Writes Of tAbout Face InPUC BaCk Ins04 The Ibove mnlullon up ply to the lallnwlnl extenslnnl almx Staph slmt well 01 Small In Fiorence Victoria mm In CanInge Worlu Plel urea mm James MIMI cxunslon on Penumg St meellnl lb Comm slnn on Aprll 19M polltlam were read ulklns far on nslon wafer mulnl Irom mdenll an Sophia Sim was of Smnll street Peneumg sired Cook and Cadrlngton streeu Peel mm Ind Burton mm It zardlnx Mansion on View elm to new canllu work on Ellen smut It was moved by Mum Mu that Whereas potlllon from mm man an the ann BaxIla nsls or flu may than water system on Cook and Cudringlon street has been presented and wheml the con same has been Invuumea the length of Bald extension be ing nbnut 2110 feel and the cost at 65 cents or tool wuuld ho $137150 an whereas all wulble taker upon llla Elld ax lenllnn only um mined lhelr wllllnmn to pm In the mvlce which wnuld not be at all milk 9th to the Dmnmemr them on be it resolved that not It all axmdlem to mad money requlrod 101 ï¬eld men than In Ihe next meellng on May 21 the Cummlulon did In about an an thu mall at extruding the walelx main to the earring wqus was moved by Mayor Boy that the chairman proceed to hm wutar main extended to Curlgs Worh soon mo lmctary arrmoment can In made wllh the hwn rnslrdlnl hydrm rental and Ihnl plpl be pracured or Intentions 501130343 The mat entry In he Minute Book showing that anyone hr Aides cammlslluner wns prr ml at commlxslon meellnl appears In the mimic meeting hed July 150 with Cnmmisslonnrs Bennett and May or Boy helnx pmenl TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Argon WE HAvmn Mock mu gunma sum Eompnny his announced In ul ler lo caulrc he buslnm Ind mm the Mlnlna Co orallon Canada on the tall 11 ha xhum of Nurundn Mlnu Kiln um cuh Ior lhflfl nl lrxlngICnrp Ln In Nar undn Mints on lhe Toranlo mur hl on Mnndny July llh wu ll mm Thu War II thnrzlnrn lhe eqululenl 31913 per Mm In Carp ahlrc Since lhn Nur lndl Min all la purch lho mm at Mlnlnl Corp Hm lhnn Ill Ihnm pro Tum rnullclllnn of ho ho ion bulb compnnlu Thu 01hr wlll mum bu Iuhlet to than bclnl no uncxpeclzd In nhnnclu Bmhrl vIXI lulu In an llnlnclnl whlch mum 01 mm Ind dehpnlurul lulnbon on hair ullmnud ll Iboul loo mlllan than lam mrulnl Ml pu con man Mlm Cunnu Ml Th0 Com rlny pom rm umlnn lat ho liaml yrnr rnded March 1m umounled la mm all depmluflnm and drpldlon ll lowunrenl mum No wmt pulwn II nvnllnhla or IM pre vlmu ll manlhl N91 In and vam MIIIM 1307161 In uug mu lull yur mu Anglo llurnnlnn lellefl The Company hnl announccd ll wlll Iumnll morall lo KerrAdd lmn Gold nu leu Douum llllnrl Lid and Promeclorl Alr vuyl Campny mm to com hlna lmll Ind undrrlnb In or flu our tampnnlu Un dcr Iha Jannal Ihuru ol lhl tumblne company would bl dlu lrlbuled lallawl Onl llan hi comlrlntd mmpany or ucll Kerrmldllon uhan nu lundlnl Elm Ihlm nl cumblnad compnny or Eh ll Anllollumnlnn Ihlm onl Illndlfll One mm ha com blnad cnmnnny or utll lm Dauxnn Ilum nulllundlnlx 0n Ihlrl ll comblned tompnny or urll lrn Prnmtlnrl Illr uyn Ilum nutundlnl lcr uncrllnllnn ol lnltrrcom ny holdlnll lllo tomblned romplny would III clan la 70004000 Ihm aulmndlnn and would luv Ml Ilquld null 01 mllllnn In Idlllllon In In Km Ilddlmn mlnc and Milan plmllnn prowlm Ill Allm Illnn nu ma Ill om Mlnu LL llln 11m Mln Co of Raulll Mllu Md lemwnl Mlnlnl Corpoullwn Ind Amlllllll Mull Cllmu Inc In In malor lemlmldm Ipmh norm llnnnclngolor rower rolm cl lnl Mlnln Co Adulaully Ind ugrmln Exlmlnar Sta heporul Th the Iecond lullImam In flow on Hydro Ind Puhllc Ullllllu ln Banla mm mm 01 Mlnuln flunk the mall Publlc Utlmlel Commlulnn mi Alum yAgxsrpcx cammï¬ IREr1 Nunndl Mlnu lelltd The annulled by Flynn Dunlap In Innla mum luwlw mm July 1m Avmal mu Yul iii BULLETIN BRIEF It reads Mn Keenan present ed severnl communication stal lnl lhlthedld not wish to no on with the Bunker Creek pipe WI After xplalnlng his poslllnn Mr Keenn wan nuontlnnnd re main hll work and mm the lollowlns nalvmonts Mr Keennn said he wllhcd in El vorbm Hot resll nltlnn ram 11 Dolmen to lake enecz Au or sonn thew flex man could In new ad Wu mm In mud In hls realmatlon In wrlllnl That he no competent to IIXI chum the workuThal ha hu much work to do ha wan mad II take on an averm aboul two day week to keep machinery repair ed 12 lakes ono hall day to clean holler one boiler baml ulmed par manlh 21m 10m Flu entry In In minute um math reads Moved by Mlyar Ran that In Iuperln tendon of hi Waterworh Dr parlmem ha hmructed nomy Mr Malawi2 that his name would not rcqulml It the Waterworkl Depanmenl any lonnr And Illa mu lhI lupu Inlandem It to the commu Ilonm an able perm or tho Dallflnn On Sept 19 1904 beginning at 11 am Mr Bennett and Mr Roman wm mm letter ton Mr yawson gsqug for damnel from water in It call mull of leak lnl hydrant was read The minute at this mectlns mu up IIV male in tho nun uta Bonk man than aveme but he meeting adjourned nllcr half an hour at 1130 am meeting In Novtmber lane WBI received mm Johnson asking for an allowance Ivr palms cutter Du reported mu hunk of valve In wheelcock mine Mr Bucrnfl moved that new ulvo be procured On January 1005 lwn new mmmluinnorl Jnmu Dnulall and Mayor on tolclher with Mr Boecroll made up the cummlulm this In meeting the new cummlsulon Mayor Rasn new cammlssloner Ian nu time In sewn down In Euslnen ulssmmcnon Abnut ms Iomoemployee buy an In show dlssathfacllon wilh It with 750950 or lho 11 month ended Mmh II 106 on Food Lid Approx mntely 92 per can the out Ilnndlng common Ihlre purchnw wmnnll Salad Fond were cxcrclud yrlur to alpha llon annll uprascnflnu lot 115 common shim wm exer cllcd under lha mm of thelr luunnce Common mm ur chnlo wnrmnla were lnue In July 1357 llllchtd la the per tenl 10 your llnklnn lund de bcnluru Power CarperIon ol Cand Ltd Breakup value at cum pnnyl common Ilock al Juno In 0136 Ihnn Ill cum Ind wIUI to II hi and Iy mm Tho Compln parled he warm wn III moon ll Jun tomplrcd wIlh 25000000 It MI l0 CAnI II Ullllllu The ComJInny declared qumtrly dlvl end 0035 per commnn Ihm plylhle Auxull to 1m lo Ihnrehnldm record Auxull 15 ms The Company vnvkmn 1y nnld 010 quarterly lnIlnu Mlnlnl Co ulian lellea Thu Company mak lnl In olhrlnl lo uh 01007500 lrmury Ihlm at $600 or nhlm Shareholder mar July I1 1063 will In en lllled In nulchnu on Ith lor nth Ihnm cumally held Irnnu wlll In mull rthnldm on or about all uplm an Aunnlrll Mi lnle mluelal llpu le Cu Company ullmmd ll wlll drllvur 466934 lumll mad all dall In July 1m III hlly mull hum l€lll deliv rru 464117 humi dnly In Jun and hllher by 135 bnmll daily Hum xlellvrln In July mu For lhl llnl 1m dellvcrlu Ivered 457101 bnmll dailf cnmynml WHI 4131 bum dilly ln flu nnl hlll ul 1m All nl llnu ll mm mm cm MRI AVIL Illvlcl TmflI LID Joyrgfou Co TIL PA HUI Verne bulh warldnl millions and salaries The minutes or April of um my shnw lhq l9lowlng céinmimlnutlan fromJ Juhnson king or $10 per month raise in my lcllo from Gimme and Ram asklnl 153 Sunday wan in lvlded mum at John sons salary WII dkcunm mid was deeded to leave over ml tha um mnllnl chan dlvlslon Sunng work was decided lhn man ager should arm the mnlm among the man It could bl dam sallsncmrlly the neu meotlnl 1mm 25 on July 14 Mayor Ron mov ed that anlurlu of Frank punter Kally and William Haucey be gob rnlnd per mnnlh and Du 10 per month snld ulna to com negca Junn and all Halalm NBvï¬Siuuon mime Johnxnn who asked or $10 15271 mcellnz In August 1906 Mr Douaal moved that perm slon he glven tho manager to have desk bull 1n the Elm trlc Light 011m cost no to exceed $25 and in bu aallalaclnry lo the chairman George Kcnnlnglon pmldenl the Banlo Challenge Enrrle dlslrlnt car club mid It dny Wu hm occupied 10 en mu no at for thin the second annual Autosnon bullevc that we hav mm the but rods cunnms Ind mntor cycle In Ontario en lrlu In our show Wu hnvn Ic ce lad enlrlu mm Tornnko 03mmv Kitchener llnmlllan and many other 0mm cen tru AlumSpan wlll ha hell it Haul Arena mm Au and The door open at pm Aug 1m The ownnra the mrie will he compellnz or proxlmalely 700 wnflh mph cs Many mumhx work have one into the preyurnllon thin aw manor of 1mm campalllarl wlll ha Clnndlin hm mnkln AutoSpun 61 In All Cnnad nn Shaw nrmnlily vm 0m lay twang Wnkpllgl Com puny of Canada Limited hm acczpiod tho Unilnd Steelwork en oi America KrLC In their burglulu mnl union upm uniniqu Jlmen RebelLion nld Fridly Mara than 100 ellA ulhla employs ulgned unlnn Iupportlnu curdl The plum wu lhn mm number ol picket line demonslrnlinns Ind lncl dull In mu whrn another un Ion nllomplcd In arunlxo lhu compunyn workerl chl Monday the Klwnnll Cluh Kempmizll Day will meal or luncheon at 05 pm In the Cedar Hull Hulnunnl nn llllhwny 71 Thu mrmhen wlll lhen prnmd In tho nrlrby 51mm County mm or pcmnnlly conducted our lhe uhlhlll by Cnrnlm Ion Chnnncn Lul Mnndny Hm Ktmpmlell Klwnnll Club mat lor luncheon ll um Cnnllnrnlll 1m with Pruidml Chnrlu Tierney pmldlnï¬ Ipcnknr WM Jlm Omnhnnh who oulllnod tho OmnhnTxh who oullln cumnl prnjrrl IYMAC Thll hnl ham lllflllnlld mrnlly by Klwnnll lnkmnllnml and mm lor lmmolc Your Mnlnxina And Cluh Virunrhmn HHII Inrlnded Mm Ire Brown hralhcr In Ilw nl Omydun Kohl nldcn Grlflrn AutoSport In Barrie August Accept Union Without Vote BALL MODERNIZING omyuucm Wllhoul the Kiwanis Clubs Are Keeping Busy mum mm mm Mill on 48 Ann St South PA END 01 PM DONT MOVE IMPROVE CALI NEH lunar by thl To tango wnqum onyx I1me Gradual clearlnz ll expect lhll mornan In lanth orn Ontflu Ind wllh mainly sunny weather over northern Elam Iho ruldcnu Dn larln Iï¬uuld hm chance vlnwlnl 1h ocllyu Planlnnl mulnl lunny weather II are eny armï¬ugdn Lukn Erin Nl mu Lnka lhuan fluarllnn Buy Lake Dnllrlo Hullbunan Windm Ilnmlllnn Toronto Becamnl malnly sunny and warmer lhlI alter noon Sundny Iunny wllh len Iouubb temperature Wind WA 15 amp 11th It nlgy Whlln Rlvor Cochrnm Mnlnly may Why and Sun day an much change In um peraluru wlnd northwest 10 to Murine larccusls Lake Superior Lnka Huron Georgian My Wlndn northwest 15 lo 15 knoll decmnalnl to 15 anluhl Partly cloudy Miami Alloma North Bay Sudbury Snull 5m Marla Sunday Iunny with low cloudy forladl and not much than temperature WIndI nan 0x5qu light Forecast emparnlurel Law overnllhl Mlhl Suds5y Wlndsor t5 Thomn 65 82 London 60 BO Kltchnnlr 80 Mount Forest 55 79 llnzham llnmlllon 55 EL Calharlne 81 Toronto Polerboraunh 30 lrcnlun 80 Klllnloa 58 7B Munknkl Nurlh My BB 73 Sudbury 5a 7a Enrllon 53 7B Snull Slo Mario 52 7s Klousknllnu 55 75 While River Moosoncu Timminl Ian at Chlrlle Grlllln Willlnm Allnn lrlmd Norm Ehtllwcll nnd Dr 1mm Lem at ur Klwunll Cluh On July 29 Hull club will lum Io Hm Conllnnnlnl Inn when uvcnl new mrmhm wlll In lnduclrd In truth Ina lor dlnnrr each Mun Iy duro hm um lummtr mnnlhl Um Conllnrnlnl Inn Nut wcrkl mullnl wlll In chnlrcd by Thom llnbltr or buy nu work cnmmlllu OWINO LASTMINUTE urucllom tn the In cand water for an Award mm ma mini tum thin mornlnl at the Cummunlty Bwlmminl Pool ll Ron Mosop Mk nur 11 tumult cum For ll van ner or lhu Klwnnll lnmnn lonnl mnvrnflnn ll Mlnnlla Clly Pm been prmulul hy lhu clul doleznlo Km WIIII who II III dlvhkml lleultnnnl uoornor or MI yur WEATHER ml1496 Walaln Bench long rccn ed am at tho an bu hlnl mm In tho cmmtry Vvlvldly ravad ltl pupulurll over the amlnlon Dn Hull ny wllh record ullcn nnco Ihnl topped lho 90000 mark Following rcquesll 1mm lhn Vulm ann Bunch and lhu annshlp Sunnlana and lhu md 10 pman Inclch for mnnf lhaulnndl vlllltorl an nual the Dapurlmnul anln nml Forum In Aukull loan on ablllhud Wnlnun Bench Prnvlnclnl Park It cxlcndl In Iva mile in Iron tho mun lclpnllucl bvur the hollda weekend Park Superlnlen an Lorna DDell re nrlcd 28211 vchlclan gnlarcdx bgqch through pm our Entry mms rcprcacnlinz approxlmnlcy 01000 pcoplu Mnny lhouannds Hilton and mldcnls enlcrcd on foot 130 lhl mnrnlng Dfl hour pulled wllhnul In cnll lolh qléjlry annglmpm do Rocrnntlnn much The candldnm loll nrucu IurloldY nick Dnvll and Ncll Gavin Illllnu Dlnno Huxlnbh Beach Mtendance Zooms To 100000 Extend String Fireless Days lnku limo man In pick nna qucen 1mm lhln 1m mmy mlml flul Imnmnl dld II and Shawn Emmi ML ChleHlally xnvm mam ins IPRAYCO L10 lnclmflnz chcmkals THOROUOH COVE RAGE GUARANTEED dlvllon 00 lnr lullrnlnm Illx ALLIRTDN Elle MrKnllhl Trll ll IH NEW Low Killll HIIlh Trh llll THE LOW COST EFFICIENT PEST CONYROL METHOD TOBACCO FARMERS $400 per acre AERIAL SPRAYING CHOOSE ONE FROM THESE EIGHT PRETTY QUEENS Attention Five enuouyounusttr his mornlng woro tnklnu menuoul Award MexIt 110an We Suv lmz Soulon mu at the Com munlly Swimming Pool under 111 scrullnlzlng cya num lnur Torrenco Vunlhurull Drum Arnold Illck DMII Non anvln Diana Huxlnblo and Pam Blrd all high school Iludv onll spent aver lhroa hwrl tnklng ha lest one of whlch was 700ynrd endurance Iwim using gnr swlmmlng altch Ron Mussop Recrenllnn Dlr color or Iha Damn Recreation Cammlnoo Ink Them bay mad glrls lmvu been tnlnlnl or lhls Award of Merl In winter RCAF Edunr Mn Vï¬nunernll from the Camp Bordon Army Physical llmu record was cslnhllshcd somu years bntk um annrb mcnl wcm Illuhu over wccki without no call Thnt was In lho Iummer and Pam Bird On ma duh is examiner Tamnco Worth crnll Cnmp Bordon Army Ihyqlml Trainan Instructor mm ruw WM lnuII picked Thu culch rum lull luck raw nm Jay Elullur Eiltrn Cheu Lnu flrrrn Ind Drllbl hIchbh Eager Beavers Seek Swimming Award Of Merit hainlnz Centre mid ml was on of the more coveted awards lnAcxlilence lnr l119 mum mama nnnmnq MARKET Rnln akin 11 cr buslncu in lhe market lhh mornlml with Ilcndy flow customcrl wllh plenty product In ill the mar Among some he cm the cnndldmu had to awlm wlth lhelr clalhes on take Ihcm underwater demonstrate the various Iechnlque llfunvlng and mm body hmuzh water Each student had cholco akjl mg or magnum pgrlmjm Mr Massop uld when he lrsr cum to Bunlo about live year no hero was only an person wlth an Award at Merl and about two Rod Crass Lullruclorx Now he said than an About 10 person In Barrio with this award in yalr Mr Mossop had 25 candldnle Inklng Award Merit raining Not quite exhausted Diane Huxlahlo one 1an candida or the Award of Merit anl rnw are Ehurnn Smllh Gull Cltmenl Lou Mllrhlnwn you wlll Hflll la lu vullunla Um Hun IAII put Icy Ihnl wlll Ink turn or any mmlma loll vn llu hqu and any lvbu on In mulxunml ml llvrslnrk ll ynur dull mlremenl lncnmo can also pm vldcd Why not rnll ml lo dny1 Farmer FD Vincent Dubai Edlar was taken to the hospital dimly nllcr 1n oclnck inst ninm alter his car wnl in culiiliun with om driven by 105an Edward Smith 2a Clinton St Toronto on iilnhway ï¬nd Cnnccnian 01 Wm Dubéls hubcun churned with careless driving by the Burl 0X1 detachment Early um mornlni Andy my burl fluxInn 501 Landidownu Ave and Clinton vmmim Inmu nddrm both of Toronto wen udmmed the hosplml nflcr thclr cur rolled over on nghwny 400 near the Dunlap Lott nvcrpflia kol basket with llflle change 10 prices Vegetablu ltd with car mu bun 19 ccnla anullllower no cents ouch celery head or 29 ocnu parsley 10 cent Twn Tornnln meu Ind an IlaF scntlon Edgar 9mm ware taken to the Royal Vlclnn in Hospital result of Injur le Inflated In No scpnrnlu no cldnnlu lull nlnhl and early lhll Burton xuflcrcd head Inlurlu and anlgrluc xuï¬crcd undem mlnbd head Injurles Three Taken To Hospital and Kara Edwnrdl Inc Main me lavan lean rmxes anon 700nm enduranca swim lhc Cummiumy Poul Ex umhm Photon IM IA Hill TOM HOWLETT SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY NA ClepIrlon Muldvnu IA IAIN CANADA Exam