Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1963, p. 7

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Ho wn Iy 0N Imd lnhmol Scallrmd Ynnl Ind lho IICMI um trying lurk hlm down mu founddriving lol Iurrlr ulnmi mo mm In Lani hury run Ippy mum lmlldny jln nrllnln 11m lmlhlny endwl HIM hen Nmrll min Ihl Hrllflh Cnlumhln mm Ar Urrals cw In Ollnwl In lllu lhu Ihndnwy world 01 UN wlrvlmnl In ml at why flulmr war mnrlm llnlnnl rrnls llrw In Ollnm din nlu lhu Ihndnwy world 01 UN walrvlmnl In Inn at why Illmr war mnrlm unlon Ilmuld llllnlpl nhlppm nml lit up the HI antrnrn NAVY Thu mull MI yrnrmnl lmrHznllnnxnn ulnllvoml 1v why In Lulmr mnlnlrr Mac linrhlnn pound nporl In my mm printed 2130 mm hook Mm mhnmlumml npyvmullrm II II mnqu tlnrumonl IIu dmy Irrmr mlrr xkul uluzmy nml wnuwnn on he jwnlnrmnl inn or mtmmvr chancel In ll may em up 01TAWA CPIJul year lllll day no Tlmmu Grun umrn Nam nnlod mun DVII and the on Ms lo It the IlllKll Thorn wnl nova wough power or equipment WI had to und nu aver Eumpo lo They did Ivcrythlnf wronl be round Thu llnlunu shook Iholr plcluru outdoorl Irom April In Oclober Tholn Inn only Ume you so good wnnlhcr So why did wn mm our outdoor null In Oclahcr Mm won and hall told cm ml ll nupld lcll mavn lndoon But lhu sludlol ovcr hm nrcnl cqulppcd or big Indoor Ihoollnz Sou llko lho lhrono Ibullt horn and non Cnuly slralKhIlulklnl Sham vmy was enlaylnx mu It 1hla Hollywood llllll homo llo mused about the biggest Upclb Hon long nwnrdAllllcd cl rccrClccpatn Wu also one Ike mom palmlul Ipher Leon Shammy EMA week utter in over you for fxet about all the pnln Xn chvod But lhnla all past and now the result up than on lha mean like or not Parsun ally like lhlnk WI good movie Phaiolnphlcnlly In one he best hm done would rank It wllh Leave Her In or van and Forever Amber nmonl mg but work snfinmy uimlucd um Cleo palru mu made tho hard way zygnmuya wnoNu By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AP Mule movie In like having an urauan my clnemnlu rn er Leon Shammy lb Norris Document In 275000 Words 0n maker told section or the canlercnca that or yam nlher cunrerences have exam lned 1115 problem unity and decided they had to be tackled M5 by 5111 auverai ukan the ounh Word Conierenca an Faith and order said during weekend meetings that insiea lust talking about Chrixiinn unity icadan ahouid get around in doing something positive abgui Protestant and Orthodnx them Iogllnl have hem Md they need to remember the Ir Chrlmanlly in dealing wth eo ple and not get mu lnvo ved with the uapplm or their var loul church THE MOVIE SCENE l5 113w time lo stop talking Keep Christian Spirit Theologians Are Told mummy Cf Lqulng Photographer Says Cleo Was Movie Made Hard Way NOBODY LOVES ye mid Indie Mm almnll am wllnmoIomlnnn mm wmn mol mm mm lmln nhlmwmrn lalmr lrnd paucemm duck work Ilmuic Inil lay to line not dlmlpllml lu uIIIpQIpK 11m Jud Ipenl morn lhnn mrn month In public mllona trying In In In bollom of 10 nlllc mum Iln Munr Inlnnlllannl Union Cum mln ml lnlnnl rlvnl lhl cnnalllnn Ilumc Union Prcuullnnl um Itan In All quulm la mun um Ml Ir pollAnd Mn lomml Imm mrndnllom lo lho Mml luv crmncnllld nnl Inml run wrong hundl ll WM wrlllm nlmmt In flankAmway Innhkm Jmlgu Norm ladm up hln Iran chap lcu In llllnu blue with comlxlnllion lock wmmll llnnnnlm uunnlml hln unlcu an wrrkendn on tho bulrnllnr Ilm lnm III ntrlm Ind Innu Mrrllm dommcnled cnlo M1 or of mm mm In high plnm Her lmubla that she nccldenb and IIckncupmnu Something In nlwuya hn penan to her Sho bumped her on and gut blood clot one day So nhu nd to remaln lying down will It dlunlvcd My nnly complllnl In photo ru 1an ha her dlclnry nbu Sh would cum in on any and hat 1m wouldnt mulch whit II was thu bo lero Bu thlll undtmln bll Molt picture In In With Ind youre thmuul Thin on want 11 month nnd lhu nervou III coulé mlk anyom our You can my whnl you want about her III think the only rully ucfllng mr wevu hnd unto Carola Lombard ho ramnrkad When he wunl nIck she wn on lho and ready Sh knew her nu and Iho had mm mm of whnl will work In Item She would Run with Jon until he mno ed rllhllnhtrr man thlnx would hm been to hut down or law manlh unlll the Icrlm and com lumu and were mdy Thoy would hlvu Invcd 010000 000 In 015000000 lhcx hn Rhnmmv wk Shhmmy who my 11s swayed cam out of the expo em an Elizabeth Tay re unmhn and 1mm beside which we didnt have Joe Manuequ wu with he went along they Wnul 11 give him llmn to ME The conlerence coming on the heel of In Roman Oath Ilc ecumenical council being attended live nmclal obxerv era lram Vlucan Allhough the you still are twin to get mauled dil Thu delegate luv 1th Into Ive group In Itudy variour ar ms or the problem They are to report back to general meeting belure the conferenco ends FORM GROUPS The commence Ipausored by tho World Council of Churchu In dealing with church unity About 00 leading Lheohlhms from so counulu Mundan the twowank lemon and to Ms tho mu than mm ha uld parade In the City of Harm View the Orange Parade com Oranlel victory Bum wnn on hand Saturdly to memn tin King William of or The Eoyna mla on 11 Il Ilmllnr to low rmnlly laud In Hm Frvnch lllvrr am he Id They no wwnnl by Amorlcnm um utele pnyu mm In Unlud Slum nrcommmlnllnn ucnulnu 0n nrlo rcxulnllnnh um lanl lmslnm any mm rcglslcrcd opcnlm mldcnl Edwln Frnlnn of H10 Norman Algomn Tatum Oulflllm Axuoclnlion tnhl Ircclnl mecllnl mo moch on mrmbm llml up II Im llmnm 51mm mum mny bu aplnllnu hm WAWA OnL GUTour ump openlan In lho norlhtm AlTumn dlnlrlcl pmml rut lulon Sunday dcmnndlnx II lull uavunmcnl lnmllxnllon lnlo nlluwl npcrnllon ol unllccmmd Amcrlcnn mmpclllorl In lhl nm bnn £031 lhauxht amon dl Iomnll In Moscow ha Hr Khruxhchcv has bran rcndy luwnl 01 Cuba havan been lcnmed llw superpower would like work nul ground rules to nvold ulldlnx l0 clan lo lho brlnk nlnln Savlel Unlo unian 101 nlorngzllanrllvlpx READY TO DEAL The new npllmlxmnol Ia ll In II pmnnIIIIy hapdul Prlml Minmar Mncmlllln concernedIris In 1mm hallmng hut th And 019 Dnspllu hlnory ol lulu dnwm 1n pollwu dlnnna men mu Home Bridal cam manlawu even In tho Mulcuw conferencu heralding lhn be glnninu lhl Ind 01 the cold war LONDON CPiA thrill of have lumundl tho hraupowor tellbun talk opening in Mo cow today Thu ch luakfnl 01 rgqgh Camp Owners Want Probe Into Unlicensed 18 Resorts Chrlsllnnlty which patted It al on the back II rut un llylnl um could not do what he mlonlll Irmlu hld dune unile tribes who vravloully had ready to kill each othar on IR The African daluxutel Id African at understand why whcn they wnnhlp um um God they cannot In In Ono warned that the dIvIllun In Chrlsklnnily may drlvo younl African to arm new church lhll mam their needs unllmlwl rump could Two young African delegate drew applnuln Ln out of the section by asking whnt chm tlanlty quanell or too yam ago had to do with them lsgunu mlpmza The older counlrle have em phulxed the more damned thew ologlcal nrznmanu Involvad In unlly whllo the newer churchel hava taken more practical Approach mm Ipprnndl belwun the ambushed chmaha Eur opa and North Amerlu and the newer branches of the church in develop arm luch ricu nlmdy bu become ob vloul 17 MARY End Of Cold War Seen In Confab Coullnmhl flvrhlllu II nu Hut Man II III Kim Thu Flnul Imported Mirthmill In Th Followlu nu TEXTILES GIFTS CIGARS AND TOBACCOS FIRST IN BARRIEI CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES ern ma mum opullorl lelodrd Ilvo ulle hum cnmplomonlnry DIIIIIHI hul purine npornlorl dllmulln urd inch Thu Maomn Canlul own $0000 um In In men Iml Ilnl lenud hm lo uboul lourlll ramp opinion It hm hm lrylnl to chmo cu 5125 mm or mo mil to lourlm mlnf hnd uilh money In In nwnrd dmlop mrnt nml Hm Imhllnx Tlm macllllan Illo rmlvnd Idvlcu from Toronto hw llnn lhnt the Miami Cenlul Ind Ilmhon my Railway has no la Ell mm to luuu pnrmltn Ind chum In venom vltlllnn mum Elmrl on land lured from th rn lwu Iccommodlla up 500 laurhh In lho mum of yur Mr lcnlnn uld Ono mson for tho opllmllm Rtnenled In London hu bun lho mnulhun exchanu at let lm nmanl Prelldunl Kannedy Khrushcth and Mlcmllhn conlmll canfldmual but ha outlook lWflllnlLY hopulul In lame wlyl the IUNHIOW hava union to duw lo olhur ll China Inlrmlxencn Ihnllmd In Idol um lhl world Communist movement am bl Ilpny lnmlly lhI Wllln em alluucu mo II In dlnmy wllh Western Eumpenn nltlam nulllnl 1n dlmmnt dlrectlm Last week he ElnoSovlul quarrel bmme no Menu and no open that Khrulhnhcv may m1 more In no lunler any point In worryan about Chlnm Iur ccpllhllluul or some months to do deal wflh lhu Amnrlcnns but held back to avold aggravating lha Elspule with Mac Tuelunll Alrlculluru Mhalnar Hm ex mused deep mm at Mr lhnnam dollh Ind nld ho Ind mad In oumandlng con to Canadian agricuL lure avir xmny ye Dr Humam ml the cunn tryl butknown mokumnn or he laxmar and mm monk hls mu organizing and direct hymn qssmullonl The unoral will ha IJYL Wednesday In In Church Our Lady Bum will bu In Guelph when bruthcr and nlsorro5lda EEIVICO will ha held Wednes day Guelph or Dr Her bert maiden Ilnca me of thu Cnnldlm Fed unllan of chultura who died auddenl at homo hen Fr dng all HI Wu One said bluntly that he had galnnd the lmgrmlon the their Ionian alien lug 1h confer ence were more Interoltad In defining mm or conducting muconlerenco than In aminan un Howler were Admitted to tho notional mtellnu bu on condition that Ihey dId not quota delegate directly or by name the sum church and mog nlzed cm Leadernies Funeral In Guelph PA M7 on bnh first cams to Ind or lhmu month 1m studying and of farms ndvlcu to Prlma Mlnll tar Nthrul xovnnment lhnl controLu the economy Kn 100 ch InclHula my Gnlbmllh Ilsa wan hero or month In 1959 Mler helplnl John Km Idy win flu 1m LLS pm uwma Gnlbnllh who leave lodny or the 113 nflcctod in re cenl lulervlaw on thu pmblemx of lndlnl 1000000 venom Tho Avcrun panan hn In lu coms ol year Gnlbral lined he built pmblaml In uncnnlrollod In creaso In populallan lnsulll can progress In mum agri cultural mducuan low Indu ulal clllc cncy and campetltlve neg expoglg undjngl ol Jobll VFasclnnuExi with the struggle Ln ah 5e Ihgld eco nnmlcall brought hlm hm Bl um Unled sum Ambassador Now uler more than two yam Gllbrlllh ll relurnlnl to Hnrvard umlnaru and wrlllnu um have mndn him one the bestknown modern econumlm minE IS PflODLEM naver was Very marry Eyedeout the cconomlc prob lama IndIa In Canadian born Harvard econamlst sold The fascination of India to an economm II that the ymblems are no stubborn and serious Galbraith added Theyre going ahead WI slow hard Itruxglu but Uleyn going ghead NEW DEM mill AF John Ktuneth Galbraith alouched in his chair sandalled eel on cause tabla In an ab villus wort to Rea hln lliaol alihNnch frame rom appear lngloa tall Elodrlclly Is Safe Clean Flamoless IS BAYFIILD STREET FIFE AND DRUM hand war In the mallon than Innd human pnrndsd dawn 8min maln Itseel Sa ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS Economist Knows Indias Problems IIIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Matchless Electric Water Heatfi is proven to be over Olim mnhodn may only In at much an 65 Ifllclcnt Indln can only nlthe way It In mblem unumyloy man lad pmpect II lhll ll lam VI lubmnllal mount mum nymon or very long limo hccluse than not enough equipment nr re source to put everyonu to work India will have In one om or another to Import cnpull by mm or loan for name um to come arame cannula hm Ilwal had to do Slvlnn In the United sum or Europe abundmt and should com 11ch whore they can Galbraith mm In Me lhnl India will ranch ha aka ofl ungo economic lollsul llclency within the lormcnbla future Indi muu bmma law cou producer leads ThII cemlnly II not the cm yak llUlDuKh lhera in prazrosm Farmer could be unequaled minus mm It Mater in con vel worn held out lothem In the form mil lhoy can buy Induurlnl com morally were not low enoulh owover Pusan In agricultural work no out and do things but those concerned with birth control are the who Ilmply talk without being elfccllve he said Thu mam pmblam wu th Incrensa 1n novulauon by about 10000000 year Theyve am In all the birth ul dmlcall Galbraith laid Bu pruen mm con lml eflam are not really loud lnz the problem he went on ARE TALKEM dendal election Gdlhnllh asked for lhu ambuladarl hb here turd Thu vardo that lured car more than an hour It onq point wu to canmiémornte ORANGEMAN van Flamoless And More Efficient tool FOR FULL DETAILS CALL THE Independent lurveys provo am more water can bo healed lower cost with In rats electric water hunting thin my other wnyl Tho nmu volume hunted by number method could can over 1300 per month YOU CAN usa OVER 200 amon ll wal underllood that one quosllon rcmalnl Io be Ill nwcred helnre Illa larmal ex change ol notesl Thl lnvolvns duclllnn on whether nuclear warheads for Roman mlullea and pnulbly olhar weapon will he cared lot by Cnnadlnn mlll Inry personnel worklnfi under Amerlun Iuparvls on or communfly two maulhl Hg Aa agreement In principle that Canada would accept Americanmade nuclear wan bud lnr continental darenta mlulles was major accnrm plishmcm of the PemmrKen Edy tu 1th gape Cad Thu bilateral agreééncn will bu announccd ralgahgy wllhlq mun RYANle PORT Mm AP Canada and the United Stale have wnrked out most of the delnlln nuclaar weapnnl deal which wan key item in tallu here hut May between Prime Minister Pearson and President en ned It was learned here Saturday rm vuuml manLhln an exchanle note between the two govern ments 115 Canada Have Decided Weapons Deal 90 King Wflllaml victory at uni Battle Boyna Enmlncr Phutoh EFFICIENT ll CLAPPERTON PA 3519 Plane And tho lm in DIIM um In aux mu Unlon Cmunl luau Flu hlllll Ib me an mlnll will nun mm mm In nu um you um In my humu 0L rummu you an Now Is THE TIME TO PLANT THOSE SAVINGS Because according to un nlly Hahn nudes Kennedy union to Accord Guild mu nuclear partnership In conflncnml drlunca as wquld be Fonlble undur American law seemed llhly that Cunadlans would ha liven lama auslndlal reswnslblllllcs or the war huadl whelher American troops on Canadian loll will huelull re ngmihlllly IUILD 5min MR THROUGH YOUR CREDIT UNION The wrecks Wu about 200 yard Irom lha nearest hulld lag in CAImuch commnnlly perlnm 1100 mile north went Edmonton Then an lama 2000000 d1 vorced women In United Slalel and the annual US d1 Vom rate or women mm at nine out every 1000 01 mm Mon Tho Beaver cradled It was coming In or landing on the Yukon River near here The light plane Ion through ale phone and telegraph Hues slammed Into the bank of an elevated road and hunt Into flames Ilmllel north hum IiiTa menu and been amunccd car lier this month lull term for the and taking car will out lhg nwnera purmlulnn Tha convict Juleph Phillipe Cltmant besormeaux 56 who wile lives at Wnnl ex wan being returned to In Whllehnrse alter llvlnl evi dence In court we ll Maya 159 north ILIII Desor Thu our officer mm 511 Lanzhland In his early 30 Undermll Mm pilot magma CpL Asbll 29 of nwden Qua Coral Malcolm 29 of Manchellcr Comm und Conn Armand TI 01 Summerstown Out All were hand at Whit hone YJ Sit Lau hlnnd CpL Ashll and Conn alcalm wen manlod and then wives lea at Whllehorse Conn An nand was Ilngle CABRIACKS YJ CF Fam RCMP nmcen gnd vu vlcl lacing returned to lull Illu lallllylnx In court we won kllled Salurdly nlxhl when float equipped Rm Beaver aircrall cranked uncl burucd on tho autumn 01 this commu nllyl 31mm mmn MONDAY JULY 15 TWO MILLION bWoRCED Crashes RCMP KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION 64825

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