIDE Amuu Ilm bylaws passed was mw providing for bicnnlal cloc linm for he Inwuship Annlhcr bylnw sci the pennlly and In lcrcsl mm on overdue Inxcs This is new bylaw replacing the form one dcnllng wilh overdue axes and inlcresk nuns Cuuncils next meeting schedulrd for Aug hum starting at lender approved by wuncil pending mulhorizullon 1mm he Onlhario Dcpurlmcm at ngh ways gmnuml mount Munday us she cmed he ml of 11 long day at he Provincial Exhibi liun In Regina ICI ercphom $30000 JACKPOT WEDNESDAY JULY am 20 REGULAR HOUan SIIAIKE THE WEALTH LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST AL ROUNDS lEGION BINGO Ill yuu Vilh Ulnsc wards on the clam sunny mornan Aprll 21 young Mlchcl annureux of nearby Orleans left home for school They are the lust ward he has spoken Michel dldnl mach school iii bicycle was In collision wilh car oanldn his homn and ha ha been in coma in hospi iai ever since with cxiensive brain damage if mille AMA NIGHIk WORK TEMKOWR AWN0 Ont Mr mgulnlinns can fnr any plane In fly at lensl I000 not above lhu hlghusl building suld Harold Flnkle regional superirr lendcnl of nlr rcnulallons or the Canadian dcpurlmcnl ol Iranspon NIAGARA FALLS NY CP crackdown on sight scelnc ants gmrnlursnwgs ap ornlurs wli xi rbqu red to obvnry regulations or request will be mndc lo cancel lhelr limncos The meeting was spurred by Icsidenk mmplnins on but sides of the falls of he mlse created by hellcnnlcra llylnc loo over their homes Hellcopu are do lng everything they can to make 11 dollar and lhe publlc ha damned snld City Manager llllnm Orr of Niagara Falls mied Monday at JOIIIII me nx between um mumHui Ma cuynnd Nlaznrn Fans Ont In Ihe ï¬rst such meeting In nu history of the two clllns higdlhfl hgllcgplcr pp WASHINGTON AP v5 omclnl expressed strong doubt today that State Sccrclory Dcun Rusks lorlhcomlnx Inlks In Moscow wlll he 11 prelude to summit contcrcncc They said Rusk wlll carry mm from President Kennedy to Soviet Prcmlcr Khrushchov but It is expected be only reply to tho message Khrnsn chcv scnt vln Undersecretary of Stntn Avcrcl llnrrlmnnr Boy Been In Coma Ever Since April Cracking Down On Low Flying ICP Gaudhyu 118 Deniesvirï¬téiï¬ian 0f TBig Three Meet rushchcv high Lllflo Rond Bulwun Hwy 400 1nd IMME PLUS com Awning CARTOON lAST TIMES TONIGHT 47571 HURONIA DRIVEiN THEATRE SHOW STARTS AT DUSK mam helpsmnand heparin publiclarge my early chem cnke curse mm ngcncy which she Iauidcd So lnr VAIF has placed 000 ha children jnrhnmes In 1955 June signed 31000 000 conlmnl wllh Hughes that was to be paid ever 20 years The mycnr spread keeps the axes law and lhe security slcn Alsm can do any olhur klnd or work wanteven olhlr Iwwcs says June But usï¬ dont cure to work just lku bums around lhe house with my IILSlbflld 3nd thldren mm he Hm ipcn wllh WAIF Inllernnupnn udpq But every week she gels 31000 cheque mm lhe Hughes Tool Compnn and she hasnk hnnrd from or bass Huwnrd Hump In yonrsA Every now and than hour some xcuulcbulk lhal hes xolng lo mnkn movies again but thats as hr It goessnys Jane The cheques lhnuuh am never lnle HOLLYWOOD AP lnne Russell hnsnt made mavle In yearsand couldnt car nm nIllclnls here poihrcdlo Kcnnudys remark nl press conference July that than ls nu evidence mm In summl Inqlputcigr needed AlrsnpllS amoral dont ha Khrushchev Mumll want Ammmlmmnm Slnle dcpnrlmem nmclals du nlcd mat nny lhnugm being given lo 11 BI Three meeting n1 Kennedy Khrushchev and Prime Mlnlsxcr Macmillan MENTIONEQ HY IMILSHAM Thu posslhlllly was man lloncd by Lord Hullshnm Brit lsh ncgounlnr at the test bun treaty In Moscow Kinncdys reply ex med lo cxprm slmllur loollng without ntlompllng Io break new argund ranking sources mld expressed his salislucllon with the awash mcnt Kn ban all nuclear luau except underground but dld not alter my uggcslluns on lurlher step to case instWest len slons THE MOVIE SCENE lane Ruséell Picks Up $15000 Cheque Per Week dont mniider hlx work Th hAlL All three 01 us sing or Inn when we no In each olhera houses Now waru eh In pald for It Occasionally she works or iun Shu Ind Iwu chm friends Connie llnlne and Londonborn Beryl Davis have iarmcd nightclub act which open Aug al lhe Rivicra Hotel In Ln V911 Jane was the most celebrated chcemak speclmen the business at time when Marilyn Monroe was unknown and Jayne Mnnstllld we ridan bicycle towschool The year have been kind In Janes lure anything she prelller and sexierlook now hgn when slarled sum TODAY Among other mum he aug mled tension could be cum by nonagmulnn pncl he lwecn the North Allnnllc Trcnly Orlanlzatlon and the Cnmmu nlsl Warsaw Pact coumrles nut US omclnl messed that Rusk has rm mandate mnegm tlnle or lhu amen and Rusk Mme has declared wo are not Kahlua enlist the 1mm est nlhcr nation wllhout tho gamqpauou or lime ulher nu Whllu lnlho Russlnn cnpllnl Rusk Inland lo conunuo he ex ploratory talk Hnrrlman hem on proposals Ihnl Khrushchev made In Kremlin speech July Rusk In scheduled lo icnvu Sulnrday for Moscpw uiun lilo US Soviet and British pan till lest bun treaty and to check fn limlwny iho Kremlin wind nu mimmll meetingat least not right no use SnuASIEVENsMoREEEï¬Aï¬ Wimnmmiillmqï¬ï¬liis IMl AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT The story of the lwn young man who let lnnlsnls shore to swm to Fox Island awry loolhnrdyvenlure The people on shore who saw Hum lenva dld no bellcve they would an as lar they did They watched them gradually dlup pur from vlew then wllh him lhoy followed their pm Judge mm Mr Slewan Bell of Bnrrlu who turned the mvlccs rendered by Innlsflls REV 11 the Ice Car nlvnl lust winter and Mr and Mn Blll Glbblns Slroud The cheques nr the nwrds wlll be sent by he lqwnshlp hmsurvrt We have already mentioned In dcpadmcnta entry lhc Mlller Ire lmck dolled up as new equlpmcn for Bell Ew arl 0m at tho mos oulxlnnd nu was he old slug much from Toronto drawn by he of black ownad by Hughes Kramer in VSlrSGd SAT IN TREE other iinila which received ten dolinr award agreed an to mmpensnto lor h=ir expenses were Cookslewn Agricullurnl So ciety St Pauls Orchesira Si Pnula MIN St Pauls Girl Guides iioopcrn ponies and cam Eddie Webb pony and can Rue Cook for an aid cnr Clnwn mentioned were Selby Bowman Cluyinn Ayres Wayne Aym George Mulholiand Glen Smilh Jim Henry and Archio Buyehnif with gent Pnzns tar decorated bicycle wen award ed in Jenn and him Ayersl and Shnrnn Wuison There were several commercial ilonis mm which wcrgnok given us II 415 The olflcinl report an he Fleld Dn pnrnda has ï¬nally been ma Thls show that Knock Communll wnn Ihe Hrs prlzn $25 Fl lh Line Home and Schw camn second wln nlnz $15 and Slrnud Womens lnslllulu placed lhlrd pun2 EXAMINER TUESDAY JUL 17 EHJKSFIL NOTES Pmmounl hum 91ml Report On Paradé Knock Wins Prizé MATINEE DAILY AT PM qun 720 and 915 pm Please do no Iavu Ma middle of his picfml II IIFI Miraï¬ea wor er ems untll nluln they were lost to vlew ll wne untlelpeted they Would be eomlng buck and the wnleh we kept In hopes they would up ear 715 pm It was lell at sulllelenl Ilme had elapsed and lhey should he Show In up so the Illirm we eprend end lnnlslll pellee ulerled lln ally when no algn al them could be lound wllhln easy dlstanee ol the shore lhe service of Len Smlth wllh hle boat were reerulled He Is ymemher ol lhe power squadron end one at the volunteer heel owners who have agreed to be on cell when needed or search and rescue work Accumrunled by two mem here ol the ewruhlp pallce hle hanl hendedlor Fox Island boutz mlles away By this time darkness had fallen and lrom lhe rocky shore It was dllllcult lo see Two heat whleh were lylnz near the Island were ask ed to nsslst ln mnklng the search usan search lllhls but they ellher dld not underplead or dlrl not cure to pnrllelpale Flnully lhu seerehllxht tram the Smllh bonl plcked up the two men allllng up In tree prehehly hellevlng they would he more we seen there Chllled lo the bone wllh only bnlhlnn null and no way to star llm they were very zrnlelul and humme lo be lnken aboard and placed on llm shore ol Inn lsllll menllonod yeslerday lhn name ol the two men were Gerald LnPrnlrlo 20 and Mnlb haw Chrlstlnnson 13 both ol Toronto Constables Chalmers nnd Brldge handled the police end olv the rescue glen at sum ll L15 SHANTY BAY TONIGHT and wm bimmum mmmmm Paliéélurave been informed by DRIVEIN llllhwl undul VMIMII 1118 umma AMI mm Imowcm um nun BIG HITS mum Illllll mum mu CAN rnnce Ed nr Senalcr Belgium who auppllnd the uranium hr the first US alomlc bomb ï¬xperh menu dlcd Sulurdny of heart attack Sanglur was presldenl Union Mlnlem du Haul Ka kmga an Industrial and mm hm concern In lhe Eclzlan Conan when the Secund World War broke nut Mlvnlllnfnntflmmmn omu tunnnl under nu Infrontnlthun mu mynmn Inn mum un 1M mun all mm mm mm 5er mm rl unu dlwdcru mutju Mm lllc cnmplnlnlslmye cu mu nclnhbounmuve put up th slgcpless nigh nnd listened lo lunzunge that mluhl be classed ubscunu Chm Drown snyl hal unless lhelr men are null llcd In time In Ind the parllca in progress they have no uvl enu Thu Iocni bingo me again In upcrniian iollnwing an under slunding renehm bulwccn lhn various associations ami lhe palm uupnrtmcnl it has been mood that slulcmenl oi lilo taking and dlsirihuiinn ui ihn iunds showing ihe ehnrilnblo rurpuscs which were ihu recip ans oi the donniions will be submiiicn hi the and oi the year This does not include ihu mhk in payments on commun ily bull in pmviding equipment which mlth be called capital expense Chici Brawn slnied MILCONDITIONED NMEX DU 10 LENGTH FEATURE AT 011 Ind Mn Prim nIII Ennumml Adull Hludtnu I1 WEI mus mum momumunonom IHE GREAT WI DOLDIIMAHIVINOI minimmum NOW SHOWING Chlldun 3k