Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1963, p. 2

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nv nc Idn Imp III Con run mum Am Arnal lhm cna mm an mu mm on nu ran Ilnnnlll um OI Mmrn nu In Aluminium Xfll Mhtlll ll li Auul Alrul um um um um um ol mu In II mu min Lhylltl Girllrlll In nlna yen An drcn Dnvldlon Suun Mullrd Juran fllch nny xlx In nlne yam Mlm Human Dmnll while nah 13 yum nlchard Lnrklu Mun Woods Jim Woodl Shlrl Rclny II 7o yum mm Wood Ind Tnny Cnsscl Mn Wood and Mr erahl PM Lock and John Cumin DIVING CHI 11 la la yéarl Chur lolla Bizclaw Mutual chcncy Margin eruhl murm human LI an Elghl and Mn yun Ron Inldcn and Andre Davidson Sheila swumy and Allen Hu xrnll and Jun Rich And Dcnnll Whle Grs1nloHy2m erzla eruhi Donnn Whiln Ind Jlm Pnllcnon Sum Wand Map 10 In yam Chm Woods mmm Lay Jlm Brock Occasiun Wis lhu lnnual fun day Shanty Buy residents bolh summer and yearmund Hun an thl fault of III various evenll SWIMMING Chlldrin 11x Ind xnven yam Susan Wrinhl Pamnln Davidson and Nancy Woods Ono hundred Ind my penon enjoyed the mall with lhl piclnc almmphcre at Holden Dark Saturday afltmnan VO and first nppalnl men In Camp Borden was REM Prom Company Lam ha was posted to Na Provost He accompanied by wile Hnnnclnre and children Mlchael and Chrlsline due lo leave Cnmp Hauler About Auxl ilsl They plan to drive their small Eqropcanmade car lar as Ll Pas Man There they hope loud the auto an let car and calm the train or lhe remnlnder ul me rig gull the div smlan wo Hal land will assume the appalnlmcnt Garrison Scrum Major Lgfiva AUGUST He W0 Home HolIInd 40 Garrison Sergeant Major Senior Warrant Officer and Range 0mm of Headquarter Camp Bordcn naliva Am herst NS he arrived hero about seven year ago on his turn from serving two year wilh the 2nd Canadian Inlanlry Bri gade Group In Socst and Han nover West Germany 150 Get Thrills At Annual Event Herwas warrant nmcer first clas ygap of age CAMP BORDEN Cana dian Provost Corps Inldlcr who has served about half M5 23 years service as warrant lcer first class Icnvu here next month on 11min to Fun Churchv Man AccaNflng lo um Reld slm coo County Remaflon Director The childan malLv seemed to lha life Mn was followed by vnrlely or wnlcr lama during whlch tlme rump noun eflm were preparing for the second pnrl of the program One of the more popular ac Ivlllos swimming was lha to tal point for an hon as swim man Instructor Diana Huxle ble Sunly Bay manned life saving demonstration About so parents inmed out ins night to us their ehiidran our Painswick Day Camp ilitiu and watch some the activities undertaken by In youngsters Hum Popfilar Army Officer Leaving Camp Borden Parents Visit Kiddies Playing At Day Camp Cnmpllrd by Ill TODAYS STOCK PRICES mu nmai AM wuu VI In ACT INCII lull Tilmm ll Com nu hulk Mhll MNJDNII ill lIIflll Inhomqu up mm 4mm 7I Illmlln tn 013 lmr Imm mun In no lulu Im Allt mm mm Mnmlma MunI Hum bumI ma Mm mm Hull yuymv hu mm lulu umqu In rpm rm Juvhy cm In lav ru Hunt nu Yum Inn mady Ham on Ilua my ll Mm mnurrlul Hurry Srurry Fnun In 16 nlchnrd Lotkle Jlm Woods on Naych mu Kendall Im Inclle Pal Godfrey Gemu Orr John Mnlhcwu John Cumin Mnrnln Underwnod lllll Mnlh awn Tem Wondl lluny Scurry Fouu 17 In an Mnrllyn ngclnw flnhln le Anntll nniku Jun MUN Dunlap Mlxcd donhlm I1 lo 20 mm Wood Ind mhl Woods Tony Clucll and Mary Once eruhl mu Stewart and Term Woods Mlxed dnuhlts lo Chnrlnlle Bluclow and Richard anklc Mnrilyn Blzclaw Ind Jim room And Gmrzu Orr Ind All mn Lly llrd Juhn Cmcls And Mnrnle Undcrwood Mixed Hiublea l2 Ind under Chrl Wond Ind Wlllmnll Woods Dcnnls While Ind Kmn Nor ennn Jim mm and Jan Pub lmon Girls la 10 yam Mnrgln Vrlihl Alllsun Lay Chuloua Blaelow CANOEING Bay to 12 year Chris Woods Mike Hargrnll Ind Gord Huxtable Jim Mmlrd Boy la 16 ycnn Chri Rlchard Lay Alln Woods Glrl In 12 ytarl Mnnuu erghl Susan Wood Danna White and Jun Fulcrum prlvnle In the Carleton York Rzzimenl In Mencken MB In 1940 with he ucepflon of his first year at service he has sened his enler mm with the Canadian Pm Platoon Secnndlnvcammand These were followzd by lib Camp Burden Headquarters appoint mcnlx Mm cum Miss Humble presumed a1 chlldren with Iheir swimmin awards and said Almongh the award is only small piece of cloth Its mat slop forward Im youngslcr whn once cared walen Tue counsellor leave néxl week for Glucairn Day Camp Swimming award winners Like many other planned and organized parties and group onl lnn Ihu Day Camp lost con ple of days hecmlse rnln The picnicsupper and pmenb night was urlnlnnlly scheduled for many SWIM AWARDS enhy themselves or thu last two weeks In In Im II vii W0 HOLLAND Nu mm In mu ml man on Turban mu Tuna in rua nu huu mum 7mm lmlll unqu turtle II III Wm IDIan or flu Hm um ul no Iduk Imam donu In nponmnd lho mm 1le munlly lmI mum Spccln nwn nunsrl nob lIrM old he murl Hill In pnlc Wlll lllllfllfll IS Inchu 0H lhe mndwny Conl Kcnntlh 11m Cnun was told um How my Gucrln nl Ilrmllonl mm was drlving gas on no xlml on June 25 ll pm In nllempllnx lo cxcculo left turn onln Tnmnln Ilfltl hn Inmmlrd he curb and muck lrlrphano pol mapping It ll Hu hum Bank ynulh wn cnnvlclml cnrclm drlvlnx In nurrlo anlslrnlct Cour yesterday llnul $25 and cash and rmuirtd In Mind lha Ibsslmu he TrnHIc School Iponwrrd by In 11qu Pollen Dcpuglynqnl lmporlnnco growing Krnln vrlcflcx for Illgo Ind ol mulling lhn cnrrcct IMHO Vere ilrcmd he mccllnx Thoséfiémhm taking part In he discussion were Vnync Cu hlll Fred Dunlap and Len lIulun Member ha Nollnwmgn Com Club me ha home 01 Fxfid punop Mom er observed ha mm of Mrulnc Control on hls cam plot The topic men In cludcd discussion an hurvcy ling slnrnglnz and markellnz mcghods corn Driver Given Minimum Pine He Is pa enthusiast He Wm part in hockey volley ball xnll mrllng lennl 1nd soccer For the past three yam he has ban the Secretary of the Camp Harden Curling Club Mr Holland has also served on he letgn commllleo ol lhc Gull In 1951 he travelled to Germ any where he wn appointed fish Na 27 SDB In Hnnnovcr and No Field Duenllun Ban rnck at 5051 There he remain ed unlil th pmlinl to Non Pm vnsl Company al Camp Burden In 195 SHORT ENTHUSIAST Com Clubbers Talk Harvesting W0 Holland has volunteered for and has served hl country oversea on film dmerent no uslom Firsl he served mm 1940 to was In Europe during the Second World War In 1951 he WI senl to Korea with the Unit ed anInm Contingent Com pany Scream Major with tho vaosl Company Later he was appointed RSM of No 25 Field Detenllnn Barracks Following III return lmm oversea In 1946 he held various Prn nppolnlhlean at Mo Naba Island NSl lllnnctnn Ollnwa and in Edmonton vmt Corps He climbed upldly from the rank at private to wo and had his first appulnlmant Is Reglmnnul Sergeant Mainl with No Provost Company in London Elm in ma ger Divid Booth Nancy In er Jane Anne De Gmyler June Ann Dam and Kathy Cnrl son wm BeginnersJudy Boydo Elaine Robertson Carolyn Hof man Jimmy Young Bobby Carlson Lynn Webb Paul OConnor Linda Davis Brand Davis Flsh Ann Campbell Ann Boath Carol and Kathy Warnlcn Debby Webb Lennln Young David Blunt Minnows Jacqueflna Beet Jenmnclla Brewster Gordon Campbell Mark Lemmon Ralph OCon mr TadpolesJohn Bradbury MIrgaretAnn Knophnns Peter Lemmon Jlmmln Parker Doug Wnlcun Smdra Lackle Clifford Popekmglgyjhu prim Mon TAKE SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS hand lo handle Ill ol llm mm Idmm Only dune mm the orlulnul Ill Mlmmam of mum In hal wmm erg hwlmled ll Mnlhlrnle On lnld llm nrcurd Ihnl lhrre ngvpmrrd In no lulmllnnnl mlxcnmlucl an Ml mm Fur lhl nnwn he fourl was hundan down 11 mln lmum llne In nnld Algamn TlmnunmL Coclmmc While Illvcr Luke SL Clul Lake Erle Lake Huron nun Luke Onlnrlo Gwrnlnn Ilny llullburlom Windsor Lnn dun llnmillun Norlh flay Snd bury anonlu McKenllu lnvuulnnlul lha lccl drlll Synoplh Pleasant summer multh In nunlnue over most Onlnrlo lnr several daya Sunny and warm wcnlher Mlh llghl winds In due for all Ontario Imlny cxrnpl In In norlhrrn necllun snulh of Hud sun llny whrre Ahuwrrs nnd lhundcrshnwtn and molar iam pcrnluru nrc torncnsl anu wenlhm omtownl am EDT SEVEN COUNSELLORS the Palnswick Day Camp nre mponslble for tho morn lhan younnilcr who tlcnd ho vnrimu session lha day camps are sponsode by Hue Simcoo County Rcmnunn Ilomcnsi Issugg by Hip Tur TEN CHILDREN wen pm scnlcd wlth lheir Beginners badge yeslerday at Pnlnswick Day Camp by swimming 1n WEATHER FORECAST lho mum men My Elm around lnumclnr lluu Dam 1mm loll Mn Flam Hummi Milk Duhan nu ma mumm Fomul Trmprnlnru mu mum hllhl WM Wimknr SI Thuan London Kllchcmr Muunl Forest Vlmzhnm Ilnnmlun nlhnflfirx anonln lclrrhnrauxh Trrnmn 65 63 HI 65 £1 81 mum Murine Fomuh Goorxlnn Bay Lake Lnkn Hrlc Luke Onlnrla 1th wlml me In ll Muslly clear Western James Bay vnrlnblu cluudlncss with occasional how or lhundcrahowcu lodny Mnlnly sunny and warmer Wod msdny wllh thundershowm to ward evening Wind 11th Im romlnu saulhnrly 20 Wednu day Sunny and warm ludny Ind wwnqsdny Winds Hchl Commltlce under Hm Rcldl superviaian From the left ailllng Wayni Mozdonnl 17 of Darrin Juana Dull 18 ycnrold Camp DIreclor Slay ncr and My Urbach ls assislnnl xwlmminx hslrub From ha left standing Wal ter Holman 11 Bobby Carl son Der Carlson 10 stmclor Diana Huxlnbh Lnkar Huron Onlnrla Vnrl In ll knoll fiwnm lam uni lunl Wmaéihék mum In nuluubnunnDym II hIm hell In ll Illmnllln mllh new OJ nilgm In cum ml ImpIll Illmull InnalhnmulhHUMImmun mm mtnmnal nvnl mm mnny monlhl nmm Immplinhul um lhIIINfllylfnqdqunym In nu thII mu nllnlnl uln Irlunlmlucllnn flunkJ ml mm bthhlmlflmmmmlnhfl humawma huldlhm nmwlwl vmmh lunllul hu lmmd unlrluq lxulln nullhum 1th IN fly nk hInmhl lholtk IIHIQI lurllnvullrMn 1quan In nvnulu WIan mm BERTON AND IIOKNTOWN Mroflnx All he Arm mu Cnnndnn aulllnnlflllfl luw Hrrds lmkrr lmcukl mrnr hm had an rxcrllml uppurhm lly lo and indie qunluy lwlnu whlrh lvrnderl lhrouuhnul llm ounlry nrc mlvluu lo uhlnm Thu mnnlnlnu purl llm mrcllnz ctnlml on Hwixlu Haul Infi wnyne Cumu make on Hm dlflumxl humdin xyhlcuu and Nurmnn Saul umllncd Hm lur lhnds hy uhluh dairymrn urnl unlc lhclr hwrdinx nluck BERTON AND IIOKNTOWN TM cluh mcl ul the arm Mr Mlllcr nl Znmom After ludxlnz lwu guod clnsm nl Jemy rnllln mvmbm adjour nrd In flu hauxo wore Hwy 111 lrnrd In In discuxxlnn cw of lhe bnslc printlplu ol lnhcrl lance lu lncréfisc yiclfl élcmnls to compete with com nnd crusts NOTTAWAKAGA DAIIIY Tam Jcnlmn Iummcr nuia tnnl hmuzhl nul low naw cancenllnm lhnl curtnl hrml were nlrlylnz gr In order The July mndinx for lho flmon Grain Club was held at the farm Leonard King judging chm om quiz and lec Iun on new Man an Clllnl zrccdinl hlghlighlcd the mm Announce New Healing Sullslnnc Shrinks Piles New Ideas At Meeting tor Standing ram lhe Ian Nlnll Hunter 20 Camp Bnr den Dime lluxInble l7ycnr 01d swimming lnslruclor Shanty Bay Diane Lalonfle 16 Camp Borden and non mmman 20 Barrie Exam inu Photos Boyd 13 Sitting ram ha len Graham Webb Elaine Roborlson 12 Karen Wobb and Lynn Webb EM Waugh nu Minna III II Mum purl llm Hwixlu Haul and Judy ram ha Elaine Colihcll soul Get Well tnrd Ilznnd all mcmhm coun cll lo Ad Mills Mayor Les Cooke laid Cily CnuncIl last night that AM Mill In the haspllal and that Ms doctor has advised that heno hpvc vlsltarl IIII sldewalka laid In BanIe In tho future will mm me Me lhey were lnld slampcd In the pavement he bcglnninz and and Ihe work and at every IWI dIvIsInn City Council ndopfnd lhe re cnmmcndauan lha Public Work Ccmmlflcu Ald Robert said 111 Is an important Item and Council should have much mm as poiglbla la stugyAll VNIeriopart whichuwaa carried also recommended MIMI the UMJEII HIM IA Hm Said Ald Rubens here any lndlcalian when lhls will be pul into Councils Hllla hot hands Alduman Robert asked City Council last nlghl Khan the audllma report upon BMW in an Hum on the Finance Com mittee mpm Lhal rud the Auditor wort for 1961 wan re viewed Alderman Mills ls In Hospital Sidewalks To Be Dated City Cuuncil has approved In princlfla recommendation by the re and Trafllc Committee to plan parking lot on the east side Clly Hall Ind Plan or Int an west slde at mnmljmalcd £05 £95015 Tamblyn englncer in the Publlc Works Depmmenl said havent figures but It Include mnvln Hydro poles ran and sidewalks and so an The pavlnu only part lha cost The report also recummended hut council request meeting with the Township oi Vespra Council manila the develop mmva coiréqfll Auk your dador Mnul our pharmacy negl llmo Contained in Public Works Committee repon was mix tian We rcceived commun ication irom xix residents of Brnokdai drive expressing their appreciation of the man ner in which Ihc widesac has been mnda And we rccom mend that the idler be or married to tha Horticultural Society for their perusal Cll Council which recelve It are 01 digs and knocks last night was handed bouquet BRING YOUR Niki PRESCRIPTION HERE Wu IXwnya In you pmlxe pmmm counvmu 3mm Mk your dador nhoul our pharmacy nul llmo wrllu pmcrlpunn or you RobertsWants Auditors Report Put In CouncilSHot Hands Improved Parking At City Hall Would Cost Around $15000 The report which was carried All Digs Aside City Gets Bouquet THEM MgSlCAl KINCHELOES Two Locallanl to San You Bomr CHRISTMAS thB WHITTY thB WRAY thB FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE From The Canadlan IIIIIIc College Regina Sask TRUMPET PIANO TROMBONE ACCORDION BLACK LIGHT CHALK DRAWING THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Stool Coak 5n TONIGHT 800 PM BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY 131 An excnllcnl lunch was Iorvcd which was allowrd by lnlcr sling talk Hhulralnd with film on the trip Mr And Mrs Chnrlts Sprnulo Slmud to New mind and Australln Mrs Shirley Hmwn placed first In the Indlcs division Iol lnwud by Mrs Helen WI and Annle Leonard floss Leonard was the wlnncr the see Iian and Ann Bruwn plnrcd se cnnd and Joan New third Wlnnm he Judging Com vclllian or men were Gems Bluwu Slunlny Brown and my Shorthom Breederfl Pgacfiise Judging The arm of Murray Fnrls landlord was the me of Annual Sharlham Breedcrs NI llght Mucllng wlih about 150 pcqplg In Inllcqqnncc up NAum Under the able dlrccllun ol prcsidenl Murray Paris demonsununn Judging cnmpcl Inn and program were con duclcd Iurther recommendation was That Counci accept the alter of 53300 mm the County of slmcoe or the citys cqfity In the old Registry Office Ni accnrdtng lo the ma bi as wns agreed nhcn Barrie panned mm the County It mu be paid to the my In 1964 $100 licence fee in the sire Shrine Ciub or the Circus it sponsored June Barrie Arena rental of $320 was paid lo the Arena Commission and the profits durated la charilyt Due to the added costs and no pravtstnns being mad tn the budget the committee recom mended that no Improvement ha made In the bus service at this time and the pettllan bé tiledt unanlmously alsa recommended that pelilloncrs he ndvlsnd um an Improved bus service be tween 10 mm and 12 noon could be had at cast OK In Greer Bus Service keeping he revenue from same and tho payment of drivers wage al $68 per week was recommended lhnln mcetlng with City Devolopmcn and he Tmfllc Commlllcu II held prlar to meeting the Vesprn Twnship Cpuncll The repan recommznded that the plumbing bylaw ha amended to Include clam whereby when iecond meter halal Ied or sewer mt purposeail be an oflence under the Sum mary Convlcllan Act or anyanu to make connection heron such xecund maker or water which ahnllhe returned to the Slnlc tary Sewer System men of mad al Hllhwnywo an SL Vlncent meet The min was adopted It IUNLOI If IA um away

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