OTTAWA CPIMembers of he Scnnle were unanimous Monday night in blaming two New Democratic Party mem bers Parllamcm or holding up 1100 divnrces in prece dural blockade Ilara lave Ii food muse almost much as good pm Marlon Brandos nrnmlntnce In Inlcznllun headline ma mm men cxamplc Some may lend Ihoir namu only or publlcily Ilul most are Ilncue Ind work hard ll Same ke Jerry Lawn and Frank Sinatra nol only work hard but spend lhuusnnds dojlnrg op lhnir Incl pmkcls The senators dld refer to Frank Howard 4NDPSkcenal Ind Arnold Pelm lNDFTi miakamlnz by name but they made plnin that the Iwn NDP membcrl ware lhelr mm by Lrwls Is In Mm wnrktr II he czgmpalnn nknlnsl mmtulnr dyslmph Sinmrn uhn calls himsrll nn nrcrprlvilrned mlull lml yrnr mml 511000 on world Inur Ihnl mlstd 100000 lnr undupfiyilrzcd kl No Hope has mnrc Mum llmn IIIan Crmhy hm jnku lmnrih nl mum Ix pluyinu mm In lnmly mm dont cnnsldcr lhls hur ly fxnlnlm Ilvmu Whrrr rlw run an mumnu lhnl nnl milk mu lm me Lewi ulthnunh Jew II Hnnnrinl Run behind xhc Mnxy am lrurph lmnxuc nnmnn Cnllmllc rlmrIly Thnll hlx Hes pd rhnrily and AW Rllmnn Culholic Aino Korwu Hrs runner up sils with he 1963 Miss Universe lHycarold leda Ma THE MOVIE SCENE NDP MembersTargets Divorce Halt Blast HOLLYWOOD MP Movle Movie Stars Work Hard At Promoting Good Causes MISS DENMARK HAS WARM SMILE FOR WINNER WATCH THE EXAMIIIIER WEDNESDAY FOR FULL DHAlS The lmpromnlu dehnle flared up after Senmnr Arthur line buckv chairman Hrs Sennle divorce commiuce presented 540 divorce pelilinns hum Que bec and Ncwinundlnnd the only provinces wilhoui divorce courts repealed rnlurcnccs lwu members of Pnrlinmnm The backlog was nddcd lo 512 divorce pelilinns Senalm mm buck lulroducud last wpck He Jack Benny vinlin plnyln has raised Umusamls nr musi clnns pmsion unds and paid on the ddiciu or some sym phony orchestras SAYS PRAYER Ah HimID Danny Thumns ho says he once had prayer In Jude answered mlscd mmc Ihnn $0000 to build the SL Judo gm Mcgnphix Innc Ilu nunva VAIF he Inlrrnnllnnn mlnpltnn Agenty Ihal sn ar hns plnccd 11000 thihlrcn ilh parcnlx Rm skellnn hns gircn ur lunc or leukemia mcurrh alnte he disrmu look the Me 01 hi 5an lllclmrd Lorelln mmx ha lkflleanlllh lnr llnurd mnlhors ll hn Mu may 19p numés Ilrnnlln Shlllry Mno lil Lnlnc Hm Hr IIHII Newman nnd Stu Allen hum hten InlrnUllNl with causes Alc nounclng nuclmr Its tnpllnl punlnlmrnl munHm housing nml ncgrrxnunn quu 1m1h5xmld mII ium n1 lullnu vunlh nl Imml lnr lune Danny hm hm uolk hard rm Lay C0 tie Vargas or Porlo Alcnrc Brazil shorlly before they made heir cnlrmm In the Camnnuon Hall the last amllr IS COMING THIS THURS JULY 25 SAVE ON FURNITURE APPLIANCES HARDWARE HOUSEWARES SPORTING EQUIPMENT snhl mnny more Ire being pm csscd by he Scmlle law oi ccrs so that lha lolal would ex ceed 11m Mr Howard and Mr Peta joined at limes by other NDP members have blocked mas divarcc hills In the Common during Ihc last lwn year by debating each bill as long as the rules allow In nu llmiled llmc available They argue that divorce case thould be re mnvLd 1mm Puanmcnn hands Senator Roebuck IL 0n Inriob said he dlvorce cnmmll Ice wnuld mm today In mm sidcr he silulllnn and see what happens noxl WILL MEET TODAY The cnmmlucc has stopped hnnrinx new dlvorce cases ha snld became II was lulll and perhan dishonest to put Ippll cams In Expense and lmuble whzn here was no axsuuncc approving the divorce In qua lion In the weeklong Miss verse Beauty Pageant Korwa is secretary In enhagcn AP wirephgto Scnnlnr Roebuck nnld Brillsh whim have an nncinm mm In nemlnn Pnrllamcnl In re drm wrong lhnt cannot be re dlcsxcd In My olhcr wny anna Carin had proclaimed Tn no one will we reins or delay righlnr lusllcc Scnnlnr Thomas Vlen Qurhcct suggested he crcmlon nl kn subcommlllee ho dnvrce rummlum lo handle di HJHL Cflsll Scnnlur iunnnr Thorvnldson PC Mnnilobn laid the mm Mn hnu been llymitd by we mm who at uni ob Iona hud lmd lho perver nlly IN Common rulu In nhridzn the rlxhu and powm IMlinmcnl Sennlnr Cyrille anllnncourt Hquhrc mld he nhockcd ml lm men can prtvnil nvcr he will Pnrlllmrnl II II nhmlulrly revaltlnz ll II dlc lulurnhlp Unl Miss CoP TORONTO CF Canadian slack markets taklhg heart rum weekend devclapmtnla reboundcd Monday from last weeks sharp losses but had dlmcully holding their gains in the ace drop in NW York Announcement that the pro posed new US Inxu probably wont apply to new Canndlun se curlly Issues bought by Amerl cans appeared to remove the biggest threat lo the Canadian economy and he exchanges responded with ï¬rsthour mil vnnccs However he weekend devel opments appnronllydld llulc if anything In case Ihe lax Im pact so tar as Amnrlcnn pur tlclpnllon in dayladay stock Iradlng is concerned And on lhuslasm cooled alter the ï¬rst hour WHITEHORSE Yukon CF Theroyal commlssion nu laxa tion was told Monday that Cana dlan tax Incentives for the min In Industry are designed to as xlst giant United Stale manopcr lie and deliberately curl he developmcnl tree compell Uon The imminent came mm the Inlcrnalionnl Union oi Mine Mill and Smelter Worker IndJ which caled or tax revision lhni would lighlcn taxes around blg corporations and loosen hemvaround cm MONTREAL CF Marcel Chapul growing whaker each day hogan lhc lhlrd week 01 last Monday In nblnin lunds his scparalisl party Le Parl Republlcaln du Quebec The pally lender has lost 21 paunda and has received $2 02616 in donnllons mugth $1000 for every pound lusl Mr Chapul says he will re mnin on hl water lnsl until he ubjeclive of $100000 reached Canadiaanrkets Up After LoSses US MOnopolies Are Assisted By Tax BonusesSays Union Chapdt Is Weaker Still On Water Néw York added further TH BARR EXAMINER TUESDAYM1 WATCH WEDNES DAYS PAPER for THIS VALUE PACKED CITYWIDE SALE cnurnxemenl wflh an aflernonn decline 1n rcncllon devdoy menu In lhe threatened US rall slrikn Illualian Canadlanv mnrkel managed In hold up alrly well but early ndvancel were shaved downward andle clients of ha New Yark dlp wlore plnlnly shawan at lhu cnse In Tomnlo the lnduslrlal ln dex compiled from 10 ieadinz Issues ï¬nished wllh an ad Vance point In 61793 aflcr pursuing gn Irregular course up 511 llam 806 noun 341 at pm and 861 at pm WIPES OUT MUCH L055 The 111pm gan wiped out mare than onethird at xha 2082 points 10 Thursday and Frlday in he brenk whlch fol lowed announcement lbs US lax proposals Dlhyecs pnrtlculaily adns nnrlhland laws said the union are framed in such way as in encourage the last est possible exploitation irre placahle nnlurai resources In their primary and raw arm and in discourage the develop men or secnndary processing plunlx Ta Incenllvcs or lhe mlning lnduslry ure built around the risk allowance for primary pmducllon Since the vast ma loriky ol investment cum from major US corpnrnuons these lnccnllve co god the llrrhs lo mlnc natural resources ln Canada and lulu them back news he border lor secondary 11IOCDSSlnE The Industry has become dominated bylorcign us can llal to In point that nur pre cious assets of nalural mineral resource are being dug up by Cnnadlans rum ground sh1ped of to the US or processing and mnnuInctur lng nnd lhe lax system of the country 15 lramcd lo encourage this TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 8H In Can Hectic dayandnlzh man oeuvm In the wilds at Camp Gggclown NB puts sleep andmeal hours on catchm catchcan basis That goes for lnfanlry tanks and all NEW YORK AFlA Lun dan slrcel cleaner golng to get his wish He has permis sinn to sweep Times Square The unusual requcsl clme 1mm Snowcy Tobln who has hobby oi brushing Impar lam squares In cilia through out he wnrld He claims have swept every important square In London and several nbmnd including Red Square In May cuw lasl ycnr 0n hls regular Job he has been swnnping Weslmlnsur Bridge and the road beneath 512 Ben or 13 yearn Tobin wmlu Maynr naberl Vngnur nnd lold him he would lika to give Times square gningmver after he arrive here Sept an va calian Mp LONDONEB HAS CLEAN SWEEP GRAB QUICK BREAKFAST TORONTO CF The heads ol two Toronlo loan companies clashed Monday over Interns rate charged by om ol lhu companies whlle member ol the Icglslalurua select commit tee an the cost ol crcdit looked Sldney Rosenberg proprietor Northern Loan Company Ics llllcd know of one ï¬rm hnl chargcd ï¬nercent lnlcrcsl an 31000 mortgage loan cnuld have don it or 21 per cent Asked which company he had In mind Mr Rosenberg replch Gmgnaynyln Youre liar Mr Rosen berg Albert Grccnnway mm the spectators teal at he haarlng Youre liar Im here Mr Rascan Gmnawnf liter old nera ha never charged Inch nlmsl rates He emphasized other troop akin pm In the limoman raining con centrallnn tank crew The Royal Canadlan Dragoons manages quick breaklusl during lull In the baltlc Left In right are Trooper Two Loan Firms Argue 0n Bates Could Make Hair Stand On End he Is former prcsldcnl and currem dlrcclor the Onlnria Mortgage Brokers Association Mr Rosenberg shmgged aflcr Mr Greenaway shouted at him and mumbled that ho was able lo prove his slnlcmcnl and didnt care whclhcr ML Green nwny was there or not At any poml after Mr Rosen berg described the structure ol his Interest and olhcr charges John Vhilq PC Andon South exclaimed Thakl one ol the most Ilngrnnl cases nl usury Ive ever heard at Itl enough lo make your flair stand on end Roscnhcrg rcpllud Ihal there are companlu that charge higher Interest lhnn his Superior Finance Company drives the price borrowing money as high as $68 per cent on real eslnlc uansaclinns he said Kjald lumen 21 Thorold Trooper Armand Bolsvcrl 19 Cadillac Abillbi Qua Troop er Grills 21 Bowman villc and Second Lieutenant Elrlck Alllslon NIL lional Defence Photo