Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1963, p. 17

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AR UND sIMcbfifébUNTY nome on In Vlglnria EC rznuubu vnnmznnn why mm mm um chm 30 Illdnwly Tulhnml Kddn ununl urewc parly was held Fri day Evening for Mr and Mn Ron Theme and amfly 11 their hom onfifheir dcpnrlure for Do an no mm In 00 ml Ina vanl sum of My mu Sun From Nmm uln Displayunin the TV Nun wmnen swam mu Mony mu TulmmuY JUL II In Loo mu Inn ma too In so IN Tu mum Funny run lel Wulhlr 5pm luv lnnnumul mm Summmml um um Vlullnn nm vm nm mm mm mm In 00 ml Ina Euphil Service and Miss Lolamae Sorvice oi Saskaiaan Sask are visilinz Mr and Mrs Lloyd and Lorne Scoii and Mr And Mrs Wilired Ind BEHIII Johnsion They are niso céiiing on oiher triends in the district Pahlswlck 3km last week with Mr and Mrs Em Castanr ETA number from he village at donded the Orange Parade In minis on Saturday IncEveryone ls thankful for the mind rah on Sunday uIhe sympathy of the village tfiuunm lo xohm Kendrick Lhe dealh 01 his brother in Mlssouri Aller lenglhly Illness Mrs Wllllnm Anderson dlcd at her home Saturday Mrs Anderson was very scllvu unlll her lllness hegan two years ago Sympathy ls exlendcd lo Mr Andersnn Alberl Helen Genrge and Jean and other relslives Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wayne Burkhalder nee lulie Slareyl who were msr tied recently number from Ith commun Ily are attending Bible xchaol ll Mitchell Squara Baptist Church lhebeauflful flower In St JohnsChurch an Sunday were illmemory of Mn Watkins and JUL Hodge of Toronto and mere given by their relatives 71m Watkins lamily of Toron Aklllfendedilho service Vishnu with Mr and Mn Kellh McLeod ware Mrs Ken McLeod Mr and Mrs Archie McLeod of Delmil Mlch and Miss Maurczn Horrinzton EN 01 Barrie Jlniwllagérnan spoke law By MRS CASTON MraSusle Coward Ix vIsilhiz in Ottawa Mn and Mrs David Summers lpfnl luggvggek lg Cyuwnmll Mr and Mn Pemgrew lamlly 01 Hamilton spent 11 wefikeng wig Mrg Bums you run In an mind In mm IS no cuAnbé rbi rms mic By MRS JOHNSTON VESDAI JULY 11 smlm um Vluuon Tun Qulrk an mar 11 on steam DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND HIUCKI 5mm CRAIGHUBST TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI RUGBY Apart CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 muunn In an ll gun Salurfiy evenlnz Mn Efmer drone of Weston was caller Mr and Mrs Bowdenl ham on Mon dug fir and Mn Young Dunedin were cnllm It Mr Jae Pulley horn Mr and Mrs Jamu Smllh and family visited Mrs Smith molher Mrs McLarney In Tor onln onjundayg By mas nownzN mower was had It Ihe hem of Mn Roy Smith Prl day night for Phyllis WK lght bridewb who Is being mafrled bu month Among those Allendlng the Calgary Stampede mm Guthrie are Mrs Launnce Fnser DI and Phyllis Ind Mr and Mn Mpnls McAthur VMIVI Melton and boy are holidaying It their mum In Muskuka Mrs Ellwood Blank lelled her Imlly In Brnnllord and Humil ton menlly Mr and Mrs Campbell accompanied by Mr And Mn CHI Buss and Russell and Bruce Clmpbell left Mondly or fluxsewed hullday In weulem Cannda Mr and Mn Mex Grnhnm and non Ganla Ire vlalllnl hLv paranu Mr and Mn Mex Graham The Pushymien Vomenl Mission Society met It lhn home Mn Robert Dem or Ihl July meetlnl Mrs Llnyd Sump lon presided with Ihe membm taking part In quenuan and answmprozrlm on um study mm Mudi Blllk ve the medl ullnn on the them lb church The August meellng will ha II Mtg Rotgegg Carppbe words or new flmy wen presented with electric calm maker and try pun We wish them v19 In lhelr yew hams 11w Womenn mum and Federation Picnic II to be held in On Mbmurial Pnk on My 24 Supper It 630 Ind mm ullnr films Heather Thoma visit lng In Naw York Th Lawnn an wuwr Nun ll Tn lumr 1M nlflronl lwflmlthl nlmuy mm Mal mlm Hm rum amen lluu In Ml Lnn Clfll Nomad ruan Momlnl Mlllnll mld Nr Noun Ila lnly My Mum unun Cluh manm Nnmm Iado spam mum nonnl mmu Wannay NIIM Mo Ulfl llllll CTV Hum Plur Illflul an En wind1 mm an mm mm Mam TORONTO MRS CAMERON BARRIE HOLLOWS llnn phon GUTHBIE JULY ll Movll In Hm illuxlralu the palm South In In luur wade And Wm 11 In our Ipndu Ind We had ha qucm dlamonda Decllrer Iaur lawnu hcnrl two diamonds ad duband he quullnn Theta II In doubt lhal many hind no made by dulmr Ill dlmt mull of misllku by hl nppancnh Nulurllly nnyc thlnu doc la tncournge an mm by the drlcme ls step In gho mm dgrecllon 50 the mull con cerned than ls nn dimrcnco hclwcen mnklng canlrlcl be cause you hIVO lhe mm necu ry lo mm lhe commllmcnt or making conlrucl hccnuu he oppnncnls mad In the de tense DAILY CROSSWORD Openlnl lead queen mnndl 1me mu all Mutual Dmul num DOWN Armu ollotfiia mln Malhon Ilfltl llmblu ll luth MunIn VIE madman Ion far In mph mm ll Ihauh nnun 0mm dun mum Chlnlu VMIV and ElfL Duper fir onm called on Mr and Mn Russell pleaan blrblcue party wan mm at the home of Mr Ind Mrs Lame Drier The ac casion was Mr Oracr birthday lJillawIllp run up XL Mind of mm Immu mumm pmij By MM NASH Mr and Mrs George Chum upon lwo weaks handy wllh Ihelr eon Waller Snull Sle Merle Mr and Mrs Weller Caulk Blrry Dnryl Ind Heath er returned with them In spend heir holidays around Mldhurxl While here Hwy attended the Couns reunion Springwater Park and an Home althe home of Mr and Mn Coulu The family were allpresem min JET1n llangack Taranln lljnlldnyjng win Dgneldn Nash lrtrk mm mum Congutumons to Mr Md Mr Douglas Morhy an lhe him at their son Zaul Daug 133 the Gal hospital on July Mn Palsy MCCOI Tan onlo apenl the weekend with her uncle And aunt Mr and Mrs George lean ML and Mrs Lloyd Irwin Ind family Bramylun are spend hu week will their parenls Mrnand Mljm Jnhn Irwin John rMnrhy patient at the Colllnzwmd hanpflll WI wish North dealer Nellhcr llda vulnerable Noam ucn vuxou 0AM AKI Mr and Mrs Koebei Suz anne Ind Mlchnel La Peunle Calm manIvlnz this wrek to spend week with Mrs Kw bels parents Mr and Mrs thn Irwin Sgt an Mn Len Armgoat Ind sons London OnL are filming Mr Ind Mn Ruben Misses Karen and Dawn Lynn Corkan are vnclllonini with rs fllgalt MR8 HEAT Granary and Grayllnz Our nu well411d twin sons Mr and Mrs Walter Oman Windsor In hulldnylng with that uncle Ind aunt Mr and Mn Dam Fadflne meme North no MIROII MIDHUHST CBEEMORE CONTRACT BRIDE Mam Mn 49 flllhuo mum 213nm Hm Itorich ml 20 Inn 11 Blmplrlon 19nmuz Pix 14 Film cum gqu mm KNI ox Logu 5g ascxsn mer 71 mm 55mm worm Box Join Oovlfl aan mm ll Ulrl Imian cola Icknunc 38 mm Nola that dcclnrcr mnkn hl effort ma he canlmcl as man possiblewllhuul drnw Inx trumps and wllhnul glvlnz he ddmsc chnncu lo learn nnylhlnx nhnul lha mluro hl hind TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA um mm Hub ll Irue tn the contract by saln up will lhe llng when the three of beam plnyad lmm dummy lrlck Iwn Very low plnym holding lha Em card would do hls however In any mm 512th lose nulhlnl by pulling an curly Insz Ildl 21m and Dnclnrer wlns ll wilh the king dnw lhrca round of rump endan In dummy Ind lands the queen of henna Ennl king II trapped he cnvers lha queen wllh Ihe king South ruff and later digcardx club on he tn hurls whlle Has dunk the queen of hmrls Soulh dlscafdl clnb thrn and lhcrc win lhe dlunond with Illa Ice and play low hear ram dummy East follows law and lb Jank lam lo he an The defenders new cash lwn dln mnnd Irlch nuer which my lead club If he opponent coud nee Soulhl hand they would have no Irnuhle deflating the com tract But 11 dedmr usual has lhe advantaga at having hll vnlnu concealed and Ihls in Iurn permit him In undo upon that ndvunlale lsvlgmx to ulleq nno ufhcm Tomorrar TIM pluthqntna Miss Phyllis Campbell hu been in Colllnzwood or the past two week In the ufllce of llausb hold Finnnce whlle the regular gammy wal on holidays Mrs Erin Ruben entertained friends Irom Barrie Dalston and Guther miscellaneous baby shower Mondly evcnlnx or Mrs RmuId MacLeIn Re freshment wm served after wards The United Church annual Sunday School plcnlc planned or Ora Memorial Park July 21 wllh dinner II 1230 noon and mom and Iwimmlnz to follow Mr and Mrs erse Indilwo children have takan up residence with Ernest Joules By MRS CAMPBELL Mrs Phllipchukvand Danny and June or Bergen lulu visiting the farmers parents Mr Ind Mn Murdock Mls Nancy Omr spent few days with lriqnds 1n Hamfllon szrawmluns Io in Mid hurll children who were all suc cessful In passing their examin Allonl There will be canvasm calling on home here for donu Unn lo the WMCA bulldlnz fund lnrflnrrie Mrs Bat and son of Pllu burg Penn hm bear holl dlylnl with Mr and Mrs John Slagy Mr and Mrs Walter Smith and lnmlly are visiting Mrs Smlm Mr Smith has retired mm 11 air force Wu all wish ngzey 95a best of luck Jack Flower awilladae In helplna his uncleMLynn Russell onthe my ghi summer Dént target dmrch service it 930 In Mldhum United jnhlnl will Anteq Ill July 2l1 nlncu nun un my 11 The ichoolchlldren this district Ire taking swimming lam RCAF and the first wedding anniver sary Mr and Mn Funk Onen over so family friend attired cqngiatulngongi Mr and Mr Nash nnd Donelda pent the weekend It Sunset Connie Cedar Belch on LI Slmcoe GUTHRIE rim Pul mm co god wu 7L gut mm mm wuwnmmn manna nmmmxxwmwfi HARRIS EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 17 OLE an nznbnnu mauznlumifmh sufirazqs HALF new cm TOG AD ya nfqurmzr WAYS ALL TH VACArIoN 5m

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