Hun JULY too mm Bun Club muunn JUL no lurleu mu Vuman Tun TELEVISION PROGRAMS um wnlribuled clothinx tn the Salvallan Army You nher wore It on ynuuall or II It to poor relativesand mu metric Ilium no IEIHKHI lerm or Anyone unfortunate enough In be over 25 Anybody was conxldernd wellMia who mud 000 year Ind had more um $5 orllagq home nu unlu In Ml mIvM Them wero more nccoon coals on college boys Hun 1115 war And Copy Wlll no nvllvmd To hmr lluu THIRI II No CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI Wu 0n mm mnnl suc cm was to be able when be pissed on to leave his gold pocket witch to his llama zunjmn Pmnl lald lheir chlldren Dont be Ilupld Today the children who lell their talents 31 M18 GEORGE WICE Mn Cllll TIrBth Angus Y$31 Sundly with Mr an Lloyd Laue MIIA Morgenlane Stcphcnsnn ol Tarnnlo spin the weekund wflh her bmlller Blll Stephan ryhody got pald Snlurdly and Salurday night was heaven on unhlhe rainbow ume of he week when nched 113 peak The blues apart In lawn allow who had lwn llrped Illk shlrLsnml churn Iccnunl at Iha local llvely stable WME Elrl Irwin and dauzhier gay For Laudexdnle Flor Ynure rreal Moran living you can remember whén sutured by memoryx my gluw the image at the past alter the mind pleasant rellgl mm the dull realities tadly and the harsh pm pecta tomorrow TOTTENHAM By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AmThey any Intlclpltlon better than Mallullnn but sometimes recollection heller than either 11in LIGHTyIOUCH DllVlYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK ll AROUND BestéLikeclflGuy Village Idiot CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VAllEY TAXI QKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Iu Mill llm IIII nu nu ma Hn no nu am no van II 710 IM mm mm 1m unnnn Inna 1an HM Hm IM Inn Am lull Nnomlly luran mun mun mum nur mm mum Thun mane mauuy mnnor Ipnmmn wuuu um MIMI mm fllul Gnu Im mm will Tun Mum MI 14 Mom all many lllnrn Mum In In nunmm plnnlhlp rumlv Uunml Mm nmlu Ml Mn 1m um Wm Wm 1150 nu ma Liimm ll flue Illrynnd mmmm Manly nun lnm mh lnr 5mm 3mm mu nan lluur nulm II xmwu mo Manual mum on Mnmlnl Mlllnu on Nu Veil loo Mum Ellnd Ma hupln ma Ilennexey mm ruc rv Nu IL lel Wanu mm In anlI mu mm Wny umnmv mu In Tu mum mo lnpry Man ma Ina wmuuu Illnhlll mm wul 1Y1 swam Cum Wu Bun Inuan Tum mm Tu Hunt llmbllllu To ml nn nuns lm mm wlu Tun Movlu lSanhlnl lVAluI rm TV Wanna Mm Ivan MM mm nunn zss EEzs You now there was tomb body sick In In houu is sh efi Ellen rnldnnhl in mbcr hememberl Remember slyllsh womanywnuld al most rnihnr emerle naked than lo out In public In coal wnamer withqu glmy eyed silver ax pelt wrapped augundiler throat Ahusbnud was regarded henpeeked he did more In help his wife around Ihe llama lhan rake up the lenvesonco ayear An Inlnllcdual was any who had read lhree poem by Ruben Bmwning all lhc way lhmngh and clnlmcd to understand what they mennl reIormmlnded Indy cauld drink daily hollle n1 nerva Ionic containing 40 pu cent alcohol and sllll keep her Handing In the lncal branch at he lempemncg wclety um amuu wmm um Every lllaae had hum less character known Illa village idiot but nobody wanted In send Mm away In mental lnslilullon Same limu he was lha heelliked allaw in townand In hII own way he wlllies You could be arrested in In place for mnwlnl your lawg pgi sham Thervlilggers 1ch problem was runaway horses mm Mr and Mn Hammond spent cuuple of days wlth lhelr Recent leltor with Mr Ind Mrs Harvey Simpson were Mr and Mrs Duncan Thompson King City Mrsg Simpson aunt Mr Joseph Rows of anonlu and Mr and Mn Riddall Saul Ste Mule any ald peg111 wOuld rather qulelly slaveand didthan Accept public chm Ida are spanking the simmer with Mm James Drummund Ind other friends lhalx lhé only kind rela llvn um seemed lo ha 1nrlwse days maymy rummu Klddu TORONTO pleu pkau Imu mum We could hlVI defeated ammo hy ludA In th Ind Another hem in which an South would hm However lhm lmpouibln to Inch cln wmzdmu bl lived by living lhu opponent lho op ponunlly mix mlxulu and mu lacch my wall luc teed lhe mun Hml can whm decllrer mad 1le dllmondl oven Ihouxh looklnl It All our hundl you mum puulbly would how lhl look plnce mm mm Ollllnl Open Ind lwo xpadu Even wallafled pmmnhlp bound la wlnd up occulolully In Contact lhey hvenl thanm la main I0 iuilunu III II mm DAILY CROSSWORD Mul unnnun nlljonll mum ll ll Smut OHM mm mm cly mum Itan rllyuonnl Warm an MOI mod of will no lo put Nor mum humd 11 hm 20 Alth mam ll Ironcl III ll nbfl 87 mm In lhlcflllu Duck bl II on urn Imh ll Afllclu Therlnaka the léwn 311i lunch mnvened by Mu Ed Palmer mm ton bad we hm lo flunsi who is well known ior his timely Ind willy comma did no dinppoinl Ml Mend when Ihlnkinl lhem Hi win Thu womanIn chum Malllon wnslllcd lri bulu lo the Delaney hmlly and of rural nl lhzlr luvlnl Hurry Rlnn Creelnan mud presenuuon urn an bzhal of melt many Ir and Ind neighbors Friday evenInz Mind of Mr lnd Mu Rlnl Dallnay Ilhered Lexlon H111 to fly are well prior In their leavinz la may their homajn TnmnIo nuuwn Ciurlu Wnlkem Tomnlu Ipanl ma weakend wllh hII urlndparenu Mr And Mn alkem Blll Emmi Mm Cllrldn 1nd Ed Filmer won the mixed le8 loumcy held on he Shy ner Green In Manny avanlnl FAREWELL mm South deglzr Nullhu 51d vulnnrlbll Mlu ie Niakérk went in weakend with Mend in Barrie Min Debbi Hill oi wiilqw thin in bum visiliu the put two week with Mini Peuy Sincllir Mr Ind Mn Floyd Ham III of Suit Slo Mum Mlch men eouï¬io oi tiny with thair mminsMr Ind Mn Willlur Paimer Aimwith tin himm IlI their mudml Quin Pnimtr ni Binimam Ind mu Fieer oi Erimptoh Conyrnlulltlom Mr and Mn Chlrlel Cranky an lha hlrlh Savanna Mom mil 1on Alllshn Jon um Schombm kad on In weekend with hll mn Ind Inmlly Mr Ind Mn Alyjp Wm Ind Mrs mum Thbnur Inn Ind dunhur Elrbln 311L weekl nation Dwight Mr Ind Mn Humy Simp mn spent Sundly wllh Mr llld Mn Marrow Rlddell II the collage ll quhlml 0M dlulht llmlly mm ï¬uï¬iéii And II Dial nu on 10 non iim mu CONTRACT BRIDGE nmtlm HubUï¬ umng Dlulnu mm mplm hm in aEcKER ILDAMMI mm Emmo um ll Imml Mn mom IJ In gum nu Ahyl 1an mini It Up lnltrullnx Lo nalo lhll ulhn upman play hid every thin In uln Ind nothing In Ion Even the datum had cuhed lwo hem lrIckl uner the ldl lud MI yluy would run IVI cost him Ihlnl II club loser could discrand on lha ul of made hnmmwx Remoudlu ll null um Ibhn ll human 30 chl ll club with the on drew two round ol trumps Ind than cuh ed ha kin of Ipadu Indlkllll club Miar entering dummy with immpi he discarded tlub on Iha In of IpIdeI Ind miied club When it turned an that the 1an wen divided ha mu home rHe troutd lo dummy wilh diImond Ind was Ihla la rid hem on dummyl Iizhl oi ciubI The only lrlcb In last wm made um Mm Hm West not having Xny Iyu mlde he lalrly normal Ind plan and South ml kg hld no ha mnldu lho hind by rezu Ir mennl So In zlvo Ihe delenae chnncu to so wrong he plueda low lpadl 1mm dummy nnd when Eu wlzlnnmu Wetnhelzl Mm Eu found difï¬cult um palm to lend hurt nwly Imrn he Hug which wu lha only play he could now make In db In the walnut Inslud ha ulumed the queen nl clubl to lose club In ganqown one wh hic Handrlc en Mens panu Iweller coal um sporl shirt warn me 1mm clnlhesllnes McKays hm wm stare nnw npernled by Bob Chlpple Wu entmd by removlnl mu window Snml cash and wrlxt wnlchn were new PJallce picked up mm min at 1mm mor lnunyhunso wlve paid twch or milk Sam peuon or petom look money flaw lnthe bellies along ur on streets mvlce mum on Young Sheet was entered lmnlely was uk On Saturday marnlnl lled Church Women at St Johnl Church held successful ma hnme made baking on III lawn Graham Chrlalle harm you SOLVING THEFT ulnuullfl lhurldny evanlu lhm ml mlncellnmm thawer In honor of Mlss Elalno Lnugheed whnso mmlllo lnRnnnld Elllou Jane take place July In St Johnl Unlled Church Elnlne rEcelved mlny lovely Ind uxclul ma nfler openlnl the lllDWll lllls lunch wu served Mrs Rowan Mr Ind Mu Mel Rnwal wzra Suturday melt at Mr and Mrs Dunm Mchlemnn ol Snyner mac Lngoqs mpwu sympalhy ll extendad lo the réIHvu 01 um lute Willim Sgrlh who died luddenly July Mrlxd Mn Morrison new and Stacey of Brlmlord mm the weekend with the lllml mother Mm ï¬eld Ind Archlu Trlln mlu mu amped from Camp MR8 TERRY Irlck evenlullly laminau mum muck fllvll mckmm la401mm 2m LII ller Drn Sehlndlei ecu la Mn ad to the Willim July JULIET JONES Em mum mm MM nm mm 75 WAE MNKIN um vemzomm wwou 14mm mam nu ALLm wag sea 110E at mm TN 7A LMr IM WHNW MAHIEU MAW msr 1751 was LREACTIONSI Aswr Yausm HAVEARtéMARKAELE FMLE NOAZAIL auwusrwmrro SURPRVSEHMA oour wmrn saw um mm 15$