Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1963, p. 5

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Allhough Slroud Amtrallu sllll has to report an the ellrn Innllun cnnlcslr the lake tar are rm too far apart com bined distance top eight brick throwers Slrwd Ontario 768 ML Inches Strand Oklahoma766 ml Inches Strand England770 cat Inch Cnmhlned dlslanccs seven rolling pin throwers sum Ontarioom Keel kn chcsz Slrwd EnullndGW feel 3km Slroud Oklahomam SOMETHING NEW The use we oldIIshioned my coach ownod by an Tor onto hamwmflan Commit 11011 has been offend for place In lha parade In nIsHl Field Day Cammlllee Th has been ampted local truck can be oblnlned lo bring up And back vo hlcle Ilmflar lo the Death an Icy day will be used to tun pan tho council member and allch alfldnh lo the puk It L1 expected guard armed wlfll mum and In oldilma cor tumln will be on tho riderp he made will take mm Mean Belch Idxoolynrd at pm and Alter the on tho way lhc mid will be blocked tor motor vehicle until after It has mm lhe park mm mm be obtained or entrant to lhe park Ind teller wllI be along the road to Iccnmmodnla Incoman zuull Committee member have mpply Ivan pbla pow no you ugly them my Indtomo mh prize well your dlyl fun In the park with mmoflulnz dolnl mry mlnulu from noon Ill After 10 rework nlzhl Your own folding chllr lucked In lho our wlll help you cm 54 Ihn afternoon ExRoov Burlu Htmy my hit by courlcly oi Dlnwlleld HOLLYWOOD AHWM la dluovcrrd for flu movlm Form Illllo henlrl IDdI Iloal In SChWIbI Dru Sim or pom In or thneuukv Go lo lhl nullark help If you look llko ycnr old Eve Lnmnn 5qu Manly wll Inan curvu lhnn gm AIle pnn lhunk 1h If It wn berm we WM no ml In the Fall Men In dlflnmd Bul lh nlhtr dly um um down lmm Lu Win Illend Pm llnl ham ml bhn won rhlc um whlch nude her ull Ipd dm In In lurl Wllhln Iva mlnulu ml MIN mu IIldl nl lonywoodl bl ml rod dlrrdarl mm to now llrll mama and When Bela lho mlnl turd Evtlyn dnnur wllh lhn roll mm In Lnl Venn mlm lhll mm with tho Follel In Ilfl kilo mi mlTfiy umducm and dlredorl Ibe none Imr ukod hernboullmnvla rlmr in with INNISFII NOTES Allislonl nevi ambulance delivered 1m Friday catches the alumina of two sisters ram Alllslon Berta and Elsa NEW AMBULANCE DISPLHYED AT ALLISTON CARNIVAL THE MOVIE SCENE Dlllribulml an lmrk and Tnth Mum NM Eleclllul product or arm luclm mnlu lllm ml lulm In Inth Nollll JUNO DONE 0N PIKMI ml lull filthnu Brick Toss Totals Not Too Far Apart Forget Schwabs Drug Store Producers Are All At Track NOTICE TO FARMERS FARM DEALERS Call MIMI AUTO FILMan PA II Sorvko New Avlllblo 0n DIESEL FUEL iNJECYION HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC Bmlo 1105 ©8©IHJ mdnivr now lhl VIII lha Motor he will be supplied with In npen convertible Ior the trumpanadon oI InnlxIIl ex Reevu In the panda on Smur day Ila requests lhese non men to be Ila Alcona Beach school In llme In be In ha par Ida and In be wearInu C31 nry typo whllo huL These are avaIlabIa at the luwnshlp oIque We have boo lold that tha cnllle placed 1n the pound by pollce Inst week were no the properly of James Henry of Rwrnlon recording lo our Information he had nu cum mlssizm at any time Channor Maya whose pmpcriy the cutlla wort Impounded claims that they were authorized re moved without any mange menu or paymrnl Iha can for their Cure not anx Iou wand keeper unlm PICKEMNG Ont OP Bruce Male of Toronto wanking mull player In On lano navelAl yam In wu killed Montiy when III on mashed Into pusenm mm 91 he STRMED CATTLE ll brother Grant who wu unkul at one of the lap Cinn dim junlor plnym dlzd in on accident near hm le ycgn n19 flu wu 15 BmcI axle had won men Toronto lournlmtnu He mm rlnl with lhc Cnnldlan Dgll Cup team 1119 lam railway croulnl wnl 1h mm nlmnar Ic cldenl which clllmod ha III other man About year no An In nut Jur recommended an ml en thlt llgnal 11m he lmlnllvd but ha rec nmmrndnllnn wu not omM out llnllhcd hid In Mher mel mel mm Ilmllnrly Impumml mgvla 5130th 54mm clllm Ion Imam when ma Hum Iha Ia nur rled to cm ho Cmony brothers menu mun balanc In Id But man wm Inler med In Mr movll lcnllnl lMlyn Iludl Idlnl Along wth ballot unu aha wu rhlld Cl Illucul pnrllel Monday rammed H10 ble ur old miner who wu hurlu un der hundrtdl of Ian rock Ilwn mm Al lln hymn ConIMAM Minn rollpm onhm uqur mo Tuml wwka throughout ruched Hm had runr ll lho ma Stalk On display at the Lions Club meet cumin Friday and Saturday nlzhu It prov ed as much In nthHon Soulfi Vlnrcu unl Tlmml Train Kills Tennis Player Body Recovered OI Buried Miner Ujm PORCUII Onl PEFFERLAW Spcdnll crowd 3000 expected to turn out or flu 1m street dance and carnival sponsored by the Peflerlnw and Dimlet Lions Club Camlvul date In Aug with the program stab This evgnln at tnmlly Inn usage Art Ce sin and hlq Sing In Flalnamen flames chance bingo chlldrenu games pony rldcs refreshment bonllu and jucky dmy OTTAWA GP Canada Stumnhlp Line lelled larg ul rm on the Great Lakrs or uncas pence and cam poutlve vnnuxu lolcmltd and aided llwhrcaker Hal Banks of ho Seafarers Inmml Monal Union my he Nonls Ihjgpinunqglry 9011 Proceeds Irnm lhc carnival Ind dance fnr communlty service work dam by the Lions Club advanlsing chairman Bodlcy reports will be mu that am Canada gained Ill con trol 1er because the All Iudo 01 um CSL in It mde Bank and allure In Aland out against hll unlawlul and 1h unlnwlnl It certain ol hln unlnn member inn erd Council Church raided it ml in lumhly In New Dzlhl lo put nu uullon on lhl Montreal con crtnco cud but lhm wu llllln npeclallnn Um cumm Iulwoud b1 genrmd hma 11m plum women In Ihn mlnhlry lulu dtbnlcd In on Um In IubIEEUIIIII no which ll tunImnco Ilmdy dIvIdod Inla In mlinnl III up Mon dny Iur marl dolalnd find of IniWISu give in part offliriki lh111qbrenkurfi laym ihh II recurring lhEmc In lhe 715000 word report rc lemd Mayday MONTREAL CPDTho 1qu whulher women nhanld bl ur flllflfld In lhl Chrlulnn mlnlh ry ll rnmlnl under clan mu Uny at the fourth world conlm can on aim Ind nrder Sumo Pmlulanl churchu In Europe and North Amnrlcl have ordnlned woman In men yum other lorhld lhll do lha nomnn Cnlhollc onhndax mg hullan churchgl Swill lhnlulnn Luku Vllchcr told pull conlemu Naming the Inn ml um rent min on promm of gum Arum Peflerlaw Lions CamiVal Dance 591 For Aug to npeculm the carnival booth In Ila first fun nervlce the ambulunm was out to answu three calla Examiner Pholns Nprris Says Steamship Line Supported Banks Lawbreaker Discuss Women In Pulpit Post flmwm flmagm CSL no aniy dldinorlh Thu lecmcnll we denled WWW Evnnlnb lhown TKCIINICOUDR and pm IANAVIIIDN PRICE FOR THIS lNTEITAINMINT Adulh 95¢ hudonh 75c Chlldron 15¢ MONTREAL CPILwnenavér people have describedHAI Bank tough and used he word 11 curso the Mg mnacled union lender and wilerlromv boss alway gzgment he do they éxpnct he on askedt Ivo bid to lghl inks and scab and lan out or my hon 13 tough poslllon and some glmes Ihaml had time 10 be Llenlleman But lve done m1 Job Banksfi pres Swim lulunailing 1nd new his lab al=lonking out or my boys and providing Canadas wntertmni with democratic unian But according to judinlal report made anc in Ottawq Monday Ban huly cruel dishonest greedy power hflnl mnlampmous ol the 18 swam that Harold Chamberlain Banksf hnlrnded for years onibe in 10th guy Bankmu alwayl laughed crlUcLunIn the past com pmer confldenlhls hold over the memberahlp the 1500 mumber SlU was strong enouzh tuxMg my guy llaflln Shortly before the judlclalre port hlasllnfiz him was made pubHc he landly announced plans to up new him on ST JEROME Que CF Trlul Paul Andre 19 of Cornwafl one of our men chmled with Attempted rob bery with vlolence Ind break Inx and entering was ud jaqrngd Mqnday pm Aug Andre will undergo medléni nnd psychinirlc examination in the meantime Charla Alllnnolle M4 ol Cornwall who sees lurlher charge of dlscharzlnl gun wllh Intent to cause bodlly harm ln connccllun will In June 28 shooting nl Arthur Whlte at Calumet Que wlll Alla probably be Irled Aug by Ipakesman alter lhe re lease he Norris report wn op nd by Lulhmn pm lmor rom Gmnany who said wlll mull In In much nu dtmlu documenlnllon lhnl nnlh Ln value will Actomy HI told he mllon on lhe church In lho pumae of God that It Ihnuld rumnln lnlnc lo dul wilh cruclnl mnller pnpurlnl munlnuul Ilnls mom on lhl mm hi church newflerl hm been Idmlllcd lo mllon Ind lublwctlon mow Inn on tondlllon lhll may no quota uptake by mm with quAexprm perm Iglun cant cammeonccpl my Isnt mm Iald George 00104 CSL vice vresldent CSL wiihmw in 193 irom he Amcinlion oi Lake Car rien which it helped iorm in 1955 and Iubscqueniiy Iha re port said Mr Dania wu abio to area lm lance oi his dc mind by mm or Ihrcau oi uldku or by Intimidation Ind violence Iii oi which were and against one or two mem ber oi in association at limo niher than against Iii oi lhI membm engaged in burnin inz ioxelher CSL and In Imllalu lound my make nceommodn Han wllh Hal mm and fild got Influ lrom union no on luWoolI Dlrmlnlhnm Enllnnd Congrezlllonnlln mlnlflu uld lhu maln um mcnll nlnlml nrdalnlnl wmtn Ara lhnl hm Wm none Imolll Chrllll Iponlln and lhnl II II Vlflulllfn unprrcrdcnled In II 1011 cry of IM Chrlullnn churdm Tried Robbery To Undergo Test Banksiflépendé an giBeitngj Taugh 91 uanliallun In Canada 10 mm the l000mman€nnadun La boflang ss Everylhlnl abnui Banks in his his size his voice his laugh his handshake and hi slylefil living The judicial inquiry or ex gmple was told that an SIU apartment that was uxed al most exclusively by Bankai was equipped with more lhnrl $10m wqglh of mirror nloueu dont hav to tell you why wanl to do thal he told reporter He was welcoma figure Mnnlrenl nightclub fur yearn wherehe would spend hundred of dollars night of the unlnna money4n entertain vlsIllnz llremtn Schnol promotion or Clown No 15 On are as follow TO GRADE Jeanfiohnslon TO GRADE Caroline Km Rita Marchlldan TO GRADE Vlvlan Keyl Dorothy Curm TO GRADE Judy Parlrldgo Janls Carter Tlm Hirachfeld and Debra Hirschleld To GRADE Peter Partridge Gilbert Marchlldon Earl Bk xchleld Karen Shelawfll TO GRADE Tom Johnston Roher Wright Allnn Wright and Jacqueline Carter 19 same an 1mg ShéfswelL Teacher Min Lyndn Russell ion of advance poll mull In Iho Ins luderal zeneul election was dismissed in police court 92W OTIAWA CF charge awn Camille IHeureux ro Ured editorInfidel or ONBWI Int premaggm pq mm snerwoad Inld there was no cvidenco of legd nxnlqsg mm Thu magnum said he will give decision Sept on charges against Aurel Grnllon managing dlrector of tha French languazu dally Ind Gerard Max1n in pnrllnmenl BIZ repnlrler SIX BLACK HORIII mu Mumy mu CARTOON mow mm at nun The charges lald by Chlcl Electoral Officer Nelson Custom guny under lha Cnnndn Eleo llan Acl allege llul Illa new pnner on April publlshcd Ihe mull ul advance all held ln ha eluclarnl dlslr cl Tu rcggnnejdq Gnllneau Thu Electlans Act buns lha publication of llle result 01 Id vnnce poll unlll alm Ihu class poll on elcdlon day whlch was Aprll Thu ban bu been Infill acl Ilnco ma Thu pulls Invnlved In lha can worn In cumuluqu when poll omelet wen dimmed wlthout pny Iar makln we mature count of advance poll Ing march 30 Tennyan on hll own Mull Mr Grnunn uld he wu pnmlble 11 any canmvenllomol lhg clwnl cqmmmcd On May In lbmnla MncFarlnno vlce pruldent Ind cdllorLnchlel Ihe Tor onlo Tele mm wu hm SO lor bill In remllunly tho of an vmco poll mm is 5mm Drop Charge Printing Advance Polls Clowes No 15 00 Promotions IF MAN ANIWIRI luv4n Du III mmwiiihfafifiu DRIVEIN THEATRE mu Con 10 MIT IIMEI TONIGHT mMnrfll WNWNH Mnhnmfun HURONIA HUME ILUI THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY llV 1m OTTAWA lCP capr able decisive cgucenlrlc Intui eranl and ruthleu lie is oi the slut oi the Capone and the iloiins oi whom the dictator throughout history from the earliest times to the totalitarian Hitler and Stalin ara pmlntypes He Is rhully Vcnxel dishon est greedy power hungry contemptuoul he law He nppllc hlx sualhlnz ap pralsnl to Hal Ennlu pres donl of the Sealnrcn Intlmm lional Union of Canada Ind burly wanmnnt figure Mm clme In Canada In 1949 lo break one unlon Ind found an other Reported Mr Justice Norris II should alwuyl be rememA bored that thin mile all this lawlesanos pm ol an Irresponsible campnlgn to mnln min one random and vlolcnx mun Bunk In power an tile morn The words are rmn lha ro parl at Mr Justice Nor ris on his lnqulrv lnln skin In mile on the Great Lakes Ii teem dnubllul lhnl any 1n dlvldunl hurclnlm has men Pretty blua eyed blond Carol 20 Wu cmwned Klondlkn Kale Salut day and wttl reign throughout this week at the Edmonton Exhibition Klondlke Days whld opened Monday This Capable Cruel Is Norris View MATINEE DAILY PM Ono Evonlng Show at mu no amt OHM mi micII Mull IUIPINUID NI IIlfl INBAOIMINI SQN OISAMSON of and 1025 pan CROWNED KLONDIKE KATE DARRYL ZANUCKS am $3451 33 THE LOIVGfElJfiI LAST TIMES TONIGHT with 42 lnlemaIona Stars blistmd by fcdcral inquiry so vlgnmua manner 15 CONSTANT mime Th6 Hiéme Vrecurn contlnually throughout most the 275000 word document The Banks history art qulelly enough recorded by Ike report The American cill zLn wlm has been refused Cnnndinn cilizenshlp was born In low 54 ycm ago and came to Canada mm the SIU at North Amerlcn Ha was In help break lhe dd Canadian Union tinged with communism Spon am Included shippan rm and tom promlnent labor lead an He uppllcdlar landed Imml lmul mm In 1952 and wine qucnlly was ordered dcparlcd on he gmundl he ha been cam vlclcd ol crime Involving mnrnl lurplmdc II 1954 up pcpl gnawed In 1953 he applied agnln for cllknnshlp and nxnln hl appu callnn wnl rejnclcd dcspflt support from figure Ilulu Includan Clnude Jndoin pm dcnl the Cnnadlnn Labor Congress the first year the exhibiflon has used the gold rush era theme for the exhibition Mix Unzarlan 352135 will compete next yen In beauty pleat In New York CF wzminow AIR coumnomo 1lron you cement Ind mountoat CMNEIIUS RYAN TROJAN IHOISI of MO pan CHICAGO APlA Cnhldlul gruln vessel remained ldlg 311 Chicago Dock Mondayloluthu 82nd day nl US government lawyer pondered lawman nelulhaflhualjogdcj lfle Rowan Shaw owned by Upper Lake Shlpplnacgm puny lened nbromnto Ar rIvcd in Chicalov April takeon gurus valor Worker Local AID refused Io land the vessel PM edml com order Its members In tympani wlth the Sealnrm 1mm llonnl Union 01 Cmndlu gazed In dispute mm jhlpa amen IIIIUPLCamdm Maritlme Union sh p4 operated by Upper Lam Srépplnl lob merly you man rhy flu crcwa bulfiiow mfmfiedi mgmbers the CM Lawym or the Unngd sum National Labor Rglullonn Board uld Monday may plan la lum to ledcral courtlwltdfigp day In new elloan compel member the grain worker union to load the vessel TONIGHT and WEP ADMISSIONS SHANTY BM Spokesrpm for my inn DIIVlIll mm gum Openrlfl sun 13 um um WHEIUW mum lgqlfl

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