Soviet and Britlxh la Hugs bq mullmTEvsa Mr Iml am unln he mu lullulnn wmlln wllh lhll pm Im Mmellmu Hwy Mk new on lha loud lo Mm llII Unllrvl Slain lhll nln Ind ho Snvlnl Unlnn MMlfld lh undnrmmllnx er nzullnluu pHnI up mann lam nl MINI III Unlml NI llnnl hmhumm Am In Um an Wuhnuluu hmdun ml Mncnw fly 10M 0TIILTHEE modltd lren Mull Will TM urmnml rmlml In Nmow mm or mullnl nurlm lnl bun mm all dlplomnllc tunulwnr IMHrIl nl mnxl Ilnu lhu Alnmlc In Im an Irlme Mlnlxlor Mncmlllnn who hrlpcd nrlxlnulo lhu luc cmlul nrgullnllona ulnnd Ina ovnllnn hum ll pnrllcl In Ihc Hoqu Common Thur my nlxhl ha nnnounud mn chulon of ma lrrnly Only lrnnco nml Communlll mlnn flood Ida mm Iho xen ernl mlhuxlnlm llolh prmlnu for lhclr uwn nuclcnr ucnpun Ilrmxlh LONDON CP AP The lhrtcrpowcr ngrecmnnl lo flop polsonlnx the nlmosplmm and Iho It wllh nuclear wnnpon lest wnn welcome nround Um world today nu lmmcnuly henrlrninu Alrp Hm long mm nwnnl dhnrmnmcnl and Intu nnllonnl lnuL US cohzicislénal reucllnn lo thu lineman wns Kcncmlly lnvorablo and he ndmlnlslrn Thu Whlle llouse sald the prcsldcnl was xrnllllcd by lha agreement In whlch he hm wen alsn nllirmcd lhclr de eimlnnuon lo slrlva or com plete lest ban and lmpllcd they wlll glve no nuclear nld la nu llons Um wlll not go along wlll lho pncl The hm tnrclgn mlnlslm Amerlcnn Secralury VSIIII Dean Rusk nrltulns Loni Home and Russlnu Andre Gra mykownl sign he only in Mosmw In lho ncnr tulure mmmunlque Iud The presidmllnl mnssafl Al p11 on radio and lelevlslon be pm of an administra Ilon campulgn to convince crfl Ics the pactending lasting In num Ipnce In the atmosphere Ind under waterwill not on danger US securlly To bmma eflctklve the US vigil andhnrmm 3mm vol the Senate nnd the measure publlc support or the treaty may Ilp ma scale there hc 110qu Commoiu Thun hy nlxhl In nnnounud con hulon ma lrrnly illrlwllnh uvory palllirnl colnr wnlwmcd Ihn nurtcmcnl wnxmly First Real Thaw In The Cold War WASHINGTON AP PresA Idem Kennrdy goes helm the publle might France Red China Dont Cheer About New Test Ban Agreement NIKITA KRUSHCIIEV gest ures as he talks with US Un dersacretnry ol State Av No1 Kennedy To Sell Treaty To US For3xamlner Want Adi Tele phoye PA MN telephone lumber to cell or the Business br Editoflal DekaJEQ H531 Oqfléleplgqnes r3xamlner Want Adi TeIe ope PA mu telephone mber to call or the Business EditoflalBAkaXQ m1 oL llmIlNl flownl and null ll In an necnxnn lor mulc lnl flll dlplomulx um 11m Mumnv umlrnlnmflnu In lhrlr VI rrvrrlenll In mnu han lul EMMVul ncrunl Ilnce ms Orgiw Kern mum lam Cnnnlvliilnl flu prelenl nlnla nl velnllonn belvmn Momw girth lhe pm lmn rould nu in In mld And In Um ml mm Iow nlllrd or xnll Ion rather Hum mme 11w nurrcd lo rm lullng amywhm Marl un Irramund wlvm mm nu In mml llHllwll I1 Inlul IllJymfl Inqmllun urnmml 11m VIIIth wml by lq finadlnck hmmam lo lhn House not my because of mu value which has In lucll but also became this hope which Um ur lhcr roam In lhn Mum Mncm Ilnn Inld Wv mun not be dluppolnlcd we dn not dry evrrylhlng lhnt we would like to do at men hm Inken long time FOR NEW TALKS ought la us An nppor Iunuy punun dhcuulom wl In Hum1M am am mnllm rm Hm hul Hum Drlmln Iniilulflnu then were icon lha neuotiuflom might coliuyse un der Russian demand that thl treaty ho lied in with non ngmuiun at between the North Minn Trcaly Orgnnlzm lion and Ill Communist counter part the Warsaw pact am drrply umlolul that II In mm mnlnrmmounco In Parll Pra ldent do Gnnflea governmen reafï¬rmed lhnl It would not be bound by the agreement In diam In mnka Fruncc an Independent nuclear power nod China striving lo become nuclear power luau an moves mum away mm mm 31 In ha wnrld Communist alignment denounced he agreement in advance and Thursday announced only that had been lulllnlled From Japan ha only country learud by wartime atom bombs the chief Japanese cabinet sec retary Yasuml Kim one said the partial ban could nep pin siono in total elimination oi mm flwmuv aw flan is conï¬dent it can win the Sena gppmvall Lord llama culled the uzrce men the ï¬rs any Iuhs lance which the West has been 5qu to make with the Russians since the Austrian treaty 1935 erell Hmlmnn during the lat ter visit In the Soviet Pram ier the Kremlin Jn Moscow mm lnm tmlul nmmlny rhvn llm lmlml will on Ills duh ml lncnl prudent IL omull lold the Tar onla lmlmr mmmluinn Um mm luml blmlnlmlH II My my Invkwl Mn ilmnn Iml 1an In from Nrw Yulk and lhrrulmed In 11an the local under lnuluo Ihlp unlm boo dochwmhvrl lmllnl wIMul Illllu Ilrlul Tumlay mini my llhlwrll whnn ulncllon hmlnru mt tor Mal 1m ul lhs Imlnn nu born II ulod mu Iwnrn In nuxrulny In lunnllmnl Vltumldrm Tho mn llomnn TORONTO CWNo day llnhllnl lunnoll nnd Internl unlnn urlla on TmoMol wnlor lmnl cmlvd Irxlny am 100 mm In nnu wml back work 0Hclnl Um Inlemm llrml Inmhorrmnu modu lion Chm cnllud mm In lwnrn qnnmllinl nrllmu mo Imlon mudny and ymmlml lug mcn would nlurn wurk MONTREAL Wellnra mnhmuu wm attempting to dimming Thursdny whuhu an Infant Ikl turned over to them Ihe one reparch hnva been kidnapped from It unmar rlqi hur luly It lesflflcd today shun acxunl nurncllon lo Gurhllnu Kmlcr when hey Hm me vs ycnn ago but Um hls feeling turned to om leonIc Mend ship Under crass cxnmlnnllon on the mm day his lrlnl In the 01d Halley court on charm plmplnu and procurlnu lhn yearold oslmpnth anld ll wns dillcrcnl with Mnnd leDn viesha Luu wnnk lo In bod wllh or Klin Krclcr now hnd pro vlnusly lullncd that min um 11 Olliclnls planned to ï¬nve ha Infants Inzcrp checked nuulnsl record ho hospllnl when II was born PEKING Reuters The chalrman of the Communist China Peace Committee told rally here today tho pm enk monopoly nuclear wean on would bu smashed in he nolrumilslanl future 11 um wLnluled by ur Chinese Prepare To Boost Weapons Turmoil To End On Waterfront Try To Find Out Childs Identity Krugï¬chév to his help settling the conflict In Laos Max Han1mm rcnllcd on Tells About Meeting ChriStine Mandy Sfcppcn Wnrd Cl Iron APneultrl How can ll In pmvvd HI he hon IgmA IIVliu lm 1m In mm Ind lwn behind II pc un Ilqclwmkm nuld Hun elvcllon dlnpuu put nl power Illlll flu wllluln lhu InternHana un on Toronto II In 1h uml um dlllrlcl um nnmpmlud murmur clllm Du unlnnl cm mmm In lrylnl lulu mnnol hm ll mlnd thnl he 165 vols width delenlrd Cecll lum ptmud bullnm uenl lnr Ill yum wannl ullllclenlly Adver llwlln be vnlld Filllllnl brake up unlnn mulan luudny nlfhl and Tlmudny llu llldwnl mien refumlrln wmk Imlll Mr llam mm¢mi aim mum JamL lewulln lupporlcn Ilar In cxtcullvu ol nu unlonl Iran min dlllrlc culled lor new alccllon nr bullnul Ilenl Mlu RicoDavies now ulld Iho Ilcpt wllh Waxd among amen Including Dounllu Fair hunks Jr and tho third le count Astor mm Fnlrbnnkl Ind Lord Aalor hnvo denlcd the churns MET IN LONDON CLUB lmucular Mcrvyn Grmllh Janos Inked whnlhu It wu ml lhn Ward pursuan hrlxllno noon unex mman htr In In London club and Ward Uh llwng Mn Yearson announced um poulblu that measure based on the Norris report my be ready or action In lhe Cam man next week bcIora mu Hausa adjourn for lummer mm lonshlp wllh Ward was alwnyl mat of brother and sister Bath Prlma Minister Pearson Ind Lath Mlnlner MncEnchen Inlormed 1119 Common Thur day that 1h zovunment mavlng with All speed lownrd uru mu flu Marine Unions May Clean Up Trouble OTKAWA CF Parlllmenk ma ha asked next wnk to pus legsmlan Smpnslnl temporary government truskeeshly on Ca nadlun marine unions clcln up lnbor lawlessness on the Great Lakes wnlcrlront reli able source indium Thurs day OTTAWA OP blister in attack on um edenl bud getx sales tax wax delivered Thursday in the Common with wealhgr to match lower launchod another assault on the June bndm decision in levy the percant on building materiais and prodnm iinn machinery Plans 3150 were announced to res ahead Monday with iezix aiiori lo pmvida members Parliament wiih nn unspeciï¬ed increase in pay and pension benems Exisling MP salaries 56000 annually piu 32000 in iuiree expenses Senaim an paid $10000 11 inubie in Wldla the clplul wilted in ex trema impelMural the House an overtime Opposition penderVDleIenbaXer and his lol Diefeanker Attacks Budgets Sales Tax YUGOSLAV QUAKE KILLS OVERLOOO HERES ONE Burrlo9nlnrln Canadn Frlday July 26 I963 Mucmlllnn who ludonhln of flu Conumllva my hI been ruched dmllclly In mlu In landLIAM ro 1mm ll nlr wn cheered 111m dny night by Ml awn pm mllu wï¬h nnmumd Inc In bununggmgllnl llmml 1n dumlllc Illa nllhl Ipn yo wu mung nu up 11mm at cm LONDON llwtm lrlmo MInller Mncmlllnnl willlul Mun mnalned oblcun lndIY dupllu Molclnl Ind cannon Inllnnl Ihnweml on hlm Ilel lho Autumn ml bun mnlln llonl In Mmew which ho hslyed qullnle nw In nu Ruler mm am that 1qu would hlvn llkod luv known lancer II Wu ml yunlly ha 1ch col lo wllh 1r No uld Chrllllna Inlmluwl him In Mnndy when Um mm was In And mlmlllcd ha brain GrlfllmJonu wan that Wnrd then In hll mldwa wnl chminz am lo wha hml Just com to Aruba Jun to you could no lo bud wllh hen No Ilr saw wmnlhlnl more pcrmnmnt lhnn til told her wllhln 10 mlnulu of meeting Mr um wu would nl way be lrlcnds Ward donlud lhll What other Poniblu interpruullon mmr nuktd pmmutor Prison aiiicinis mid impris uncd memhen oi tho Armed Forces oi National Liberation FALN inclitd triminnla In Join them in the break was nllrndcd by her and be hunts would have llde haw had Iomo nor relnllon 5th MB her You mcmi sexual relation shipl You flr It wn jun pure bccnuaa you wanlcd Ivqu mlnuon lhlpl They overpower 40 guard and poured out of the prlann sales and hole In wall un der canalrucllon Tmnp rein Inrcemcnu drove back all but 102 Sixteen wars rounded up Ahgrfly menard Scanquyummnfle kg was build In ml Caracas dur lng the nght There were xe ports number of robberies 1mg shoolln BEGAN CHASING MANDY About 200 of lheua terrorists and crlminull Helen Plnntn prison In reslden ml union Caracuopmid pflgd In the hrenkjhursdnya CAEACAS APD Venezue lan troops and police combed Caracas today or 1mm ter rorists and common criminals who tough their way out or crowded prison in gun battle that let at least Iva dead and 51 wounded Macmillan Gels Tributes Praise In other Commons develép menu Thursday Prime Mlnlster Peurson an nounced that pullnment will re uscmble Sept so certain leg lnlnllon Is approved before the anticipated recess some time next week Tuday the Common xEsurne scrutiny of the spending esti mate at the department transpon begun week ago 185i Seek Terrorists After Gun Battle Ward anld evnnwnlly hn lwo girl wont to llvo London ilnannd he Arranged lo pny the m1 Olhbr guards moved In about lnz and autumn prisoners with Kill buus qngl nghl gum The convict gained tempor ary tantra however About 100 women prisoner rnn hysteric ally lhljoughilhognelnre Guard and police finally ra1 Ilcd Thclr Ire plnned down many the escapees In creek bed whlle map In armored can cut all escape routes chhslnx lho new with tho ml 1ch of Rolling her have lmcmurso wllh him mama mm mm Men In nln In mm 4va m7 The FALN known for sabo tage and attacks on Venezuelan and United Slatesownmi instal lnuons and businesses has vawed to overthrow President annlo Betnncoun govern men Elsewhere In Venezuela FALN tenadsl blew up three major highway bridges They told newspaper they planned In assault Dance nation to dl vertvloms hunllnz the prison escappc Authorities said terrorist pris oners ovarpnwcrcd guards at the noon men and opened cell blocks Finally the first 50 divorce bills of the parliamentary aes slnn got second reading or approval In princlple without gypggmpn rgm New Dechn The pmspect loomed that 1115 legislative package may Include measures to 1m lament some Ihe mcommen allons directed news the Seuarm Intern Haul Unlon of Canada 1nd by the Norrln lnqulry into Great Lakes labor discord Party MP5 RED SOX TRADES HATS WITH CARDINAL Jon but during thnn ol hm helm ll lo xmu City mm In an mum durum Thu dA Tanlug reported lhal Skopje haspllnlr were badly damaged The low ward hut rtlll can bo used Ire crammed wllh Injured melle emergency treatment The tom of tho quakn was reported In be In ccnlru of ha Hy Iurroundcd by high bullrb Inga which wcrn almost totally dqflroyul WATER SUPPLY CUT Addlng lo the citys hnrdlhlp he hm lha flue quake cut Skopjal wnm auppllcy Troop Lied lo dllmhulu rnauxh wnter louv9ld uglycr nuflerlnxi Tnnlug ald re on cam clearing lhu Ilrccts mm the rubble house had read mv crnl Injprrxi Yugoslav Prime Minister Pe ter Slnmbollc and ether high government umclull Ien by ak the scene The In shock at 517 mm whlle most of lhe Inhabitants wcgajnleep It wa described it exlremely vIolenL 0h er shock wen ch to 20 mln ulcs lnler Then about Iva haurs Interv rcllol workers In ad lhmuzh the stricken clty two more mlnor quake Mt Tnnjug rcgarlpd The nncient city 250 miles southeast ham sent out emer gency call for blood and res cue equipment spaclal train landed with medical teams lclt Belgrade Immediately and nther he wa on my mood transluxlnn teams were standing by to be flown Into the stricken any capital the rovlnco of Macedonia 100 mm talent from he Adriatic Sea TQVINSECT SCENE Tuning reported all communl callous wllh the city were out extent In radio and hnspltala and tha railway station were bndly gnmagcdi mm ReutersAP BELGRADE catï¬sho phlc earlhquake truck the an cient Macedonian caplul of Skople early loday and ï¬rst re port from menu teams said more than 1000 persons were killed and aevaral thousand were Injured the ofï¬cial Yugor lnv news agency Tanjug rc WIM Tuning said the down earth quake destroyed nearly three quarter the city 200000 and made more than 100000 peopl homelm In couple or second The quake sent hotel lull of Ileeplng guuu crushing Into street toppled high bulldlng and wrecked the oily power any water guppllegf Tinqu Inld Several Thousand Hurt Say Rescue Team Reports nfl No More Thln 7c PerCapyH Plgu 300 Iccplnfl Sunny and very warm today and Saiunlay Low mum as lush tomorrow 89 For lull summary turn page two local Weather CAPE CANAVEIML FX MUA lownrlng de lpnca mm was lnunchud lodny In In won In buns Hm Syncom II mmmunlcnllons anlcllllu Into In nrhl In which would Icem lnlly Aland mu 21100 mllu nbavo tho cqunlnr Thu um refuges to reach Bel grade rum Skop Ancient cap ital Macedon told mu mos loudly bum hulldlng in lhc ally tho Yugumv Army bar racks bclng razed along with other The quaku In soulhnrn Yugo invin followed wcck oi ulmun dniiy tremor which spread lar rnr in Italy across the Adriatic but cnuscd only slight damage Gcoinglc disturbances are com mon in widu belt mulching nuns Italy and thu noulhern nulknns guest In the Macedonl Hotel nem the clly centre dlcd when ll collapsed and whole suburb were levelled nlngojcvlc mm or the Yu goslav Alr Transport Compny luld Radlojclgrnda he wna dressing In his mum at the Hoth Invulld appaslre the rail wny iknllon when he qunh struck saw the rullwny fla tion go down In rum my avg hysnlgl IMVWIIM WM Day umo AP nm bill Wluplwh Inn on hand for nunl WV Syncom II Into Orbit CROSS LOCATES Skopje In aaulhern Yugmlavln when earthquake struck today Tam lug ha Yugoslav new agen cy said mare than 1000 may luv been kllch AP Wire photu Map