3g mp sugar rï¬ rup hul wnlor II nx pkgn Aprlcnl Orange Jelly 1m ml 11 mp mhl wnlcr mm whllts Cmnlllnc sugar and hnl water In Mucqlan lmll unlll nplns lhrcnd 242 dog FJ llcnmvu rum hrnll Ix Sally denser wllh cold walur and mm In nugnr nyr yup llral rm Wllllt unlll all and llrr rallunlly add Iugar nymp mlxluro hoallng unlll lllcï¬ Pour over cnul llclrlucmlu unlll llnn Maku dawn squirm V4 cup brown nugnr Prchral oven lo I0 Ilcgrm Imnlnno Ilnur and hmwn sugar In mixing bowl vul In bullcr unlll wall Lbhndml lrm Inlo lmllom of II muarc pan Bake for 10 mlnutcs or thlly browned Cool fllllng The bride is the farmer 10 am Rona Bull daughter Mr and Mrsr Gnrdnn Ball of Barrie The bridegroom is me sun at Mr and Mrs Charles Sanford Bud Was Harrie Appetites and spirits soar when meals take to the outdoors green backyard under shady trees by the lake or any pleasant spot that encourages relaxation Its easier or you as mother or hostess to have few quick picnic ideas tucked up your sleeve so that at the first Lets have picnic you can be ready in minutes roadside picnic table tailgate of station wagon or even gay cloth on the grass can form the buffetlfor yourfeast The star of this menu is our Potato Supper Salad made with instant mashed potatoes only this time you use cold water and milk and it doesnt even need chilling so convenient it youre in hurry The addit ion oi chopped vegetables and any meat you have on hand makes this salad meal in itself when blended together with tangy dressing it also totes easily in in dividual lhenno cups and better still it makes good hearty eating la or or plastic cups covered with oil may be substitute or theme cups Tuck in leaf lettuce and fresh relishes finger foods and package of iced tea min to cmnpiete the fare 0n Ihclr return mm wedd lng trip to Cape God Mr and Mrs Davld Charles Wass will make lheir lmme an wilsun Avel ln Tornnla exchanged vows an allcrnoon ceremony held 11 Central United Church Barrie with Rev Lee Allislnn anciaUng Basket of while mums blue snapdragons and polled ems formed the scuing 1m lhe summor wedding DonildLaInsun wés salost companied by Mr Ireland Midland Take along mallow squnrcs so popular wllh the children and grownups tool Make them tn toll or aluminum pan so the wtll carry and pack well An assortment of fresh lru ts with stems let on will complement the flavor or the squares POTATO SUPPER SALAD cups cold water Va cup cold mllk tsp salt oz envelope cups lnslant lllnshcd lotnto Hakes V1 cup diced celery cup chopped onlon tsp dry mustard V4 lap cclcry mll Dash of pepper Va cup mayonnan cups culled cold meal loll over ham pork chicken heel or canned monlsl Mlhodx omlllno cold walcr mllk and salt In bowl add polulo flakes and nllnw to Maui for llve mlnulcs lhcn whlp llglllly wllh fork lunncdlnloly luld eggs green pop per celery and nnlon Add muslnnl celery ml and pcppcr l9 lhu xpaynnnnlsc lullx well Mlllnlcn anlml with mnyonnnlsc mmurc and Mend well Chll Serve on louucn lmvu or In lmllvldunl cu Gnrnhh wllh cu cumhrr alltcs lomaln wcdxcn um paprika domed Serves 10 Crullx Couple To Reside In Toronto After Honeymoon In Cape Cod hardrcuvakét eggs chapped grpon pepper FRUIT MALLOW SQUARES cup nll purpose flour cup puller KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON The brides gown was lashlon cd of sailpea wilh sweet heart neckline and lily point sleeves The bellshaped skirt fell lo chapel irain Her head4 dress llalian lace held her ï¬ngertip veil lull illuslnn She carried bouquet of while siephanoiis wilh while orchid and Ivy She also carried handkerchief which had been carried by lhe bridegronml milligron her wedding day Bridal attendants were Mrs Hilda Kloosterman matron of hnnor Misses Cathie Wass ais lnr oi lhe bridegroom Elizabeth Ashton and Marilyn Hudson at anpnlo were bridesmaids They wereflgnwncd alike In blue sheath dresses with over shirts hlalchlng blue organla The familiar Inslrutflons lo pull him down and undcr nnd lronl muscch up and ln are mrnnl lo cut llm Mum In por lccl lmlnncc llnwcvcr ll cnsy gal on ctnlrc wllh lhal dawn nmlundrr null llfllu min In cummcl he hlp musclu llmngly ynu pull up muxly ullh lhc lmnl muscles Force llm mlddle muscles lllrmsdvcl In dn lhu lllllnx Thry Me curm blc lwo ncllonsun Inpull nml nn Impull Mnku mm lhu uppull mum Jul reception was held at he Cedar Hall neslunan The mmhcr of the bride wore blue draped shcalh ullk ur lanzn wilh matchlnz accessor lcs The bridagmm mother was guwncd in plnk linun dress wilh matching coal and accessories 11m sccrcl of kccplnx young ï¬gure lo me he bmclng ronl muscles and lhc blg hip musclns as ultdlc The lwn wuy mnlrnl nflordcd by 1th muscular girdle bruulllnlly Ilrcnmllnlnu In In rlnhl llnw the whole hmly II Inc wME nlmuldnl rtlnml and mm may llama hnlunml ivu hell hunynncy nnd nllmnm Try ll Stuml xhlcwnyl In In lull lenzlh mlrwr In your unmml mlum Now pull ynur Illnlng mum un Alrunxly and mnlrIIcl Inllllf wllh Hue lilllnzmom must 5w Yuurn mrluur nhly ullmmcn ThM thc Irdla Iclu xlr nm nln rcllqn Tu nu dln rnulrul prnclluu um nor nrllnn ï¬lnnd nznml llw MIL han and hrnd lourhlnl wnll Imln cuupln ndm away mm Wu Hltmly lmul him Alum Imllwny Inwnlrylnz In mnkn nll pmln nl flip up until llm wnll Now Ilnvll John Wnss brother the bridegroom was lhn ring bear Vlllinm Boyer Toronto al lendcd the bridegroom The ush ers were Donald Simpsun Shnn ly Bay and David Shaw Wnlknr ton Fnr travelling ihe bride warn red lwopiecc suit with white accessories and while archld Corsage Rev William Bell unllcd in marriage Beverly Anne Ayers and Gordon Russ Gilbert in an evening ceremony in Siroud Presbylerian Church White chrysanlhnmums and pink lupin decorated he churclL flowers and while pearls were fashioned lnla headdresscs In the attendants They carried bouquet pink and while cur nations Oqucily guests wcre pro sum from Midland Hydro Glen Homlnxs Mills Klngslon Wind sor Dclroil Michlgnn Toronto and Uxhrldgc KEEP IN THE TRIM BeVerly Ayerst Wed In Stroud bride méduughm or Tl Cndtnll ï¬bnmwo l1 llalr Trtnlnwnl ml IEIIMA Muscular TwoWay Control Supports Youthful Figure fly HM JEAN KMN IIEMJTY II Mm PA 53594 MR AND MRS GORDON GILBERT MLON 99 21 nlruinhlcn kneel keeping up lire Iplne nnnlnsl the wall Thin mill or sunny uppull wlm lhc middle musclcslhu trying II cxcrclsc Try It again Corntlin 0U Sklnnnr nclru and IIIUWI mm me me pm llm Ihl poslura cxcrdsc going up mu dnwn In elcvnlom lho apcrnlur hummus ln look around aha my Just lnklnu my ex crclxe Mel Ayers gava his daughter in marriage Shewas wearing new de luille wallblenglh dress with lace over lathe having lhreequnrur length Ieevcs Her headdress was on rose new de ailla holding menu length veil ol lace She carried bouquet ol baby pink roses and white baby chrys anthemums Tllu rcccpllamwns held In lhe home the brldea par enls When leaving on the wedA ding Irip to Niagara Falls lhn brlde wore plnk sull ol lac nvcr llarnl silk and while an cussorlcs Put gimp 1n xlnllo muxclc wllh lhls condlllnucr Lla an back an Hoar lllhl knee bent and min ml on our Lrll In Ilrnlphl dnwn Pull up mu In Ilronuly pres Inn Imnll II hack lo floor Acllnn Ilan 1m leg nlmul duh lnchu on our Hnld flu coulracllon wllh he nbdomlnnll Ill you Ilowly lower It In lloor llcprnl cw llmcs Rcvrm xlllun 1ch Mn lower right lu Hoar nunln mnlulllinlmt Ilrfml conlrnrllnn nhdnmlA Mr and Mrsl Melville Fl Ayersl RR Strand The grooms par ems are Mn and Mrs Roy 01 lver Gilbegg Jlnnnon 9m Soloist Mrs Gordon Shcnnz Strand sang The Wedding Prayer and jolncii with His JaneluAycrsl in Iha Wedding Mlss Mary Mum Burlington was maid of honnr Shl wore pale goid linen dress with mntchlng floral headpiece and short lace veil Baby while chrysA anlhcmums and pale pink car nalinn were In xer bonqucL Ken Pall Hamilton was host mm Usher were Nelsnn Wnl son uncle the bride Slroud an Dull Gllpert Humjl Thccbuple will rcslde ms highland Ava Bulllnulop nnlm BONUS Ecrorien attendliiz ihe Amer can designer serics oi fall fashion reviews coped with sleigh cuslumes ski cioihe and deep maze suits simmering with buiiidn warmih and chic The spuriswear was designed in Paris by Marc Bohan But the heavy tweed suiu shaggy wilh whai looks like daynid siuhbles and weweek nid beards along with boots hands and shawl war high light ni Gasian Beriheioln Ieclion Berthclot helium flat chested women long lean and vigorous gum Probably the highest highwaistline anyone has seen lo dale ranchld allghuy above Ihe bosom line on one dress Brave NY Heat Ih Winter Wear NEW gYORK APlDcsplu the summer heat MIMItown fashion wrllers at who New Yark House Christian Dior played mm of baby Its cold outside Monday Suits were generally illm long walsltd with wide slanted shouldered jackets and setIn sleeve Blouse were usually in beat pnllem Skim oflen weje dlyldcdrinlo culoucs Berlth mall 11 mllllncr with reï¬ned ex ample dArlagana cha pcau sombrems Ive gallwn hats hall bullets Juckey caps and evcning plllhnxu with curly camera so long they danced on he models bire backs SEE ADDITIONAL SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE FOURTEEN ESTATE SALE 76 Dunlop SI Em PA IN Selling Flr Balow Originl Con 005E DIAMONDS gunulno blrgllnl RINGS $1000 up ONCE YEAR 0PPORTUNTY for DIAMOND Jewellery REEVES Jewellery ANTIQUE and KHARTOUM Sudan Vineul oralGum Arabic one the waxids less known but most widely used commodities is mainplank in lhe Sudan guv eiinment loyear development All over the world pcnple lick slump and mvelope laps and chew breath puriï¬ers us daily routine Few realize that mom From The Sudan Gum Arabic Conley1m 31mm gunman wggrisflv JULY 11 ms WALKERS 50 DUNLOP ST EAST that so per cent of the world supply gum Arabic comes Irnm the Sudan The governmuni is concerned not so much with making every one more aware oi the import mice sum Arabic as with Im proving lim producls quality and expiaitntion In view ol the Importance gum Arabic in lhu economy of lhe cuunlry lhe government Nun cxploll and enlargu cul PA 64ml Muslim the lrcu from which lhe gum is produced It Is chtzfly prnduced lntha western pravtnceol Kordalan where the gum L1 obtained from tho acacia erke small rec which survlvc In poqr sandy soil Every ygnr between 0c tuber and February the my bnrk the trees tapped and lho outing gum collactnd The Sudan has expofled tum lor hundrcds years Eu