Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1963, p. 6

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FRAME CIMWB ku BRICK Standard Bullders Blueprints or Ath design No 139 cost $15 for the first set and $5 or addition Ll seLL They are available In Canada by return mall 0n hrla residents mun remll per cent Isles lax 289 Sq Ft Beauty and eiilcl one are combined in this at tnctlvu ham to mako it one oi our most popular designs The floor plan include spaciqu living room with fireplace large builtin bookshelves and nice dining room with em to tha vemdm Of particular interest to lwusowtio is the large combined kltcbtn with snack bar Indconvenient access to all mu at tho house Construction shown is brick veneer with wood Intent but blueprint ln cindo complete constructional do ninja building Illlhrick LINDSAY OnL mar counsels vnunz rlghLI ha clpnl mm Spooner to cla unendment to Act llonrd collagen in nearby Vemlnm Townshl And president of he Federalnn ni Ontario Collagen Auctlnlions said in letter to Mr Spooner some township council clerk leaving the names hus bund or wives oi coltnxm oil valen lists snld an amendment to tha Assessment Act his your pro vide that ropeny ownerl hushnnd or win need not be shown on tho assessment rolls unless he or she lives wllhln Ilvo mile the munlcl nllly The 9mcnqu1twns Iurcy lo cllm 171m Vworkriorrihe assessor And not to lnlcrlm with voting qual Hlullans Mr Hunm wmle Yet It has been lmcrprclcd by tom mrnl lowmhlp council mummy the name should not be put on lho volm 1m there by disquulllylnl 1h person he Idded Ha naked lho dcparlmml lnnlrucl munlcl nlmu that nth person an cnl Had In vole Mn hounh lhclr name on amumcnl mlll Cottagers Want Assessment Clear PA um an Dunlap HdMJm 31 Ft Farsi IIARD 70 657A MAN rasr AMER 70 NAMID If WAS T0 GEMM 70 60 HOME 8170 EXAMINEB HOME OPS THE WEEK 89 1020 GARAGE l02l LUEPQINTS ALSO minim 7nL 1GP concerned have asked Minister clarify ha Assn marque Ron In use GU ENS TEL llnulhl VISH Isked Muni recenk Assessment Sum about DETROIT AP US auto maken who have been selling production and me new with regularity repeled lod ghou output 19f mode Vehicle No1130001 ml ou aa3spmbLV llna qur heir out ut 1m rmdel ca ed in alllime 1963 Car Output Is At Record High Put new sparkle In your kitchen remodel now wIlh our new Ideas and materInlsl See our model Idlchen In our show room sce or yoursel how easy It to IIvo In luxury In new kllchen designed Ind buIII by Bertram Brothers LId uomxncn LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Well Do Job Youll Be Proud To Show Your Friends ComphqiStock of CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS WEll 100K AFTER FINANCING T00 0d brenkhu lhA all limo mod lush at 1130000 wlth moms can observm agreed the Indu would tum out In additional £10000 can More Ill Ixsemhly 1an operatlonl In lulled by mldAuzust for tho chmzeover 01984 Thu would act the find 196 model run 7340000 Wu knlfionlbla Io ell lust whlch auto muan plant mouths counuy turnad out the historymixing vehicle um Ulmou Qunluy Imm lhll your Bulldlr um Bertram Bron Produm 429 BLAKE ST 31mm 60254 BEBTBHM BROTHERS 1TB W99 pm chmyjr enclos ed porch with mm which has cistern cellu wny In It In mm room out Whnt coukl use on the men to llkl cm or the nu be lorq coverltwhh wwd floor um In donw wlth the PAINT PEEL UESTlON the metIl et duet In corner of my dln room When It we out In we covered with ubulos painted over the duct to match the dlnluz loom wells It looked ulee It flmbutlmm theheet the point Is peellnx oll Ind chlp plug loose there enythlug could put on thls duct no the Ilnl will adhere and wlthxtInd he heat ANSWER Its not cleIr whe ther you removed lhe osheslol coellnl and painted the metal ILsell or pulnted over the other tose In any we pelnt should he Ipplled to cold surlaee when the heat turned om whleh remelns cold untll the point has thoroughly drled And the our lIee should be shsolutely elem end lree ol Ill trace ol mIse root grime etc before prly In the olnt Remove Ill me Ind peel nu pelnt wlth Ina steel wool and turpentlne For best results use redlItor enImel medully made to wllhsuno heat SUN DECK FLOORING QUESTION We Ire bulldan curport alongside our house Ind went to use In root as sun deck What do you recom mend uslnz to cover the noon ANSWER Heavy mllnz eon vu glves excellent servlce for thls pu se lt ls Ivnlllhle at dealers roofing mfilles al low nunulseturers stellstlm lnetructlom eerelully BLACK SLATE FOYER QUESTION How em clean the black llele ln my to en Should seelln compolm he Ipplledl ANSWER con quld Asphalt do proofing on the cemen Allie It bllHdlnl Then put dawn la ero vy asphaltrecur ted elt 0v Ipplnl the eheelx about their width and mun the seams with ll up Over this the wood mrun put down An ex cellent fuel glvlnl complete detllled lnlonnallnn an proper mall on wood floor in vnlllbgon request from the Ne tionnl flak F199 turerl Me Ten entitled Oak 3331133 an snack 3163 F1 or Your Home ANSWER Clean the mm by Icrubblnx wllh hot mlnuon of Msodlum nhnsphnle followed 11y ample flnllnl with cm water to remove Ill trace at the clean FIRST AID XOR THEHOME BIKER Inlsh 111th recommended Ehlehn 121 £531 m1 ukulele mu no erflnkh for concrete made by nation11y inan wax mann mtunr Thin arm to good Inn Than Ipplv III can of either poushlnu or lefl llh In Viml Only dump Miran pnz pmmry ver x03 wlahlng wllh mlld dam nu 0an01 Ind rinslng to To move all km datergem BLACK 5P0 QUESTION We hld painted baulroom walls that developed dark epoLr thouzht they were lrom moisture colieetlnl on the ceiling eodthe deterioration ot the polnt We had modern bathroom installed with tile on the bottom hall ol the well Ind moietureplool washable pep er on the upper hell ol the well and ceillnx Within few monthl the block rpote reappeared mm log with the name on the eelllnl and now rpreadinl The spa look llke mold and can he warh ed oil but reappear quickly have lound no one who he heard at this helm can you nuert remedy ANSWER Your conjecture bout moisture on the cellan he inx the ceuee war correct suspect your bathroom lacita proper ventilation and elr clr culation to et rid ot the unu ally humid ethroom elr The mold aporee on the wall and ceiling were apparently not kill ed belore apply In the new cov ering lry rcnrbbinz all rurleo er with household chlorine bleach roiutlon eilowinl thir to remain at least lour or live min utee to kill mold aporee than rinsing oil with clear water In etalllnz an exhouet len vcnted to the outdoorr will help get rid of the etceerlve moiature in the bethroom and help prevent the formation at mold Keep the room wellventilated as pox llble on clear dry daya Test the bleach on ameilpobacure ore ol the eper to moire sure it doesnt eter the calm APPLYING GLAZING QUESTION Must replace me In metal window rams 910m pillan on he gluing compound Is any treatment or he meld uncanny ANSWER Yel helm pulling on the zlulnl compound apply rlmer In lhu metal frame Th will prevent making he lazing compound 0M our reader has laken In time and trouqu to wrln of her melhod or keaplng km lv pine mm tumlnz dark Our porch has hnd knotty pine on or our yam and all nice and light Mx one quart lumen une and MIMI cup good qual lly whlla house pnlnl Ennh on Ibout three bond at time then wipe of with wants or nlJ nu prepared our board be Awnlnu human BNIMWI Cedu Clmll Cement Wnrk mva or nu mmWa mm mm FREE Estimates 0N HOME MODERNIZATION Le Dali Modernizing hmdic the min Job mm mm in iinbii im ulimliu akiiied workmm quniiiy maltr lllv mull Deniinn linlncinl zurmmd work Ill included In one Mr prim mpny ro Ipom biiily Vim our Building Maierinl Show Room lABOR MATERIAL PLANNING DESIGNING FINANCING Ill IrIdMI AlLINONE CONIRACT All WORK GUARANTEED UP TO TEN YEARS TO PAY let Ball Modernizing Handle The Complete Job fm ylnl than Eula kg veh much Mrl or um hg hi with uni CRACK BETWEEN PANEL QUESTION Wu remodaled our kitchen Including with panel onlhe wall 1mm of punllnamnuen the panel ext pnnd they mm to force out an crackHUM prepmien Ina Vin complmmm crackl km and then In any douymnIel correction poulbln ANSWER Orlzlnal dllllcnlly was InstIlla tho panel are Iccllmallxlnz In the 11mm 10 levunl dayxl nu nunlug walllpnnels regardlul al mul erlul even Muonlm II who pmmflm The ldu It in let much the Itmclphen pene trate and thus mlnlmln upm Ilun or contucllon later on lens the me expansion would Ippmxlmnta rent of the hon mu ml est clmoullno of the in nu now would be mm wllh batten whlch em be painted to mulch Imoth Iuflm desired dont know my my to mon cut removing puul Ihlvlnu onealxleenlh of In lnch all Im llnl ed to Allow man llon and xepladnl SHRINKINO DOOR PANEL QUESHON Inslde my houlu am oxperlenclnz mum door punch whch neu no ulr outlets In lame places panel ha slmmk away from the upright lnto whlch lt flu by In much as threenlxleenths An Inch maker the slut bl look Ilka the evil Ive you any muestlonfl ANSWER nose any possible crack where moisture can pens lrnie using nonshllnkinz mack iing compound Follow this with coat or twn of ennmei Do this when the shrinkinl is en est Remember it ll manure in lhu wood which came expan Iion end contraction Therefore every xurlaco must be award with the enamel in order lo mi om moisture This includes all fdxu well as top and bot om STAIN WOODWORK QUESTION What proudqu to taka to removo atlln from win dow and door ram and basa ooardl We hava llved lnlhla old larmlrouaa lor l6 yearn The only room wlth mlned wood work la the llvlnr room Ill other room have nalnted wood work Id llxa to rcmova the Itnlned Job to brlzlllen the room ANSWER Remove my llnlah on the rtalned wood down to bara wood surface rtlhla elec trlc annder eaaest or thin ll tha atalnlng la not deep Into the wood it may he aanded all together wllh tha llnlahl or use vnrnlnh remover or vnmlah natured alcohol or ahellac Then apply prepared wood bleach avallabla at palm and hnrdwnra mm to the wood guinea lollowlnl label lnxtruo Ham cmluliy Comb Dam lam Wlndau Faun Dormer lmnllllonv 0mm SAME EXAMINER IBIDAY JULY It IlaY Thh weekl lesson repeats enln the album eulznmenl or we week but with diner em emphule but week we IIW how 11 entered Into the human nee thin week we see haw new to much npordonl Gad repented crelklon Ann mm and dmmfli mm of mankind The In amt flap thin rule growth wutha murder of Abel mol Mum and Eve hf brother wn How ed the two were exactly we do nor know but seem char my ghey yerglgraym L1 Inem me the literal melnln 01 their names can come mm the Hebrew huh which mean to 140 qulre Gnu Cain the Inme wu Icqumtlon Ahei melnsvunlty This may In dicate the he that vanlly ah most Ilwlyl allow acqulal dons It my Ilm Indiana lubconlclona rophm of tho nun hi enthh Noahs Flood 13 Result Of Sins In respecHo lhelr 011mm may he um Calul lrul ol lhumund wu not merely the produce of he gmmd whlch he tilled but an It conslsted fnllt whlch had Ilready tailen on the trees Ind Vine and lay on he minddearly not the best produce mm It would It least be bmlnd Abel on the other hand brought um um llngs flock homade rlljco with hls prpducg In any event It clear from Hebrew 114 am the true erence Mtweeu the oflerlnu Iny lntho Qgrlgln 31w they Iny In tho In which they gerp ly fit with the mug desire to returna portion Godl Immune am My us and mm with meru rimlull Notice the God new Celne Inger Ind lousy Alter Ml ncrlflce he lulled to please God Ind um He werned Ind encouraged Cain molt kindly telling him Wu sslble to redeem mull nn wnmlng him to and mine hls eel Inzs envy Here will the 48 ANNE 5T Scripturedunk in 31 EPEBB JONES hru Door Hardwood noon Kllchenl Plnlllnl Perth ran Room Everything wlii turn out just right in your new modern kitchen with its ensytorcnch cab blot and cinninIJiiiy counter tops not to apeak of tho eyelevel oven Youii sing pnim at tho remodelling expert and iinu mntcrinil it tho BALL PLANING iiiiLL CO LTD Phonn or free how consuliniion SCENIC BOAT TOURS or KBMPENFELI an TOURS DAILY 730 Govt Dock Bufleld PhoM PA 418 Im am AnnNa For Chute DELANEY BOAT LINES Easy Monthly Payments Arranged MODERNIZING SERVICES PA 82496 plycholozlsu term IlbIIng vllryI Keeling they consider Ilmoxk unlveml human Ink in earliest laxm In lb wqud 11 two Ikblhlu com to the mend direct museum mum by God In the Bible No um um while Adnm Ind Ev hnd been nvulve they It lent hid the virtue ol humlllky In hair mn sin has burdened hIk m1lly Inky windy Seth VII godly mun who bent godly llne demndlnu in tho midst at the worldl lnmul Ilnfulneu Ninth In this line descent lrom Itde was Nolh lwhom God saved durlnx the de lo After the flood Noun told Adam wal In Nplenlsh ha emh Fram hl Ion Shem come he Sunch peoplu horn this Una came Abraham GOLDEN TEXT Whoa IIIll luv the Lord my God wlth all thy hum and III 9h loql and LONDON Reularll The local Hnlbarn borough council has zlven mu dlmtm 01 um Landon gallery whlch ltazln nxlenpnlh Dr Stephen Wardl portrall exhlblllnn 43hour no tlce to clue gallery mallet may suldchnesdn¥nl The spokesman laid the dil tric lurveyor ior Hoihom laid him the notice was being mud hecnun of irregularities in lilo London buiiding leis fie Idded that fie Museum Street Gallery wu leaking legal advice Ward Exhibit Gets Notice To Close imi nil in min ma mu lave thy Illfllbol II thynllMlllhew 2mm Room Adamo flullnl 11 Floor Wu bzum sum SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Special an In 1m mum mu PA um BODY WORK BARR

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