Lawyer Lawrence hugs hla wile nilcrrmlvinx the nomination Progressive Conservative candidate for CP lmn Alkileuleu MOSCOW Chinese and So viet negotiators resumed their mm Ideological pence laiks lodny amid reports that they wen preparing communiquc lo sullen the thunder oi lhelr splll Wulcm newspapcr men saw he lhrcn Chnikn limousines ml in Pcklnlz delegation iillcd willl Chinese drive irom lhelr villa rcsldcnce this morning and enier he ilausc ol lleccpllons on he Lenin llllls low mlnulcs earlier lwo cur lalned Chaikns believed lo cnn inin llusslnn delegates also drove in lhe urnunds oi lhu wallerinli vliln Russians Chinese Talk Again May Try To Bridge Wide Split There has been unly nlnn the talks thls Mondayn5 at as West porters have been able cmaln Thy talk resumed nllcr days recess during whlch rumor circulated that Promlcr Khrushchev was prolonging the discussions so he could point his inferences with Communist China 15 an urgumum or Vcsl cm dnlcgnllons lhc lcsbhnn negnllnlinns ml to press hlm too hnrd SAME AS THE WEST It was flue same sort ul argu mcnl as the Vcslcrn delegate had In nllcrlhm nn unsnlly luclory ngrumunl never would approved by lhu US Sen nle 1nrimin5 nrclxn Mercury lhc BM mm laid press cnnlercnca In The Hague he lhlnka ldcolngicnl split be lwnrn the Sam and Chlncsu Cnmmunisll is hnsic dispuln which umnm he cinch Pekan Peoples Daily Accused me Unflcd Snlcs today mnkinu lncmmd mum la mtddlc In China vlct rcluliom and lo CELEBRATES NOMINATION WITH BUG mum eeeumk mum Vw wlll 1m lvwn lhh mm In murr COOULILL CMJAO In mm war lln nhlnu1nn llnlllnlndmmH cml Ivmuhrmrxvl mm numb winu anHuil for nlppinu l1ulymwllwnnnnlry Hm Mon CODULILIS by lniulylw 1hu uluml mch I1 Innuchle lmhmhcal Irulm 11m dumnlu hams lmndrmnn 101 In InlMJwvlmhlnulathum Imuyannlpu Bnlglils Vilmu you ZOOUL ll CAO you mll Npva your gmlIludn Lu Hal uaaman Rï¬dlilsJiILZWWMS hécn unly one sex lalks thls week lur 951an re lo ns woo iii Soviet Union in apposi llon In China The paper laid the US press is onergellcally inciting the Soviet Union against China Russell in the next Onlaflo general cICcHOlL Thu 5min member Gnmon Laucrgne mused to nilund the nom The newspaper Sovlnlsknya Rossiyn Sovicl Russia carried thn ball today In lhc propa ganda war bckwccn Peking and Moscow An ndilarlul sold Ihn Soviet people nrdcnlly approve Inst weeks Sovch Communfls arty central cummlucc open one mucking ghuuchlnm hardlino pulley domil JODRELI BANK England AP The Russians have some doubts about whclhcr pul ling man on lhc man will be wnnhwhile suy Slr Bernard Lovell lhlnk the Eiuainn in he Suvicl Unlon such that there great den of dlscusslon in he Soviet Academy as to wholth WI ever be warm whlle getting man on he man he old 11 press conlcr cncc Tuesday Man To Live On The Moon Soon Russians Doubtiul About That Then are lwo problem which ï¬nally concern 0mm Tho qucsllon mdlnllan dum ngc and he Incl that men may he no solullun lo gellan 7mm back In enrlh safely Slr Bernard director the Jndrcll flunk nmllo Aslronumy Obsrrvnlory hm has Just In lurnrd mm lhrwwcck visll to II Soviet Unlml llc the Mrs Wulcrn nclcnlm who has lmcn allowed In Inspect Sovlnl spaceunsung alnlluns nine or them He snld he Smlcl Unlnn plnn build an orbllnl pm Gull Tlml Ir lo myhulol comm In COQUIETIL wiun ior npvilnlu diner rnlnd an nnuhir wion conklml My invonlv Ina uni Coqunlrlc hv Ullnhlw In COQULHL AUNCOT Dfllclnux or nlpylnu la wlun wllh mo puro lavornl Hm anmL NI lum Ionl 1m hon culalnnwunIvbnloflmuctl lu No my lllmllillll dcmnlcr or In lam Ilsayobln Ivy It Loon Blgï¬li lwo prohlcms Tum NORTH BAY CPrMnyor Cecil How 15 demanding stlflur penalties or reckless and Impaired drlving lnaglon mccung because of dispum with members he constituency cxccullvcu CP Winphoto Mayor chlll loid cityenun cll Tuesday the 15 weekend pc ddcnls 1n lhc arcn ls ins ton much Noflh Day has 43900 Weekend Crashes Is Iust Too Much reglhcnls The shuauun has reached scriaus pruporlluns and Im go lng to ask our pallcu depart ment to clamp down an every Inlractlon at our bylnwa by My 071515 in the city the mayor sald lorm In space withln Ilvo your or the cpcrnuon of lnrgc op llca lclnscape WOULD JQIN SHIPS The plnuorm would be na scmblcd In space by Joinlnx gclhcr number space ship manned by number 1mm mum He anld lhe prlmnry nusslan space pmqu at prcsnnt per lccling techniques or spm rendezvous He said the key the whula mounlnndlng Issue In nun lhcre nn convlcllon In the Soviet Unlnn that it Is sclcnllllcnlly or olhcrwlsc dcslmble la hnvn mun on lhe monn The presldenl lhc Sovicl Academy he nddnd lecll lhu only way lo procncd with he mnnonlhomonn problem la have lnlcrnmlonnl uurecmcnl nmuml worm sclcnllsls nlmul Ihe rlcsirnhlllly and wins 01 lunar landing Qucslloncd ulvou he snnw mo hclwrcn lhc US and flu nln Sir Harman rcpll You wl lycmrpp nnurporcd uthilm thln lï¬lmmlxIQQUElEL Clmhlï¬ whlch onn Jpn nHMunomllnurnAlumnh ouIynvlvIlllhnlnllu uuo dcopdmnyflavorl Thnrn nm Ilncn COUULHLS MII n1 unlinlom Um nlhnrln dillmanlwnh lluvlr mlw mmlrwl you will lm wlunlrlwd 1Im dumnlcn lmmlmmo you will bu doHuhln Bligï¬xsrzï¬wï¬ns lq LOOU ETIL once You will ihon nulcn win my opinion OTTAWA CP The Con servallve party splll in the prw vlnclnl rldlng of Rulsell deep ened Tuesday nlgh when one camp met ind nomlnaled law yur Lawrence an in candldala ln Ihe Ontario general electlon PCS Néqr10ttha Split In2 anips 111a alhu camp In the Div lawnarea constituency refused toconccde that lha mncnnz was even held Sllllng MLA Gordon La vugne cxmayor the adjnln Ina clly ol Easlvlew nld lhu meeting was Illegally consll killed and rldlculnu lle stayed homeas dld one ol lhu other candldntes lor mu nam lnallon Eastvlcw holnlmnn Len Kelly the rldlnga delegates nbout 150 at lrom Enstvlew and only threu or our showed up at nlesdny nlghln meellng In all 381 ballots were cast la glve Mr Lawrenco Illa mmlna llan In contest with Ottawa Alderman Murrayllcll The mnelins mid Been sched uled long ago cyAimsh any Wm But wllhln the Ins two week lhe constituency presldenl gar Btlsson anld he had dcnlable man many new mules llo wouldnt any pub llcly whnt lhe alleged lmgu lnrklcs are Mr Brlssun advcnlscd In tnwu newspapers andon local rndlo slutlans that the nominal lng mceflpngu cancelled it turned out only our ol hc 40 constituency cxccuflve member wuned the mealan cancellud Thu ulhm wanled go nhcad dld mmum munu Campllcallng slluatlon the Cumberland Womens Pnr gresslve Conservallva Assocla llon also wanted the mecllnu called olt Thatrgraup headed by Mrs Palrlclu James sought court lnlanctlan Tuesday In have the maths cancelled but the lnluncllonwnsllmfuscd mu uuunm Mr Morgan snld day night he expccu Mr Brls son lo call nnolhur meeting ll Flhcrglnl haul and vmux Euclrlc Molar an 3R3 Ibl Id hem ulmml wllh in wlnlluhlchl nlmluu mnlmh nhlrl uml llnnlwnu TM hon run he urn leoyn llnnln lMulh rm Mul rmlrr ï¬lm Rog 153500 51v 30000 12 FIbnrgIn Runnboul Démommtov SJ bum SAVE 20000 11an comm wm EATON Salt End Slmlna Mm Md 29900 WI WAS 49900 Aluminum Spoclnlt snvs 3000 14 Alumlnum Bonn 52 Bum EATON SIII Euh Tnan Talm mm canon Rea 27900 Ouhloar Show Meln Floor Ouldoor The EATON limited 14 Dunlop St East Remember The EATON Guarantee 900 24900 Demonstrator Spgcinl Save 30000 so Mr Lavergna would attendi and geek the nomination Root oi the squabble was an executive wmmilten decision earlier thin yampit docided to hold closed nominniing meet inl oi selected delegates rather than an open convention at which all constituency nswciw tic manners point uvu mum Mn James wailMed ha delegate then were aclectad ll legally CAPTIVBTED THEN CAPTURED NEW YORK AP Two bnndlls forced nlne olrleu glrls to am In their under wear Tuesday but whlle helr aucnuen we diverted the company presdentpushed an ularmbulto inured that with all that nudity an display in robbers wouldnt be thinking about me said Alexander Clarke 52 the president an leaned over and pressed silent alarm Flve pullccmcn rushed to the sauna and stoppvd tho bandits as they stnrlcd down the mm lending to the Clarke management corpora tlon 1t WM who all exparL cncc sald Clarke inter do any so myself those glrls an some or the prettiest 1n ghe my and whllc Im married man flll can look ms mm but has been npponc gnrpe positions in Agnlco Mines TORONTO CWNorman Sherlfl presldonl and manag lng dkcctor Horn Mine lr nut in ï¬lm Mines President Given New Post Mu Agnlco and Dear Horn have silvcbcobnlt properties in 0n mioa cobalt men 1235oo Eon Molar Ind Exlru Denies Beï¬ort Screening MPg UHAWA GP New Dem ncrallc Party MP Hurold Winch nluday ntrnngly protested against report that the Com mons detenea commmée will not be given mm lntarmallon by NORAD because the MP5 huvn not been cleared on mur Hy by ha RCMP Mr Winch reiemd to re purl to this aiiect carried by The Canadian Frau quoting Deiencu Cammllieo Chairman Maurica Snuve llamala Madeieina Later Government Leader Plckerlhlll auldiln a1 statement that there seem to havu been good deal misunderstanding lle told he Commonshn had been informed by Dennee Mln mar Hellyer that the had ham nu suggestion whalso over of my MP belnz screened in any manngr ww noever TORONTO CF Funéral services w1l ha held toduyJor John Melvin Hlll no clvll en gineer who worked on projects Maugham Canada and lhn United Stalcs Civil Engineers Funeral Is Held He died in hlslToranlu homo Sunday ML Hill was burn In Goldwa ter Onl received his public and secondary school educa tion in Toronto and graduated In civil engineering ram lIIe Univgrsiiy Oregon 7110 wrvcd nverscas in bath world war as captain In the Roynl Canadian Lm Dyan WW Construction project which he headed included the Automm tlve Bulldlng he Canndlan anlonal Exhlbklon 1h 11m them in London Ont has pitnl In Detroit and several brldgc in hhlmblu mu Unusua He leaves his wife Mable and two sum TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu 9x9 CABIN TOURIST Rog 6950 Spnclll 5950 9x12x7V Dquxo CABIN TOURIST TENT Nylon mull wln lmu nnwn llwr pol llrg 71m Shop Mlln Floor ioods Sullsfactory or Money Refunded 5895 mm TORONTO cmNu hooded bundlls smashed the front wln flow of the Parkway Plaza brunch at the Bunk Nova Sent Monday held up three hunk employees and escaped with an estimated $54000 weekend deposit No his Isnt monaler cllmblng ashoru mm the dep th of the up Ill lkln diver helplng tabla lhlp lav cablu from Vmeouvu hut Toronto Robbers Flee With $54000 Pallcnvbcllcvc me bandits are the same one who robbed the Cnuudlnn Impeml Bank MONSTER FROM THE DEEP July lull Ell lll vrunlllo hemllflul bf Superlnr nn xlruclhm nml Hulnllluu um All plum prcdnlnn cut Mnlannml lrrnlrtl with wrnlhrr nulul ull wood prurrvnllw Tulnlr um Imuhrl hnvn mm luhulnr nlumlnum lumu UM llnl lur lrnuqknnnllnn nr Alnrnlr lurk llnnly Wm WAIIIM Fuhl or ulnlcr ulmjmn rr Hrl TIM Arwul WIN hlxh flrnrhu wmrn Illxh EATONS July Slll Ouldoor Shop Main Floor Coluloguu 0rd Phanl MINI Sm Ind Admlnltlmlon Fhono 9593 July Sal EIIII Old California Redwood PICNIC TABLE mum Commerca CedarbraePiE of $45000 In identical ashloy two years ago The getaway cm stolen ï¬t urduy wnr lound two hlockl rum the bank but Vancouver Island Thu cable one the vital 11m in mownrldglrdling Commom wealth tel hone cable syscm When om HONOR 01 Ill TOKYO AP Communist Chlnn has opened revolution museum in the mountain Kiangsilprylvnc the earliest nlnusar base party chairman Mao Tsumngs forces the New China New Agency reparLL