Hmnlnr hmlnm lulun cnro nl nl InIl HIKMI uprrlnl mcrlln Included lhv ncrrpmnco or npnrl hum he lrnprrly Lum mllhl MINI HH lnlrllnl nno hmn lllu linnnco fulnmlllrr nunm 11 mnln rcmnunrnllnllun um lmpnly vunlnllw wnl Ihnl lhv lrlnlrr lur Irnlnu In In cnlrnl nllulnlc mulflnr um hm llama Trnl mul awllml Irv IIrLrnlfIl Thu nzlrr wnl lur mm No mull rnlrn nr Du nmlllmlumu ul Crnlrnl nml Norm lullrklnlr rnnlnkml In NW at he Flnnncr mu mlllrr mmnlnl Ivy cummlllm llfllllllfln llnhrll MillMl um lur hullwr Iludyl ï¬lfwrmpomlmw wnu rrrrlml unl In Iumn 11mm lhu InnL lrrmluhm wan Mn lo nnhllrrllnnl lllln Pan um ï¬lm In Alrnw up lhvfllmlnll ï¬ll 10 Hus Mllnl nl Tlnk ka lur llw Fromrd mlr gum In Nnvlh Ivlrmnln II plnnnml ml 75 wr ml lhl ulllvluln Hilary vmnhl mrl umlrr uldlux aim nrnh umlrr Uw numlnlunlrn um plnn lnr hullll In Inrnllnnal hm 1m mlvlmu ulll Aimh HI flalnini 21 wr all lrr erdnl lnr nuln mop mull rpnl mMIllnn In Cmml ullrxlm um mun la llw 220mm Advlnmy ammmrn mlplninl mun uu Gym hoard thnlvmlm Mi gm lhé ï¬tqu put the YWCA caunscllur helps six yenrold Wally Dean onla It was all thl the uhonl cxim or snuknls and MI lhry wmh Irrim me pridc In lhc nrhnul run In lhe cnmmunlty lhrnunh Inkan nn ndlvc pm In he ceremony was llrtldnl lhnl Mlni ar Mumuun flmvld he ap nmnchnl wllh mum lhnl pmlxlu over lhr urmnl npcn Inn lnISqugchxr Trusltn Chnrlu Grllfln unld thnl lhc hole rxpcrluncu would lu Nlucnllnnnl or the pupils nnnrd Tlmlrnnm II Im cxpmml lhu mnod the dela nnlu lhlnkinu In lnrmulnllnz the plan mm lhu cmmnny durlng Mhml hnurl dull early in Swlcmhcr nIl lxctarc he lnrmnl nucnlnn the ntldh on by mmhrr he Im lnclnl imLuunrnL Let Pupils Take Part 3111 Official Ceremony Truslcc 01 the Barrie Dis Iricx Collcglnlc nuanl mccllnk In spcchfl session Inn nlghl dccldul hm dccislon nn lhn nhjcrls In he drpnsllcd In the cornmlune and the arm no crrcmnny shuuld be In In no hands of he student budy Fl STUDENTS Students nl Ccnlrnl Cnllcninlo will lake an ncllrn par in lhe ceremony he laying of he cementum In lho nddillnn to the schunl In Scplcmbvr RETARDED CHILDREN AND mman ENJOY DAY ON THE rNNM SOME OF THE retarded children 01 ihc Barrie and District Association or Re DIANA cans YM Nu Ill1an Whllmy 77 lormer luud gram han rm Irhllml um AM lmylwil No Mr Pmhn lulrl Drlrncu Cnun ul Krlly OIHlln Hull luv hull lwn tlvlvlul ml alnnl uIIIrL The HIM hml lumev umhu an 170ml llmllld Htknnl luld lhl nun Ihnl he hm Invullunlcd llw rulllnlon II had nlnhlllllrd that llm pom nuan Irrlwrrn llw lwn uhlclrn wan In furl mum he mlvhllu nl lhr In lrrmllnn he HM TM Mrnlnl July Hum 1hr mrhlrnl nc runl Ma milk and MI hl Id Hr Iald HIM Ml wllr Mm wnl In llvr cur wllh Mm mllrml Injullu In llw huh mu Krmlrlh nulnlnrll Ml ml Hm hrMI lw lnhl wrrlnl crown prun ur Huhrll Helm ml Ilnhl nllrr dr vmn nurlh ml Owen Blue In the In lmcrllnn Own and Culllrr lern ho Hum rlmnued lo mm Im ulnmd lhumuh llw Immrc llnn and mu smirk by rm an Mciéinn rrnry or muzuwn llnl wllncu for ruwn hm Imrll thnrge nKulml Nurmnn Fulhu at Orlllln AIIIAK 1n Hap red lllhl WU lhmlmd In 11mm Mnuhlrnlun Cnurl yrs Ian Ilcqucsu Inr lhu me at nudi lorium nnd Kymnuslum Inrill llcs 1er cnllculnlc wcro rmlml Mn Mnanll Hm lnlcrSchool Chrlsllnn l€lnw Ahip wmk lhnl her orunnlm llun hopes la unansnr Inll he Tumnlo Mtnduksolm Chnlr In December Irucr mm Dr Carry president at Queens Unlvmlly oulllnlnu the impound plan for fellowship for scrandnry school Icnchm of Iclmcc was re ctlvcd The mm emphasized th necessity Hm xchnol boards run In ptrlod aahbullcnl cave 5n that recipch mluht minke he heal use of his scholar FE LLOWSHI within lhe next month so that all would be ready or the openlng the school yaar In Scplnmbvr Dismiss Charge Against Orillian llallyrona of Thcrrien American Shetland horses ycslerdny Mr Thcrricnl brothers and nlslcrsflnhy myrlde al Thcrricn arm on ih 515 Eoncosslon garqed Chllgru and their rthbhhuv ol DEATHS In dlnnhxlnl Hus mu Manh lrulr OH HIM In Hm Cnml had heard HM ya MIA nmr In llm rnlllnlun Ive nn nmuml whlclu wan nl vmlrnm with Ilm nlnry Illrn by Um only wllnm men who lu llnrd the Incll ct llw nc chltnl In Inch clrmmslnnm Iha 01an mm nmm lhn ncA rnunl Irnllrml lny llu dtlrnrv bu lnMV MIL Ilulh Thnmnl nml Mn Olhe 1111mm pMIranI In Hus Furlm which look Hus llnlld In lum nnd nnld llml Hm th 1an turned nmlwr nnly wbnn tho Emlyn nr cnlmd lho lnlrmc nu Ilnlhrr than put on hll hrnku he dctldm In In rlnhl Ihmuuh he luvle lho cnurt When Im nw Hm Trncy cMrle It Mu Ion lulu la nun he lullllrd he mun he pcdultlnn rm wnylk he Inld The lrunlm wcnl Inln Cum millce the Wholn In cannldcr currrspumlmre 1mm lhu 1min much or the Onlnrln Secon dnry School Tenrhm Fullrm llnu Doug Fnlrbrnlher mm my lhu ï¬clnllun Commune ndvlml Um Imnrd lhnl lho lunch nrcepl me mlnry Ichcdulo nurccd upon mmlnn the Ilrlnlinnu and Mnnnxcmcnl Com mlllm on June 20 nny Alklnson wrote on he hnll Soclcly Inr he Pm scrvnuun and Encnurnxcmcm at Barber Shop Qunrlc Singing In hnpu Io hold cnnvcnllon lernl Cullrglnle nudilorlum In October request lram Russ Dnvny uncullvc secretary at the Barrie YMYWCA or the use the audilorlum at North Cal lcgluln on Tunsduy evenings or program was urnnlcd term In Om annshlp Mr Thenion lnvllcd mu relardcd chlldrcn Io our his Imam arm leamlnur photo ol Omylawnshlp Many the retarded children had never been on farm helm and they were taken on an extend ON YOUR DOCIOII Ill ran llAME FILLED NOEL gigmgusom n0 nm Ar INTMENI nunmr MIT mom um mum on orToMImsT AT we OpiumMI FOR COMPITENT EYE CARE CONSULT Ilnblfl Klmlr Inn hnclnl Cm lmy nlllllvlnlfl In Um Hdcul lllflllun Wlllnld Klmlu ll mnr dllrrlnn lhrr autumn mrmhrrl nm vlcomrnldrnl Thnrlu Tully mrrlnvy Frank lrlrn lrrnum er Mnlrulm hay and ulllmll In member Hay hny nukhu all ynunfl rln IMly mpnuvlm In Jnln lrlnrlvnl npcnkrr lhu mrol Ink wlll ho Mu llncque Huynvr quy rgnnher In lhln urrn Jr nu nukhu an IMly mum lrlnrlvnl TM hwlurrknnhl You 80 tlnl 7mm Amwlnllnn 1151mm Nonh will huld nn cdurnllnnnl nmllnu nl lhu IlCAI Anoclnllun llnll 11mm llmlnm II lo commwu nl mo lmldrnl ha nunrlmlun LJrnnlngl um Hm 51mm Tnulm or pnlnllnz Clly all um nut opened Harris Iin Council In nighl bccmlo ll wnl dimmed ml when nd vulan fur lcndm the mecl llcnllnml hnd nobrcn cxncL Caunclldécldovd ll would be Mm lo Armruse or rndm unnln ulvln lhu exact moi mlam concur with Md Smllh Brennan Its In manor sallan pro tcdcnl Thcre have boon nlhcr cluln that have done lhlngx Md Mnrscllux cum Aller City Council heard lcucr Irom he Llans Club Aid Rohrrl said believe he pcople and chlldrm who HM lhn pcul should know that Im Llom Club has made 1113 titan mugs 9r inrncauzm Ald WI FfsEnun nuuxcsncd lhgncll or emblem Young Socreds Meet Thursday Th Enrrle leu Cluh wlll erect gold and purple emblem three ch by lhroe nnd hull II Inc Communlly Swlm mlnx Pool building Call Tenders Once Again miqu weamiild get behind aurranusulnl cnmmissinrt don along with ngrco wilh commission me ha lhl council gullly In any way of nut cu taumglng huslncss we shnuld Inke fresh look nl nursclvcs Mayor Cooke replied We must do sonm personal heart searchlng My recent and per sonal knowledge ls lhal the In duslrlal huslncs hard sell buslness In some cases the press has blown up some things out all proparllan and dont think Ihis 13 good or uge city Give Lions Credit For Erecting Pool Md Roberts tnld Cily Councll last nlghl hed heard complaints that people interest ed In healing in Honlo are los ing the eeling friendly Barrio know one lncldcnt where person in Bnrrle used his ln flucnce 03m person to mm In annlher clly he snid Frlendly Barrie is friendly In lhe aplniqn 9099 Is Barrie Friendly ed qur Mr Thcnlenn 150 acres sums oh ha nunrlmlun will Hm 53ml say wn shouldgn anything we dont but the industrial has lough Job is not 50 some Ald Rubens unwed hat ha rose nn palnl order Ald MumHus lhlnk lha people In Allnndnlo me no bcInK nah ed Inlrly ll his duly ln bring it hclnrc HI cnnncll not In my what bclnu dorm nnd what rm being done when lame lhhm cjxo under dlxtuulvn ho ma Md Mnrscllun anld nnllcu lhnl whcn Im up apcakln Md nobcrlx ls Iho only am who Interrupts me Illgve lha rm lhcm credit They have prin KIND AM Robert asked that Rule 32 be suspendcd or he rcmnln dcr 01 he mccllnu This nus slam It shall no bu mmpclenl or any mcmbu In bring up agnln mullet lhnl has been dLnll with Byyms pluIned that Thou are all kind children In Ward whn cant gal near the poal hccauw Lhcrc am no bum 10 inï¬rm 7mm ITEM 2331 mwmn law vmmrm rm ml xlllgnggnlll mm um iimlm HUILs magnum luv In hhlo All null mm Illa lm um In rm In In IIIII him nude um In mm Ipmnu Jmmla Ivy Ald anon said cant let ml report go pm wllh out mmmcndlng wholchcnflcdly lhe Fire and mm Commlltcef AM Robert asde ll was balmy mnllcr Fat ral It also recommended Hut sidewalk be constmctcd an the west side of Davidson street nnrlh trom Grave street to the cast entrance to the Nnrlh Col lcgatc on Davidson slreel and that Ihc drlvcwny entrance at th nnrhwest corner Davidson and vae street he rnvlscd or bctter trafï¬c cunlrul at the ex pense oUhe city com Hyml 10 nnl yrl know rvII flnvnr In lluil MHHIIiIWn nml what nu nm llunnll The Fire andvlraiiic Commit tee come In for high praise he iorc its report was carrtcd unan imously at last nights Council meeting The report recommended that sidewalks he constructed on the east side Davidson street from Grove street to Gunn street on the south side oi Grove street from Davidson to 141 Grove street east and on the north side of Grove street irom Davidson street to Boihwell crescent Tho motlan culled Inr hall gum in he permuted from umu nn Sunday and lo Hél Coquetel svpl Th present byfÃ©ï¬ perm game ram 29 um motlnn Io mend Ilia hourl Havenmug Sunday ball lama was deteatcd In City Council with only three aldermen votInl anavor It Tho motion followed the read ing of letter irbm ho vice president at tho Intermediate Softball Leazun Jack Kerney requesting that Sunday hull gnmc be permitted to continue through rqidpight COUNCIL REFUSES AMEND SUNDAY BYLRW Aldermen Laud Report Proposing Sidewalks Ball Playing Hours Remain The Same Garcon 1rï¬5us does not spokesmnn ram 111 Fin Dopnrlmrnl um Mamllcldl In brlgade had lhu Ire undnr control by the limo the my department anlvcd 0n week alx ham and mlnulc wml by wlmoul re call to Ih Bunlo Fin Dapnrl monk 550 this morning the Mansï¬eld Rubber Company Ira Ilnrm mundcd Inn nolcd the the on ly entrance mm the achunl was driveway hope Lhe Fire and Tram committee conllnue In efforts and uvercomes Ihls lralllc hazard Perhaps lhe one can be mavcd back and aide walk mad Amj on laid he hoped it will be possible or may trol lo be slancd The qucsflan may be Councils responsi bllllyln supply crosalni guards dnnl know whether the onus 1ch with he school board Th bnard has Ihmwn up its hands ld Ilka Io lhe Fire and mm Commluce cxphre lhls cnmlnucd Md Rubens agreed ha was the report Oakley Park one he laxgm school In the cily believe the Home and Sclhoal should be consulted he an It also récammcnded that school crnsswnlkx be palnled in and Pulled per skvglch Fireless String Is Broken The report also recummnnded that the Fuhlk Schon Enard he requested in move the lane at Oakley Park School back an degree angle at the southwest corner of Davidson Ind van streets lo pmvldu dayllghl cor ner as parted We all It was rather had arrangcmnnt and we didnt think In thl case We could ask lhe high school board to pick up he bill answered Aid Wilson hope this wont happen again repljmiï¬ld RobcrLs lic problem be straightened out expense of Illa clly Md Jolllfle sold Due to the lateness In Ihe season ihlnk that the me would take if it went to commlllcu ha ball mason would ba about over Ald Jnllifle mid Th3 leagues hnvu apprnached me and told hum to WIN Ia wncll That why the lam was rcfgrgcq In me Wilson Asked this should be direct mollml think It should no lo cnmmlt Ice conflmle through umI mldnlgh and that tho bylaw canmlllnn same be amended to permit lama Its lho sure way to make rosarvmlonl at your invomo pluco to my And In the nice way to loll lolks whnn youll univo Mukon lmvollinn so much fun Try max llme youve on hipand have real good llmal almnn Am Mu moi ml III Going on my 60 fit by any DIkIance um Illnlnn member he Klwnnls Club Kempcnlcll may exuminc collullnn nl plumer loo ll lha Simmo Counly Muxwm Mldhursl Museum dimlor Rm 0mm Md Hersey said the re no ha been Ian dnlaycd and Is mqnlhs overdue But would IN he cammiucu has ed efficiently And would may keep alter the pnbllc school board Mayor Cooke commench he report pald crosslng guard is some thing the cummillee has no ye taken up wilh me achnol board he sald Md Wilson said Cen tral Unlled Church and Colller Street United Church alternate during summer and before would consent In this Id llke 1an what hey thlnlg Aid Emmx said or posed this belora and will 01 pose it again think they tried out something and it didnt work and now they are trying out someihing else lhlnk there ahpuid be curfew on Sunday niligi AMI Jallme said Some of the nlghl games have lmn well allended EXAMINES OLD TOOLS non explained Iha background Um exhibits to the Hulk hm Monday at noon 1th umm nut mm nunII lfler lheir ngnlar lunducon mm In Examiner Photo Mr Kramer sald there is allll shortage ol skilled labor bul wllh planls shut down for holl dnys lherc Isnt lan much de mand lhere The employment alluallon in the doldrums accotdlng In reports mm the Barrie Branch the National Employment Ser VICE Kraomer manager the Barrie NES ufllce said We are in the slack mason rlghl now or larm work It between 12 haying which has ï¬nished and the chance harvest which expected ln start the ï¬rst week in August The mnllun was lost and III hours lar Sunday ball will ra maln they are when it was put la motion Aldermen Smith Robert and Jollifle vntcd for It and the alhm voted against heard la objections Ihnut what the church people think Id like to know what lha bl player lhInks lhlnk 630 to man an ungodly hour cant see that his minor rcsiriciinn is going in hurt ihu morals of the city and ask you in vole in favor oi this motiun Slack Season For Employment