The majorit of Albertans would ap 0pear to be we satisfied with the type at ï¬ovemmont that Premier Manning and isSocteLCredin3rtyhas given to them tor the past 20 years In the recentprm gvlneial election all members of the SC aperty were reelected Leaders of the three opposition parties Conservative Liberal and NDP were defeated Liber pels won only one seat and the Conserva tives lost the only seat they held in the iormer legislature NDP also will have Rho representation in the new house it was pointed out quite trc uently in the last federal election by Soc at Credit speakers that Alberta and BC enjoyed iprosperity under their provincial govern ments and that is quite sure The elec 1tors of Alberta were not however par ticularly trustiul of Social Credit as force in national politics as shown by results of the April election mm in mindn7 mum my In In Mm mu mum min yum moon I0fl 1m mm Muum 1mw Tuvalu mm mm ummu 0mm mu mu know Cunalun mm mm nip mmu Wlnllm Lmm nd Mall know Cllflflltlfllv hoadquarlers for BarrloCenlcnhlal Miii Eafl 105 snmnnngcr DrP flyn Autumnd wand null rm mllro yumm ha ynmml nlly lam Inlumy Ilauu nuna WALL NMXIIII IIVAN lullmr an Minimum mu MIL Mull Mum mun wluum Alvul uwwuunm hoaih Ollnwa Journal Toronto Judgu 11M rcxrcllml he lld nnl have the power lo suspend drlnk lng drlvrru llcenro or lllc llm man who hrul killed buy and Injured nn nlllcr could be prevented lrom drlvlng only or lhrcu ytm oven tlmuuh Mr luallru Aylcn helluvml II was unlikely llm nccuml would glvo up Illnklnu The wolvés have stopped their haying at British Prime Minister Harold lilac millan He is more the object of sym pathy rather than of censure in Britain today following the sensational disclos ures about his minister of war John Profumo Writing from London England lllciniyrerliood The Barrie Examiner correspondenir indicates there has been sharp change in thinking on the part oi the man on the street Today far from being criticized Mr lllacmillan is regarded as the innocent viclim of the dismal failure of one of his cabinet min islets CENTENNIAL YEAR IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 10 1953 John Livingston moves to Barrie from AL lstnn having been appointed Assistant to Crown Attorney William Thomp sonQC gonimunitxiiouse sqlcctoti DeVilbiss Co began construct on $600000 modern facio and oiiica building In Harrier ii tin of Doug Mohns and pilciilng oi Leo Ln inc gnvo Barrie Legion 20 win over CGE in scn ior soilbail Mrs Cinyton Stewart and Albert McFadden won the Robert Sio phcns Trophy for Barrie Lawn Bowling Club at first mixed tourney oi season iuiinn ii Ferguson oi Collingwood was nominnicri lo coniosi riding of Simon Norlir ior Progressive Conservalivu in federal eicciion ngninsi Ralph Snclgrovo Liberal candidate Mr Ind Mrs Cccii Norris and Mr nnd Mrs iioward icit left on tho Queen Mary ior monlha visit to Drliuin and conlineni nnrrlo Jnycccs iuri by President Ross Rodgers Ind Chairman Bob Goids llhnd in come in this once had been established that there had been no security leak The fear of such leak was voiced when it was learned Mr Pro iumo and Russian diplomat were both ml at Orlllia nominated by Progresslvo Conservatives to contest Simon East riding in federal election against William Robinsoqlhlllbcral momhcr oi liildlami Some facts need to be reasserted Thu Alberta government of Premier Manning made some early gxperimenis with the moneytheories of Major Douglas but soon settled down to the real business Wolves Stop Their Buying Pipcite Enterprise Sourcé Rather Than Economic Idea Willa Publhher The Barrie Examiner la nu Mamum run all mu mum mall GIVE COURTS WEAPONS Tï¬arrip Exammr Published by Cnnndlm Newspapers amped 18 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE TUESDAY JULY ll the Tlnllm ivénluill wnl thuu dIlIuclu frcnhlng always coming In wllll wmc thing now Now hnn ndvls nu his lolluw Humans lo cal mm flakes and um other cnplulill loud £01m ml This luluHoning Could 0qu um um Wm lrnw together In Hula ways lho hla llmroncoa wont seem no insur muunlnblm If of cold cereal can lake lho Chill In cold wnr Ind Illa crunch pointn chlpg drown out Ihe Immdol marChInl boots Um lo we good We won men complaln ll This In not the rat llmo courts hnvn experienced truslrnllon In dcnlln wllh licence auspcnalonu Moro lllscrcl mmry pnwrr to suspend licences should he nvnllnblo to judges nnd mu Islrnlcs man who conslulomly cum Ines ll um nnd nulonmbllca 11 Ipolcnllally gcrous n9 nun who cnrr v1 quL The courla nlmuld be uvtn all lhu wrapom Ilccrssnry to cnnlrol crlmlnal irrespon nlhlllly on lho roads And lhe courts Almuhl Ilsa lhrlr powers lo punish Iho crlmlnnlly ncullucnl ALWAYS REFRESHINO SL Thomnn llmcsJaurnal one nice thing can be said about NIH Khwlllclluv In that hes re The public is tickle but haslcall fair in its assessment at politicians onse quently people of Britain were not long in coming to the conclusion that the moral shortcomings of Mr rProfumo could not be thrown on the doorstEpof Mr Macmillan it would be sad day indeed for Britains politics li prime minister were cast out because one of his ministers had become involved in personal scantial Mr Macmillan deserves better deal and this up ears to be the conclusion of the Brltls people If he strengthens hls hold on his own Conservative Party the rim minister may lead his follow ers nto another general election And politics being what they are he could win again deslplte the gloomy outlook as of now for ni and his battlescarred supporters Dr Scott director Slmcoe County Health Unit relported Kempentelt Bay hesviiy ollute around Barrie shore lines an unfit for swimming Don lliclliartln Hob Woltenden and Ron Porter ot Barrio Air Cadets won iiying training scholarships W02 Gerry Edge selected for leaders training course at IlCAF Camp Borden James Parker oi Barrie rated by Ring lling aline ss 10th lending contender tor worlds heavywel ht boxln champion ship iiev on Mrs Vil inm Cle ments celebrated golden wedding annl versnrg tEddiet James retired liter years with Bell Tele hone hon ored at com any dinner in ir niiy Parish Hall chsire bl George Walton Mlss Ma Davis ivy won scholarship at We esley Hospital school tor nurses Wallcsle Hospllhlschbiil or nurse grey lmcou Foresters 45h AnllTnnk Regiment won formation shoot In con cst with our other unlla at Pelnwnwn LLCol IL Gandlur was CO wllh Major John Clark of Barrio mantl 1ncommnnd IL Wagner rollrcd unernlmnnagcr of Lumn 11qu Con Frcrl lilohnson succeeded hlm of governing on sound management prggctplgs The development at the great Alberta oil industry has been of great assistance to Premier Manning in retaining power In the early days the partys power under Premier Aberhart the rovlnce was in bad way ï¬nancially Aber harts attitude to the provincial debt was such that he virtually destroyed the pro vinces credit in national and foreign money markets Old issues of Alberta bonds were selling at tremendous dis count and few buyers could be found for new issuesz Then the deyelopmeni oi vying fdr the favors of notorlous Brit ish call glrL encd road salely campalgn In Iown chard McCulloch of Orangeville named by Liberals to oppose Hon Earl Rowe 1n DufferlnSimcoc federal electlon an natural gas brought ï¬r rity to the province and immense revenues to the provincial treasury The rov lnces credit was reestabllshed an Al berta was transformed in few years from havenot to have area of the country The Social Creditors deserve commen datlon for not having uendered the new provincial wealth bu it should not be forgotten that the wealth had its source in private enterprise and not in any government economic theories ijn 5mm thml Manner 1m Pnul Inllm we Tho lnxlm lmiuslvy mend Iumm Iran mum In MI lrrmendaul nlum dou mm 11an mm like In lnnk an olhrr aspect of the Iranspnrla Hon problemth trucking ln dusuy do nut or mlnulo Accept all lhn cIalms ho lrucklnx Industry certainly an luxllce In same ol the clglms they making Umlor Nu flrltlah Mm Amulu Ml nl lnllrlumlnrlnl and Inlrmnllonul rucklu mum under Fedml Juvluilo Ilnn Nlna yum an lmna mrm lmyllmmlul mm lunarl runlml lur Hm lunchlul Imlmlry nw Mulnr Vrhirle Tunpurl Ml Invllnmom xlo chlle In wlulum Ilul cunlml lnlcrpmvinrm null Inlcrnw HonI lmcklnl unuld ho curled nut by vmvlnclnl hunk llr Ilnmenl umal dud Ihc Inn Ilpilllllll our IranA pollallon wilty womlhlllly nnllllullnnllly nal mm uul In Nun lnm nw mmlltnllunul pod llnn II lmmuvnble Imckln lndunln much Illm lederul mm unn In Mr arm lrm polkrllh um ulr pipeline RAILWAY um mummy rl llw mean Pnrllunlcnl nhaw quulmnu on lhu mlm he my Ilrtlthlnf lmrk um the yam Mmul Imllnr mom hy the rnllwnyl nmcunu rnll wny mmlpyru lrucklnl rmphvyu hu man Inlnu jut Ilka rnllwny em Inm Ile loo luu Inmlly Io ml tlolhn and luvm an Imllvldull rm lrn lm porlnnl llmn rnllwuy cm ployrc Tllm 100000 at Cngmlu Thu dirch ermplrnrymtnirlnr lhe rucklnl lnduslry upproxh mtm Nol pm pollllcnl party can polnl la Ilnslu qucsllnn plnml on lho Order llpcr lha House Common nhuul lhu lulu lrucklnu employee nr group ol lrucklnl employers dlsplaccd by mavu wllhln Illa ruckan lndmlry nurh clas lnl mmlr luclllllu or lcl us Ink Heel mlorhll by dccllne ul mull In mural com munlllu llul wrre In rumcl nu llw brunch Hm llw cmnv puny cluwl ll lrrmlnnls In llmu mmmunlllel dlxplclnx lhc employm are wll no crmit me to den with any use runs pomllon such branch line Ibnndonmenls Ilcamships nlr llnc ole cannnl understand Iha sense of nulrngc which am lold runs lhrnuth his lnduslry 1mm one rm Clnadn In In other he cnuu Parllnmml blilhcly on Ahead and make nnllonnl lrnnsponnllon policies trucking wasnl even an lmlux lry and as It had no clnlm whnlcvar to bclnl any pm at Mm Iransporlnnan pro grams MANY JOBS IN TRUCKING am inorcsicd in iransparia lion because at ii importance In every citizen in Canndu The ability in muvu goods efï¬ciently and quickly at Ihe lowest cost possible at importance In all oi the consumers oi Canada bc cause it niicci he price oi everyihlnxxy cal wear nr user Pllflcl Nlchnltoul lutil cul umnhl ady Waller Fay Liberal MP ur Lunan Wcsl Onlnrlo OTTAWAFirstly wish to thank Patrlck Nicholsnn or xiv lnz me the opportunity put ling before you some my thought rcgnrdlni the trans portallon problem Cnnadn OTTAWA REPORT PropoSes Policy To Embrace All Forms Transportation ll mullMt Ihmlm 1M Men is not much II can dm Ind Ilul ll mphMy ï¬ï¬gnl hm llmt to do ll 1E anmlum ran upqu mdflJJakL Mr WhlI lehl 1m bm on law rnlluo Ilnu lhrn Jul In hnl nhlllly Ind perlllllnroInd wude wllh um In hu lhI frIN ln hulhl hllmnll huh III unduuhlndly In hundy with he qllrlllom He II nlvlllly mmhlned wllh hunxu or puhllrlly Him we John Whlle lhu young IC hum London Mulh ll wn Mr leo lhe lrmmwd Am HI mum born Lender Vlnlrrmoyu Ind unl Mr er mumr lunnlnl uul lnln llnll la rrptnl than Mild logla cm By DON OIIEARN TORONTOTh Iclecl com quzc on lhe coal of crcdil pramlsu lo be newnmlker ll Ilso could be load can mlllon as It um cut The commle has announced ll wlll hull momy Imam he tore llmnlculnrly man who It has been alkyd haw been churnlnx up to 31 per ton ln lcmt marlzqm Scoundrel Ilwayl mnkl nnws nul nslnlo mm ham Uer nny mm mm rm lhln In qulry uha could pruhnhly mull um ln ngncru Mr Mdgwlck nne ma Imulhm plendcrl ll Um lmr nlm ll vlmlul and my ahln noucumlncr wilh llakr or lhrr lumnllc Mnn anrcnrr ymml IEC 1mm TarunIo bl 2mm ll munhrr lho cnnlmlllw Inwyer Mr Luwmm Ilm hnl tnlur and llllr or In duh mallc We are now paying to the railways suhsldles well over $100000000 per year wllh Pur llumcnls speciï¬c instrucuons lhe rnllwnya lo reduce rules that are in compcmlon wllh the ruckus This has lerlnu ecu on lbs trucking lnduskry and Is grave Injusllce to II We are discrlmlnnllng Igelnn lhose who prelcr to ship by highway lranspon Jnngh smmlckiqu coumc or he commlllce for 1h trucking lnduury my more Hun dues or the Ill ways Recon report show mum 01 per cent and net return at less than am per cent of revenue 1711 means that either the lnduslry not charg lng adequale rates or oparnllnz pd overhead cost no no The Mncp on Report painls nul he only nhlppcr Purlln mull mm lo be lnlermed In In lhe Ihlpper by ML The Commisslon proposed that when subsidiu are pnld In aid shippers Pnrllnmenl should nnl dlscrimlnate against any orm or lrmuporl pcrmlmnz lhe lnduslrlalisl Ihu mnnufno QUEENS PARK Committee Promises To Be NewsMaker But here Is nol much lhn polllivl It can um mom mcndlor mnlrol mdil lcdcrnl rcspoul tum or In nzriculluris la choose the arm at Irnnsporl best mllcd Dr lhe mavomml his milk strongly recom mend lhal Parliament form Iul crnl pollcy that includes Ill Ionn ol lmnsporlnllon om mally wlll have In lmpcaluunny cuybs Ariduiua IE ï¬lnsl unukcxy lhn commitm wlll even be nhln In llnlxh IL lnqulry In Hu Md auldiar flum In Imcl murrur II hp um um onulhryrr Mlnr Ihan lh mlvmr lhnl cumu Illhlho In drum Ind By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Inst atomic bomb was exploded above the dos ert near the Almnuordo air base In New Mexico In ycara ago todayIn ms The event remained closelyguarded 82000000 000 seen until nflcr lho announcement that the ï¬rst of two nlomlc bombs had been dropped on the Mormon dailies Hiro sblmn and Nognsnkl 0n Ming 1045 lllroshlma surfercd 66000 dead and 69000 Injured mm bomb equnl In power to 20000 on TNT Three day later Nngmkl was Ml and 39000 persons were klllcd I051Lcopuld lll Klng of Balu abdicalcd July 7196 uu LTiar Niéhala ul Russln was she by the Ho lhevlh TODAY IN HISTORY KNOWS THE ANGLES But Dr Molnar Whm woman at 70 has white cor Euscle count at 05000 has leu cmla developed My red cor puscle count Iii real good 15 there medicine that will cuntrnl the white count no It will nnl lncreasrl In there diet that will helpl what is the dlltercnce hu tween the kind at leukemia that allocia old people and the kind ttachn ynunn people Jossruo own nu MI That while count highly suggestive leukemia but other blood studies are neces sary lo dytermine theulypu The chronic leukemln 01 older vcople develop slowly and In many Instance can be kn Lum dar sgccessml control ndell nlloly Diet has no emu Leukema among alder peo ple uaually is chronic arm the disease and lscnllcd lym hull leukemln Various me Milan and mmellme ray treatment usually contra thgge case quit wglL Icukc hlch ls more nrevalcnl In children and young people attacks differ ent type whim cellthat is to say there Is an Immense 1n crense In the number cells and they do not develop cur rcclly Rnlher the an Imma tuge mperlccl eels 1n cu cases use of some extremely powertul drugs corllsone mercaplopurine etc can prolong III or while but that 15 the best HIM can be 5011 3M Iveyy lragjc djsepge LONDON the sumo whlch now repose under lhc seal of Coronation Chalr in West mlnlmr Abbey the genuine none or Scone or It one which was suhslllulcd or that whlch was stolen mm the Abba by Scolllsh Natlnnallsu nl Chris lmns 15507 Sam douhl to the nulhennclly of the slant has been amused by slalomenl Issued by group zlvlnl use the name or The Scolllsh Guar dians ol the Stone This group in Ilaicmeni Icnl In London newxpnpcr ofï¬c cs cinims thin the nrluinal and genuine alone is EU in Scol Innd lhni It in Mic lumping nnd xccilenl condilinn ll claim that ihe none which was re mnved irom Arhronlh Abbey ln MI by Scuiland erd and uhich nuw repose II he chair oi Edward in Vcslminislnr Ahimy in mi lhe hlsloric Alone at Scone bnl one which was uiuliiuicd fur ii at Arhranlh In 10an lhn Guardians v11 llml mu was In unparlun llmn la upon In Ill concerned lhnl the Hume Allll In sale kanplnn In excellent candllinn and um pholnnrlph muuld ho lnkcn Io provldo vlnxnl cvldmcu The sldlcmcnl Vlssucd by EIDHD The Sculllsh gulrdlnn of Ihc alone hnvan guarded locn Inn durlnx Hm pan yum ln plucl ntnr Dullnlcr Dunlmr lmsMrc have now owing la the pumhlc rcdcvclopmenl the mile bum comvnllcd go rtmam It later plflcq Hm nu pmblvm min plna ln Imp um Lance CWWIII Kllvllrkl nl lmmmlo IL on mnnmr mlmuvm with T0 YOUR GOOD HEALTH REPORT FROM ILK Dear Dr Molnar My hus BeiOre ItIs Ruined By McINTYflE HOOD Take Care Liver The Stone of Scone Still In Scotland millon now an In burgh lawyer and member of he ruup whn removed the slum mm the Abbey at Chrhlmns mso ducribed lhu moment an complete nonwm He xuld ho was sulhflcd llml tho Stone whlch wml lmck la Landon was We nne Mulch had been lnkcn 1mm Wulmlmm band has been operaled on lwlce In um all No ycnrl Each lime the surgeon wnrncd hlm la lve up drlnkinx He would qul or several monlhl an hcn bezln 1g The surgeon sald hls llvcr has started to harden Please ad vise what will likely happen The symptnxru he has nnno now how long It will take be are It gels hlm hnw long he has to llve ll ho kccpmn drlnk lnz etc The surgeon really scared hlm tho ï¬rst tlme but hajcnre were all MRS You say he has no nymp lams now but ll unhwhy dhl tha surlenn warn hlm7 Tho an swer is that ha dues have 5ymp tom already even though he may not recognize them the liver Mn other words he already hu clrr hosln the change will be arm Iqu but inaxorable Thu course this mean may take varies Accumulauan fluid In the abdomen and bleed lng mm the gullel are two 170 slbllllles Jaundlce loss of up pelltu and other such unplea sant develnpmcnla are some more rrboala of the liver has the deceitful habit of not producing drnmnllc symptom unlil he latter stages when ll no late to do much of Anythlng except perhaps slallufl halal mlapse legpurarllx If your husband Isnt scared enough to stop drinking he cer lahlly aught to be The dam nnn once It is done canl be canceled The time lo take care or the liver ll before In ruined lpukcsman for Weslmlnncr Abbey howevcr distrcdil the claim Ihu Scalilah Guardian 01 lhe Slone He said hnl It hnd been pasmwly ldcnlilicd when turned up Arbraalh 103 days antr It had been nlolcn In 1050 of lhll The Storm now In new resungAplnce where II remain unlil il muku ill ome lal appenrunc In Edinburgh the capital city an 1ndva den Scollnnd Thgw is no puulhllily Ike none new under the Corona llun Chair being in my way Apurlo he said llnymlyill long nun hul our wilh he Enclosed wlh he stone was phnlogrnph lnrge sum wllh an Inn ring 17 cah end Lrl brolhrrly lava mumm thle lll Law In other In the menu Chmllun Mhlc whluh Ilm dynnmlc mm tall III Chrlht Bluk Wmh ll Cimp Ono lun Nn mm in Irkmhl In mmnln Ilt MI momlul rlm Ilw nml llml Cl WI mu BIBLE THOUGHTJ all happened um hurnd hula lhlnu WP rtzifaizfï¬ 1533