NIAGARA FALLS Onl CP Almost 100 tourists singing songs to avoid panic were slranded In lhc darkened lun nels hchind Ihu Inca he Hnrsnshoc Falls or nearly hours Monday afternoon newer uilure sinned lwn clevalurs which had carried hem dawn 133 not In observa Hun plaza at the curtain ml the 176onl cataract The laurisls were in constant cnnlnck with olllciais by mean telephone in lhc lunnnl The hallum at the olevalor shaft is 650 eel behind Ihc curtain It falls Ollician said lhc power ail ure wns caused by lighlnlng striking use of l4000w0 Anglicans around the world hogan rcgisming at Huron College Monday or we weeks of mcclings prior Io lhc Angllcnn cungrcss in Toronto Aug 1223 LONDON OnL CP The ï¬rst more Ihrm 100 leaders The six mcclinns am of mm lap pnlicy stssinn he churchs hierarchyarc closed la the public They are nol ml he dual congress scheduled or Tnmnlo Undersecretary at State Averell Hnrrtman talks In re porters tn Washtngtun yester day alter discussing the nu clear test ban treaty or three CAPSULE NEWS TORONTO CF An In lnrim rcccnrr uppnlnllll In the hankrunluy Tnmnlos Picca dilly Club sakl Monday he is lrylnn In get public mimic rc slnrul ln Hm prcmlsu sn xrmln club lmplrlycu nml Imembcu can mnlinue optral BIL Murray Hahn nppoinlcd In lrrim Illmwr Ind wrk nllrr rluh dhcclnr Gcmld Polar lilrd lnr bankruptcy Mild he ltlrnlumc nnd mnurnl RM have htcn cut nflm lhc club and he hwlru mmpnny hm lhrcMrmd Ilmflnr nclinn Meet Secretly PUEIIIA erlcn lAlIlo In Mnmlny lurd 55 vmrkm who hm mm luld Irixumrl In trxlllc my hy Kunmrn Thu UNICEF Hpl lnln lhu no lnry munn hy Hm gunmcn nml workru pmuucr In An rflml In one lhrm In mild Iminnl US Ilutilnll rnlhvl month Innl our ulnl Mnmlny uny ln lhnl only 11 um humd Ihlc vrnxxunlun run umrul Plo mlrr Fiflrl mllu mm llu Mr lhlmul Mum No Phone Gas Thty mm they mr mmlmrvl lull Culwm wmuul mlm ul Ilth lhry Ilml mrl hullvhluul who urnHIV umrunl Alluuulrnl wllh lhr uhun Irninw NZHHIT Lrhnnnu mm llhynllx lmrr HI Imrnl Ill punII lmmu MYMIIN Mllmlr Halvqu Munday Hwy Ilml lnwn urn 1mm Mllll Mmlml Um llnllnl Arnh llryuhllr Alr anm llxlvlln Irmuul In Yrmrnl 1h wnv Th lnyllith uhl 1hr llymhlu nlmlnnru mp ylml dvmn In mullmosi and MINml Yum Ian ml to ILA mhllm wry kllln In all mullrry dud hm we nu Mhrr Illlulu THIZNIIIN Ill SN7 mlulnl mm mm mm MI Inmonuï¬nl lhlr rrunp Md uh 1m Mandny In 1th Union Demands Castro Strong Bombers Shot Three Rescued ANAw 74 Krmuipl 100 Trappéd Behind Falls HABRIMAN DISCUSSES TEST BAN TREATY drilling bunt hum reported An Albatross alman lrnm Trenlan Search and Rescue uni spoiled the missing 15400 boat bearing William Simpson 34 his brother Lloyd 40 and lha third person It was miles southwest Port Hope 30 mllus cast of Oshawa and wnsmboul two miles lmm shore OTTAWA ¢CP Immlgra lion Minlslcr anrcau an nounced in the Cummuns Mam dny lhnl tourists from haly Greece Snnln Portugal and Turkey wil soon be pcrmllled lo may in Canada or lhrce munth wihnul nhlaining VI He said lhc regulation will lnkc clfecl Sept 15 slmllnr rcgulnlinn already applies ms cuunlrics Western Eur 0pc 5m nil companies nnnnunctd an increase Mnnday ourtenths cent in he whnlcsnlc prica In Canada of gallon of miso linn other compnnlcx were pnncd lo be undying he 51lth Ilnn hours wilh three congressional commillecs Sen Ful bright DArk is bcsldl Har riman Hnrriman quolnd So vlek Premier Nikita KhmshA ilors visa The oil cumpflnlc Mamet lhu ling of An cxlmpHun from sales lax on wholesale nnsullnu annnumd in lhc huducl by nanco Minislcr Gurdun HAMILTON lCll young Hamilmn couple ndrill In their mumks mhln cruiser nn Lake nnlnrln ur 2n hnurl wrm ru cqu Mnnduy by llnmlllun Hurlmr Pnlirc lnunrh Ted Wilkinson um will Julie wlm have lmrn mnrrltd at In wcrkx nullmd no rHrcls mm lhclr long wail nu Hm mlnswcp lake 3Month Stay TORONTO CID Flllylour Dnlmlu mivlrnl lmvrlllnz In In mm Simple YUKOJLIHH Itlfll of he wrlktmll furl qunlu mum nn nllll undr Hlnlfll lnr Ilu nllmllnn led um mid Mnmlny nluhl mum wuwrf lmlinnal rxrcnlm mrclnxy um nll llul mm llww me hum Mum nihhm Tlrmnm Gasoline Up THAIL ll lll Iï¬ybnr nhl lmy on llw um hum Nrw Ilmrn Ilrlnml Sdllml nun IIrrc ucmwl uim lmum Sunday when hr lrushrll Ilnlrn nlr rm Inlu mmmlnlnnhlr nrar ï¬zlmn luv mm hrlr mm AI4IIw1i mm mm urn lull um Amin hrmlrll mlnulu Inlrr MUMle MI lnmlrr Klumhchrr may Imlh 75 mm Srurlnry um um nnll Ilvilhh Fuldgn Sammy HIP linll nl Ilnmu tn lllkl III hll mm vacnllnn Iml um wrrk tllplmnllllt murm It wlrxl Mnndnr TORONTO HI try Imlml woman wlm nvhlwd hunk nl I140 tail Friday MI loan had In Irlmpnlly mm In M1 An onvllnlwuumlllnlnfl 175 Couple Safe 54 Unaccounled An onvrlnw umlllnlnfl 175 mu Irulm Mmuln an Inn Hnynl Hunk nl nnl hmnrh wl unlo Iaylnl In 1h 11 payment on um um TORONTO CP Four mn Steal Plane Red Invitation Rolums $75 RCAF ofï¬cials MIAMI Fla AP Deady chlorine gas Iumcs blllowing ram ruplured line at Norlh Mlaml cleanser company over came 28 persons Monday Asnveral black area was rtde while ï¬remen rescue units and pollen worked lo we cum rcsldcnls seal the link aqd dlspersc lhejurggs vcs ne gas was being pumped mm rail way lank car Into the cleanser piant when plastic lin rup lured Sc Badcn president ol lhe CMpcrnch Union 0n lnrlo said here Monday that surplus skim milk is gning dawn the drain in Ontario Dairies somcilmes Ind they are gelling too much milk or healing and to farmers to ship ll elsewhere Mr Schmidt loid an Ontario guvemmem inquiry into the milk industry chcv as voicing bllel ll will be long lung llmc before Red Chlna develop nu clear capabilily or any lm porluncc AP ercphuln 28 Are Overcome By Chlorine Fumes farmer may ship in crcnmcry or cancenlralcdmilk plani ii dairies cannot lake ll or homing nnd Ihis plant may put skim milk dawn lhc drain ii its facilities are 0Erinadcd he explained aiicr lhc commib lugnhearipg Waste most likely in sum met when Iuid milk plnduC on Is high and In December Ii Farmers Ship To Creamery Skim Milk May Go Down Drain TORONTO Cl nidinn In nnmblnv you can loan all Iha way back and mlnl rhuso mlminn mu canvml Inilnmly Inln law mm couch ll voum dyiviuq you can mljun Ihu ml lo lhn boil pmillon lot you ll docsnl mallul youlu col loo van unicomloll Im sw mm dollmn you can havn lonmpnddud Adluslnblo hundmm Inslnllcd your mnbluk Nax only do my give you added mppon lhuylu saluty toaluvo you wunl no on any ollm cm 41 POE1200 bgnn2 IXIl IOVCF Wï¬mvbodv wk haul tomovl but nobody dons ni much about Rambler Fm whul ll wallh our handloom Illn l7 Gowan 51 PA wag Rambler Seats comfortable enough to put you to sleep or make you enioy staying awake 1m 39mm mma TUESDAY JULYIB OTTAWA CF lndlcallon are mounting that he govern men Intends to tread warlly on tha question Canadian mem bershlp 1n the Organizatlon at American Staten Same respons annual pre dch that It wlll be two year be for Canadn enters the organ lzallon pthers are wllling to ha ha it wlll be considerably longer Observers see possible par alch belween he siluallnn ac ing Ihc new Liberal xovcm men and um which developqd under the ormer ngrcssive Conscrvallye invernnzbnt cy cw cc rcccnt events inLatin America as quil spiring to make it difï¬cult far Canadian xuvemmcnt tocame out with delinite policy in 34 vor oi 0A5 membership evgn thuugh Prime Minister Pearson and External Aiiairs Minister Martin both are sympathetic lo the idem mihesemvnnls Include Enli vlaa wilhdrawél rum the or GENEVA PARK Ont CPi French speaking Canadians have some obligations under stand lhclr English ipaaking campairinis as wail cured ing lo he understood Canadian historian Frank Undarhiil said Monday night flu conierence at the Canadian Institute on Public Ailairs In speech generally critical or suggestion or changes 1n the Conlcdcration pact Prnt Underhill commented We have so much In cum mon hat it dangerous na to be frank with one anolhcr But all the talking is about he lhings lhalvscparutc and passes nver he things Illa unile Oilicials Predict Two Years Before Canada Goes Into OAS Prof Charles Taylor assist ant prolessar In palllical science when consumer apparently drink lass mllk lllrl Schmidt said One day six yuan ago the Toronto Milk Producers Cooz eralivc throw way about no per can of skim mllk un hand be cause uuppllcs built up on hol idny wackend and would nol keep In hricl he commission Mr Schmidt suggested that the Unllcd Dairy and Poullry Co opuratlve Toronto be named selling agency or new board an up to market all mllk in Onlnrio Milk now Is pnld lor through lhrce separate board nccording lo its end useor hauling chceso or or mnnulnc lure into Ice cream 5klmmil or other pngducls VA aurih board handles sales cream or butler mnnulaclurc TWO Groups Must Understand VIAU MOTORS llMITED ganlnllon nver boundary waters mm with Chlleand Gualamalax rupluu of dlpkr mane relations th Britain CLAIMS TERRITORY Guatemala brnka relations im cause Britains decision in gram iniemni sellzovemment in British Honduras in which Guatemain has iaid cilimu are srong suspicion here that Guaicmaia intends in use in position as an OAS mem ber i0 lry lo iorce cnncession mm Britain in the territorial Manicn Thus ha been lryln to get the right veto aver newmem her applicallons Presumably am a1 would use his power to block British Honduras it ever snughl admisalan as an Inde pendent country But Guatemala ls understood lohave made veled threats to veto Jamaica also on grounds hat its illch rendem rum Britain spur nua McGHI and associate profes sor ol phllnsophy University Montreal dlsnlreed with Mr Underhills VIEW he Quebec spokesmen exp narrower idcjs of Canaglinn nationality is mlsun ers on he snl It didnt mean lwo states in the usual political sense but ae ceptance oi the principle oi lwo iinguisllc communities should be allowed and helped in develap their respective culture in Ihe lullcsl extent WOULD LET THEM GO DL Russell Taylor Toronto phsiclun doclared am not prepared In go In war wlh my Frend1 Cnnndinn partner would ask what his problem and try In come In lcrrns bul he still wished In dissolve the partnershlp wnuld wIEh phrrGpd cd Prof Undcrhul sald scpara llon would he lrnztdy for bulk partners Secession would break up an sort its NEW YORK lAP Gcn ml Motors Corp shattered elghl soles and proï¬t record In second quarter that cleared al0009130 II said Monday In perhaps he most dnzzllng re pqu jg R3 syyyar hlsmry mil lhrce man lusl your GM mnde more mane 97000000bul 571461705 was special Income Krncralcd hy disposal of its Interest in Ethyl Corr Wihoul this non rccunlnz lom prom then was H000m0 lhc crest of an unpre ccdcnlcd nuln boom GM hung up ncw marks In our quarlefly and our hullyear categories General Motors Hits Highest Peak 1th cxéresï¬loq 11 Bradford Sh PA 4177l mom and Inaloom II nnunl or hollnv Ihnn oUw sInntlnul IUOCMI Ilul Hanny nlmgivnn you wnllcushloncd chairhan wall In In car llml lidnl glondy tide iruoplh Unuwn ls Ihu won 1m Ihu numbuv Ipuclal lemmas you go In tumbler moms quilu nn lmpmsnlvn list In Include nw mic gunwnluml nmlllm lmumv nml coulanl llm bosl Imlnvoollnu nnd oxcnmlnnul mileage You nlm havn In good numlmnm models In chausn lvom Tnku yum plck ol convmlihln hnuilop mm or wnuun 500 mm nII nl your noan Hnmbluv dqalar Iva lost tail on one cl om Inclminn wall soon number In Colambknn Simmons And Cu mtg Sllms Pusan Seed Comp3y Endlle lml cm wmiexsnaés 795 Gllt Cerflllula nrnu0 IX 41 IDsJSCP ZIBUHOOJ Pled Piper Show Tin Dull Citrile Flemlngl nl amt $1500 0mm Alllndnle Lumber Co 74 mm Monnah Relrlnnunn $1000 om Voucher Clukn Home anlmnu Chm Lounge Domlnlon Tlre ery All Cool Smllh Ind Rutler Furniture 00 Marthnmflu Voucher Vllkul ol Burl Kenwaud Ikll Slnnxmln Ladlea Wen ï¬wrhlrrchmdj VVourher BlRlle Dmi Slar Flush Camer Slmcoe Dhlflct Coop Hair Dryer Allnndnle mints Been Ilre Ltd glread llrel Glovlnnl Ind Pml 31500 Zellcrl Chllsclh Lanna Bllslunu Tlrc Burl Fumltnre 000 Mllrllldlll Ceflmutl Slcdmn Slortl Eltclrlc llllr Curler Sel Eplcfll Elcclrlc run LT Clnldltn Tlrt Corp Flve Tote Hill Bun Lumbu Ill PRIZE WINNERS Merchlnl Vlnk Mn OHln MnM TMIIMBII Nlncy Swlck Fnncls Lllhl Mmlyn Menm Mm Buuslelr Mn McClure Minn Witnch Mn Lloyd mum Mellenhelmer Mn um cmiuu Mn ertln Mn Rldlonl Jnhn Chalmer Ken Luck mm will be nude Anx us the aunt Mlu Colten WKluu llllllnll Mn Noun IAIII Mn Mrl IL Reynold Shlrley Wmch lnnk Wood Mn thn Mrs lJrnl hula Ptlen We Wincheller Smllh Jne Luluall STAYNER HOLLANDS GARAGE RJQ No Allllll 40 Onkley Plrk Sq iiacéxu 54 mm 11 Eutenll st oudnnmn dimp horden 1a Sm Am 1mm Mir 51 mm No Blrrla Nu unwell 135 Blyfleld Shlnly Ely 112 Ellis Slreel BIrfla Bmle Tahiti lnnlsfll BL Blrrle Ennnh 5L Burl ery Sim ï¬rml Cudrlnnon st Innis Dunlap SI Eml Crecmnro 124 III fld Burl RM Hum Bull Dunlap SI Wu Dunlap Slmnd RJL Blrrle Adam