Our Telephones For Examiner Wasrt Ads Tele phone PA MAM The telephone number to call tor the Business Local Sunny and vary and Thursday Lo iiilgh tomorrow 83 summary turn to or Editorial Dept is as cash ma an No 172 Peri CP irons APReutcra LONDONA prosecution wt host in the vice trial oi Stephen Ward at Old Bailey to tilled today that police threa encd to take her young slat and her baby from her unless she provided evidence against Ward Margaret Ronnul Ricar an admitted prostitute repeailcd her assertioniirst made ndar the close at htcsdaya session that she lied on tho standiat Wards preliminary hearing and in statement to the police cause at police pressure liliss Ricardo an attraciva redhead who was convicte oi prostitution has also said she danced bl night clubs You have young sister who lives with you asked dc coca counsel James Barge nd think you have baby ugh tcrl Yes Miss Ricardo piled QUERIEO ABOUT TllR AT Was it put to you that it you didnt provide some ev dcnce against the accused War those two would be taken away lrom you as being In it ed at care and attention ch she said again Under questioning irar secutor Mcrvyn Gritllth Jones lly gave an additional tn ment to the police about her sister 13 Dorothy Richardson girl named Diane and The substance oi meat which Miss iti Drags In Mandy LONDON iliil Douglas Fairbanks Ir prominent actor 11de ncssmnn amateur dil war herocounts mt Britons among his inns liut talkative little stnimpci nnn Mandy RiceDavies doesnt ke him lIiondy tesillicd at he Stephen Ward vice trial rsdny that Fairbanks was am the men who shhrcd her but when was to Asked why slit dragged in his name iaycarold biandc replied ours did nt like him she didnt say aiy she didnt like the iormrr mrtinte ldoi Fairbanks issuct prompt denial through New York spokesman lie arid he met Mandy only In hnocuous cir cumslanccs when tile was look ing or movie part Now 53 ti oi awash buckling actor uuglnl Fair banks So has lulu wraith charming wile the mugbun and social IaIIiW lint litnn Is in the irrst to dislike him FAVtinl nv mumy The net that mynlty hm singled out Frrirroks churned no wave at iii criticism boclnl rllmhr one morn mn tslr Mount Everest lord Thn Outtn rnlcrlalncri hy Fairbanks am his wile It dinner In in In am the Queen nan ir lhlllp damrd until dawn party at the rrlrhonka ho In Kcnsington The next the Qurrn In vllrd Fairbr and his wile WS red slsted was true was not dis closed Miss Ricardo added she was airaid her brother would be ar rested as well She said the brother was in tact Jallcd soon siter on pimping charges Miss Ricardo again disavowcd her statement to the police and at the preliminary hearing that she used Wards apartment on three occasions for sexual rcia tlons with men who paid her She tcstiilcd that actually the only time she ever had Inter course at Wards apartment was with boy triend named Silky Hawkins and that she did not charge him Tuesday she testi lied that Ward and girl were slrrdlarly occupied In the room at the time Old Bailey Justice Sir Archie Marshall said the jury oi ii men and one woman would be told to disregard her testimony com pletely Miss Ricardo 23 resumed her testimony ith morning on the third day oi the vice trial oi the Myearold Ward who pleaded not guilty to live charges oi liv ing an the eamlngs lrom pros tltutian and trying to procure two girls under 11 tor unlawtui sex lie could get total oi 25 years to prison Ii convicted on the live charges Two other charges oi trying to procure an abortion will be heard later Crown Prosecutor Mervyn GrltiithJoncs asked Miss RI cardo Yesterday put to you two statements you had made to the airbanks idnt Like Him DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR Into the royal enclosure at the Ascot race course At the time the royal enclosure was never opened to divorch pcrsoos iloth Fairbanks and his wile had been married previously Fairbanks starred In acorca oi movies and more than 200 icin vlsion llima but now Is out at the movie business lie runs slack oi Iucrallva enterprises ranging irom popcorn in autos It resident at Iontian since the Second World War be In re corrirri hy llrllons as sort or nolliclal American smtrnssa or BRIEFS UN eii Oasis Portugal IN tllruie The United Nations Economic and Mini Cm Irwiay expelled iortusol irnm the Economic Com mission tv trlrs Zoo Sues Store For Using Picture NISI ttliit Artrcsa Zsa In labor aurd the Toll hrmar trri Fulwi Fair slam in New York Tursdsy tor taxman In dmn ronlrnriing her photo used In rnmvany aritrrtisc mrnt it led she has rlilllculty rantrolling her we ght Pas orker Killed 0n Roller Coaster Itlllrd ili ITtiN NJ iAIi An amusrmmt park employee was lay night when he took ttlyrnp fllllltmtlll lark itrrr lnilre aairl th riria em ralicr master at land man lilmer lurker warwrriiy stood up as the roller coaster rntcml the Hunt He struck hII road ssal rr nan pirca and was knock rpm the rar ptoites said is tnpplrrl limit it lent to the Oil Proiouor Dies iii ilge 83 iii PH ilrnry ti iieli tor many years associate enter oi urtl rhrmlslry as well as public so lions ltiilt or at ntari artrnltursi tnilrgs hm riled at his home Monday night ralh ni vrangevliir Ont its wrote numerous arlirlra on an unlrlry Self police and the deposition you gave on oath to the magistrate You told the court that was un ture Are you still saying that carcass aromas Miss Ricardoduietiy replied Yes am olraid so Griiilth Jones said You have made these statements to the police because you were un dcr various pressures from the police lire you saying that to right Miss Ricardo nodded Grlliith Jones read stale mcnt alleged to have been made by Miss Ricardo July so In which she said Just want everyone to know why committed per iuryI dont want to do it again The witness agreed she made the statement Trial Judge Sir Archie Mar shall told Miss Ricardo just be ioro adjournment Ta is sdny night would advise you very seriously to consideryour posl tion overnight The dancer had denied met tors which it was oiiegcd aha said in earlier statements which she had signed The judge asked her it she was telling the Jury she delib craiciy went into the jury box and said things were true when they were not Miss Ricardo nodded and then said yes FEARED POLICE She said she gave lalse evi dence and made untrue state ments to tho pollca because they pressed her was scaredi wanted to keep my baby and my Rat she sold Tuesday playgirl Mandy RiceDavies shied vit count Astor et Cl vsdenand Douglas Fairbanks ir as one time loversbut said she didnt like Fairbanks The 16yearold blonds told the Jury at the tamed Central Criminal Court that at the aama time she had intercourse with Fairbanks she also was inti mate with an unldentiilcd boy iricnd and with slum tycoon Peter Polish Peter Rachman who died In November and around whose name housing scandal to raging In Britain Resuming his examination to day oi Miss Ricardo Grlitith Jones asked about statement she made ltprll and which was In ctlcct the evidence she gave at the moglstratea hear ill MARGARET RICARDO 2a yearold admitted prostitute and prosecution witness in the vice trial at Dr Stephen Ward ls shown en route to court in loaded to day to re Anthrax sume her testimony Miss Btc ardo admitted she lied on the stand at Wards preliminary hearing and In statement to the police because at police pressure AP Wirepholei Attacik £Not Serious Yet OTTAWA tCP Federal wildliie oitlctals have their ilng crs crossed about the latest out break oi anthrax among bulian in the Northwest Territories inst north at Alberta Itt this stage Its about all they can do aside from bury Inc the carcasses The ancient disease attack Ing cattle sheep and humans struck from nowhere last year and killed zoo buiialo bciore winter coded the outbreak Now recurrence has led to the discovery at at least it dead buiiato carcasses and some are much nearer than bciarvs to ad iaccnt Wood liutlala National Park In northern Alberta and Ban Treaty May Not Be Signed For Several Days Say Rumors Ci lrom ReutersAP MOSCOW American llrlt lab and Russian negotiators at nuclear test ban talks here mct ognln today nmid mounting bc list the inltiolltng at treaty may not alter all take place to day Some observers believed de spite optimlsrn that signing ceremony with the lull glass or publicity still Is day or two away No mlcilnga held this morning seemed to support this ircilng One was held in the British Cambridge Truce Embassy and attended by chlci itrltiah negotiator lord lloil sham and Itvcrcll ilnrriman oi the United States The other was mectlng ot the threopow era experta draliln commiitcc which was not orig nally due to meet today it was still evident that the mood oi optimism wna nrnning high tor partial test ban treaty covering testing in the air In mum and under water iisrri man ilnllrhnm and Russias Andrei iromyloo have made steady progrrss ainca lhclr talks began in days ago Suspends Riots fly TIIH ABiiOCiATED iltliiifl racial truce worked out with the aid oi the turtles do ronmrnt in In eilect in Cams rrtdae Md imt Negroes in Charleston it have mirctad mttrralltma whlta mrrrhnnts ois and In an cttort to end dem onstrations in that port city Negro and white loadsrs Irum intninirlgs signed an agrcr rrtrni In Washinginn Tuesday that brought at innt itltfflr tvcnrr to that tithing community on Marylat is custom short llruior lusci Negroes ssrml to surrwmt drntnnstll llnna iniicttnllcly lhe agree ment noted desegregation rui vsnm already leHlltit sI creation ot biracial commit tee and plans lnr mmplcit ire tesrstion oi sclkaril by Motrin Iw pd said that larther gr could best he mada In tranquil aimmphm in Charleston whens mrrrl than no Negroes have been arr rrstcd rinsing the last six weeks or merchants ramd to don regain their iariliilrl anti Ilse Mtlhl snrplnyrnrnl art luntlill alter mass meeting Nrgrn irndcrl sahl protest marcina would be lntcnrlllcd WAN NAMIM Rev ll tllnvrr said the merchants scorned In In actin In and taith but he ohirctrt In art that MIIIM at In ilnna were not tiiscloarsl Naa to want in itnnw who will rrtrgrnta and who will not hr trarato he said Fist Fights Erupt Waterironi Idle TORONTO iCil Tit onto wwterlront was idle today alter iIrt iisirts Tuesday night hrnka up martin called to settle Internal rtllerenrea among members at out lat oi the International Anshose mens Union CDC Duck work was almost par lysed Tuesday who stand 500 Irnlon members walked out alter row anion Wt on landed electingng Manta the western Northwest Tcrritor cs Inside the huge 17300 acre parksometimes callcd the lor gest game pres ve in the world Is the main at 12000 bul ialo as yet unollcctcd The neariycxtlnet whooping cranes nest then each summer Farther south still lies thet heartland at Canadas beet In dustry which might eventually iall prey to the killer disease unless it can be checked THREAT REMOTE NOW lit this stage this remains rcnwta possibility but still possibility Any such outbreak would recall the hootandmouth discaso outbreakln Saskatche wan In tiie cnriy loses rc quirlng drastic control mons urea Ollicinls oi the Canadian Wild lilo Service and the cherai rlcultura department are it scarttlng tor the source and the carrier oi the tlllciuthmd cnts birds wind or perhaps chance visitor bearing the an thrax spines in some inshlon in humans the disease can be beaten Ivy modern techniques Among the buitaio the best method so or has been to ilnd the dead animals last and bury them in lime with bulldozer Alrcralt have been used tor spottingand In on cilort to herri tho nnlans away irons an niiiiclcd region iisk Rails To End Threat OI Strike WA IINGTON AP Uh railways and unions were under strong congressional prrsrnra today to end the threat pt countrywide rail alrlke break ing out Irtlntt legislation can be passed to stop It Ronnie ltc uirllcnn icarirr iIv rrctt Dir sen draticri rm Intlnn almrri oi keeping the Iralna running unttl Congress has lime to act legislators at both parties askrd that the railways hold all on new work rules which corrirrs spokesman rnil would so into rilttt at one minute sltrr midnight Tuesday as donned the live lrsln un nns have said In the all they will stage malaise walkout the mntrrrnt the new sulta which would eliminate thouh ands nl introarr postal HERES ONE Ruin an tniured rabbit along thn trrr hunter about to do away with him when his rom panlon ppm him 11 second man out its under the ssh hils nose and soon the ant bounded Into diamonds Remarkable slid the hunt 123000 Orillia Bound ORlLLlA CF The 12000 iolk music tans expected to pour into Orlllia or the annual Marlposa Folk Festival Aug 03 it will be accommodated out side town iestivoi eillcials an nounced Tuesday contract has been signed with the owner oi macro camp 15 miles north at here to Erovlde camping grounds and us service to and tom the es ttval Last year residents com1 plaincd that partying and sing ing by the visitors kept them awake most oi the night This year town council plans to hire to extra policeman lor the week end Cars Derailed 0n Orillia Line ORILLIA CWSeven carg at war ircight train plunged all the tracks of the line tram Orlllia to Port MoNiooil 10 miles northoirhcre Rtesday night There were no irduries zlt is not knononvhat caused isgo running out oi adiectives to do TORONTO CPI ll satin terest rate oi 21 per cent on secondmortgage loans is lieg rant usury what Is rate at 87 per cent Members oi the Ontario islatures select committco on the cost at consumer credit at scribe moneylending operations relstcd to them With only two days oi testi mony irom highinterest brok crs behind It the committee has barely settled into Its task oi studying the price some people have been asked to pay tor the privilege oi borrowing The select committee com prising members at all three parties in Use legislature was iormed at the last session alter years at opposition demands ior legislation to require lull dis closure at credit costs its lab is to ilnd ways It pos sible at making sure the pub it knows how much it Is pay ing ior borrowed money The Mortgage Brokers Regis tration Act which now governs the field has already been de scribed by Simone pro vincial registrar ol brokers as one at the dirtiest acts to ad mlnlster Mr Simone told the commit tee month ago that one broker chanrged an elderly woman an etcctlva Interest rate cl per cent on iirst mortgage later paying back 000 on Mr Si monea insistence The committee than an nounced It wanted to hear tram some at the brokers who charge the derailment oi the ears each at which was loaded with about on ions at crushed stone Against Liberal OilAWA tCPl Opposition MPs sound as It they would like long tight against government Imposition at an 11perccnt sales tax on building materials and production machinery lilichoel Starr iormer Pm gressivo Conservative in minister called In the Com mons htcsdoy tor withdrawal oi the controversial June 13 bud get measure lie said It would hit tho two inrgast iobproducing industries In the country The New Democratic Party tried to bring the issue to test vote with motion by Reid Scott NDP Toronto Dan iorthl to knock out section oi the sales tax resolution ailsct lng building materials lie called it sell dcienilng lun cyn Opposition May Try ToFight exceptionally high in rates Sidney Rascnbcrg PNptielor Building Tax ills motion was ruled out oi order by Deputy Speaker hr cien Lamourcux The mllng challenged by the NDP was up held by vote ol 100 to 10 Finance Minister Gordon who had moved July it to soiten the initial Impact oi the tax indi eated ha is backing oil no larA ihcr lilr Gordon conceded that the tax could not be expected to be popular move But he argued that the led cral treasury nccdcd extra rcv cnue The sales tax would be less harmiui to the economy than any one oi thrm alterne tlvca ior raising an extra $150 000000 Jumping the existing sales tax to 14v per cent levy Ing iflpcrccnl series on per sonal income tax rates or In creasing corporation In at Northern Loan Company of Toronto appearedvoluntarily to recommend lull disciosurc at annual interest rates on Mr rowed money and other changes to help homeowners But his own operations drew strong criticism Mr Rosenberg said he em ploys several girls to make hr tween 200 and 00 random tele phone calls day seeking po tential borrowers Then he goes to the prospects home and makes loans at the rats of 12 per cent for iirst moflaares and 21 per cent ciicctlva interest on second mortgages DENOUNCES BROKER John ll White tPCloadon South said at Mr Roscabergs interest charges ihsis arts at the most ilagrsnt cases ot use ury Ive ever heard at its enough make your hair stand on on Mr Rosenberg said ol sever whi ch ge more perior Comr paay srges up to 28 pet cent In rest on mortgages he testiii Re cased Orceaaway and ompany oi charging as pert at on 51000 ioaa sdays hearing brought tétlrnony irom Jules Newton president at Forest Hill invest ment Corporation vhids prompted Lloyd Lethcrby PO Slmcea East to icxclaim Jesse James was nethlngbut piker compared to some at these chaps Committee Counsel Joseph Scdgwick read icttcr lrom man In Schomberg Dnt miles north at here complain ing that he got to loan lrom Forest Hill investment but was told he owed $875 on which he must pay seven per cent tor months to pay it all at $3 month estimate that rate oi Inter est at 873 per cent Mr Sedg wick said didnt know the rates so high Mr Newton mu TELL 0F OTIIERD his Scdgwlck Min ctcd two otbcr transactions in which be estimated Forest Hill invest ment rcaliscd 55 and 31 per cent Interest respectively on second mortgages Both liir Rosenberg and Mr Newton protested that they werent making much at liv Ing Mr Rosenberg sold his company Is Just making ends meet and Mr Newton lnslstcd to chorus oi groans lrom committee members that he has made less than $1000 so inr this year exclusive oi cry and expenses The committee has also heard testimony on the merits oi lull canto taxes by on per cent disclosure oi Interest rates 31 t3 lav tings iris ered