Bogn Royal Vlclorin Ho pltal Ban1e July 17 daugh lcr In Mr and Mrs George Snlder Best sthes Mrs Rlchardsnn nl Tornnln vlsillnl hnr mnlher Mrs Hodgson Sr Mr and Mrs Stanley Wood ward Battle spent Sunday with Mr nnd Mrs my Mc Cmcken Tlllfnuml In Tm Norman Baldwin is spending wcnk at his home cccn visitor vllh Mr Mys Arthur Snider were 1115 1110 wannsnA JULY we um um no wuuan Tlml am quxcx an Mann fry Slocu THE LIGHT TOUCH In Ihn quest for sllmnesa Amnrlcnns rcduce their bank mlls more anon lhan they do their figures Thcy spcnd s00000000 year now on reducing pHI and nlher weight95innnglrums Old spnr Von or whether tennis fans know Ihnl Egynb Inns wen baning bulls across ncl 500 your Ianlore the birth at Christ One the worlds nicest smelling sheets is the Rue du FnubnurzSL more In Paris Once year ils sldcwnlks an washed with pcrIumcd wnlcr Our qunlahln nulahlts What Is my lamest amhl on Ive always wanlcd lhrow an an Into an elec lric hmOlivcr Herinrd Homemndc mnnoy Ex pens sny U54 paper currency Is the easiest counlcrï¬it French banknolos the hard csL thlimnlgl VIVHVIFMV never know he dldnt open his mail The US Mint hasnl colnld sllvcr dollars for more than years but still has 74000 000 of mm on hand NEW ynnxjpp mugs AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Odd legislation HE WOULD THROW EGG INTO FAN CRAIGHUBST flyMRS GASTON ml um ul mind by Mn vim phnnl Tm runn Pom rmy Nnu Vumu Mm mm mm Snmmrnmn Suvlrll um nunnn um um um mlhu rural Btu THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND IRUCK And can W1 urpma Iu Yum mm CFTO CHANNEL JULY 15 CARRIER MISS YOU By HAL BOYLE VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL spam In PA 82433 Toronto holiday and Don Charlton and friend Calling wnnd and Mr and Mn Clare Maura Patelborough number from Ihc vlllage allcndcd Bell reunion Mldhurs on Saturday cm 3211 has hucn vlslllnl In Orillla Best wishes lo Mlss Lllllan Prince whn was mnrrlcd to Donald Munshnm hmh formerly of ormlu The ceremony luok place at Dawson Creek 130 July Mr and Mrs Clarence Fish and son Tommy oi Viclurla EC are vlslung Mr and Mrs Roy McCrackcn moo MM 15 30 v30 la 11m ll IUD Thcvsnn Mr and Mrs Ed Murrlson at Toronto wns chrls lened In Johns Church on mm In no II In Lllerary cells Pilgrims Progress lhe rullglous classlc lhal became an alllime bcsl seller was written by John Bunyan uhllc In prlsnn Adult lliller also was in Jail when he wrac hl inlamous Mcln qupl Iluw they gut slarcdz Cary Grant once ran mens hnh erdnshery slore Sn did Harry Truman Mnrlnn Brande dug dflchvs Dar olhy anour worked as an clcqlur npqalnr nti turky lcglslalor once intro duced bill mnklng ll lllcgal or lolmccn aucllouccrs to spgak lndisllnclly Success Hp tn college arad Imus Sludiu have shuwn that In be psychnloglcully randy or Job you shnuld see that it Is worth doing be reasonably coniidcn you can do it mm wnnt lo do now Joke or the Lki Jim Backus oils Nu lush who filled his swimming pool wilh boozeand him bartender as Ia lifeguard kc yuu hum ble No man but an insccl he nnl has he Imgnsl brain In pmpnrlinn in Ms sin Scnvul mem 11ml Wab LI Tnmmmm Termmyx Nm mu small In Klldln mm Mu In Mind lel Wunm 5mm Craymu Dr Flnhyl human Dennch Unmurnmu CHC TV Nun Wulhel Spam New Summon emu we NIH mu mm mm mm wm span mm Dunn Heed run my Nlnm Mom um nun Huhmm NV New Mono run Im Imlnn llwr Klmln Mnmllu Mllllln MMnnl MIHn Hummus Hum Mm Nnumlly mm mm mum 1mm Our mm Ilriml mul Mn Thum lllmmluhll mm mm rum mqu rum Kllhlfl lluluwn Thl ur Mm llltvnml Mnmhnu Mum um mdm mum ITV ml Mum run Iluu mun Hm imm nnI mm mm um mm mm Vulmlnn TORONTO BARRIE mm mï¬nh mm Inn0 Inn uumnu Sunday nonum Mr and Mrs William Malnne ware iodpannu Mrs Irene Nickel1101 Orlllla spent lha weekcnd with Mr anti YJngn By MRS GEORGE HOLT Mls Shlrluy Dixon Grade 13 student from Banting Mem nrlal Hluh School Alllstnn has slatted her tralnng as radio ugy lechnchan twoyear cousa In Soldiers Memorial Hosplul Orlllln The 4H homumnklng club ulrls entertained Heather Ind Rascann Thoma prior to lhelr icavlng or the west coast There was howlan party and Kenlucky Ile chicken dlnner at the home Mrs Jim Lung man Thu girls were presented wljh 4H club gills Mrs Dora Harrlngtnn Toronto 15 vlslllnl Alvin Anderson and Mrs McDonald Mrs Gary Wilson altcndud lhe 95m birthday Mrs William Emiuh lhe hum of her daughter Mrs Rhea Carter jejunum Despite the rain on Saturday number Thurman and area om nllcndcd be Held day at InnlsIll Park Congratulatinns go out In Ihe mmmlllecs and all lhe participants who helped ur rnnxe and parlorm the aller nounlnnd exam gyterlplqmenu Vulncmhllfly requcnlly has nn cum on lhu hlddlnx hand For example look ll thls den when he blddinu wen sham and Snth bccnmu dcclnrv It hnrdly lhal Wm unuld hnvc thmm In th mange mm lhc vulncnhllily had been mcmd From hll vlcw nlnl nur xpndnl mmzd Mah liktly lo he mndc upnclnl Iy Mlcr Em hnd Ihown wank nm by hlddlnx two dlnmond um lhc dnuhkh and din mumh no Vulmrnhlr cnuld nnl hu hurl much Mrsi Emmi Suki All gun visuan Mr In Mn Ark Mr and Mn Ron Thoma had an aucunn sale at furniture on Saturday prior Io leavInI 1m Vlclurla 80 We wish them wall In ml new home Trlnily Unllcd are holding their lnal bake sale at lhc sensun at lnnlslll Pnrk on July This nr 11 he ladle In Essa Township Any food or snlcnhle articles wuuld be ap preciated and could ha 121 Mrs James Spenrs nr Mrs McCutchcans not Ialnr than ml lnur spndci Illa Noxlh hail phl nu Ammo illul 1an vulntrnhle could much DAILY CROSSWORD mum nm 11 rulhllu Ipukrr Wm cmu 131mm up1n Knumr llllu In rnymv ann 4K7 uuo as um mam 3011 aoï¬m unu 95 uxomt Tho blddmx l1 ilumrl 20 Vanlyol mm 11 mmul Innmm mm of Inn Cum un 10 hr to uyon nhhr East dunkr Ens West vulnmhle Eul um ulnw Eusl I1 Clly New Juicy In Him I5 Ev humpi rm mum mum an um um 48ng Thl upull In llonvluln Jilikll ACROSS mud By MRS JOHNSTON IMrllnl THORNTON Haulh Pm RUGBY CONTRACT BRIDGE NORTH Welt Inho 10 Rovltl numlnlnx VAL hutuni lndlul lflbl oh Hold Iufllcln IIIDIHAE ï¬lm mm lL jump Md Hum nbtrimm uvo pllnl nnnm ml 0M Lqu uowu Lym Vul not be Writ By JAY BECKER North Db wen hurl Wm 11 unlin Inan 10 Hull mm uy Mllllo mu Ann Jam lull my 15 Humn mm lerIllnl Inn Null null 31 Mulun mm mm I2 will An adult raccoon woo seen enjoying sun bolh on the win dow 11 the upstairs or vacant house on one the concession roads In Sundny evening Could he that tho raccoons hove taken oven Pox albly jun waltan for he ï¬rst cohlcorn lo got roady for luqch Miss Frances Ann an ha returned iroln llllane Quebec in tha Gaspe Peninsula when ihu spent lwn weeks pal ticlpnni of he Ontarinuehec aiudcni exchnngo vlalil She now bill as her guest Mlle Claire Lavamur her hosieu while in Maine Tiles visits are spun snrcd by the Canadian Council oi Chrixiinnl and Jews and lo cully by in Barrie Jayne Mr and Mn Oswald Me Kcnzie and dauxhleu Bonnie and Carol nl Merrlltnn Onurin spent few days recently with Mrs ivan Maw and lumlly Mr and Mrs Gum Holt on Sunday evening visiled Mr and Mrs Joel Prnxseroi Lciroy hum pass in par on the hope lhal lhe llne of de cnse he had dncldcd lo adapt would ducal lhewnlmcl runlixnd that his Aide could scarcely mm In Inke mu hlah card lrlcks nxalnsl lhc our spade canlrucl sa hacking his Judgmcnl he snlccled us hII openlnn lead lhe hue ul dln mondsl Ensl won lhc rick uncx ect zdly wilh lhe Ian and qu ckly flfllllld that West had under lcd lhe AKQ In order In ob tain rufl In some sun From nï¬pnnranco dummya hand and own he nulurally con cludcd that West was vnld hunts and he lhmlnre returno ed henrl In was hard or ï¬nal lo mad thal dcclnrer had all slx milsan cluhsl South won he hcnrl wllh the quccn Wm followan Iuil 11o lqull hurprlse and led Apnde vm plnycd low mud Bull look the queen wllh lhc ACE was clear hy now lhn Wml void hnd lo be In clubl Hm rc lurned club which West ml cd pullout In flat Ipnd By MR8 CAMERON Mr and Mrs Dnva Patterson at Hamilton called on Mr and Mg Altgraham last week Mr End Mn Nurman Grahflm and anda nl Ancastcr are holl daglng 935m Bay Mlsse the and Anna McCunlu are on holldny at their home here They look their nephews Dnvld Douglas Bobby Donnie and Larry Mccuaig on lhrcedny holiday Io Algonquin Park and North any has wank Nancy and Sandra Mcquay of Oro Slallnn are vlsltlug Camerons and unending vac an Blhlg school in lo km nn Julcram wns lhnl Snufll wrnl down no mull at tho lively dclcmc Mm Allen Henry Thurman attended Decarnllnn Dny Ser vice at Guthrie an Sunday and vlslled the Cnmcronx Misses never and Dennis Scott Grcnful men last week with their couslns Sandra and Mlchael Sluddan Nnncy Juna and Jlmmie Moore nl Barrie vlsillnz the Sladdarlx lhls week vulncrable and North South were not West adopted the more conservnllve course of passing our spadEl This turned nut la be 100d daclslon on several cnuan slnce he would pmhubly have gone down live diamond and It lurncd nu ma Soul want do Il our gpndns noon an start adult on July 11 Then around pm dull raccoon wan seen sun bglh an the Mn the upstairs or house on one the on roads Ina Sundny GUTHRIE Imuh It llyl tnflnn ad nmpuw lrlck a1 Jud wmd 11 In hf 1le nun at an am an mmm an nE VILLAGE MW 0569 Xmmnm avg 23 on v2 05599 45 222° xmmum 222m 20 nnn mén Tuna new gun xM BIG PRIZHI Sn a3 canon2mm ll THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY owAW NOW WM HumYou 51V 11 TN GASI muwmoa mm maywm HIWHAITIIS