VIEWING TIIE ECLIPSE oi the sun without proper protection could damage your eyes pcrmahently One saio method Indirect viewing as demonstrated here will show the moon moving across the suns ince The image ot the sun Is protected through hole in piece at cardboard onto piece at white card board The viewers back is kept to the sun The great danger in looking at the eclipse without proper pmth tion is that the retina or screen oi the eye will be Northern Milk Producers Want Freedom From South Subsidies SUDIJUIIY CPI Northern milk producers asked In hrlcl presented to milk Industry In quiry committee Friday that they be exempted lrom subsrd islng dairy production In South ern Ontario The brici said that under resent milk marketing or rIngements northern products arc subsldlllng southern prod ruets which are alien shipped Into the north because the re gion Is deticleney area inr dairy products We tool that it would he most unialr to ask us to sub sidize milk products produced In the south which would event many he sold In Northern 0n tarta In direct competition with our Iluld milk sales the hrlci said Toe lrrici was presented by Arnold Pauli vtcc president at tho Sudbury Copper Ctilt and District lilllk irnducers Assn elation Tire provinclnlty ap Resigns Posts Wont Be On Call lTAilANlIlII Out liIi hinlrulm Altrlns was rllsnllslili Irlllny trout his slullrs as police eunutahln Irunnt iliiltlf in rItrirrr Innltnry tnpeclnr Iran wrllnrn nlllecr tor the township at North Illrnswurth nine miles Ioutlt nl Nullh IiuY Itr tlkins until the township gave him no ultimatum tliot Itt rIIIur month on roll Iur It tutor tiny rIr resign rvlrl Ito In harm tiny In tltillnlttt uis it mot up in in lrmltl tirnataya 17 on tiller lie salrl Not Inr lit ltuuu at mm slrrtrtr ul duly wltlunrt sleep and Neil thou Ills only way could get Ilrrp one In go out in my huut ramp where there Is no dilute and where IillmtIy ruuld Illll me Mrs Altrlm trns hrrn mung hrr Irrrusrr pull ir and Inklnn mill nrul pct lng IIuliu tur no pay iltr Io rumour painted tourmember commit tee Is examining mllk pmdue tlan processing and marketing to Ontario It has already held sittings in Kenora and Fort Wits liam Under present arrangements the hricl said extra money northern producers receive Ior sales at milk over their quota In times oi high market demand to paid Into general pool which is used to subsidise pro rluccrs In her milk commode ity groups ASK EXEMPTION We tn the northern districts earnestly ask ior exemption tram any such arrangement the bricl said The hriel said great quanti ties at hutte milk powder can ntratcd mneentretnd liquid milk ice cream and cheese are Imported irom south ï¬rn Ontario ltianltoha and Que CC ONE OF Tilt Itllltii ilam Imyaot visitors to Toronto in rutly lnlrrs Murrt the ruinsre oi liun Klnlut the local Ihrni wnuthantritium lanthanum DARRYL ZANUCKS was mosses TH burncd by Introred or heat rays irom the sun AItTlSrs DRAWING shows relative position at the sun Ace Camera Mane Its Jerry Lewis One oi the more ilamboyant visitors to Toronto recently was Jerry Lewis breeting into the Park ilasn to attend press conlcrence In relation to his twohour TV show starting this tall and also to promote his current movie Tire Nutty Pro lessor As the radio and press men had waited hali an hour they roared with laughter Right through the Interviews Lewts had couple at cameras and was shooting picture aItcr picture some one said why so many cameras Oh have so many sponsors said Lewis Actually Jerry Is camera man in his own right lecturing 42 colleges year on Cinema photography had trouble with my ltllil camera which had weak con tact between tho camera and the flash attachments Jerry had the camera to pieces In no time and hits were Ilylng over the place however with all eyes Iocuscd on him he said well whats new and the camera started working tro rrrnnacrr at tho ltnry Icrry mull rnurlo Ilylng trip to Toronto In ruunortion with the Valuation ui Tho Nutty Irulcxmr THE LONGEST wlllr 42 Inletrational Slow and In ryrmmm NM New SHOWING HIT LiitT MRIITNIIIIII iIrIIriIrlI Millifltil Adults lliti runway own14 AIIAIIWIONN Matinee inc The Tll II 00 II Vim TIIII ENIIMIIHIENT Iilrninl Me MATINEE DAILY ONE EVENING SHOW pm rtunn All It tumor IIIIIIA Iiilï¬liAt KliiIWN AT pJn Alli CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT pm no Ilis presuittrlpisolowcclu duration making iour stops In Canada and thirty ovemight stops to the States What oi some oi his quips on TV its run by Madison Square Morons you know everyone has two businesses their own and showbusincs by this he meant so many iolk are mixed up with TV production and the Inslaws get into the act too What Isthc Iuturo oi TV he was asked it things keep on like the present we shall end up all at us watching my TV Well do you know oi anyj thing enjoyable you dont have in pa iori Lewis said dont and thats what will happen to TV About the movies one repor ter asked Isnt it strenuous to beiunny all the time Jerry said he had noter tried to be iunny In his Ilia and the dnyhndldtrywouidbo the iinish oi his career in llolly wood To give an example he said In Iiiil he arrived In Tor onto to play illlsln between two beautiiul girls at the Cass loo ilo said he was the baloney In the middle oi the sandwich When the radio and TV nrl produced the scripts ior tap nit ctc he turn them all up grabbed the mike and ad lihbed you ask the questions like It better this way he said Jerry said with all the big ltoad Shows In 100000 populat ed towns the Imitll town movie house In still potent iorco with the entertainment Industry and II my lilms click at the RD thero Im happy Lewis said he had been on the road tor three weeks and had another to go he aver aged hours sleep per night but had the greatest Inlth in what ho was doing ho said be though Ilnrry Lauder was one ol ttro greatest comedians ever to go on the hoards and he qtllnwrd ilarry said in he iunny ls lho Innstscrtuus thing In lite Finally Jerry laid having inmtly at three makes me run the htds arc the some everywhere In Knmhumoosa or Toronto and when they laugh Ich much easier about it In general MADE NTHI HWANHIIA Wain tCIIIrun amt steel rrncnrchcrn here an working an an csywrtmeulnl two storey house made almost entirely oi Ihcct Ilcrl HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Hru Arr iton LAST TIMES TONIGHT mats Sim as am munmm Ailo Showing THE LAPLANDERS In Colour PLUS It CARTOON SHOW STARTS moon and earth at the time at THE MOVIE SCENE Gary Crosby the eclipse Photo drawing Prepares By Hotel Beilhopping By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD iAPI Gary Crosby Blngs eldest worked iull day as hotel bellhop the other day He did It partly ior publicity admittedly llut Gary vows therewas deeper reason Its the new Gary Crosby he says Next season on the new Bill Dana show play bellhop thought theres no better way to preporn than work at it Tar at least day Gary mulled his tirst oppor tuaity As he stood in tho labby woman asked directions to the ladies room Gary stood on one toot and than the other and then said Sorry lady Im new here Gary luggcd bags walked pets opened our doors but mostly be carried ice Man think the world Is drinking itseli to death he moaned Gary who had his troubles growing up is now rated the most settled at tho Crosby boys ltis lather Is so proud oi Negro Roles lire Demanded HOLLYWOOD iAIt Into graiion leaders outlined Friday their demands on Hollywoods movie television Industry In cluding demand that Negro role be written Into every tclc vision series Dctulis were given at press eonirrcnco by Herbert IlllI na tional labor secretary oi the National Association ior the Ad vancement oi Colored People SIiIIIIIY BIIY lilghlly II It Guthrie rumour ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS fill an JHIIIIV rrzwis In SAD SACK titan Tar SUNDAY Inrl rm JAMIISIIWAIII Johanna nailMIDI rs nunwow wmllmwm OHM MINI him says stepmother Kathryn Grant Cmshy Hes wonder Iul lather devoted husband and regular churchgocr What more could you ask Gary says his wild days Ire behind him Ive got wonderiul wlie Shes done wonders ior me got lot to be thankiul ior Most ilabhcrgastcd at his brothers Is youngest Lindsay Five years Igol would have given you too to one that Gary would never go the pipe and 111119er routine but he wears we IMPERIAL THEATRE TanEntiiiln TIT HARRIS EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY It COOKSIDWN Special The Hill reunion Was hold at the home oi Earl and Katharina Gllroy In Alliston June it Plans had been made ior the reunion to be held at Ivan Wrights park but rain Iorced the change Seventyslx people were pres ent Ind participated In games and races on the lawn Swim ming was enioyed by the young er members MONTREAL CPI Debate It the Iorulh world coniercnce on Inlth and order has re ilcctcd growing concern that Christianity has been thrown back into missionary stage in the modern world and needs to recover the evangelical char aetcr and spirit at tbs early church One delegate Friday called on churches to get away irom the professional pastor Ind back to the ministry oi tentA makers and Itshcrmen What arms the modern min Istry should take was key to pie in one at ï¬ve working sec tions as the conicrcnce headed into the second week at its two week study at the doctrinal and organisational barriers to Christian unity Some delegates in the section have taken the view Christian lty Is to essentially the same missionary position as It was beiorc the Roman Emperor Constantine embraced It In the iourth century They Ire asking whether the traditional pattern at one min Istcr and one Iixed congrega tion has any relevance to such situation IAIIISII IDEA VANISIIING Delegates irnm several Indus trial countries sald this pan lsb pattern Is breaking down because people move about so much and cities are growing so large that the neighborhood in which they happen to live has little meaning in thelr lives It seemed urgent to teach and cxemptliy the Christian ialth in places where people work and travel the real com munities in which men live and make their decisions One delegate said there should be recognized role ior nonprotessianal iorm oi min Istry comprising people who NOW SHOWING Eve Show and pm Continuous Saturday From pns THE RABIEST COMEDY SINCE GENEVIEVE IIIIII IIIIIS shinurith as The FAST mgr Hill rig132 Hit By Sunday Rain Bullet luncheon was served in the recreation room In the election at oiiiccrs lice tor Porrltt was named president ior lose and Marjorie awe at Toronto secretarytreasurer prize WI given to lian Ann Hill at lilntrock tor com ing the iarthcst distance Relatives were present Irum Toronto Hamilton Mantrock near ï¬mminst Barrie Allis ton and Cookstown TChurch In Need Former Spirit pcriorm pastoral work tor the church willie doing secular Iobs such as inrmcr school tesdicr In village or he tor worker Reporters the been Id mitted to section meetings on condition that they not quot speakers by name without ex press permission Sections are to prepare re ports tor consideration by the lat council Ii accepted the will he passed on to the Ni Pm testIat Orthodox and Anglican churches belonging to the World Council at churches CAN IIURT UNITY At press coniercnce Friday Dr Willlem Vlsscr Hoott secretarygeneral oi the world council said the member churches have so many prob tents to tackle at once that this could lniure the movement to ward unity The fityearold Dutch Re Iormcd clergyman said the world council has In sense grown too large too soon We cant give suiiiclent attention and study to all the problem lacing us nor can we sort them out Into any order at urgent and less urgent tie said the problems con irontlng the Christian con science were not lust than raised to the dliilcuit serious and solemn theological dism lions oi the Itoatml cooler cncs The world mundl and Its member churches were also concerned about vItIl social Ind political Issues such as cinl discrimination the division at the world Into Irmcd power blocs and the poverty oi most oi mankind RCAF ASSOC BINGO EVERY MONDAY at 300 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT $24000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admlstlcn 504 I4 HIGH ST Above NuServtca CIIInIrI Mslramronr Insure 4i Dunlop St um 57 PenelIng Street IIUO Uiilil Moore nu Agency PA lJYJS PA MIN Irwin McMahon HIwkqunl LET ECONOMICAL INSURE YOUR MOTOR soar AND TRAILER Iurt good business the Economical Outboard Floater policy protects you Igalntl practically all risks excepting wear and tear mechanical tailurc eta anywhere to Canada or the United States whether you are attest ashore or to transport Give your conemicatarent call todavt SIrluni Insurance Agency Ltd 49 Dunlap Si Em Stevenson Compon IIJA Dunlap St East PA 602 PA lot Phone Ore 2016 ECONOMICAL MU ALINSURANCE COMPANY liIICiliItlIt tiItIAltliT are VI