Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1963, p. 9

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Those without outboard motors often think days outing for the motorist is just to cruise and bother the swimmers Thanks to the versatility of motors and boats and the common sense of most of them bother ing swimming is not too often the cast Elected To Hall szFame JUST NOTES Old buddy Ed Renle stopped ground town the other day Hes the golf pro at Orch ard Beéch Club Most of the allow know who got fishlng ln frlends boa usually come back all wet sans fish nght olllmmy7 Those who want to water ski can Wan to skin dive An outboard makes good base of operaflous Fishing is easy in the most protected waters to the ocean facet pf outboardtng that is getting more and more sittentlonl pmtlculaulyl with families ls the out board cruise SARATOGA SPRINGS NY AP Jutkrys Slave Brooks and Jun Noller lrainer Preston Burch and mu horses In cludinx the areal Native Dancer have been eluded la lha Hall al All names are slated lnr Quml Park Ind Iho ralncd out athedull allow July 27 Cnnp ll 5mil July In Smllhl It uknltw MIL Aug 10 Consumm It Club In I1 pm Lakcvlew n1 Cnnp 030 pm An 11 Jnyrru It Cnnlum allrrnmn um mlorl uunl mm Aux lb Coop nl Cluhnn ms Ann Juycm nl Clnrhnn UL pm Smilhl ll Con numrn mm Mn Ann 11 Smllhl Coup an Ann Comurnm It Smhhl 1130 Tonlnhl nl Qurrnl Pink mmm GM mu Smilhn Dllry will mm ullh llnl place Al Muir In hr mum Smllhl on lrr llw mnlrl wilh Mt pnlnl marrm nur onulmrrn In In Mr llw UM My lunlnhl would num lhn pmllluna Such cruise canbg as slmpleor as detalled as de sired few boats can make the cruise or as It is done in spma places hundred of bias can take part Evary member of the familycan participate Cost can be kept well below similar auto or one can dog It and 1ch like king or an admira Its Iun and healthful for all Here are few points to remember as offered by Safety Afloat First learn the conditions of the waterway to be followed The major oil companies put out considerable information in the way of maps and folders on the ma jor water routes These will include places to get sup plies poinis of interest and watercondiilons The De Fartment of Transport publishes detailed maps of nav gabie waters who is Inf nmlnded and able to view problems and Issues objective not emotionaily Further he should possess an un erslandlng of the broad aspects of conservation and be willing to sell others on the importance of wise use of resources Due to he number or rained out um um In Hm Intermed Isle Snllhnll Lemme sneclll muting wn callcd 1m nlxh nndn schedule drawn up In wmk he Knmu In more lh mulnr Ichudule end Its also good idea to check the provincial de pariment of Travel and Publicltyr It provides ma and up to date information on facilities Chambers Com merce can also supply information And dont forget the local yachting and boating clubs Compute the total dlslance to travel and break it down into daily runs Dontlry to see how far can be travelled each day but rather how much fun there ls vhlle travelling Dont forget to take tlme for persona Indulgen ces Fish photograph the trip swlm The main point is to have fun DEFINITION OF SPORTSMAN Schedule For Rained Out Int Contests Gnvl Dotk Foo hmM PA 664 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER OnoHour Tour Pltluruquo Knmponlol lily DELANEY BOAT llNES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS 730 330 710 pm GREAT OUTDOORS Make Boating Fun Swim Ski DiVe By STEVE JONESCU Fame In lh Nallonul Museum 01 Racing Saxatop Sprints John Clark lull ol lama cummillea chairman Announced Wednesday lhe result at an election by 49 seleclrd Unlled Stale man wrilm sports ed llnr Ind columnists in Iddilion In Allred VlnA derhllln Nltlve Dnncer the bl my to whuse nnly deleal urmI In he 1951 Kentucky Derby lho new Hall of Fame memhm Calumet Farml Armed and lvfn rncl mam in wunani ii Erin Galloreua Ind Calu Nlllzhl an Burch and Keller Imlh re llmd Ind Brooks will nllend teremony ll the museum Aux whcn the new member wlll be lnxlullcd Rzpmcnlallvu at he harm also will amend lo Ircep he awnrds BHTSTIINES 1m SERVICE 10 BAYFIELD ST PA 56549 SEE US TODAY BEST BUY THE BUY THE 111mm EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 13 1933 By THE CANADIAN PRESS The wwlhlnxs Ira going In exhiblllon games Ionno learn In lhe Candin Football League may be hoping the Ku lnr Ielson never opens TakeWedneyday night or ex ample To ronlu Argonauts Jackla Parker ralnlured hl ankle Angelo MM ma Hamilton Tiger Call sullened mssihlu natured cheekbont and Saskatchewan Rouxhriderl look In all round lhumpln Parker Ihe highpriced VTor onlo quarterback llsled Vonly two play against old Ed monton Eskimo leummnles as the Amos tank 2120 exhlbman win at home Mosce we InjuredAs lhe Ti eau pneflsed nnlonlghvs ex hlhlllon HImIllon nelnsl Vlnnipez Blue Bomberhflm meulnu between the club since In seasons Grey Cup mm And lha Ruughrlders were hu mllinled by the roaring Brillsh Columbln Lions in an exhiblllnn at Vancouver Its the ankle he Inld lulu In the dressan room My knees okay but he ankla didnt stand up when Lrled In plvnt dldxgl bun 1759 in prqr PARKER LIMPS OFF Parker started In Imebut limped oil the lleld nfltr nonly two pllys He nflxlnnlly Injured his rim ankle Ind knee In the inlra squad um two week ago ice but time Coach Vlrknwskl didnt seem In be lreallng Par kerl 1n ry seriously but hlnled that he mlhtcunailmhis Parker Icqulred mm Ed monton or $15000 and live players In In olfsuson trade My hell wall far doctor Ad vlce before deciding rest negJury expenslva aegivitles 2m Maudlin and rookie Lynn Amedce shared um Argo alg nnlcnlllng lha rm the way And Amedeel Iparkllnx mynrd tnuchdnwn mmp In the fourth qugrtu prompted the Argo wfln AILSSEQ coxvam mums The hklmos who used our quanerbnckl Jun Wright Reynolds Jlm Walden Ind Clnldlan Dan Getty would havn Iled the score 1an in he lounh unr ler had Tommy Joe Conny can uccesxful on nil convert Allgmpl Neficomu Jim Thorns du xled cmwd mu wilh Aidonaizts min Parker Injured quarterbackl golfing these things 15k Look what got at Cowérds colossal COWARD SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Dhcom flu BIG dllhuncoIhap COWARD brokenlulu touchdown run 113 In the name In pull ha Elk within reach But Cotlcyl boot was wide Toronln Iouchdown were scored by Art Johnson and Dave Mum Gem1c Flcmlnz klcked lha three mnvefls LIONS POUBIT 0N The Lian had lulle mercy on Suakalchewnn plnylng or flu first time under new hand conch Bob Shaw Firstswinger Joe Kapp qunr lerhncked the wlnnculn lhq llrxl and llllrd quarlm guldlnx Ms club In three touchdowns Mal Melln and Canadlan Pele Older and Earl Keeley also IBW acllnn nl Knpps spoL The Lions wilho lullhack Nun Beamcr got 15 mini 1mm Canadian mokle Peter Kempf who scored 16 points on lunch duwn lwa Held goals and nut mnvarla Norrls vamson Sonny Homer Don Vlclc and By Halley scared the olher touchdowns Centre Don Stephenson gave Edmonton 84 lead with on early touchdown and Joe pr nandez acquired by he Esk In the Parker dell scored touchdown and was Hie Humes lending ground gainer with yard on nxno carries Bob Planck and rookie Larry Cline directnd lhu hapless Roughrldcr oflcnce There wont be any sflverwarq It Ilaka when Grey Cup rival Hamlltan and Winnipeg mm lo nlxhl but hcaLs hand coach Ralph Sazio wlll he mnklng hi debut and he hns only Iwo ex hlbltlon games In which lo look over his squad Mosca Inn defenslvu ackle wu lo have made hls debut as an ofltnslva guard but he experimem has been posl paged139mm or sogna umg Mose injury wu he result of headon collision with learn mala Hardiman Curclou as both pulled out of Ihe line Curelon wasnt hurl but iliosca icil lha stadium will ills lei lide his Ice numb GETS RICH QUICK MOOR PARK Engllnd AP Harold flaming South African pro gnllar shot halo In ans Wednesday and won £10000 woman Ihe 1th individual prim vnr landed in nrlllsh golf Henning used No Iron lor his see on Iha lssyard 15m hole Mhlch carried the special holeInrone min In round rnbln toumamenl CLOTHES SHOPS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 11 been week or Illa all nndnr In lhe Sculnr Spilhall Legsuqso an Tumdny ninhl in Mlneslnl lmnlrunning Barrla Pluzn Illui In pad their laurpulnl lead whan they were knocked all 42 by Ianplug Elmvnlc nlck Groh wan to dlslnnca or Trunlave and WM clipped or nine hlls seven of them In ha first Inur lnnlngs Lns night at Quoenl Park Truclove Hoallng had chance lo break lle wllh Suwurfl Gnrnurund also mévo lo wllhln lwn palms of Plan But they were tolled by lhirdplace RCAF Edgar and bowed in the alt men nu paw Ralph Knapp wllh 5mm key help mm Al Smllh fnildd Trualove Knapp we breexlng Man an lourhluer for s¢v¢n lnnlng bclnre runnlng lnlojlrouble In lhe eighlh Smllh came on to slapa lrluelova lhrenl and handled lllem with ense lor Um last nd lwo mm 131qu be he wlnnlng run or Edgar gave them lead at Ihe Umu andPeck drove In lheh Insurance nm In lha tlxMh be low Truelave lallled their two runs Lhayme inn oneout singie by Enh Curll and iwooul inpie by Chuck Blanchard gave Edgar lend In the Mrs inning in the ihlrd Earle Morris led oii with singlew55 sacrificed in ond by Curil and Al Smith banged out singie sum Morris Peck had two slrlkc on him when he 11ch shot to Ian ccnlrc In lhe third and he round ed the hqscs glmg Ilolpnre Just prlor to hitting humc Peck tank migth cut push mlsscd and his but New Into he and Alan lha third base line It struck Mrs Georxe Fraser Edgar just below the right knee TOKYO ReueruEasl Ger many has been nrmally permit ch lo compelu In the DreOlym pic Games to be held hm In October bn candlllon ha Ill other campcllng nnllons will not fly lhcir muons flag lhe opening ceremony ll wu re ported Wednesday Flva Ens German athletes haw been In viled lo the aIxday Inlrrna llonnl meet East and West Germany have agreed In lend camhlncd team to lhe 19M Olymplc under Ipcclnllydr alxnud flug Del Peck ludéflhbme III he mirth inning unjad 9m 10 Peck Knapp Smith PdCé Edgar TO Victory MAN 10 COMPETE 1988 3188 4188 Knlpp looked like he wu Inl la xo dlmncl wllhnul any troublu unlll Truelove came 11 In he lzhlh mu Hendemn on the rams Ind wu hll will pitch ed ball Gaom Chappel Ilnzled up the mlddle Ind alter GMK Llllle rounded out 3er Think nnnuled for llnllu to left to scare both runnm That wu all or Knapp Smith who almed lha lame at ahormop came on to win out Ben Bunem and Frank Elwn to end lhe lnnInK Ind not by the nlnlh easily llvlnz up Bu now no moncy down llul puymnnl Oct unit charge If account paid In lull by Oct 15m House of Peers Reg Kings Club 135 00 Golden Qualify 95 95 ALSO SPECIAL RANGES AT 5188 5788 6588 7388 In to 1295 CONTINENTAL PLEATED SLACNS USE COWARDS LIBERAL PAYMENT PLAN 18 2PANT ALLWOOL WORSTED SUITS Finnly tailored woollom and tweed ENJOY THE SEWER WHISKY TROPICAL SUITS SPORT COATS twoout dull to Charlie Hul lnu hulmllng Hendenon In 1131qu loungcr yigld Dlmluullve Gard Roy lurncd In slranz game in right field or Edgar He pulled an hm Inc catches and also slatted the play whlch nafled Gary Think at he plala he anemplcd In store from first on Barrellcn doubla In lhe accond lnajna Thlrsk and Edgar Earls Monk were he only doubleh teu III nume Thlnk had double nnd an In lwo offlclnl lrlru walking hla 11m Iwo ap pearances while Mam thump ed two ulnxlcs In five lrlpl 15 2pm Terylena Ind vixcose Many othor lptclal choice ALSO All TOPCOATS OUTERWEAR AND FURNISHINGS 288 $3 50 OFF flag to 1895 2pnnl Torylm and wool AL SMITH 24 2683 29 25 for

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