Ken Soon dld I11 1er Ink 111 ughwacked allcvcr flornb Ihowcd buckle mnlllol mun sum 11th and close lemnd Ikln in bright prints Thm had matchlnl robes and wem Ihown with Ilteddlp boon In the lame hbrlc FLORENCE Italy AHThe Flarcncn all Ind winter ush Ion presentation beun Sunday 13 Jamboree color And cu Nolhlufl hill th lpol better on hot day than helplufl 01 Ice crum especlany at picnic Dabble Clnrkln Cree mare receive hu halving 1mm Mn H0113 Italian bouflquel were shaw lnn And while ha program may have been all and win ter mun house ware lpeclnl him In Rh lllkl nr any cob Ions They were giving out re sort Ideas at the name time that other wm prcpnriux or lrlgld wlnler Iamboree Of Color Ideas Brightens Italian Fashions Thnvulhll wen flowery at Kan Scott Scarlbocchlo nnd Myrncac Kewpie DollsMotherj Must Be Kookie Scnrnbocchlo prlnud cotton 11th nncmnncu Ml peonlc Ind Held flowzra Thug were mmblncd with my doth or llur Ann Linden closa Irlcnd In In aplnlon Innkl mloul mm in bringing up her lrwaId dluth Planw tell me ll you Ihlnk would mnk In her Iboul My hus bum lflfl would mind my own bus nu Wm 36 ANN LANDERS or hrr lint child Th 1on III II benulllul and her mother docln 121 Mr oml thn um chlld II ukm her nnml aha nyl My mum II Debblc and am bcnumu Bvcry SalmdnrJ Illemoon lhn mnlher lnkcl cbbl lo huuly nnlan or mInlLura And hnIMcL When on child ml oul In mmplny her mother yum Ilpmck mull and munup on her lucnm nw lully whrn In lhh llllle lld ll nlnlod mm ul my Irlendl In wny Wu unl unden nd why mnthcr would do lhll to her thlld Eh In lxrr IlulflmNAUIM Du Nlumu molher who vnuM pllnl lourmrold la look Hi kmll doll II thorouth koohd up um you unl reach htr Thu rul lured ll lhnl flu youqlflgr Awlll prybabllily 01m yuu In hlrk In IN old hm Inn and IN II whll will About uw my 11m lmu to on beuulllnl um mt werynn In In wmmunlly MI la upped II uh Ilm roodnrtod hem Ana the dlvum III 10 Dunn wlll In Yrobabilily 1A ugdoo unfair mum Idlmr uy mm we month Nahln normal you umbr fnlmd ml menmy err whavcnmhmmfl In nuyom who In all IN to moduca lh or mgr nyngm pom lalclhrr Al Um mm at Um Vvvm 11mm and lhmllN ll wnuld ho brll lo man nay lnr awayIo not In Inglhrr xng HI Tm yurl MO Wu dlvnrm lml mmr Ila My man In SEEMm PARTY TREAT umdnstaynenspansorcd by the Catholic Womens League The party marked he end summer school conducted he ï¬rst two weeks In July by the parish prlest RemP Cahill and two Sisters Lab ella Examiner Photo short beach kimonos worn aver skirted twopiece suns Shower cap moods matched MIXES TWO jrqus Mymcno mixed holiday and resort wearl For holiday puny gelng she showed quilted cotton velveteen lackelr wllh brilliant appliqued floral pnllems For resort here were lull ballnï¬nm length skim or bench or al homc wear These had huge geometric nppllqued designs and came with swcaler shape sleeveless pullover top in chgcktar polk dglsl De Simone hindpa ntm hlg scrawly designs on cotton and silk jersey Interesllng hem was the use long pullover with mqlgxlngnslrglnhllikkll vago II we straight but lww lea lam In narrow pastel amln um Inga these had Hum qunrlcr sleeves edged with knntlcd Lllk frlnge Knit damlnnlud Ihe winlcr boullque lnshlnn shown believe Its Ilgn maturity whm diverted people can rent each other In clvillznd mnn net hope youll any UK bo th Mindy SIDE POCKET luleï¬ What puchy comblnnllonthel lonon Ind yogi wnnl Io ha lrlyndly You nnxllnx or mum Junlnr and Wm knuw ll Wh dont you rmd Chnrlouc no but in whrrovcr youvn been or Lha pm 10 yum flllSllZCT RIGHT rluy nclzhbomood Thm Inmmu on lmlh on ol lht urch We all In lieu wall nxcrpl or am mupll whlch hunun 1m pnlr rrrum In In In even onu ladyth hghhnll Nobody and lhcm lo ct Immlmd out of their mlndl Jun mtm their Ilqu unmn gmlnl rarkhtmltd nllflmlo lhry dbnl wnnl la an cmwd uhy Innl my my ham lnnlrnd mnklnl evury body unmmlorlnhlo by Ilnmllnu nrnund wlllmul cvrn sum In Ulrlr hnmm lll irl you plnl ol ryl IMI Idler will mnl up In your wnlle PA 171 II Dunlap Bluu deiphlnlum whltn pom pens and Mn sndlall detoxv fled the altar ol Cnlllcr Street United Clutch or we wedd19 Miss Jean Rum Tyson an William Rulhven Snldu 0n Ba er 992 AT SATURDAY RITEE mm The bride in tha than her ol Mr Ind Mn John Wu Wei mum St EnsL The hfldflw on parents am Mr and Irx Alton Snider of Vuncouvar Si Rev Gardiner Skolly am dated the oclock acre mony wma WE now The hrlde wan esmrled down the 3115 on the arm ol her lather 5h chose tradltlannl bridal 3an whlte lac de ï¬ned with mud budlcu napnced It an ape mu crown pearls and thin Ilonu luld her In only vol tulle llluslon Hzr nuquel WM white gardcnlal mphunolll and whlle camnuonl wlll lvy Learners Approximately 65 guests tended the 50m annlverary 01 Mitchell Square Womens Insu tule held at the home Mrs Wesley Storey Guula Includ ed former members area and district ladim The meeting was held in the same hwse as the lust meeting or the branch was held an Februuxy mm At that tlma It wm Lha home of Mrs Rouse the ï¬rst president Mrs Garf Rouse was the ï¬rst secretary AT MITCHELL SQUARE En Tyson Weds William Snider Mu Em Bunbury president Mu Ruben Miller lecreiary and Mrs agony received tin gums And took me oi the gum book assisiod by Mrs Wim Van winden Mrs Crawlord Ind Mn Fletcher arranged he pragmm which commenced wiih the Opening Ode the Mary Stewart Colin innd ll wng blrflumn Thu mid haunt was Mil Mn Banbury extended welcome to the gum Mn Mlller md the mlmlles the ï¬rst menu Mrs any past prcsldum art VII Mould 11m vlu pruldent pinned comm an all put members present who were on the 1913 membership list and Ilia on Mrs OBrien rav Inclnl Board Director 1m McElwnln Am Pruwentz Mn ck Dlllrld Prealdent Mrs Bnnbury Brand Presi denl Mn Sum Am See rclnry Mrs Rice 171mm Secretary and Mn Aflhur mapmnn who made lho cornu ges and Mrs 11 Miner branch secretary 1M 1913 lls includcd Mrs 6an House Mn 11 Falslcy Mn Scott Mrs Home Mrs Archlu Fletcher Mrs James belgh and Mrs Mnnford Home Mrs ll Mrs James belgh and Mrs Mnnford llomc Mrs ll Crawford Mrs Waikcr and Miss Cherry Wilsnn who mu unnhlu to attend due to 111nm wm Icnl flown OLh er mnmbm who wu umbh lo nflcnd sen melr murals Mn Storey read an nwro prlnle van and Miss Eunice llsnn rnndcmd mlo In TImu lea Them WI Mark 50th AnniVersary At Site Of First Meeting You iosc hul anl ml lho rye Im unnlhcr on lhoso Iluny uncunncnlnl ruckhum mm The II no cvldrnu lhnl your dry ncluhbon om Inter lcrinx wilh your mm In drink so why dont you Inspect Ulclf rlxhl In Confldcnllnl lo Dorfl Know Whm Tn hlm Turn lo UII anlly florvica Amdullan 111w Innu nympnlhcuc wall lrnlncd people who wll help yon WING CINTRI mu and gm BONUS Ginrh 13mm Toronto She Wu mum in Ilreel lanzth rock bin chmon over mm with matching Intl headdreu Her bouquctwu pink tom Ind wrltg wmpunl in VBurie wan flu gmomsrnm The usher was Leonrd Cayaland nl Barrio wearqu um reception was held at ha home the brldegrooml par em ouVnncouvu The mm that the bride received guest wearlnl mu ol mmuncu pink complemented corme pink ram and Ike mum The mother of tho bridewm ware own pm chman darned with Macon 1m and matchhlg cumin Hu cor mu at bluc cornflmr and ï¬ghting Imam For travelllnl the bride chase bone white with tinted Illk blouse And belgovln whim Ingenuity Incm Mr Ind Mn Snider will mm their horn on Nellon $1 in tho ally Mrs Blce read the history of the branch whlch weight back pleuam memnrlcs to the guest and showed some the woflhwhlle achievements ac complished by the members during the 50 yam Mrs Rouse remhllsced on the days when he branch was ï¬rst ur glnlzed and amused contin hled Iuceosnmd coggratul to mcmbcu Mn OBrlan brougM ï¬ndings and congratu lations mm the valnclnl Bond Mn Menuin did unwise tom the Am and Mrs 11ck from the DWch hat wand lollowcd show lnl mm or the millnns of 1963 and back to I11 bonnet of provided an Memlmg comp llan Mus enda Hentherington and Mun ller lo d5 lighted Rn ladle with an nc cumin mu Mrs Rice nrd Mn Scott presenwd bum orous le Tho mm closed with he Hum 01 God Save the Queen Mn ouflord and man came the longcsl dlslnnce and gave the prize to Mm Rouse nl crimlby Bench Mn Soc wt in olden My Mn 5mm had an mm granddlfldrm Md Mu AUer Medium was the lilllclh Indy to muster Thomas Fleldwr and Mn McKny pound mm lnbla decorated wlul WI col on cnndlu nd gruch wllh bIrIbdny cnku 1n blue and fluid Mn Seq third widen bunch out the MAKE GOOD IlLOlB MONTREAL CHmun dc mlcquy funtlme flying In slruclar at lhc Moulrnnl Flan club In women mnko loo Illa puo bccluu thuyro nu llkaly to an on on their own lnlunflve Her hmbund also is pilot Ind oath wlncr they Ink worklng holiday In New Zenlnnd Aï¬lmvmmo 1W PA um SAVE SAVES SAVE AII lllll ham flock wlll my wlndaw Jumnonl doeomoc colon wmpllmlnt honI ou wlll apluy you libor glau ownan all loomw home wlih Ilo snow llalurlng WCELITI llbfl plumpeth ova itdlurlï¬o obll AWNINGS II Awning 0ny$219 NEW YORK AP Not an ill comedian are in how bull Ilesa Some like Rudy Gem relch Caluornll Ire dengu lug clothes Cbmeflian Enters New Field Lampoons World Of Fashions He tested the humorous side fashion reporter attending the dulmer slrles inshlon mvlews Sundny Pallymed model with lldl palnted red and blue lka llpnneu dancer shod wllh question markahn vulture Ichlaveg lay nick the at out and inning the domain forward some wore wrapped knbnki inspired dresses made oi mixture pattern An exam ple was an orange herringbone tweed dress with six inch blackvnndwhlie checked hand germs bosom with slim Anna ue mm um middle 16 hand Wide fleeves wera lined with the blankandwhile check BARBIE TEACHERS Mr and Mrs Donald Rich ard McGlll were married Jul St Andrews Church KI chener The bride is the arm or Beverly Joanne Bnflleman Bath Mr and Mn McGlll are teachers at Barrie North Dll met Colleglnle WRONIO CDMrs Helen Tucker flounder III the links of Women my the Unlled Nu llons wlll hnvu hnrd llme re slstlnx pleas oI women or an International cwperallon year proposed Int 1965 Mrs hxckcr and her 713mm ber womens lrnvel mlssIonu Cnnndlnnx one Bnhnmlnn and two Amcrlcnnsrflumcd Gun day mm human our um In women In 10 European caulllrles luppad Intern Ilonnl mmmllun year VOW CoFounder Heads Campaign year lnlemnllonnl coop enuan Ia prnmnlu world peacl wu um proposed by the Vow inllowlnx ll inlemnuannl peace walerenco last September Donut Qua and attended by women from 26 countries Unllcd Nullons committee to study lhn lcnslbllity Ah nuggcslinn was csmbllshed at last yenrl Gcncrnl Assembly India introduced the plum rcsohluon supporting ln lcmnllonnl co operation yanr was passed by the World Cun gms Women nddresscdvhy Mn hmkcr In Moscow Mrl nxckcr xnld aha old representatives ol 51 countries uuandlng the consul wcluhlcd on the side women from Communlsl cannula lhey must at lozclhcr or peace no just talk uboul ll 11w EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE IA INN ifmfug the uwrhniéh Worn with wen red 0an slacking and pllld wool my pen The mom amdloIookwu churnclerlud modal in trench coat with wldo paddld ahnuideu worn over punk neck blouu Ind brawn creased such She won fur oxhola ca huga sunv glasses and dang ad mull gar rem her Pl Thu High Noon look was dam emuled rooun mun cawllrl Ircoll tunnel cawv boy hat Itflpod shirt vut awguur 11cm and sklrL Than qum dresses and 1mm cmted mm pinch and patch sollds hurrlnlbonul plaidsya mm The slem one con mi nud from gogrldeflnmly ailment klndl Although Gemrelch dulw or the couramuu outlaw pemmllty his Ilyll ideal are wemhIa enough to mark the lnhlon Crluus Award in will MOIVOIMI Sepmqber Cam trend letter In hll pain com with nglnn Ileevu Io wide they look plddad Ind law belted lulu with mhn ulmu lo wido my awnLu padded All are worn wth Janmy flannel Mom Not to he laughed pounqu fad Vneck my drum attached at the In to another kind fabric mu momrm NEW YORK cm11m In two 01 um in bus One In Ibflh Ilet In the man epic and lb other Mmmler Colleen Dewhurst avpmln It Comm Park the Ind nl lady In Anthony and 010mm Mlu thum awarded to note Gear FOR TOMORROW Yesterdays restrictions when flunnclal mullet are concerned continue 50 let prudence b0 your byword Perlonul nlauun ship would provn connnlll Hands and huslneu module will murkndly hlrmanloul ron nm mum tomorrow In our hlnhdl the um yenr ould pron you wlth may occu ullonnl challenge Your lmln lnlo mnllcn whlch Illec our lu Iure should and you ln Irvin your best Avold hwmr lhc Cnnccfllml tendency lo Illp lnlo mullnel onqu 7w mlghl mls out 9n loud oppor utunluu whld cIll for ll ï¬fsflns SAY extra ellnrl you OFFCAL SUPPLIERS WALKERIS Are Pleased To Announce Their Appointment As To Barrie And District EIRL GUIDE BROWNIE UNIFORMS VICEORM CPLAn auric uve redhead who was the 1m wamnn many mun saw bum Emmunual mus Church Bunlo ml the mun or um weddln Min Lorna Bundon and Garry Rellly The bride II ha dlulhlar Mr and Mn Harold Eran Attractive Redhead Changes Position ln mauva work thl will be Ispaclllly important In late September Ind early Novem her You may experience mm In xIaty in llnnnclll mitten in early October under January but little serious thinking on yaur part should help to avald probieml expeclally when you comldvr that the Had he twean August an lulu De cember qu next February and Marcht wlll be ucellent when monetary Illnlr am concerned Jun cut your ninth uni Wm Personal relnllanlhlpa wlll be under good aspect In mm lbs yur ahead with mmnnue lnvored or um hnlnnco ml month In Scmcmbcr and Jan uary mill lntemh Ind lrnval betwun now um um Hrs ol September nlso In November Ms your and May nnd June null next 50 Dunlap Sm Ian TdLiVE1NTORONTO AND going to prison has Id her Job as shorthand reporter in Victoria maglrlrmnr court don Barrie The bridegroom 1h Inn of Mn Gordan Milly Toronto and the late Mn Reilly The newlyweds will main lhclr hnme in Tab unto MLCowper Studio The luccesor to Mm Bar barn Boyle unllkcly at Lrlcl the mulling Iahe 13 mu um an recordan machine In our year as court report Mu Bnyles says lhl hard Jun about Iver tblnu samuflmu am 11111 nub lsed but Im rarely shuckcd ll mostly Vlrlnllnnl on mom with not much thlll new Born In Enmnd Ind ralsed In India where her mm an army olllcar III worked Indln and Aunt balm angling 11pm Wmlfll mum Naw she hu retired to her tour dulldmn Ind plum WI her menu In humall Court aulhorlllu guided to mine her with lha mordlnz machlnl bcclnle ow Ilene nphera can lnka 1mm wild and nccurllaly enoth or court repartlnl Her med 200 word mlnulc STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly und convaler enl plum Excellent lacllllm or prlvm or umlprlvnu Ilol And cold um In room Mllllnn ed Nun lq nllendum MARSHALL Rn PHO 124 court aayl Iver